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In this paper a comparison of kinematic and dynamic image-based (2D) visual servoing is accomplished. This comparison is based on a 2 dof planar robot manipulator constructed at Instituto Superior Técnico, and the simulation results are obtained using a Matlab 6.0 Simulink model under regulator control. For kinematic visual servoing, a control scheme with exponential decay is derived. For dynamic visual servoing, PD and inverse dynamics control were used. Finally, comparison results are presented.
Pretende-se com esta comunicação expor como foi implementado um sistema de preparação de obras em caixilharia de alumínio utilizando fichas técnicas (FT) desenvolvidas para a empresa STRUALBI. A indústria metalomecânica, debate-se com a dificuldade de standarização dos seus produtos para a construção civil, uma vez que a precisão desta é na ordem dos centímetros em comparação com os milímetros usados na indústria de caixilharia. Na fase de iniciação de uma obra, surge a necessidade de fazer medições de todos os vãos. Estas medições foram acompanhadas no terreno, sendo paralelamente desenvolvida a FT de medições. Na fase posterior à medição e com base na FT de medições são preenchidas as restantes fichas técnicas, fazendo-se assim uma preparação conveniente das obras. Constitui-se assim o processo da obra, através das fichas técnicas do Alumínio, do Vidro (enchimentos), dos Estores e Persianas e a FT dos Acessórios. Este visa a identificação, a organização e o bom desenrolar da obra. O trabalho desenvolvido para a empresa STRUALBI tem como objectivo a preparação da empresa para a utilização de programas informáticos de Controlo da Produção.
In this paper are presented several low-cost solutions to deploy Robots in selected environments and perform complex tasks, by using the Cloud. The Cloud can be used as a database or a powerful processor to extend the robots capabilities in the field. Intelligent Robots can take advantage of a distributed, web-based information system deployed in the cloud to perform high level tasks. This paper proposes a robotic control framework suited to be used by low-cost robots, performing teleoperated and/or autonomous tasks. The first part is dedicated to the development of an Android based robot control framework. This framework connects to specific low- level controllers that were developed for QuadCopters, wheeled and tracked mobile robots. The second part is dedicated to ”place” the Android based robot in the cloud. There, the robot can perform Cloud based highly automated intelligent tasks in order to optimize their use and take best advantage of previous knowledge mod- els, e.g., objects databases or 3D world models. Also, the robot can be controlled remotely using a classical teleoperation mode, using wi-fi networks. First experiments are presented when a tracked robot is performing surveillance tasks where its state can be changed to tele- operation/videoconferencing mode. The experimental results also show the robot interacting with a reasoning engine in the Cloud.
A presente comunicação corresponde a uma das fases do trabalho "Estudo e Caracterização dos Postos de Trabalho de Inspecção da Indústria Cerâmica" desenvolvido no âmbito da Campanha Cerâmica do IDICT. O trabalho tem como objectivo a caracterização do ambiente físico dos postos de inspecção, relativamente ao ruído, iluminação e ambiente térmico no subsector da cerâmica estrutural da Beira Interior, identificando situações de potencial melhoria. Os níveis de ruído L(Aeq,T), os valores de iluminância e as temperatura de bolbo húmido (Tnw) e de globo (Tg), para o cálculo do índice WBGT, foram medidos e comparados com os valores recomendados pelas normas. Os valores obtidos encontram-se dentro dos limites estabelecidos, excepção feita à iluminância que se encontra ligeiramente abaixo dos valores recomendados.
A aplicação de um sistema de visão por computador é representada no presente artigo, com o objectivo de automatizar o posto de trabalho de inspecção de produtos cerâmicos, no subsector de pavimentos e revestimentos. O sistema de inspecção apresentado é composto por um sistema de iluminação para garantir luminosidade constante no produto cerâmico a inspeccionar e por um sistema de captura e processamento de imagens a cores. Os algoritmos desenvolvidos para a detecção de defeitos incluem algoritmos de binarização, baseados em análise estatística e morfologia matemática. São apresentados resultados bastante satisfatórios na identificação do defeito grânulo. O sistema realiza ainda o controlo dimensional do mosaico/azulejo, através dos descritores área, largura e comprimento, com uma precisão de décimas de milímetro. O sistema inspecciona de forma automática os defeitos descritos em produtos cerâmicos de padrão uniforme e de uma só cor, tendo sido obtidos resultados bastante satisfatórios para o número de produtos cerâmicos disponibilizados pelas empresas do subsector de pavimentos e revestimentos.
A Robótica é uma área multidisciplinar que tem contribuído significativamente no processo educativo dos jovens nos últimos anos. O modelo pedagógico de aprender fazendo é uma alavanca fundamental para cativar e manter os alunos interessados nas áreas tecnológicas. O projeto ROBOT@ESCOLA – Escola de Robótica, foi desenvolvido com base em componentes básicos para a construção de robôs, plataformas Arduino para programação, bem como dispositivos móveis com sistemas operativos Android, tornando a experimentação de ciência e tecnologia acessível a todos. O projeto foi desenvolvido em parceria com várias instituições de ensino da região da Beira Interior. Desta cooperação resultou uma plataforma robótica (kit) direcionada para a vertente educativa. Este kit de robótica móvel, pode ser utilizado pelos alunos para aprender a lógica dos sistemas programados, interagir com sensores e atuadores, e perceber os fenómenos físicos associados aos diversos tipos de sensores. Além dos aspetos introdutórios, o projeto possibilita explorar vários temas científicos de nível avançado. No artigo é apresentada a prática pedagógica associada à plataforma robótica, que inclui a definição do público-alvo, a metodologia pedagógica, e a avaliação para o caso de estudo apresentado, a unidade curricular de Programação de Computadores. Conclui-se através da experiência adquirida com o projeto que o uso da robótica como recurso de ensino favorece o raciocínio lógico, criatividade e relacionamento interpessoal.
Welcome to ROBOTICA 2009. This is the 9th edition of the conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, the third time with IEEE‐Robotics and Automation Society Technical Co‐Sponsorship. Previous editions were held since 2001 in Guimarães, Aveiro, Porto, Lisboa, Coimbra and Algarve. ROBOTICA 2009 is held on the 7th May, 2009, in Castelo Branco , Portugal. ROBOTICA has received 32 paper submissions, from 10 countries, in South America, Asia and Europe. To evaluate each submission, three reviews by paper were performed by the international program committee. 23 papers were published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. Of these, 14 papers were selected for oral presentation and 9 papers were selected for poster presentation. The global acceptance ratio was 72%. After the conference, eighth papers will be published in the Portuguese journal Robótica, and the best student paper will be published in IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine. Three prizes will be awarded in the conference for: the best conference paper, the best student paper and the best presentation. The last two, sponsored by the IEEE Education Society ‐ Student Activities Committee. We would like to express our thanks to all participants. First of all to the authors, whose quality work is the essence of this conference. Next, to all the members of the international program committee and reviewers, who helped us with their expertise and valuable time. We would also like to deeply thank the invited speaker, Jean Paul Laumond, LAAS‐CNRS France, for their excellent contribution in the field of humanoid robots. Finally, a word of appreciation for the hard work of the secretariat and volunteers. Our deep gratitude goes to the Scientific Organisations that kindly agreed to sponsor the Conference, and made it come true. We look forward to seeing more results of R&D work on Robotics at ROBOTICA 2010, somewhere in Portugal.
The paper presents an implementation of knowledge representation and task representation, based on ontologies for an Industrial Robotic Application. The industrial application is to insert up to 56 small pins, e.g., sealants, in a harness box terminal for the automotive industry. The number of sealants and their insertion pattern vary significantly with the production requests. Based on the knowledge representation of the robot and also based on the tasks to be performed, plans are built and then sent to the robot controller based on the seal pattern production order. Moreover, the robotic system is capable to perform re-planning when an insertion error is reported by a machine vision system. The ontology-based approach was used to define the robot, the machine vision system, and the tasks that were needed to be performed by the robotic system. The robotic system was validated experimentally by showing its capability to correct seal insertion errors, while re-planning.
The paper presents an implementation of knowledge representation including the capabilities of the system, based on ontologies for a Visually Guided Bin Picking Task. The ontology based approach was used to define the work environment, the robot, the machine vision sys- tem, and the capabilities that are needed to be performed by the robotic system, to perform the bin-picking task. The work proposes a novel application framework that is able to locate the object to pick from the bin and place it in a cell from a kit. For that, the framework, delivers the task implementation (PDDL) files that should be executed by the robot. The method used to detect the objects is based on Chamfer Match (CM) and Oriented Chamfer Match (OCM) which take advantage of the image edge map. To complete the pose estimation problem the robot manipulator is equipped with a laser range finder that can measure the object height. The robotic system was validated experimentally with simulation. using the V-REP environment interfacing with ROS, where the knowledge representation and reasoning framework is implemented. The system showed its capability to correctly pick and place a specific object. Moreover, the ontology based approach was very useful to define the task, the actions to be performed by the robot, based on its capabilities.
The evolution of production systems has established major challenges in internal logistics. In order to overcome these challenges, new automation solutions have been developed and implemented. This paper is a literature review and analysis of selected scientific studies, which has as the main focus the existing solutions in robotics for internal logistics. The review aims to provide a broad perspective of the existing robotic systems for internal logistics to determine which research paths have been followed to date and highlight the current and future research directions. The survey has been subdivided into the following topics: localisation and path planning; task planning; optimisation and knowledge representation in robotic systems; and applications. The analysis of the works developed until the date of this review highlights the appearance of strategies in the different disciplines based on meta-heuristics. These are replacing the classical and heuristic approaches due to their limitations in dealing with a large amount of information in internal logistic systems. Due to the increase of information that robotic agents have to process, strategies based on semantic knowledge have been gaining prominence to make the domain knowledge explicit and eliminate ambiguities, allowing agents to reason and facilitate knowledge sharing between robotic agents and humans.
Autonomous mobile robotic agents are increasingly present in highly dynamic environments, thus making the planning and execution of their tasks challenging. Task planning is vital in directing the actions of a robotic agent in domains where a causal chain could lock the agent into a dead-end state. This paper proposes a framework that integrates a domain ontology (home environment ontology) with a task planner (ROSPlan) to translate the objectives coming from a given agent (robot or human) into executable actions by a robotic agent.
(c) 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.
Pretende-se com esta comunicação apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da Campanha Têxtil do IDICT, onde se aplicaram algoritmos de processamento de imagem à inspecção de defeitos em tecidos. Devido à complexidade do problema em estudo foi necessário construir um sistema de iluminação estruturada para garantir luminosidade constante no tecido a inspeccionar. Um sistema de captura e processamento de imagens a cores foi desenvolvido, para o sistema operativo Windows 98, tendo por base a placa de aquisição Matrox Meteor II e o software Microsoft Visual C++. Após a conversão de imagens a cores em níveis de cinzento foram desenvolvidos algoritmos de binarização, baseados em análise estatística e morfologia matemática. Os algoritmos desenvolvidos abrangem os seguintes defeitos em tecidos: falta de fio, fio grosso, fio duplo, borboto, mancha e nódoa. Para cada tecido a inspecionar é necessário um período de treino do sistema de forma a identificar os parâmetros estatísticos que o caracterizam, média e desvio padrão dos níveis de cinzento. O sistema inspecciona de forma automática os defeitos descritos em tecidos penteados de uma só cor, tendo sido obtidos resultados bastante satisfatórios para o número de tecidos disponibilisados pelas empresas da região.
Pretende-se com esta comunicação apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da campanha Têxtil do IDICT, onde se realizou um estudo dos postos de trabalho de inspecção de defeitos da Industria Têxtil. O trabalho centrou-se particularmente nos aspectos Ergonómicos dos postos de trabalho: “Metedeira de Fios”, “Revistadeira” e “Inspecção Final”. Cada um dos postos de trabalho foi caracterizado em função dos seguintes aspectos: características gerais; postura e trabalho muscular; percepção, vigilância e destreza; ambiente físico e organização do trabalho. O modelo de actuação usado consistiu na realização de uma série de questões, cuja resposta conduziu à elaboração de um pré-diagnóstico dos postos de trabalho de inspecção. Este pré-diagnóstico constitui, por sua vez, a base para a proposta de um conjunto de recomendações e sugestões ao nível da iluminação, ruído, aspectos ergonómicos do assento e medidas administrativas.
No presente artigo é apresentado o trabalho realizado no Laboratório de Sistemas Industriais, onde se pretende controlar a passagem de objectos num tapete rolante através de visão por computador. O sistema desenvolvido consiste num tapete rolante accionado por um servo motor da OMRON, com transmissão por correia. O controlo do servo motor é realizado por computador através de uma placa da National Instruments PCI-7344 com o adaptador UMI-7764. O sistema de visão consiste numa placa Matrox Meteor II e uma câmara CCD a cores. Pretende-se controlar a velocidade do tapete em função do numero de objectos a identificar e do tempo de processamento do anel de visão. Para tal foi necessário calibrar o sistema de visão, baseado num PC- Pentium II a 350 MHz com 32 Mb de RAM, tendo o software sido desenvolvido em Visual C++. O sistema de controlo encontra-se centralizado num PC-Pentium III a 850 MHz com 128 Mb de RAM, tendo o software sido desenvolvido no programa LABVIEW
To perform mitral valve contour extraction a software application is presented to support the surgeon in the implant size decision. The system is based on the application, to mitral valve surgery images, of active contour models. First, current repair surgery to mitral valve disease is discussed. Active contour models are presented and using different implementation approaches a comparison was done. The algorithms proposed by Kass, Amini, Cohen, Eviatar and Shah (Greedy algorithm) were implemented in test environment. The implementation to be used in the software application, is the one due to Kass with a few modifications related to Cohen’s approach. During surgery, the system needs to be calibrated and the active contour initialised. These processes are supported by a colour segmentation technique, tested with real images, using fuzzy sets. Real open-heart surgery images have been used to test the system developed.
Welcome to IEEE-ORA (Ontologies for Robotics and Automation) IROS workshop. This is the 1st edition of the workshop on! Standardized Knowledge Representation and Ontologies for Robotics and Automation. The IEEE-ORA 2014 workshop was held on the 18th September, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. In!the IEEE-ORA IROS workshop, 10 contributions were presented from 7 countries in North and South America, Asia and Europe. The presentations took place in the afternoon, from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM. The first session was dedicated to “Standards for Knowledge Representation in Robotics”, where presentations were made from the IEEE working group standards for robotics and automation, and also from the ISO TC 184/SC2/WH7. The second session was dedicated to “Core and Application Ontologies”, where presentations were made for core robotics ontologies, and also for industrial and robot assisted surgery ontologies. Three posters were presented in emergent applications of ontologies in robotics. We would like to express our thanks to all participants. First of all to the authors, whose quality work is the essence of this workshop. Next, to all the members of the international program committee, who helped us with their expertise and valuable time. We would also like to deeply thank the IEEE-IROS 2014 organizers for hosting this workshop. Our deep gratitude goes to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, that sponsors! the IEEE-ORA group activities, and also to the scientific organizations that kindly agreed to sponsor all the workshop authors work.
The aim of this work was to develop computational intelligence models based on neural networks (NN), fuzzy models (FM), and support vector machines (SVM) to predict physicochemical composition of bee pollen mixture given their botanical origin. To obtain the predominant plant genus of pollen (was the output variable), based on physicochemical composition (were the input variables of the predictive model), prediction models were learned from data. For the inverse case study, input/output variables were swapped. The probabilistic NN prediction model obtained 98.4% of correct classification of the predominant plant genus of pollen. To obtain the secondary and tertiary plant genus of pollen, the results present a lower accuracy. To predict the physicochemical characteristic of a mixture of bee pollen, given their botanical origin, fuzzy models proven the best results with small prediction errors, and variability lower than 10%.
Creating a standard for knowledge representation and reasoning in autonomous robotics is an urgent task if we consider recent advances in robotics as well as predictions about the insertion of robots in human daily life. Indeed, this will impact the way information is exchanged between multiple robots or between robots and humans and how they can all understand it without ambiguity. Indeed, Human Robot Interaction (HRI) represents the interaction of at least two cognition models (Human and Robot). Such interaction informs task composition, task assignment, communication, cooperation and coordination in a dynamic environment, requiring a flexible representation. Hence, this paper presents the IEEE RAS Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Study Group, which is a spin-off of the IEEE Ontologies for Robotics and Automation (ORA) Working Group, and its ongoing work to develop the first IEEE-RAS ontology standard for autonomous robotics. In particular, this paper reports on the current version of the ontology for autonomous robotics as well as on its first implementation successfully validated for a human-robot interaction scenario, demonstrating the developed ontology’s strengths which include semantic interoperability and capability to relate ontologies from different fields for knowledge sharing and interactions.
“This is a pre-copyedited version of a contribution published in HUSTY, M.; HOFBAUR, M. (eds) New trends in medical and service robots published by Springer. The definitive authenticated version is available online via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59972-4_13 "
The paper presents and discusses a framework to promote older adults cognitive and emotional stimulation via Robotic Cognitive Games. The work is based on classic games for older adults, e.g., to place objects in pre-defined positions in an arena, where the authors introduce a robot in the games. The paper not only presents the robotic games, but also the methodology developed to properly introduce them to older adults in a nursing home. As such, the paper proposes three cognitive robotic games, a methodology to assess the success of its introduction to older adults, keeping in mind cognitive and emotional aspects. To validate the proposed robotic solution, experimental tests were performed in a nursing home. A prior cognitive and emotional test was done with older adults to have a ground truth to compare with after a batch of games was completed by each older adult. The results and their discussion validate the robotic games approach, and also the methodology used for its introduction in the nursing home.
Background Developing new assistive technologies is a challenge for an ageing society and a possible response to the needs of older people in the care process and a challenge to promote autonomous living. The interaction between elderly and robots may depend on the choice of activities that robots can developed and the how important it is for older people. Social Assistive Robots can contribute to a positive impact in elderly well-being and active ageing. Methods 31 elderly residents (10 men and 21 women) in a Portuguese nursing home were interviewed about their routines and interests. They were also assessed during 6 weeks, to evaluate interactions and activities initiative and involvement, using an scale adapted by authors from a Bertram and Pascal scale. This assessment was made by direct observation. The professionals and the director in the nursing home were also interviewed. Research results The adopted methodology allowed to identify the needs and interests of the elderly, and to classify the participants on the levels of social interactions, initiative and involvement in activities and social participation. Conclusions Some social, cognitive and physical activities were selected to be developed by a socially assisted robot and the evaluation process used in this research methodology will be used to evaluate the results of the intervention with a robot in social assistive domains, developed in a European Project INTERREG (EUROAGE).
The purpose of this work is to develop computational intelligence models based on neural networks (NN), fuzzy models (FM), support vector machines (SVM) and long short-term memory networks (LSTM) to predict human pose and activity from image sequences, based on computer vision approaches to gather the required features. To obtain the human pose semantics (output classes), based on a set of 3D points that describe the human body model (the input variables of the predictive model), prediction models were obtained from the acquired data, for example, video images. In the same way, to predict the semantics of the atomic activities that compose an activity, based again in the human body model extracted at each video frame, prediction models were learned using LSTM networks. In both cases the best learned models were implemented in an application to test the systems. The SVM model obtained 95.97% of correct classification of the six different human poses tackled in this work, during tests in different situations from the training phase. The implemented LSTM learned model achieved an overall accuracy of 88%, during tests in different situations from the training phase. These results demonstrate the validity of both approaches to predict human pose and activity from image sequences. Moreover, the system is capable of obtaining the atomic activities and quantifying the time interval in which each activity takes place.
This paper presents and discusses ethical issues related with the interaction of elderly people with robots while playing cognitive games. Four games were developed from classical nursing homes cognitive games, to incrementally increase its difficulty. The last one does include interaction with a robot. Several ethical issues were tackled to obtain a proper system with robots: those ethical issues were raised during the design phase and the interaction with the elders. As example of ethical issues tackled: beneficience - do not harm, and the deception and infantilisation of elderly. The games are based in objects with different shapes and colours to be positioned by the elder in pre-defined positions of a 3x3 arena, on the floor. The system then interacts with the elder given him/her the respective score, after performing image processing techniques to the image of the arena. The game with the robot consists to knock down objects in the arena, by pushing them outside the area using a car-like tele-operated robot, by the elders. The system was validated in two nursing homes, by performing experiments in the last months, and it is ethically proper.
Objetivo: El Proyecto EuroAGE (Iniciativas innovadoras para el impulso del envejecimiento activo en la región EUROACE) plantea una red de laboratorios para el desarrollo de robots asistenciales en el hogar o en residencias geriátricas. El objetivo principal del proyecto es crear espacios colaborativos inteligentes entre los distintos participantes para desarrollar herramientas que faciliten la calidad de vida de las personas mayores y con dependencia. Metodología: El proceso llevado a cabo durante la primera fase del proyecto ha consistido en la definición de una arquitectura software y hardware común para los integrantes del proyecto, analizando los requisitos de estas plataformas asistenciales que profesionales del sector de la salud han seleccionado como prioritarios para la estimulación física, cognitiva y socio-emocional. En base a estos requisitos se han planteado una serie de casos de uso que serán testeados en los restantes meses del proyecto EuroAGE. Resultados: Los primeros resultados del proyecto ha sido la definición del espacio físico donde cohabitarán robots con personas (terapeutas, familiares y el anciano/dependiente). Este espacio inteligente (conjunto de sensores/actuadores conectado al núcleo de la arquitectura software) permite la percepción de los usuarios, así como la realización de tareas sencillas por el robot: detección de la actividad del paciente, diálogos, interacciones, etc. Conclusión: La robótica y en particular un espacio inteligente capaz de monitorizar las actividades que se llevan a cabo en casa o residencias, suponen una apuesta de futuro por el envejecimiento activo. Los primeros resultados del proyecto ya demuestran que existen diversas actividades que pueden facilitar estos objetivos.
Within the next decades, robots will need to be able to execute a large variety of tasks autonomously in a large variety of environments. To relax the resulting programming effort, a knowledge-enabled approach to robot programming can be adopted to organize information in re-usable knowledge pieces. However, for the ease of reuse, there needs to be an agreement on the meaning of terms. A common approach is to represent these terms using ontology languages that conceptualize the respective domain. In this work, we will review projects that use ontologies to support robot autonomy. We will systematically search for projects that fulfill a set of inclusion criteria and compare them with each other with respect to the scope of their ontology, what types of cognitive capabilities are supported by the use of ontologies, and which is their application domain.