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In the last few decades, the world has undergone profound demographic changes, reflected in life expectancy. We live for much longer, but we cannot say that these growing years are directly proportional to the quality of life. Dementia, in its different aetiologies, is more and more frequent with a consequent decline in the quality of life. However, cognitive decline and the onset of dementia may be delayed with the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits and therapeutic combinations that use non- pharmacological approaches such as activity and physical exercise. This chapter integrates a thorough review of the literature that characterizes ageing, cognitive decline and dementia, and it summarizes scientific evidence on the effects of physical activity on cognitive functions. Finally, recommendations are presented on the prescription of exercise for older people and elderly people with dementia. It is known that there are direct benefits (action on neurotrophic factors and neurotransmitters, among others), as well as indirect ones such as those resulting from a better vascularization of the brain. However, physical exercise requires precautions related to the conditions inherent to normal and pedagogical ageing. It is possible to perform adapted physical activity resulting from the coordination of sports and health professionals, knowledgeable of the needs and idiosyncrasies of the elderly, with cognitive decline or dementia.
O estudo incidiu na avaliação do perfil psicomotor e posterior a um indivíduo de 20 anos, do género masculino, com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo (PEA). O instrumento utilizado foi a Bateria Psicomotora (BPM) para identificar o perfil psicomotor do indivíduo e que nos permitiu a determinação dos fatores psicomotores mais fracos. Posteriormente realizaram-se 12 sessões de hipoterapia, com incidência nos fatores psicomotores que se apresentaram mais fracos. Após a intervenção programada, procedeu-se a uma nova avaliação do indivíduo, o que nos permitiu interpretar a evolução do perfil psicomotor. Em traços conclusivos, o indivíduo na avaliação inicial apresentou um perfil psicomotor dispráxico (satisfatório) e após a implementação das sessões de hipoterapia, verificou-se evolução para um perfil psicomotor eupráxico (normal), o que nos sugere mais um contributo deste tipo de metodologia de intervenção em coletivos com PEA ou mesmo com distúrbios emocionais e comportamentais, contribuindo para a promoção da sua inclusão social.
Attention is considered an important mediator variable in the teaching / learning process, because of that, the scientific community made several investigations in order to understand what students are thinking, what strategies are best to captivate their attention and the type of instructions and/or feedback to develop students’ performance in achieving motor skills. In this research we tried to find differences in attentional profiles, of students during the practice of football and basketball at different moments of a Physical Education class. The sample consists of 156 students of both genders (84 females and 72 males), between 12 and 16 years old ( of 3rd Primary School (7th, 8th and 9th grade) to which a questionnaire was applied, ATEST- EF (Petrica 2010). Questionnaire which students had to point out what they were thinking at certain time of the Physical Education class. This was applied in team sports (football and basketball). In descriptive terms we found that students are in general aware of the task, information and behavior, and there are a few differences between the percentages between them, but from the test Chi_Square we found no statistical differences between the different moments of the Physical Education class. We concluded that, in this sample we didn’t verified the importance of attention and students focus in the different moments of team sport’s practice
The present study aimed for the adaptation and validation of the Questionnaire Atest-EF, with the use of a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) of the measurement model, applied to students of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education. A total of 156 students of both genders, aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.7 ± SD = 1.3) were included in the study, with 84 female and 71 males, from the 7th, 8th and 9th grade. The main results reveal that the psychometric qualities confirm the adequacy of this model, demonstrating that the Atest-EF factorial structure: 1 factor/4 items, has very acceptable indexes of Atest - EF validity: (χ2 = 6.141, p = .000, χ2/gl = 3.07, NFI = 0.90 CFI = .925, IFI = .930, MFI = .9997, GFI = .995, AGFI = .975, RMR = .042, RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .028). With these results, the structural model reveals a satisfactory factorial assessment. This led to conclude that the Portuguese version of Atest-EF can be used, with high confidence in the evaluation of the student’s attention profiles in Physical Education classes. Compared with the moments of the class, there were only significant differences in students’ attention in the approach to sports in the first and fourth moments of the class, as well as in the general profile of attention, with significantly higher values in the approach to team sports.
Objetivos: Analisar e comparar os programas de atividade física das academias sénior do distrito de Castelo Branco, traçar o perfil comum dos programas e apresentar uma proposta de programa. Metodologia: Realizámos entrevistas aos responsáveis e professores de atividade física das Academias Seniores sobre o funcionamento das aulas e seus programas. Recolhemos informações sobre como essas aulas são lecionadas, a sua duração, estrutura, tipo de atividades realizadas, exercícios praticados, as suas intensidades e a opinião dos entrevistados sobre a eficácia do programa e as expectativas para os idosos. No final das conclusões sugerimos uma proposta de programa de atividade física. Resultados: Verificámos que na freguesia de Castelo Branco os idosos praticam mais e que na freguesia da Covilhã os idosos praticam menos atividade física. Os programas de atividade física foram criados para ajudar os idosos a ter uma melhor qualidade de vida. Nenhuma instituição tem suporte escrito do programa de atividade física. Os professores acham que esse programa é eficaz. Os conteúdos são semelhantes em quase todos os programas. Conclusão: Através da análise realizada pode concluir-se que existe um perfil comum dos programas de atividade física e que a maior parte dos conteúdos estão de acordo com a bibliografia.
Numa sociedade que busca ser cada vez mais igualitária e justa, o desporto – uma das maiores agências culturais sociais – emerge como um importante catalizador da promoção da igualdade e a inclusão social. No mesmo sentido, as suas modalidades adaptadas contribuem para melhorar significativamente a funcionalidade, a autonomia social e a qualidade de vida das pessoas com incapacidade. Neste sentido, o objetivo principal do presente estudo foi verificar a incidência da prática do atletismo na integração social dos atletas de desporto adaptado. Participaram no estudo 5 atletas pertencentes ao Comité Paralímpico de Portugal, 4 homens e uma mulher, entre 28 e 46 anos (M = 37.20; DP = 7,30). A informação foi recolhida mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A análise de conteúdo manifestou que a participação no desporto adaptado havia incrementado a autonomia e auto-confiança dos atletas, e havia-os ajudado a reconhecer as suas potencialidades, limitações e valores. Igualmente, a sua participação no desporto adaptado havia melhorado a sua integração social ao estimular e facilitar o seu envolvimento autónomo e ativo em distintos âmbitos da vida social.
Introduction: Sports practice provides not only physical but also psychological and social benefits. Objective: The subject of Adapted Sport is still very scarce and according to that in this study we evaluated and compared Self-Determined Motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, Life Satisfaction and Affects among Athletes of Adapted Sport and Regular Sport, in Handball and Basketball. Methodology: A total of 183 athletes (N = 183) participated in which 80 were athletes of adapted sports and the remaining 103 were regular athletes, aged between 16 and 69. We used four questionnaires that evaluate the variables described: Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) and Positive and Negative Affects Schedule (PANAS). Results: Our results were positive that sports practice has a significant positive effect on life satisfaction in regular athletes, who have more hours of weekly practice than athletes in adapted sports. We have proved the Auto-determination Theory, with the positive correlation obtained in the adapted sport athlete’s, between the autonomous motivation and the basic psychological needs, as well as the life satisfaction and the positive affections. We observed that basic psychological needs and positive affects were good predictors of life satisfaction in athletes of adapted sport. In terms of size effect magnitude of adapted sport practice, the number of years of practice showed a reduced to moderate effect in the variables under analysis.
The objective of this study was to encourage Rugby players to promote abilities in this sport, therefore we have evaluated the somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence values of U18 and U20 rugby athletes of the Portuguese Nationals Rugby Teams, who participated respectively in the U18 Elite European Championship and in the U20 Trophy World Rugby, comparing forwards and defenders. For data collection, we used the CSAI-2 which assesses cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence. The results showed more favourable average parameters for the group of athletes U20. However, there were only significant differences favourable to the U20 team in the domain of self-confidence, in a general level between teams and in the forward positions.
A atividade física e desportiva assume-se como um contexto de de- senvolvimento comportamental, cognitivo e social nas diversas idades. Atualmente é generalizada a prática de atividades físicas e desporti- vas por coletivos infantis e juvenis, ainda que, com uma preferência pela frequência nas modalidades, muito dependente da variável sexo. Todavia é frequente, os pais questionarem-se de qual a idade ideal para os filhos iniciarem determinadas práticas físicas e desportivas, ou mesmo qual o volume de horas de prática semanal, por forma a não prejudicarem o descanso, potenciando a formação dos mesmos Avaliou-se uma amostra de 531 alunos de ambos os sexos, entre os 8 e os 10 anos de idade, procedendo-se à estratificação do volume de horas semanais de atividade física e desportiva, assim como os níveis de auto- conceito através da aplicação da escala de autoconceito de Susan Harter. Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças significativas nas dimensões de competência escolar e comportamento, que surgem aparentemente beneficiadas com o incremento de horas semanais de atividade física e desportiva, observando-se a mesma tendência favorável na evolução do autoconceito global nos alunos que acumulam um volume de horas de prática semanal mais elevado.
Introduction: The Pilates exercise can be an improvement in the quality of life of its practitioners, through an optimized condition of improvements in posture, developing greater mobility, balance, agility and functionality. The satisfaction with life is part of a cognitive dimension in this quality of life and it is present in most measures of well-being. Problem Statement and Approach: The main purpose of this study is to analyse and relate the effects of a supervised program of Pilates classes in a group of elderly, comparing the results of balance through the Berg scale and their ability by the Leighton scale, and relate these improvements with the satisfaction with life of these elderly in this activity. Material and Methods:The evaluation assessments of the elderly were carried out in the proper room, using a goniometer and the Berg scale for articular measurements, the Leighton scale for the balance domain and the life satisfaction scale. The study had 72 participants, 52 women and 20 men aged between 60 and 83 years (M=66.70±SD=6.84). Participants had 30-minute Pilates sessions each twice a week for a 12-month period, after which the life satisfaction questionnaire was applied. Results: Better results were achieved in balance and articular ampleness parameters in these participants, with some significant improvements and magnitudes of effect size with quite satisfactory results after the second evaluation. The values obtained for life satisfaction were considered quite satisfactory in women with a final average of 5.24, and in men with an average value of 4.9 on a scale between 1 and 7. Discussion: Other studies have showed that welfare levels tend to be higher in the male gender, making them have higher life satisfaction averages than women, not reported in our study, however with a value considered satisfactory. Conclusions: The Pilates programme implemented showed very favourable values, with gains in all the assessments analysed, where this elderly group showed a very good life satisfaction allied to the improvements found in functional ability.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a correlação entre as variáveis de composição corporal e as variáveis de aptidão física funcional na população idosa. A amostra reuniu 114 sujeitos. Para avaliar a Composição Corporal utilizou-se uma balança de bioimpedância Inbody 270. Mediu-se a altura com um estadiómetro e calculou-se o Índice de Massa Corporal. Para a aptidão física utilizou-se a Bateria de testes de aptidão motora Rikli e Jones (1999) que avalia a capacidade funcional, consistindo esta na capacidade para realizar atividades diárias de forma natural e segura, sem existir uma fadiga exagerada (Nunes & Santos, 2010). Ao correlacionar as variáveis de composição corporal e aptidão física concluiu-se que que quanto melhor a condição corporal melhor a capacidade física. O Índice de Massa Corporal e Massa Gorda e Percentagem de Massa Gorda com Massa Gorda foram as correlações mais fortes entre variáveis de composição corporal. Nas correlações entre variáveis de composição corporal e testes de aptidão física evidenciou-se a correlação entre Levantar/Sentar e Flexão do Braço. Os resultados do estudo mostram que a aptidão física tem influência na composição corporal permitindo uma melhor qualidade de vida.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças no desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras (globais e finas) comparando crianças que ainda eram amamentadas por leite materno com as que já não eram ou nunca foram amamentadas. A amostra é de 153 crianças de ambos os sexos (18,22±2,98 meses), 58 ainda são amamentadas por leite materno (17,59±1,92 meses) e 95 já não são amamentadas por leite materno ou nunca foram (19,81±2,95 meses). As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas usando as escalas da PDMS-2. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas habilidades de locomoção, manipulação fina, integração visuo-motora e na Motricidade Fina. As crianças ainda amamentadas apresentaram, em média, melhores resultados em todas as habilidades motoras, com mais enfase nas habilidades motoras finas. Estes resultados mostram que continuar a amamentar a criança com leite materno pode trazer benefícios, não só nutricionais, imunológicos, psicológicos e sociais(1), mas também na competência motora. O que reforça a sugestão da OMS da importância de continuar-se a implementar medidas que promovam um maior sucesso do aleitamento materno(1), nomeadamente na duração da amamentação após os 6 meses de idade(2).
A Animação Sociocultural possui um conjunto de fundamentos teóricos, metodológicos e práticos que permitem uma maior intervenção na vertente preventiva, educativa e social dos alunos. Com este estudo procuramos promover a investigação sobre o impacto da Animação Sociocultural, especialmente no que respeita o contexto escolar e, por consequência, o bem-estar da comunidade educativa. A presente investigação pretende responder às questões: (1) qual a importância da animação sociocultural na melhoria das aprendizagem?; (2) de que forma a animação sociocultural contribui para melhorar as aprendizagens?; (3) de que forma a animação sociocultural ajuda a combater a exclusão social, a violência, a indisciplina e o abandono escolar?; (4) aanimação sociocultural deve fazer parte da estrutura curricular? Foram analisadas as perceções dos professores do Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno Álvares de Castelo Branco, bem como as opiniões dos alunos do ensino primário. Participaram um total de 439 alunos e 36 professores. Foi administrado o questionário Adaptação da Escala de Avaliação de Implementação de Programas, que nos revelou que quer os alunos quer os professores demonstram uma satisfação elevada com a animação sociocultural na oferta educativa, sendo esta atividade promotora de sucesso escolar, maior motivação escolar e redução dos comportamentos desviantes.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças no desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras (global e fina) comparando crianças que foram ou não amamentadas por leite materno. A amostra é de 204 crianças de ambos os sexos (33,22 ± 5,98 meses), 106 amamentadas por leite materno (33,59 ± 4,92 meses) e 98 não amamentadas por leite materno (32,81 ± 6,95 meses). As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas usando as escalas da PDMS-2. Para a análise estatística, foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov- Smirnov para testar a normalidade, o teste de Mann-Whitney para amostras independentes. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas habilidades de locomoção (p = 0,012), manipulação de objetos (p = 0,042), manipulação fina (p = 0,000), integração visuo-motora (p = 0,000) e na Motricidade Global (p = 0,026). As crianças amamentadas apresentaram, em média, melhores resultados nas habilidades motoras globais e as que não foram amamentadas por leite materno nas habilidades motoras finas. Estes resultados mostram que o leite materno, devido aos seus benefícios nutricionais, imunológicos, psicológicos e sociais, torna a criança mais "forte" a nível motor global (correr, saltar, lançar, pontapear), já as sem leite materno apresentaram melhores resultados nas habilidades motoras finas, provavelmente pela necessidade inicial que estes têm na manipulação inicial dos movimentos finos ao manusear a biberão.
Procurou-se saber qual o conceito de MJ dos treinadores; que objetivos se pretendem alcançar quando se cria um MJ para a equipa; quem deve participar na formulação e conceção do MJ, quais os aspetos a ter em conta na formulação do modelo; se na opinião deles o contexto do clube pode influenciar o MJ, Procuramos ainda saber quais os fatores e condicionalismos, que podem influenciar o MJ adotado; saber se o modelo é reajustado em função da prestação da equipa, do resultado, da equipa de arbitragem, ou do desenrolar do jogo; se os treinadores vão reajustando no seu MJ ao longo do tempo; qual a opinião deles sobre quem deve ter um conhecimento claro sobre o MJ adotado, se esse mesmo modelo deve ser ou não um elemento orientador do processo de treino e de jogo da equipa e se os exercícios a propor devem ser padronizados para todas as equipas de acordo com o MJ. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral do nosso estudo, foi perceber como é que os treinadores de futebol das equipas/escalões de formação de um clube de futebol, que participam nos campeonatos distritais e nacionais, concetualizam e operacionalizam o seu modelo de jogo, e verificar as diferenças tendo em conta a idade, a formação académica e a formação da FPF.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico periodizado, com a duração de 6 meses, nas diferentes componentes da aptidão física e da composição corporal de uma população idosa. Através de um estudo de design quase-experimental, os participantes foram divididos em grupo experimental (N=20) e em grupo de controlo (N=20). As componentes da aptidão física medidas foram a força dos membros inferiores e superiores, flexibilidade dos membros inferiores e superiores, a agilidade/ equilíbrio dinâmico e a resistência aeróbia. As variáveis da composição corporal avaliadas foram o IMC, a percentagem de massa gorda, massa óssea e a percentagem de massa muscular. Estas variáveis foram registadas num primeiro momento e após 6 meses de intervenção. O programa de exercício físico mostrou ser eficaz na preservação e na melhoria de todas as componentes da aptidão física funcional. No que respeita às variáveis da composição corporal não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos, após a intervenção. Os programas de exercício físico periodizados podem ser utilizados por profissionais das ciências do desporto, bem como por outros profissionais de saúde que tenham como o objetivo a promoção do envelhecimento ativo e da saúde.
Cardiometabolic diseases are one of the primary causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide and sedentary lifestyles are contributing factors to these pathologies. Physical exercise has been recognized as an important tool in the prevention and treatment of these diseases. However, there are still some doubts about the efficacy of certain type of physical exercise programs for older participants. The main goal of this study is to assess the impact of different aquatic-based physical exercise programs on risk markers of cardiometabolic diseases in older people. The study group will consist of non-institutionalized individuals, within the age group of 65 or older. The sample will be randomly divided into four groups, three experimental groups (EG) and one control group (CG). Participants fromthe EGs will be exposed to three physical aquatic-based exercise programs for a period of 28 weeks (continuous aerobic, interval aerobic and combined). The evaluated parameters include anthropometry, physical functions, mental health, cognitive function, carotid arteries intima-media thickness, heart rate variability and biochemical markers. The results will allow an interpretation of the impact of different aquatic-based physical exercise programs on cardiometabolic diseases markers and can also be used as a tool for professionals to prescribe adequate and more efficient physical exercise programs.
O presente estudo sobre o desenvolvimento Motor da criança nos primeiros meses de vida, teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre as Habilidades Motoras e a Idade, e a relação entre as habilidades motoras Globais e Finas em crianças dos 12 aos 46 meses. Para o efeito, desenvolvemos um estudo de natureza quantitativa, com uma amostra de 405 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 46 meses, de ambos os géneros. Os instrumentos usados no estudo foram as Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2). Em termos globais os resultados indicam que existe uma tendência para correlações positivas (maioritariamente moderadas e baixas) entre as variáveis Idade, Habilidades Motoras Globais e Habilidades Motoras Finas, salientando a correlação positiva moderada (p≤0.05; r2=0.265; 0.5≤ r ≤0.7) entre a Idade e a Motricidade Fina e por sua vez uma correlação positiva pequena (p≤0.05; r2=0.217; 0.1≤ r ≤ 0.3) entre a Idade e a Motricidade Global. Podemos assim contatar, uma melhoria destas habilidades à medida que as crianças vão crescendo, salientando melhores resultados na Motricidade Fina.
This study aimed to verify whether the presence of siblings and the type of delivery had an influence on the motor skills development of children in the first 48 months of life. We developed a quantitative study with a sample of 405 children of both genders, divided according to the studied variables: children with siblings, children without siblings, children born via eutocic delivery, and children born via dystocic delivery. The instrument used in the study was the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2. Overall, the results indicated that children who had siblings had, on average, better outcomes regarding all motor skills (global and fine). Furthermore, those born via eutocic delivery, on average, had better outcomes regarding all motor skills (global and fine) when compared to children born via dystocic delivery. Thus, the presence of siblings in the family context and the type of delivery positively influenced motor development, especially after 24 months of age, showing that the presence of siblings providing cooperative activities through play and challenges improved cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Furthermore, a eutocic delivery, in addition to providing a better recovery from labor and the immediate a ective bond between mother and child, also led to better results in terms of global and fine motor skills.
Os mecanismos psicossociais são importantes para se alcançar uma compreensão estruturada acerca do envolvimento dos idosos na prática de atividade física. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste capítulo foi apresentar um conjunto de estratégias pedagógicas, destacando os aspetos psicossociais, que se tornam particularmente relevantes para a programação de atividades físicas para a população idosa. Desta forma, para além dos aspetos gerais da programação das atividades físicas, os programas de atividade física para a população idosa devem considerar que as crenças dos idosos sobre a atividade física podem moldar as suas perceções acerca da participação nos programas de atividade física. Assim, é preciso reforçar a importância de que os programas de atividade física tenham como objetivo em alcançar as diversas dimensões do bem-estar (intelectual, social, emocional, espiritual, vocacional e física), e não apenas a dimensão física. Também é necessário considerar a necessidade de fornecer estímulos motivacionais aos idosos e trabalhar no sentido de desenvolver os níveis de autoeficácia em relação à prática do exercício físico. Nesse sentido, torna-se muito importante garantir que os idosos obtenham sucesso na realização dos exercícios propostos, apoiando o desenvolvimento da autoeficácia através da prática de atividade física. Além disso, os programas de atividade física devem desenvolver a criação de oportunidades de participação para os idosos com diferentes níveis funcionais, tendo em consideração as diversas dimensões do bem-estar. Complementarmente, os programas de atividade física devem estimular a modificação comportamental dos idosos, no sentido de aumentarem os níveis de atividade física diários e reduzirem os comportamentos sedentários.
Em termos de práticas de ensino, a prática pedagógica supervisionada, é efetivamente uma sólida estratégia de formação, onde a competência dos formadores supervisores e o tipo de relações supervisivas que se estabelecem neste processo são determinantes. Os autores abordados consideram que o processo de Supervisão pode ser considerado como um processo de resolução de problemas, em que o observador e o observado desenvolvem formas de resolução de tarefas através de estratégias técnico-didáticas adequadas num contexto afetivo-relacional adequado envolvido numa atmosfera favorável. São vários os fatores que determinam e influenciam diretamente o ensino da natação: A relação professor-aluno em natação depende da sua capacidade ou habilidade em comunicar com os seus alunos; Criar um ambiente seguro, com um domínio exímio dos conteúdos técnicos, uma estratégia de ensino adequada a cada situação de aprendizagem são a chave para o tipo de trabalho que se pretende em natação. A modalidade específica da natação requer procedimentos e intervenções específicas que se prendem essencialmente com a transição para o meio aquático, ou seja, dotando os professores de capacidades interventivas na modalidade, cujos padrões técnicos e metodologias de ensino se tornam necessárias para dominar e promover um ensino de sucesso.
PURPOSE: There are few or even rare studies conducted in Cabo Verde that address the issue of physical fitness and body composition in the juvenile population. This investigation aims to study the Physical Fitness in children in Cabo Verde: differences between gender, eutrophic and overweight subjects, between practitioners and non-practitioners of sports. METHODS: The sample consisted of 93 individuals aged between 10 and 15 years, from the 2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary school of the Portuguese College based in Cabo Verde. The instruments used for data collection were the FITescola® test battery, and the questionnaire (QAPACE) (Quantification de l’activite physique en altitude chez les enfants) for assessment of physical activity level. Regarding the statistical analysis using the SPSS 23.0 Software, the first analysis was performed to verify the distribution of the sample (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-wilk). Then, for variables with normal distribution we used the t-test and for the remaining variables with nonnormal distribution we used the Mann-Whitney test, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Gender differences were found, in which the male gender obtained more favorable mean values in the “sit-ups”, “push-ups”, “horizontal impulsion”, “shuttle” and “agility” variables, while the females showed superiority in the variables “sit and reach”; differences between the eutrophic and overweight group where, as expected, more favorable mean values for eutrophics than the overweight group in all PF tests. Finally, differences between practitioners and nonpractitioners of sports, with the best results being attributed to practitioners of sports. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that male subjects have greater proficiency in strength and aerobic fitness tests while female subjects have greater flexibility. High BMI values in overweight children have been found to be associated with increased abdominal fat as well as a reduction in overall PF. As expected, sports practitioners show better results in motor performance on PF tests.
Rink hockey like any other team sport game is necessary to have a mastery of the game object "the ball" and for this it is necessary that athletes do not have a deficient training steps in that process, because it is during their development, that the athlete is in an optimal situation to improve on this aspect of the game. The study objective was to identify which game model allows young athletes to have a greater number of interactions with the ball in rink hockey in the levels of “Under 8” and “Under 10”. Our study sample consisted of 24 games: 8 games in the 3x3 model; 8 games in the 4x4 model and 8 games in the 5x5 model. The 24 matches are equally divided by the levels of Under 8 and Under 10 with a total of 88 children participating. For data collection instrument we used the deferred observation method where we proceeded to a descriptive analysis of the data to find the means, standard deviation and totals of: Shots, Passes, Interceptions and Goals. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for comparisons and for correlations, the Spearman's Test was used to verify whether as the playing area available to the player increased, the player's actions increased as well. The 3x3 model obtained a total of 911 actions, the 4x4 model obtained 923 and the 5x5 game model obtained 799 game actions. The 4x4 game model obtained the highest total number of game actions in all levels analysed suggesting that the implementation of this model brings benefits to the athletes.
A prática desportiva por atletas veteranos é uma realidade evidente e com perspetivas de expansão. Objetivou-se determinar variáveis preditivas de bem-estar subjetivo em atletas veteranos, atendendo à teoria da autodeterminação. Elaborou-se um modelo de equação estrutural e um modelo de mediação. Participaram 840 atletas veteranos portugueses, entre os 30 e os 76 anos (M=42.54 DT=7.28). Utilizou-se o Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (Moutão, Cid, Alves, Leitão e Vlachopoulos, 2012), o Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (Monteiro, Moutão e Cid, 2018), a Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (Galinha e Pais-Ribeiro, 2005) e a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (Neto, 1993). O modelo mostrou os seguintes índices de ajuste: χ2 = 674.554, p < 0.001, χ2/fd = 4.08, CFI = 0.94; IFI = 0.94; TLI = 0.92; GFI = 0.92; RMSEA = 0.062; SRMR = 0.061. Nos aletas veteranos, a perceção de satisfação da necessidade psicológica básica de autonomia leva a comportamentos motivados autonomamente, promovendo estes, níveis mais elevados de bem-estar subjetivo. A motivação autónoma revelou-se uma variável mediadora significativa entre a necessidade psicológica básica de autonomia e a produção de afetos positivos. Registaram-se ainda efeitos indiretos da variável mediadora sobre as variáveis de satisfação com a vida e afetos negativos, assim como, efeitos diretos e totais da variável independente e as variáveis de consequência em análise.
Introduction: Rink hockey motor learning and control needs deeply study to promote specific motor skills acquisition and knowledge about the game interaction. The complexity of the game suggest the fragmentation to increase the opportunities of interaction among young athletes. Problem Statement and Approach: The objective of this study was to analyse which game model allows for young goalkeepers to have more interventions with the ball and, consequently, a greater number of interactions on the game. Material and Methods: Our study consisted of 24 games analysed, divided in: 8 games in the 3x3model; 8 games in the 4x4model and 8 games in the 5x5 model. The 24 matches were equally divided in the levels of under 8 and under 10 years of age, with a total sample of 88 children. For data collection instrument we used the deferred observation method where we proceeded to a descriptive analysis of the data to find the means, standard deviation and totals of Goalkeeper’s Interventions (GKI). Comparisons were made between game models and athlete’s levels, using the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal -Wallis tests. Results: The results showed that, after the analysis of the total game actions, the 3x3 game model obtained a total of 168 GI actions (21±3,5; p=0,021), the 4x4 model obtained 132(16,50±5,18; p=0,020) and the 5x5 game model obtained 123GI actions(11±2,61; p=0,083). Discussion: According to the results, it was verified that there are statistically significant differences between the 3x3 game and the 5x5 game in the “Under 8” and when compared the small-sided game 4x4 to the formal game 5x5 in the “Under 10 level” in the games analysed we perceive that the small-sided game brings more actions to the game, namely in the actions that the goalkeepers show. Conclusions: The 3x3 game model obtained the highest number of goalkeeper’s actions in both under(and under10, suggesting benefits for improving the technical demands of these young rink hockey goalkeepers.
The general objective of this study was to identify the variation in heart rate (HR) of Portuguese skydivers during 6 moments in their first jump of the day, bearing in mind the variable level of experience. Thirty-one Portuguese skydivers, 28 men and 3 women, aged between 19 and 62, participated in the study, 12 had A and B licenses (less experienced) and 19 had C and D licences (more experienced). The instrument used to record the heart rate of the skydivers at the different moments of their first jump of the day was the WIMU PRO. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyse HR at different moments in the jump and its relation with the variables level of experience. Bonferroni multiple comparisons were performed to study the importance of the differences observed in HR at the different moments. The effect size was evaluated with partial eta squared. The results showed that average HR in this group of skydivers was 130 bpm, in the different moments of the jump. HR increases from the value recorded at rest until the moment of jumping from the plane and opening the parachute, reaching the highest average at that moment, then decreasing until contact with the ground. Comparing the variable, we found that the less experienced had higher HR than the more experienced at all moments during the jump. Statistically significant differences were found at the different moments of the jump, regarding HR (Max: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.820; Min: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.821; AVG: p < 0.001, η 2 p = 0.834) Level of experience with jumping moment interaction, we only verified differences related to HR Min (p = 0.007, η 2 p = 0.056),. With regard to experience, the identified differences were not statistically significant. Skydiving triggers an acute adaptive cardiovascular response which is reflected in the increase in the HR, between the moment of boarding the plane and the moment at which the parachute opens, thereafter decreasing until contact with the ground. The most experienced parachutists recorded the highest HR at the moment of landing and the least experienced at the moment of free fall.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar preditores motivacionais de bem-estar subjetivo em adultos ativos praticantes de ginásio, tendo por base a teoria da autodeterminação. Participaram neste estudo 348 sujeitos, 174 de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 67 anos (M=31.83 DP=12.86), com 4.37 anos de média de prática de atividades de ginásio, maioritariamente a treinar 3 vezes por semana, com 310.11 minutos médios semanais. Utilizou-se a escala das necessidades psicológicas básicas no exercício, o questionário de regulação comportamental no exercício, a escala de satisfação com a vida e a escala de afetos positivos e negativos. Elaborou-se uma estatística descritiva, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear por blocos. Os valores médios mais elevados foram registados na necessidade psicológica básica de autonomia, na motivação autónoma e na satisfação com a vida. Registaram-se correlações positivas entre as necessidades psicológicas básicas, motivação autónoma, satisfação com a vida, afetos positivos e o volume de minutos de treino semanal. Observaram-se igualmente correlações positivas entre a motivação controlada, amotivação e afetos negativos. A análise de regressão linear permitiu- nos verificar que as necessidades psicológicas básicas explicam um valor percentual mais elevado a variabilidade dos dados da satisfação com a vida e afetos positivos, comparativamente com a motivação.
The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of Peabody Developmental Motor Scales II (PDMS-2-Folio and Fewell, 2000) using a Portuguese sample. The validation of the Portuguese version of the PDMS-2 was applied according to the manual, for 392 children, from two institutions, from 12 to 48 months, with an analysis of the internal consistency (α Cronbach), of test–retest reliability (ICC) and construct validity (confirmatory factor analysis). The results of the confirmatory factorial analysis (χ2 = 55.614; df = 4; p = 0.06; χ2/df =13.904; SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) = 0.065; CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.99, TLI = 0.99, RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) = 0.068) of two factors (Gross Motor and Fine Motor) as the original version but correlated. Most of the subtests had good internal consistency (α = 0.85) and good test–retest stability (ICC = 0.98 to 0.99). The results indicated that the Portuguese version of the PDMS-2 is adequate and valid for assessing global and fine motor skills in children aged 12 to 48 months, and can be used as a reference tool by health and education professionals to assess motor skills and, thus, allowing to detect maladjustments, deficiencies or precocity, so that children can later receive appropriate intervention.
In recent years, research on sedentary behaviour has increased. In this regard, there is a need for theoretical reviews that allow us to determine the past, analyse the present, and prepare the future of research in this field. The purpose of this review paper was to analyse and organise the emerging qualitative research trends (2010–2021) on the sedentary behaviour of older adults. A systematic literature search strategy was developed in various electronic scientific databases (e.g., PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scielo, and Scopus). The included studies were required to have different qualitative methodological approaches in terms of data collection and methods of data analysis. Studies conducted in any country and published in a peer-reviewed journal in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were considered. A thematic analysis approach was used for data extraction and synthesis, and confidence in the results was assessed using the GRADE-CERQual approach. This study may enable accurate guidelines to be established for future primary qualitative research related to sedentary behaviour.
Abstract: The regular practice of physical exercise has a positive role on mental health and a positive contribution to the development of cognitive function, considered beneficial to academic performance. The present study aimed to analyse the impact of physical exercise on students' academic performance. 227 students participated, of which 112 (49.3%) were male and 115 (50.6%) were female, aged between 10 and 13 years old, from 5th and 6th grades in a Portuguese public school. The Susan Harter Self-Concept Scale validated for the Portuguese population was used, and a descriptive and inferential analysis of the data was conducted to analyse the levels of handgrip strength, aerobic capacity and academic performance. Linear regression analysis was used to interpret the predictive variables and we calculated the magnitude of the effect. The results suggest that the practice of physical exercise enhances the levels of aerobic capacity, handgrip strength and academic performance of students. In addition to physical education classes, the individual sports combined with the team sports present very positive values in relation to the variables described.
Pretende-se identificar os tipos de necessidades mais frequentes e prioritárias das famílias cabo-verdianas de crianças com Necessidades Educativas incluídas num agrupamento de escolas e analisar de que forma as características destas famílias (composição do agregado familiar, situação familiar, situação laboral e idade dos pais) se relacionam com as suas necessidades (Necessidades de Informação, de Apoio, Explicar aos Outros, Serviços da Comunidade, Financeiras e Funcionamento da Vida Familiar). Participaram 6 famílias cabo-verdianas. Os instrumentos usados foram dois questionários: um sobre as necessidades das famílias e uma ficha de caraterização da criança e família. Os resultados mostram que quase todas as categorias de necessidades são mais frequentes nestas famílias dado que selecionaram preferencialmente a opção 3 (Necessito deste tipo de ajuda) para as Necessidades de Informação, de Apoio, Financeiras, Serviços da Comunidade e Explicar aos Outros. As necessidades mais prioritárias centram-se nas Necessidades de Informação, de Apoio, Financeiras e Serviços da Comunidade. Quanto à relação entre as características das famílias com as necessidades constatou-se que o tipo de necessidades preferencialmente escolhidas nem sempre foi influenciado pelas suas características.
The university access entails some constraints on the lifestyles of young students, including their physical activity patterns. This study objective to know if the students who entered university education and who attend courses in sports sciences have more adjusted values in terms of body composition and blood pressure in relation to students taking other courses. METHODS: Thirty-one students (age 19.81±1.64 years) participated in this study, of both sexes, divided in two groups: sports students group (N.=19); and students group from other courses (N.=12). Body composition was evaluated, namely Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), using tetrapolar bio impedance (Tanita BC-601) the percentage of body fat (%BF), muscle mass (MM) and bone mineral (BM) were calculated. Blood pressure (SBP/DBP) was also measured (Omron DBP HEM-907). We checked the distribution of the sample. For the variables with normal distribution, we used the paired t-test and for the other variables with non-normal distribution we used the Wilcoxon test. Comparing baseline and follow-up, in sports students, there are differences for the variables WC, HC, MM, BM and SBP. In these comparisons, there was an increase in the absolute values of all variables, except for the %BF, SBP and DBP variables. The group of students from other courses, presents differences for the BMI, WC, HC, %BF and DBP. Students from the Sports course present better overall results in terms of body composition and blood pressure, compared to students from other courses.
The practice of sports by veteran athletes is a reality with an expansion perspective. The objective was to determine predictive variables of healthy lifestyles and satisfaction with life in veteran athletes, according to the Self-determination Theory (SDT). A structural equation model and a mediation model has developed. The number of participants were 680 Portuguese veteran athletes, aged between 30 and 90 years old (M=43.78 DT=8.61). The Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale, the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire, the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire and the Life Satisfaction Scale were used. This model has shown the following adjustments indices: ÷2 = 729.116, p < .001, ÷2/df = 4.41, CFI = .92; IFI = .92; TLI = .91; GFI = .91; RMSEA = .068; SRMR = .064. As a conclusion, in veteran athletes, the perception of satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, leads to autonomously motivated behaviours, promoting better eating and resting habits, as well as high satisfaction with life, and a lower consumption of tobacco. Autonomous motivation has not proved to be a significant mediating variable between the basic psychological need for autonomy, lifestyles and satisfaction with life.
O Desporto adaptado é uma plataforma ideal para diminuir as debilidades e elevar processo vitoriosos. No entanto a escassez na formação especifica em Portugal é evidente. Neste contexto, a Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco decidiu incluir no plano de estudos do curso de Desporto e Atividade Física, a especialidade de Desporto para Pessoas com Deficiência. Uma das unidades curriculares inseridas no plano de estudo é a de Desportos Adaptados, onde são utilizadas metodologias de cariz mais prática. A utilização dessas técnicas é bastante apreciada pelos estudantes, como confirmam os inquéritos por questionários preenchidos pelos mesmo, acerca da avaliação tanto da unidade curricular como do desempenho do docente. De salientar que esta unidade curricular, ainda tem a preocupação de sensibilizar toda a comunidade académica para o Desporto Adaptado, realizando ações neste âmbito.
Background: The importance of physical activity in the first months of age is well known, however, with the evolution of the urban environment, the excessive workload of parents and the excessive time in growing up in kindergartens has limited this same free practice and little has been studied about this issue. In Portugal, there are institutions that provide oriented physical activity for their children, however, this is optional, which may create disadvantages in children’s motor skills in these ages. Objective: The objective of the study isto verify if there are differences in the development of motor skills (global and fine) comparing children between 12 and 48 months who practice oriented physical activity (OPA) and children who do not. Methods: Participated in this study, 400 children of both genders (28.14 ± 7.23 months). Two groups were created (the group that had oriented physical activity (30 min long and 2 times a week) and the group that didn’t have oriented physical activity). For a better understanding they were divided into 3 age groups (12–23, 24–35 and 36–48 months). Motor skills were assessed using the PDMS-2 scales, for 6 months, following the instrument’s application standards. Results: In a first analysis, we found that the majority of children only start to practice oriented physical activity in institutions from 36 months of age, however, it is in the first months (from 12 to 35) that the greatest differences between the two groups can occur. The OPA group presented better results according to the mean values, in all motor skills. Differences between groups were most noticeable in Postural, locomotion and fine manipulation Skills (showing effect size: moderate and low). Conclusions: We can conclude that a practice of oriented physical activity in the first 48 months is fundamental to the development of motor skills. It is in the first months (up to 36) that there are greater differences, but it is also where there are less children carrying out guided physical activity. This is an important factor, and is determinant to make institutions aware of this importance of this variable in child development.
BACKGROUND: Measuring the functional fitness is essential to provide a working basis for assessing and prescribing exercises. There is a special interest in developing procedures and tests able to provide reliable information and general vocabulary for researchers and practitioners. We intend with this study to analyze the functional fitness of different groups of institutionalized elderly of both genders, relating it with their nutritional status. METHODS: A sample of 46 participants, 31 males and 15 females aged between 65 to 93. For this investigation, the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) was used in order to categorize the nutritional status with a Mediterranean diet that was used. For the assessment of the functional fitness, it the battery Fullerton Functional Fitness Test (FFFT) developed in 1999 by Rikli and Jones was used. RESULTS: We found that the elderly who maintained a diet divided into seven meals had more favorable values in all categories of the battery tests with significant differences. We also found that the nutritional status of the elderly and the number of meals is statistically significant in tasks measuring strength, agility and aerobic capacity. CONCLUSIONS: The elderly with normal nutritional status have better performance in the battery tasks, particularly those who choose the diet divided into seven daily meals. The Mediterranean Diet used seems to be favorable in this population, in both genders and it promotes the maintenance of their physical abilities.
The study was initiated because one of the authors had a child in the family with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The author was concerned about what could be done to improve the quality of life of this child. The hypotheses explored whether hydrotherapy could bring any relief or advantage in functional mobility to an individual with DMD and whether a water environment facilitates mobility, pleasure, and joy for a young child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Our sample had three individuals, all of them boys, 9-11 years of age. Two were the control group and didn’t practice any kind of physical activity and the other one was our two-year longitudinal case study during which he experienced hydrotherapy practice two times a week for forty-five minutes each. We applied the Egen Klassifikation (EK) scale to quantify the degree of movement limitation present at each of five measurement points over the two years. The variables analyzed were the physical activity issues and the EK scale values. The descriptive results showed that all three individuals increased their EK scale values over time, showing the inevitable progression of the disease. The individual who participated in the water activity sessions had the slower increase that we inferred, meant less deterioration in functional movement. No inferences can be drawn from these limited data, especially because only one individual experienced the water activities. This study does provide the impetus for subsequent, larger controlled studies to see if they could replicate these initial case study results.
Considerando que a prática de hidroginástica pode contribuir para um envelhecimento mais ativo e saudável. O estudo teve como objetivo conhecer o impacto das aulas de hidroginástica frequentadas ao longo de 4 meses na aptidão física dos idosos. A amostra foi constituída por 83 idosos, utentes das aulas de hidroginástica e foi dividida em 3 grupos tendo em conta o número de aulas frequentadas (Menos de 15; 15 a 25; mais de 25). Para a recolha de dados usamos a bateria de testes Funcional Fitness Test (Rikli & Jones, 1999). A aptidão física foi avaliada pelo investigador seguindo o protocolo de provas, sendo os testes aplicados numa sala adequada para o efeito e pela mesma ordem nos dois momentos (início e final do estudo com um intervalo de 4 meses). Quanto às provas estatísticas, não se verificando uma distribuição normal dos dados, aplicamos o teste não paramétrico para duas variáveis emparelhadas de Wilcoxon que nos permitiu verificar as diferenças entre os dois momentos de avaliação. Os resultados revelaram melhorias em praticamente todos os testes entre a 1ª e a 2ª avaliação. No teste levantar e sentar na cadeira o nº de repetições passou de 13,40 para 14,43, no teste flexão do antebraço passou de 18,24 repetições para 18,92, no teste sentado e alcançar a média apesar de ser negativa, passou de -5,47 cm para -3,46, no teste sentado, caminhar 2,44 metros e voltar a sentar passou de 6,40 segundos para 6,31, no teste, alcançar atrás das costas passou de -17,07 cm para -15,61cm. Encontramos melhorias estatisticamente significativas no teste levantar e sentar na cadeira (sig. = 0,011), no teste sentado e alcançar (sig. = 0,001) e no teste alcançar atrás das costas (sig. = 0,001). O número de aulas frequentadas ao longo dos 4 meses entre os grupos não se mostrou diferenciadora para a melhoria obtida. O 1º grupo apresentou melhorias significativas em 3 provas (levantar e sentar na cadeira (sig. = 0,006), no teste sentado e alcançar (sig. = 0,004) e no teste alcançar atrás das costas (sig. = 0,002)).O 2º grupo apresentou melhorias significativas apenas numa prova (alcançar atrás das costas (sig. = 0,023)) e o 3º grupo apresentou melhorias significativas apenas numa prova (sentado e alcançar (sig. = 0,002)). Conclusões: prática de hidroginástica teve um impacto positivo na melhoria dos resultados da aptidão física nos idosos e o número de aulas frequentado não se mostrou diferenciador nos resultados obtidos.
With the increase of life expectancy associated to the need for a healthy lifestyle, there has been an increase in the number of persons involved in veterans' sports activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of self-determination for sports practice and subjective well-being in veteran athletes, depending on the different type of sports practiced. For data collection, the validated Portuguese versions of the Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), the Behaviour Regulation Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Positive and Negative Affects Scale (PANAS) were used. The study sample consisted of 684 Portuguese veterans athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M = 43.78 SD = 8.61), of which 86.3% (590 individuals) of the male gender and 13,7% (94 individuals) of the female gender, mostly with 3 to 5 hours of training per week, with 19.5±12.2 years of practice, competitors in several individual sports (43%), team sports (37%) and individual and teams sports (20%). Veteran athletes are highly satisfied with basic psychological needs. When compared, athletes who practice individual sports and simultaneously individual and team sports differ significantly in the autonomous, controlled and amotivation compared to athletes who only practice team sports, as well as in positive and negative effects.
Introduction: Athletics is an important sport because it offers a determining basic preparation for other different sports (Sampaio, 2010). Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the motivations that led athletes to practice athletics and to know if the fact that lived in different country regions influences these motivations. The participants were 184 federated athletes from 5 different zones of Portugal (Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Leiria, Santarém and Setúbal). Methodology: To understand the motivations that lead athletes to practice athletics, the questionnaire EMI-2 (Exercise Motivation Inventory version 2 of Markland and Hardy (1993), translated for the Portuguese population by Alves and Lourenço (2003) was applied and were collected during the national championship. For statistical purposes we used descriptive statistics, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics, with the application of One-Way Anova and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: The results showed that the Psychological and Physical Condition motives were the most valued, while the Health and Body Related motives were the least valued by the athletes belonging to the different regions. As for the results of the means, only statistically significant differences were found in the physical fitness motives, more valued by athletes from the regions of Setúbal and Santarém and less valued from the athletes of Coimbra e Castelo Branco. Conclusions: The conclusions showed some uniformity in the importance attributed to the reasons that led the athletes to choose athletics as a federated sports practice.
This study intends to determine and relate the effects of a program of Pilates sessions in elderly women, comparing balance assessments by the Berg scale and physical mobility with the scale of Leighton for articular ampleness. Elderly evaluation was conducted by using a universal goniometer, the Berg scale, the Leighton scale and data collection was performed in two different moments. This study had 52 elderly women aged between 60 and 83 years. The participants had Pilates sessions of 30 minutes each, twice a week, for 6 months. The statistical analysis used were descriptive based on mean and standard deviation, statistical inference by applying the Wilcoxon and the effect size by Cohen’s d where we observed an increase in balance parameters and articular mobility of elderly practitioners, with improvements from considered “average” in the first evaluation to “above average” in the second evaluation. The implemented Pilates program proved to be extremely favourable, with significant improvements in all analysed variables with intermediate and large effect sizes.
The elderly population is constantly growing worldwide. One of the characteristics of aging is the decrease in functional fitness and cognitive function, leading to the appearance of cardiometabolic disorders. Methodology: The aim of this study is to verify the association between aerobic capacity, handgrip strength and cognition with risk markers for cardiometabolic diseases and mental health in community dwelling elderly. The study consists of a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from a 28-week randomized controlled trial, with a sample of 102 participants (mean age 72.32 ± 5.25 years). The sample was evaluated for anthropometry, functional fitness, heart rate variability, carotid artery intima and mean thickness (IMT), cognitive function, mental health and biochemical markers. Correlations were evaluated using Pearson's statistical analysis and interpreted according to Cohen's (1988). Results: Statistically significant correlations were found between aerobic capacity (2m-ST) and markers of functional, cardiovascular, biochemical, cognitive function and mental health fitness. Handgrip strength (HG) was statistically significantly correlated with anthropometric measurements, various indicators of functional fitness, biochemical markers, cognitive function, and mental health variables. Finally, cognitive function (MMSE) was correlated with anthropometric measures, functional fitness, cardiovascular and biochemical markers, and mental health. These data suggest that aerobic capacity, handgrip strength and cognitive function may be hypothetically associated with cardiovascular disease risk markers.
Scientific evidence has shown that physical exercise is an effective way of improving several cardiovascular disease markers. However, few studies have tested its effectiveness whenperformed in aquatic environments. The purpose of this study was to test the impact of different aquatic exercise programs on the intima-media thickness of carotid arteries (IMT) and hemodynamic and biochemical markers of cardiovascular diseases in community-dwelling older persons. A total of 102 participants were randomly allocated into four groups: an aerobic exercise group (AerG) (n = 25, 71.44 ± 4.84 years); an aerobic interval group (IntG) (n = 28, 72.64 ± 5.22 years); a combined group (ComG) (n = 29, 71.90 ± 5.67 years); and a control group (CG) (n = 20, 73.60 ± 5.25 years). The AerG, IntG, and ComG participants took part in three different aquatic exercise programs for 28 weeks. The CG participants maintained their usual routines. All participants were evaluated for IMT, blood pressure, lipid profile, and MCP-1 and MIP-1α chemokines, pre- and post-intervention. Significant differences were found in the AerG for diastolic diameter (DD), in the IntG for peak systolic velocity (PSV), and in the ComG for DD and end-diastolic velocity (EDV). Regarding blood pressure, significant differences were found in AerG for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP); in IntG for DBP; and in ComG for SBP, DBP, and heart rate (HR). Significant differences were found in the AerG and IntG for glucose (GLU). Lower plasma levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1α) were found in the AerG and in the ComG for MCP-1 after the intervention. Aquatic physical exercise appears to improve cardiovascular health, regardless of the type of the program adopted. Aerobic programs (combined and continuous aerobic exercises) seemed to have a more beneficial effect in reducing important cardiovascular risk markers.
Evidence shows that physical exercise is important in maintaining an efficient immune system during ageing. However, there are few studies that test the impact of aquatic exercise programs on the immune system. This study aims to analyze the impact of different physical exercise programs in aquatic environment on the systemic hematological and inflammatory markers of community dwelling elderly. One hundred and two elderly were randomly allocated into four groups: a continuous aerobic exercise group (AerG) (n = 25, 71.44 ± 4.84 years); an interval aerobic exercise group (IntG) (n = 28, 72.64 ± 5.22 years); a combined exercise group (ComG) (n = 29, 71.90 ± 5.67 years); a control group (CG) (n = 20, 73.60 ± 5.25 years). The AerG, IntG and ComG participants took part in three different aquatic exercise programs over a 28- weeks period. The CG participants maintained their usual routines during the same time period. Blood samples were collected from all participants in order to access hematologic indicators, by means of cell count, and the inflammatory profile by ELISA. After 28 weeks, significant differences were found for several hematologic variables in the AerG, IntG and ComG with increases in mean corpuscular hemoglobulin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobulin concentration (MCHC), and hemoglobulin (Hb). Decreases in TNF-α levels were found for all exercising groups. An increase in IL-10 levels, granulocytes to lymphocytes ratio (GLR) and a decrease in the TNF-α/IL 10 ratio, were found for the IntG. For the ComG decreases were also found for the TNF-α, IL-1ß/IL-1ra ratios. The present study suggests that aquatic exercise programs were able to improve the inflammatory profile of the participants. Those in the exercise intervention groups showed a shift towards lower pro-inflammatory levels while the non-exercising group showed the opposite behaviour. The IntG and the ComG aquatic exercise programs appeared to be more effective than the AerG program in decreasing chronic low-grade inflammation by mediating the production of higher levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines. However, the differences found between the exercising groups were small and may not have clinical significance.
This study aims to verify the impact of physical activity on the physical fitness of elderly. The sample consisted of 348 elderly individuals aged between 61 and 97 years, divided into 2 groups (254 practitioners of Physical Activity and 94 non-practitioners). From the first group 48 practice hydrogymnastics and 206 practice gymnastics. Physical fitness was assessed following the test protocol of the Senior Fitness Test battery (Rikli & Jones, 2001). In addition to descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov Smirnov, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis statistical tests were used with comparisons by pairs. The results allowed to identify that in each and every one of the tests of functional physical fitness there are statistically differences between practitioners and non- practitioners of PA, with mean averages significantly higher by the practitioners. The practice of any of these activities (Hydrogymnastics and Gymnastics) reveals significant differences with the group of non-practitioners, and the means obtained in any of the physical fitness tests of the two groups of practice much superiors compared to the non- practitioners. There are also significant differences between Hydogymnastic and Gymnastics practitioners in the test sitting, walking 2.44 m and sitting again, and walking for 6 minutes, where the gymnastic practitioners obtained better results in both tests.
Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da prática de atividade física (AF) na aptidão física funcional de idosos. A amostra, constituída por 348 idosos com idades compreendidas entre 61 e 97 anos de idade foi dividida em 2 grupos (254 praticantes de AF e 94 não praticantes de AF). A aptidão física foi avaliada seguindo o protocolo de testes da bateria de testes Senior Fitness Test (Rikli & Jones, 2001). Para além de estatística descritiva, foram utilizados os métodos estatísticos de Kolmogorov Smirnov, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal Wallis. Os resultados permitiram identificar diferenças estatisticamente muito significativas entre praticantes e não praticantes de AF. Os praticantes de AF apresentam médias significativamente superiores aos não praticantes. A prática de qualquer uma das modalidades (Hidroginástica, Ginástica) produz diferenças muito significativas para com o grupo de não praticantes, sendo as médias obtidas em qualquer um dos testes de aptidão física dos dois grupos de prática muito superiores ás do grupo de não praticantes. Verificam-se, ainda, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os praticantes de Hidroginástica e de Ginástica nos testes Sentado, caminhar 2,44 m e voltar a sentar e Caminhar 6 minutos, obtendo os praticantes de ginástica sénior melhores médias nestes dois testes.
Introduction: Ataxia affects the nervous system by decreasing balance and coordination most mostly in the trunk, arms and legs. Physical activity is used to help lowering the symptoms of this disease. Objective: The study objective aims to determine the effects of an exercise program intervention focused on quality of life of this person in terms of body composition, hemodynamic parameters and functional capacity. Methods: A Longitudinal study-case with the exercise sessions performed in a gymnasium with a specialized Personal Trainer. A 43 years old male individual with motor ataxia as participated with a pre and post-test assessments with an exercise program comprised sessions twice a week of 30 minutes each, for 6 months, focused on cardio-fitness, strength and body stabilization. The Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia was applied to evaluate Gait, Stance, Sitting, Finger Chase, Nose-finger Test, Fast alternating hand movements and Heel-chin slide, and the program SPSS (v20) to present descriptive statistics to express the participant’s improvements. Results: This study indicates that rehabilitation can improve health, well-being and life quality improvements in individuals with ataxia, however, a larger study is required to have analyse if these variables would suffer significant changes in all participants. Besides the improvements in body composition and blood pressure, benefits in all variables of SARA scale were observed, except in «Sitting» were the value remained unchanged. Conclusions: This type of exercise programme intervention can promote capacity and health-related quality of life. This study provides evidence for maintaining physical activity programs in patients with ataxia.
O modelo de jogo (MJ) no futebol, reveste-se de grande complexidade e é constituído por grande quantidade de subvariáveis, que por sua vez se estruturam em diferentes dimensões, categorias e subcategorias. No presente artigo vamos fazer uma abordagem teórica sobre o modelo de jogo no futebol, apresentando as partes constituintes que o caracterizam, e também, chamar a atenção para a sua plasticidade e dinâmica, que permite que se vá ajustando e modificando durante os anos de formação de acordo com a idade dos atletas. A evolução do modelo de jogo permite aos jovens jogadores a modificação de comportamentos, para níveis de complexidade cada vez mais elevados respondendo de forma eficaz às necessidades do jogo e às suas próprias necessidades.
Aquatic physical exercise programs have become progressively more popular among elderly people. Some of the major physical exercise program disadvantages on land are minimized due to the specific properties of the aquatic environment. The purpose of the present randomized controlled study is to verify the effects of different aquatic physical exercise programs on body composition, functional fitness and cognitive function in non-institutionalized elderly people. For this study, 102 elderly individuals were randomly allocated into four different groups: AerG (n = 25, 71.44 ± 4.84 years); IntG (n = 28, 72.64 ± 5.22 years); ComG (n = 29, 71.90 ± 5.67 years) and CG (n = 20, 73.60 ± 5.25 years). Individuals from the groups AerG, IntG and ComG participated in three different aquatic physical exercise programs for a period of 28 weeks. The CG participants kept to their usual routines. All participants were evaluated for body composition, functional fitness and cognitive function at two time moments, i.e., pre- (M1) and post-intervention (M2). Significant differences for body composition were found between M1 and M2 for FM (p < 0.001), LBM (p < 0.001) and WCir (p < 0.01) in the AerG, for BMI (p < 0.05), FM (p < 0.05), LBM (p < 0.001) and LCir-R (p < 0.05) in the IntG, and for WGT (p < 0.01), FM (p < 0.05), LBM (p < 0.01), LCir-R (p < 0.05) and LCir-L (p < 0.01) in the ComG groups. For functional fitness, differences were found between M1 and M2 for 2m-ST (p < 0.000), 30s-CS (p < 0.000), 30s-AC (p < 0.05), HG-T-R (p < 0.000) and HG-T-L (p < 0.000) in the AerG, for 2m-ST (p < 0.05), BS-R (p < 0.05), 30s-CS (p < 0.000), 30s-AC(p < 0.01), HG-T-R (p < 0.000) and HG-T-L (p < 0.000) in the IntG, and for 30s-CS (p < 0.000), HG-T-R (p < 0.000) and HG-T-L (p < 0.000) in the ComG groups. The present study evidenced the beneficial effects of physical exercise in an aquatic environment on body composition, functional fitness and cognitive function in non-institutionalized elderly adults. The ComG water-based exercise program showed more beneficial effects in the improvement of body composition and cognitive function variables, while the IntG and AerG programs were more effective in the improvement of functional fitness.
This study aimed to analyze the effects of a combined training (CT) program performed during the first national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic on body composition, metabolic profile, quality of life and stress in sedentary workers, and examines whether changes in the metabolic profile are associated with changes in health-related outcomes which are modifiable by exercise. We evaluated 31 sedentary workers (48.26 ± 7.89 years old). Participants were randomly assigned to a CT group (i.e., performed 16 weeks of exercise) or to a non-exercise control group. The CT program consisted of 16-week of resistance and aerobic exercise. Body composition, glycemic and lipidic profiles, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), health-related quality of life and stress levels were assessed pre- and post-intervention. After the intervention period, the CT group demonstrated significantly lower waist and hip circumference (p < 0.05) values than the control group. The control group significantly increased the fasting glucose and HOMA-IR after 16 weeks follow-up (+4.74 mg/dL, p = 0.029; and +0.41 units, p = 0.010, respectively), whiles no significant changes were observed in the CT group in the same parameters (+3.33 mg/dL, p = 0.176; and +0.04 units, p = 0.628, respectively). No changes were observed in the lipid profile for either group (p > 0.05). A significant positive relationship was detected between the change in BMI with the changes in insulin and HOMA-IR (r = 0.643, p = 0.024; and r = 0.605, p = 0.037, respectively). In addition, the changes in CRF were negatively associated with the changes in total cholesterol (r = −0.578, p = 0.049). We observed differences between groups on perceived stress levels and physical, psychological, and environmental domains of quality of life, with the CT group showing better results. Moreover, the CT group improved perceived life satisfaction (+3.17 points, p = 0.038). The findings of the present study suggest that the participants who remained physically active during the first pandemic-related lockdown were able to mitigate the deleterious effects associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
O Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas (BCR) é uma modalidade de esforço intermitente, onde se considera a resistência como a capacidade motora mais importante, associada à realização de esforços intensos de forma repetida, durante um período prolongado. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o nível das capacidades físicas dos atletas da Seleção Nacional de Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas. Assim, examinamos na prática desportiva adaptada a velocidade, resistência, agilidade, potencia de membros superiores e preensão manual, no processo de desenvolvimento individual do atleta. A nossa amostra foi constituída por 14 atletas de Desporto Adaptado, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 40 anos. Através da aplicação de vários testes físicos, recolhemos a informação definida pelo nosso modelo de análise. Podemos concluir que comparativamente com outros estudos observamos que há diferenças significativas em todos dos testes realizados quer seja de agilidade, velocidade, potencia e resistencia, uma vez que a amostra do nosso estudo eram atletas de elite da Seleção Nacional de BCR.