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The objective of our study was to validate the Intention to be physically active Scale to the Portuguese context, afterwards, to provide the questionnaire with concurrent validity through a correlation analysis between the variables of the levels of self-determined motivation and the intention to be physically active. The sample consisted of 308 subjects, aged between 15 and 29 years old (17.81±2.53). Five items evaluated the factor "Intention to be physically active". The overall results of the model indicated an optimal fit, as well as good concurrent validity. This study provided a valid and reliable scale to assess the intention to be physically active of the Portuguese population. The application of this scale is considered extremely useful especially in students.
This study‘s objective was to determine which lifestyle variables have a direct relationship with motivation towards the practice of physical activity. There was a sample of 858 subjects, aged between 18 and 77 years (41.62 ± 13.30), from different parts of Spain. The instruments used for data collection were the Behavioural Regulation Exercise Questionnaire, for Intrinsic Motivation measurement; the Intentionality to be Physically Active Measurement Scale, for the intention of future practice measurement; and the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire, for tobacco consumption, rest, balanced diet and respect for meal schedule variables measurement. The results determined that the Intention to be Physically Active variable was significant as a predictor of Intrinsic Motivation towards sport whereas the variables Rest Habits, Tobacco Consumption, Balanced Diet and Respect for Meals Schedule were not significant. The importance of promoting strategies for increasing intrinsic motivation is emphasized.
The objective of our study was to analyse the difference between genders in the population groups under and over 40 years old, in relation to healthy lifestyles variables such as the intention to be physically active, balanced diet, tobacco, rest, as well as motivational variables related to the practice of physical activity. The sample consisted of 858 subjects, aged between 18 and 77 years old (41.62 ± 13.30). The instruments used for collection data were the Behavioural Regulation Exercise Questionnaire, for the Intrinsic Motivation measurement, the Intentionality to be Physically Active Measurement Scale, for the intention of future practice measurement, and the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire, for the tobacco consumption, rest, balanced diet and respect to the meal schedule variables measurement. The results determined that men have more intention to be physically active, higher more self-determined motivation and greater balanced diet, than women, both in the group under 40 years, and in the group over 40 years It was concluded that men have higher means in variables related to lifestyle, in relation to women.
nEl objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar la predicción que los procesos motivacionales tienen enla adopción de hábitos de estilos de vida que realzan la salud en adolescentes, en las clases de EducaciónFísica. La muestra se compone por 214 estudiantes de Ense ̃nanza Secundaria en Portugal, entre los 15y 19 a ̃nos (M = 16.46, DT = .96), de ambos sexos (104 chicos y 110 chicas). Se administran los siguientescuestionarios: Escala del Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educación Física, Escala de medición de lasnecesidades psicológicas básicas, el Cuestionario de Estilos de Vida Saludables y la Escala de Medida de laIntencionalidad para ser Físicamente Activo. Se utiliza un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, y se mues-tra que la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas predice la motivación intrínseca, y esta a suvez predice las variables relacionadas con los estilos de vida que realzan la salud, ambas predicciones deforma positiva y significativa. Se destaca la relevancia de desarrollar la motivación más autodeterminadaa través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en las clases de Educación Física parafomentar estilos de vida saludables en el alumnado.
O objetivo foi analisar as diferenças, em função do género, das formas da motivação autodeterminada e necessidades psicológicas básicas de atletas veteranos. A amostra foi composta por 320 atletas veteranos portugueses de ambos os géneros, de idades entre os 30 e os 60 anos (M=44 DP=8.6), competidores de várias modalidades. Como instrumentos de medida utilizou-se o Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ) e o Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES). A análise de dados revelou que não existiam diferenças significativas quanto às formas de motivação autodeterminada, mostrando os atletas masculinos valores mais elevados de amotivação, regulação introjetada e motivação intrínseca. Porém, as atletas femininas apresentaram diferenças significativas a seu favor, na satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas. Este estudo apresenta-se como um contributo para a compreensão da função do desporto na promoção de bem-estar na população de veteranos, sendo de interesse aumentar a satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas no género masculino.
El presente trabajo examinó la aplicación del Modelo Transcontextual de la Motivación en la predicción de estilos de vida saludables de atletas veteranos. Se utilizó una muestra de 682 atletas veteranos portugueses de ambos géneros, de edades comprendidas entre los 30 y los 76 años (M=43.64; DT=8.25), dónde a través de cuestionarios se ha medido: la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, la motivación, las variables del comportamiento planeado y los estilos de vida saludables. De las conclusiones alcanzadas en este trabajo, son de destacar la relevancia de fomentar la necesidad psicológica básica de relación social, ya que ésta favorecerá la motivación intrínseca, promoviendo un mayor control del comportamiento sobre las intenciones de los practicantes, generando así mejores hábitos alimenticios, hábitos de descanso y menor consumo de tabaco.
One of the purposes of teachers is to ensure the motivation of the students in their classes and to maintain disciplined behaviours. However, the teaching styles and methodologies used do not always have a positive effect on student’s motivation and discipline. This study analysed the relationship between student’s perceptions of the controlling behaviours of their physical education teacher, together with amotivation and discipline styles from Self-Determination Theory. The sample comprised 922 students, aged between 14 and 18 years (M = 14.95; SD = 0.98). Students’ perceptions of less controlling discipline styles (control of the use of rewards) negatively predicted the thwarting of autonomy need. Conversely, a more controlling discipline style (judging and devaluing) positively predicted the thwarting of autonomy need, and this, positively predicted amotivation, which nega- tively predicted disciplinary behaviours and positively predicted undisciplined behaviours. Teachers must avoid using controlling behaviours like judging and devaluing, as this reinforces amotivation towards physical education and undisciplined student behaviours. The importance of designing classes where the student has responsibilities to make decisions and to be part of their own learning is pointed out.
The main objective of this study was to validate the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire—EVS III, using confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model. A total of 822 Portuguese individuals of both genders, aged between 18 and 66 years old (M = 28.43 SD = 12.07), participated in this study, of which 382 were male (46.5%) and 440 were female (53.5%). The main results obtained revealed that the psychometric qualities prove the adequacy of the factor structure of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire—EVS III (7 factors/32 items) and that it has acceptable validity indices: χ2 = 644.6828, p = 0.000, df = 168, χ2 = 3.84, NFI = 0.901, TLI = 0.902, CFI = 0.921, IFI = 0.922, MFI = 0.900, GFI = 0.909, AGFI = 0.901, RMR = 0.073, SRMR = 0.059 and RMSEA = 0.059, enabling the assessment of factors related to a balanced diet, respect for mealtimes, tobacco consumption, alcohol consumption, consumption of other drugs, resting habits and physical activity habits. The Portuguese version of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire—EVS III can be used with reasonable confidence for the assessment of healthy lifestyles.
BACKGROUND: This work presents an application extension of the motivation Trans-contextual Model, specifically in the prediction of veteran athletes’ life satisfaction. METHODS: A sample of 682 Portuguese veteran athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 76 years old (M=43.64; SD=8.25) were used, in which, through questionnaires, the following was measured: basic psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, variables of planned behavior and life satisfaction. RESULTS: The structural equations model showed that social relation perception predicts positively and significantly autonomous motivation. In turn, it predicts attitudes positively and significantly, subjective norms and control perception, predicting these, positively and significantly the intentions. Satisfaction with life is positively and significantly predicted by intentions and control perception. CONCLUSIONS: From the results reached in this study, it is important to emphasize the importance of fostering social relations, since this will favor autonomous motivation, promoting a higher behavioral control over the practitioners’ intentions, generating greater life satisfaction.
The aims of this work were to determine correlations and predictive variables, between the levels of motivation, basic psychological needs and life satisfaction of Portuguese veteran athletes. The sample consisted in 684 Portuguese veteran athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M = 43.78 DP = 8.61), competitors of various modalities. As instruments we used the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), the Basic Psychological Needs Scale Exercise (BPNES), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Positives and Negatives Affections Scale (PANAS). It was applied the bivariate Pearson correlation test and multiple linear regression. The results showed that the veteran athletes present a good selfdetermination for the sport practice, being their welfare levels in life satisfaction related to the same self-determination, but rather dependent on the affections produced by sports. This study is presented as a contribution to understanding the role of sport in promoting wellness in veteran sports population.
The aim of this study was the adaptation and validation of Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EVS), of Jimenez Castuera (2004) adapted of Wold (1995), using an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model, with a sample of sports veterans. In the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis part 684 Portuguese veteran athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M=43.78 SD=8.61), of which 547 male subjects and 137 subjects were female, which are competitors of various sports. The main results showed that the psychometric qualities of both the exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, proved the adequacy of adaptation performed, demonstrating that the factor structure (Adaptation to Sports Questionnaire EVS: 3 factors/20 items) It has quite acceptable levels of validity (?2 = 172.117, df=41, p = .000, ?2/g.l. = 4.190, CFI = .966, IFI = .966, MFI = .909, GFI = .955, AGFI = .927, RMR = .049, SRMR = .043, RMSEA = .068), with reasonable levels of internal consistency of the three primary factors (eating habits =.80; tobacco consumption =.91; resting habits =.84). This led us to conclude that the adaptation to the Sports of the Portuguese version of the EVS can be used with high confidence in the assessment of healthy lifestyles in the sports context.
The Theory of Self‐determination (Deci & Ryan, 2002) is based on a motivational domain and leads to the importance of meeting basic psychological needs of perception of autonomy, perception of competence and perception of social relations in the appearance of self‐determined behaviour, which are those that cause series of consequences as the future commitment to sports or exercise (Palmeira, 2010) and what kind of affection promotes to them a perspective of a life satisfaction (Andrews & Withey, 1976). According to studies relating the degree of self‐determination based on different training habits and athletic history, veterans athletes revealed high levels of intrinsic motivation, moderate extrinsic motivation and almost inexistence in terms of amotivation once that for these athletes the most important aspect of this sport is the satisfaction by overcoming their own limits during training and then to overcome opponents in competitions, hoping for a medal, or even a record (Sancho & Ruiz‐Juan, 2015). This exploratory study aims, in the context of veteran sport, i) characterise the motivation and satisfaction of basic psychological needs to practice judo; ii) to know the level of satisfaction with life; and iii) to understand which variables of selfdetermination influence levels of affection and satisfaction with life.
Background and Study Aim: Despite recognised benefits of regular physical activity for health, the percentage of individuals linking with a physical activity practice sufficient to confer health benefits is low. The aim of current work is knowledge about effects of an extension of the motivation trans-contextual model application, specifically in the prediction of life satisfaction by veteran judo athletes. Material and Methods: It was used a sample of 99 Portuguese veteran judo athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 76 years (M = 42.61 ±9.75), where through questionnaires were measured: basic psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, planned behaviour variables and life satisfaction. Results: The structural equations model showed that autonomy perception positively and significantly predicts autonomous motivation. In its turn it positively and significantly predicts intentions. Conclusions: Life satisfaction is positively and significantly predicted by intentions. Results authorise to emphasise the importance of fostering autonomy, since this will favour autonomous motivation, promoting a higher behavioural control over the practitioners’ intentions, thus generating a higher life satisfaction.
The aim of this study was the adaptation and validation the Portuguese version of Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire, adapted of Wold (1995), using an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model, with a sample of sports veterans. It was a) conducted a reverse translation; b) translated again by a translator unrelated to the research group to English, where he noted a great similarity with the original questionnaire also after retroversion process; c) evaluated by three experts in the field; d) administered the questionnaire to a small group of athletes with similar ages to the final sample to verify its correct understanding, not noticing any problems of reading comprehension; e) quiz application for approximate time of completion was about, fifteen minutes; f) data processing. The internal consistency of each factors resulting from the factor analysis (Cronbach's alpha) showed the following results: (.80) eating habits (.91) tobacco consumption, (.84) resting habits. The reliability coefficient should be above the .70. There were also values of 0.861 on the KMO and Bartlett's test, where 56.24% of the variance is explained by three factors. After analysis, it was shown that the 20 items were grouped into three factors, respectively: eating habits (10 items), tobacco consumption (5 items) and resting habits (5 items). In a similar way, the standardized factor loads were all statistically significant (p <.01). The preliminary analysis of the data also indicated that the sample did not meet the criterion of normality, since the Mardia coefficient was high (62.43). For that reason, we used the robust estimation method of verisimilitude maximum. After a first analysis, the overall model results indicated a reasonable adjustment of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire: (χ2 = 172,117, p = .000, χ2 / df = 4.190, CFI = .966, IFI = .966, MFI = .909, GFI = .955, AGFI = .927, RMA = .049, RMSEA = .068, SRMR = .043). Thus, we can conclude that the adaptation to Sports of the Portuguese version of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire, can be used with confidence of validity and reliability in the evaluation of healthy lifestyles, underlying to the self-determination theory in sport context.
The Theory of Self-determination relates to motivation and assumes the importance of meeting basic psychological needs in the appearance of self-determined behavior, as the future engagement with sports or exercise that leads to other healthy lifestyles habits. We intend to: i) characterize the motivation and satisfaction of basic psychological needs to practice sport ii) knowing the lifestyles iii) realize that self-determination variables influences the healthy lifestyles. Agreed to participate 684 veteran athletes of both sexes (age: 43.8 ± 8.6 years; mostly with 3 to 5 hours of weekly training, years of practice: 19.5 ± 12.2). We have applied the Portuguese versions of Basic Psychological Needs Scale Exercise (BPNES), the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ) and Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire, with the inclusion of sociodemographic data. We used SPSS software (IBM, Statistics 21.0) for processing data, with a focus on descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. The sample showed high levels in basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation, and lower values of controlled motivation and amotivation. In terms of lifestyles, revealed high levels of nutrition habits and rest, and lower values of tobacco consumption habits. Once correlated, the basic psychological needs showed positive and significant correlations with autonomous motivation levels, nutrition habits and rest. Levels of satisfaction with life showed significant and positive correlations with autonomous motivation levels and positive affect, and negative correlations with controlled motivation and amotivation. In regression analysis, nutrition habits and rest are predicted positively by autonomous motivation, as well as the basic psychological needs and negatively by controlled motivation. The results showed that veteran athletes have a good self-determination for sports practice, showing healthy lifestyles related to that same self-determination.
The main objective of this study was the validation of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EVS II), using a confirmatory factorial analysis of the measurement model, with veteran athletes. A total of 348 veteran Portuguese athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 60 years (M = 41.64, SD = 9.83), of whom 200 were males and 148 were females, from several sports. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis demonstrate the adequacy of the adapted version of the EVS II, as the factorial structure (6 factors/24 items) has acceptable validity indexes: χ2 = 305.925, p = 0.000, df = 120.017, χ2/df = 2.549, NFI (Normed Fit Index) = 0.909, TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) = 0.918, CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.944, GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.944, AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.909, SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) = 0.048, RMSEA (Root Mean Square of Approximation) = 0.060, allowing evaluation of the dimensions of balanced diet, respect for mealtime, tobacco and alcohol consumption, other drugs consumption and resting habits. The adaptation to sport of the Portuguese version of EVS II can be used with reasonable confidence in the evaluation of healthy lifestyles in the context of sport
The main objective of this study is to know motivational variables and healthy lifestyles which predict the intention to be physically active, using the Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Several authors (Fernández-Ozcorta, Almagro, & Saenz-López, 2015) showed students who have satisfied their basic psychological needs (BPN) and more self-determined motivation will have a greater intention to remain physically assets in the future. The sample consisted of 187 Spanish students in physical education classes (87 boys and 100 girls), belonging to three schools of Secondary Education of Badajoz, aged between 13 and 23 years, average age 15.5 years (SD = 1.70). We used perceived Locus Scale Causality in Physical Education (PLOC Scale), Scale measuring basic psychological needs (BPNES), Questionnaire Healthy Lifestyles (EVS), and scale of measurement of intentionality to be physically active (MIFA). We used analysis of reliability or internal consistency of the items and a regression analysis using the method of introducing block.
In our work we will focus on correlation between variables of lifestyle related to health and motivation ones, using the theoretical psychological needs (BPN) and autonomous motivation, which contributed to an explanation of variance in healthy behaviors, such as physical activity and sport participation.
Los deportistas, cuando se están preparando para la competición, a veces tienen que enfrentarse a muchas tensiones, por lo tanto, el ob- jetivo de nuestra investigación fue analizar la relación entre los tipos de motivación, necesidades psicológicas básicas y el ansiedad precom- petitiva en jugadores de balonmano. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: el Cuestionario de Evaluación del Regulación de Conducta en Contexto del Ejercicio (BREQ-3), la Escala de Satisfacción de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (PNSE) y la Escala de Ansiedad CSAI-2R. La muestra consistió en 45 jugadores de balonmano, todos de sexo masculino (M= 23.16; DT= 7.05). Los resultados muestran que la mo- tivación autónoma se relaciona positiva y significativamente con la motivación controlada, podemos ver que la motivación controlada se relaciona positiva y significativamente con la desmotivación y que la desmotivación no está relacionada de manera positiva y significativa con ninguna variable de este estudio, sin embargo, se relaciona nega- 89 Abordagens Académicas de Investigação 90 tivamente y de forma significativa con la necesidad psicológica básica de competición, con la ansiedad precompetitiva somática y cognitivo en función de su dirección. Algunas de las limitaciones que se encon- traron fueran: no encontrar una muestra de mujeres, la mayoría de los jugadores que deseen participar eran clase base y la edad de los participantes.
Los deportistas, cuando se están preparando para la competición, a veces tienen que enfrentarse a diferentes tensiones que pueden pro- vocar que el deportista no sea capaz de alcanzar las metas que se ha fijado. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo fue determinar las diferencias en- tre jugadores de balonmano de alto rendimiento y categorías de base, en función de los tipos de motivación, las necesidades psicológicas bá- sicas y de ansiedad precompetitiva. Para ello, contamos con una muestra de 45 atletas de diferentes cate- gorías y edades comprendidas entre 14 y 37 años (M= 23.16, DT= 7.5). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: el Cuestionario de Evaluación del Regulación de Conducta en Contexto del Ejercicio (BREQ-3), la Escala de Satisfacción de Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (PNSE) y la Escala de Ansiedad CSAI-2R. Los resultados muestran que los atletas de clase de base muestran una mayor desmotivación y la necesidad psicológica básica para la competición es mayor en los atletas de alto rendimiento. Se obser- Abordagens Académicas de Investigação 56 vó que en la variable autoconfianza es menor en los atletas de clase base, la variable ansiedad somática y variable de ansiedad cognitiva son menores en los atletas de clase base que en los atletas de alto ren- dimiento. Por lo tanto, como máximas de trabajo, hay que aumentar la autoconfianza y la motivación autónoma y disminuir la ansiedad.
With the increase of life expectancy associated to the need for a healthy lifestyle, there has been an increase in the number of persons involved in veterans' sports activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of self-determination for sports practice and subjective well-being in veteran athletes, depending on the different type of sports practiced. For data collection, the validated Portuguese versions of the Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), the Behaviour Regulation Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Positive and Negative Affects Scale (PANAS) were used. The study sample consisted of 684 Portuguese veterans athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M = 43.78 SD = 8.61), of which 86.3% (590 individuals) of the male gender and 13,7% (94 individuals) of the female gender, mostly with 3 to 5 hours of training per week, with 19.5±12.2 years of practice, competitors in several individual sports (43%), team sports (37%) and individual and teams sports (20%). Veteran athletes are highly satisfied with basic psychological needs. When compared, athletes who practice individual sports and simultaneously individual and team sports differ significantly in the autonomous, controlled and amotivation compared to athletes who only practice team sports, as well as in positive and negative effects.