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Pretendeu-se, neste trabalho, definir um índice que refletisse as qualidades de recuperação de pedreiras de Mármore. A informação geológica utilizada foi recolhida directamente nas frentes de trabalho de duas pedreiras da Região de Borba, definindo-se previamente os atributos que mais condicionam a exploração (em especial as descontinuidades). Procedeu-se,também, à recolha de todos os dados por fotografia, sendo esta efectuada individualmente para cada frente, e sempre à mesma escala. Os dados recolhidos fotograficamente (imagem real) são confrontados com os dados recolhidos no campo procedendo-se, depois, à sua Identificação, Classificação e Interpretação criando-se uma nova imagem (imagem interpretada) onde, as descontinuidades constituirão o "motivo" de um "padrão". A Digitalização ou a Análise de Imagem serão utilizadas como técnicas de aquisição de dados, para as quais os indíviduos apresentam as coordenadas nos eixos x, y, e z, bem como os atributos escolhidos para a classificação. A Análise de Correspondências permitiu calcular um índice que, como variável regionalizada, é ulteriormente analisado do ponto de vista da sua continuidade espacial através de variografia e estimado por Krigagem. Dois índices diferentes são construídos com base em duas abordagens distintas e ulteriormente comparados com dados reais das pedreiras. Finalmente para o índice seleccionado foram estimadas àreas de maior probabilidade de ocorrência dos seus valores extremos com base na
Morfologia Matemática.
O trabalho de investigação proposto pretende desenvolver um corpo metodológico que, baseado em índices de qualidade e/ou recuperação, sintetize as diversas características que condicionam o valor in situ das rochas ornamentais (e industriais), permitindo, local e regionalmente, definir zonas de elevada favorabilidade para a produção daqueles materiais.
A colheita e o registo da informação em diferentes suportes e a diferentes escalas resultou de um trabalho de campo efectuado em diferentes pedreiras de mármores, xistos e ardósias. Procedeu-se numa primeira fase, à observação, quantificação e codificação das características condicionantes da qualidade da pedra como material de construção e/ou como material ornamental, com particular relevo para a caracterização da fracturação.
O desenvolvimento da metodologia para construção de variáveis de síntese (índices) foi, numa segunda fase, implementado recorrendo a métodos da Estatística Multivariada e da Geoestatística. A flexibilidade do método permite o ajuste interactivo de pesos a afectar cada atributo, de acordo com os objectivos de validação perante as oscilações constantes que se verificam no mercado.
O mapeamento regional do índice de recuperação para as pedreiras de mármore da região de Vila-Viçosa, integrando informação regional, foi, na última fase, implementado recorrendo à aplicação de metodologias Geoestatísticas como a Krigagem com Deriva Externa e Soft Kriging.
Por razões relacionadas com direitos de autor, só está disponível o resumo e os metadados.
Na modelação ambiental a componente
espacial assume uma importância central.
Na verdade, em casos de avaliação de riscos
e vulnerabilidades ambientais, a construção
de uma cartografia de síntese torna-se
uma ferramenta fundamental para a gestão
e tomada de decisão, tanto em à escala local
como à escala regional.
As questões centrais que se colocam
prendem-se com a adequabilidade
das metodologias a adotar. Tendo
em conta que todos os fenómenos naturais
são explicados por um conjunto de atributos
torna-se necessário identificar a sua natureza
estatística (e.g. contínuas; categóricas;
binárias), suporte (e.g. pontual: área;
volume); escala e ainda a forma como
a informação nos é disponibilizada: agregada
ou não agregada
As metodologias geoestatísticas pretendem
caracterizar a distribuição espacial
dos atributos em estudo e avaliar as medidas
de incerteza (local e espacial) considerando
o tipo de informação, de modelo escolhido
e do conhecimento pericial do fenómeno.
A significant industrial development, associated with a demographic expansion, occurred during the last decades of the XX century, in Loures valley, a region located in the vicinities of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. This was accompanied with an important modification of land use and occupation patterns, mainly the decrease of the agricultural land (Silva et al, 2008).
The input of heavy metals in soils of alluvium environment shows high variability in both space and time domains, hence the estimation of the measured elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, V e Zn) should account for either dimension. Furthermore, it is also a non-stationary process, because spatial variability depends strongly on the distance to pollution sources and the amount of precipitation. The variability in time is dependent on the amount of rainfall recorded. Indeed it is a topographically flat area with altitude near zero causing thus a concentration of pollutants, not its leaching. Thus the soils pollution is more pronounced during the wet seasons than during the dry seasons.
The methodology presented herein deals with the application of kriging with external drift as an interpolation procedure (Wackernagel, H., 1995) for the measured heavy metals elements, in a generalised space-time domain. The definition of an auxiliary variable is based on the description of the processes involved (R.Figueira et al, 2000). Kriging with such an external drift yields better estimates of metals concentration at ground level than ordinary kriging does, and such an enhanced performance can be checked out from the cross-validation results as well as from an observation of the corresponding, estimated maps.
A região de Segura é uma área mineira abandonada com os seus rejeitados expostos ao longo dos últimos 50 anos. Na avaliação do risco de contaminação em arsénio nas águas, utilizou-se uma metodologia geoestatística não paramétrica – krigagem da indicatriz – selecionando dois valores de corte. O primeiro correspondendo ao 3.º quartil da distribuição (Kl1=0,05mg/L-valor de referência) representa a vulnerabilidade específica. Para o segundo valor de corte foi considerado o teor de fundo coincidente com o 1.º quartil da distribuição e representando a vulnerabilidade intrínseca (Kl1=valor de fundo). Os mapas de iso-probabilidades mostram fortes anomalias associadas às atividades mineiras. Junto da povoação de Segura, a probabilidade do teor em As exceder o valor de referência, é elevada embora menor do que a probabilidade em ultrapassar o valor de fundo. As anomalias de As revelam uma elevada probabilidade das águas se encontrarem contaminadas não devendo ser utilizadas para consumo humano.
Mining and mineral-processing activities canmodify the environment in a variety of ways. Sulfide mineralization
is notorious for producing waters with high metal contents. Arsenic is commonly associated with sulfide mineralization
and is considered to be toxic in the environment at low levels. The studied abandoned mining area is
located in central Portugal and the resulting tailings and rejected materials were deposited and exposed to the
air and water for the last 50 years. Sixteen water sample-points were collected. One of these was collected
outside the mining influence, with the aim of obtaining a reference background.
The risk assessment, concerning the proximity to abandoned mineralized deposits, needs the evaluation of
intrinsic and specific vulnerabilities aiming the quantification of the anthropogenic activities. In this study,
two indicator variables were constructed. The first one (I1), a specific vulnerability, considers the arsenic
water supply standard value (0.05 mg/L), and the probability of it being exceeded is dependent on the
geologic and hydrological characteristics of the studied area and also on the anthropogenic activities. The
second one (I2), an intrinsic vulnerability, considers arsenic background limit as cut-off value, and depends
only on the geologic and hydro-geological characteristics of the studied area.
At Segura, the arsenic water content found during December 2006 (1.190 mg/L) was higher than the arsenic
water content detected in October 2006 (0.636 mg/L) which could be associated to the arsenic released from
Fe oxy-hydroxide. At Segura abandoned mining area, the iso-probability maps of October 2006 and December
2006, show strong anomalies associated with the water drainage from abandoned mining activities. Near the
village, the probability of exceeding the arsenic background value is high but lower than the probability of
exceeding the arsenic water supply value. The arsenic anomalies indicate a high probability for water arsenic
contamination and those waters should not be used for human consumption.
Os autores agradecem ao LNEG (atual representante dos Serviços Geológicos de
Portugal) pela cedência dos dados. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito do ICT– Universidade do Minho (Braga).
Variabilidade espacial de Arsénio em solos da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Águeda (Portugal-Espanha)
No presente trabalho apresenta-se uma proposta de implantação de um Sistema de
Gestão Ambiental numa empresa metalúrgica fictícia. Como metodologia adotada
estabeleceram-se as seguintes fases: a) Diagnóstico Ambiental Inicial (DAI); b)
Objetivos e metas a atingir com a implementação do SGA; c)Ações ambientais e
recursos existentes e/ou a implementar; d)Indicadores de desempenho ambiental.
Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste estudo foi a identificação e avaliação dos
principais aspetos e impactes ambientais, decorrentes do processo produtivo de uma
indústria metalúrgica de pequeno porte, bem como testar a viabilidade da
implementação de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental em casos reais, na atividade
As termas da Fadagosa de Nisa, localizadas no nordeste Alentejano, possuem uma relevante importância na economia desta região. Estão inseridas numa região hidrogeológica de fraca aptidão aquífera, onde predominam granitos fracturados, com fendas preenchidas por material argiloso. A circulação da água é característica de meios fissurados, sendo abastecidas por um único furo, com uma produtividade de 2 l/s. Estão localizadas numa região em que predomina a agricultura, o que lhe confere uma vulnerabilidade para a contaminação. A avaliação da vulnerabilidade de águas subterrâneas é fundamental nos processos de tomada de decisão, visando o ordenamento do território e preservação dos recursos da região. O objectivo deste trabalho consiste na avaliação espacial da vulnerabilidade da água subterrânea na envolvência da captação da Fadagosa de Nisa. Para tal foi utilizado o índice de vulnerabilidade Drastic, recorrendo-se ao software ArcGIS para o tratamento da informação e elaboração de cartografia de vulnerabilidade.
Os valores obtidos na aplicação do índice Drastic sugerem uma vulnerabilidade baixa a elevada (V = 67-153). Contudo, a maioria da área apresenta vulnerabilidade baixa (V = 67-119), enquanto as áreas de vulnerabilidade moderada (V = 119-149) correspondem a manchas de pequenas dimensões, dispersas pela zona de estudo. A zona envolvente da captação da Fadagosa de Nisa apresenta vulnerabilidade baixa, pois ocorre em formações graníticas com um denso sistema de falhas associado e a profundidade do nível freático (65 m), possivelmente dificultam a infiltração de potenciais elementos poluentes. The thermal catchment of Fadagosa-Nisa is located at Alentejo and have a relevant importance in the economy of this region. Geologically it is predominantly composed
of fractured granites, with fractures often filled with clay materials. The occurrence and movement of groundwater is mainly controlled by these fractures and other discontinuities.
The study catchment is characterized by low immediate yields (2 l/s) and located in a regionwhere agriculture is the main economic activity. Agriculture is the main economic activity and a potential contamination risk. Groundwater vulnerability assessment is crucial in decision-making processes, aiming resource conservation planning. The core objective of this study is to assess the spatial vulnerability related to the groundwater catchment of Fadagosa Nisa thermal area. The vulnerability was estimated using Drastic index and computed using
appropriate ArcGIS software’s tools for information processing and preparation of
vulnerability maps. The Drastic index indicates a low to high (V = 67-153) vulnerability.
However, most of the area presents a low vulnerability (V = 67-119). Moderate vulnerability (V = 119-149) correspond to small areas dispersed across the study area. The Fadagosa-Nisa thermal area occurring in granitic formations with a dense system of faults, associated with the water deep (65 m), has a low vulnerability to the potential contaminants infiltration.
Águeda watershed is a sub-catchement of the Douro river
(northern Portugal) and it is distributed on both Spanish and
Portuguese territories. The main core of this work is the
achievement of a methodological tool able to be used for
vulnerability assessment in ttransboudary watersheds.
Groundwaters’ vulnerability mapping was carried out by
two different methodological approches: DRASTIC and
DRASTIC Pesticide [1].
DRASTIC is a numerical index derived from ratings and
weights assigned to seven parameters – Deep to water, net
Recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography, Impact of
the vadose zone and hidraulic Conductivity. The obtained
values raises between 23 (not vulnerable) to 230 (highly
vulnerable). Drastic Pesticide uses the same parameters with
the reassignment of attributes’ weights to stress the
importance of agricultural activities.
DRASTIC’s map for Águeda watershed shows three
spatially distributed vulnerability classes: low (102 - 119),
moderate (120 - 139) and moderate to high (140 - 154). The
low vulnerable zones occupy almost 78% of the all area while
the moderate vulnerable zones correspond to 21% of the
remaining area. The moderate to high vulnerable zones
represents less than 1% of the total area and it is localized in
the central part of the Águeda watershed overlapping the
tertiary sedimentary aquifer and the mostly populated area.
DRASTIC Pesticide map shows four spatially distributed
vulnerability classes: low (120 - 139), low to moderate (140 -
159), moderate to high (160 - 179) and high (180 - 195). The
high proportion increases considerably in the central zone of
the Águeda watershed representing more than 20% of the land
Although similar hydrogeological intrinsic characteristics
are observed in the central watershed’s area obvious
differences can be stressed when anthropogenic activities are
taken into consideration. Feasibility studies and the
development of specific monitoring activities must be
addressed in future work.
A significant industrial development, associated with a demographic
expansion, occurred during the last decades of the XX century, in Loures valley, a region
located in the vicinities of Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. This was accompanied
with an important modification of land use and occupation patterns, mainly the decrease
of the agricultural land.
One of the main consequences was the deterioration of the groundwater chemistry
observed in the shallow aquifer associated to Trancão river, a subsidiary of Tagus river.
Factorial Correspondence Analysis has been used to build a water quality index, for
evaluating the impact of the anthropogenic factors on groundwater of the shallow aquifer.
By analysing the kriged maps of the values of the index, it was possible to identify the
areas more sensitive to the anthropogenic impact.
As águas subterrâneas constituem importantes fontes de origem de água, efectivas ou potenciais, a nível regional e local, que importa preservar. Porém, a qualidade das águas subterrâneas é susceptível de ser afectada pelas actividades sócio-económicas, designadamente pelo uso e ocupação do solo, em particular pelas áreas urbanas, infraestruturas e equipamentos, agricultura e zonas verdes. A contaminação das águas subterrâneas é, na generalidade das situações, persistente, pelo que a recuperação da qualidade destas águas é, em regra, muito lenta e difícil. A protecção das águas subterrâneas constitui, assim, um objectivo estratégico da maior importância, no quadro de um desenvolvimento equilibrado e duradouro.
Neste trabalho são apresentadas duas soluções distintas, para a definição dos perímetros de protecção, para as captações das Eirinhas (Casal da Serra, São Vicente da Beira). O método do Raio Fixo e método de Wyssling. A delimitação destes perímetros de protecção permitirá o desenvolvimento sustentado dos processos naturais de diluição e de autodepuração das águas subterrâneas, possibilitando a prevenção, redução e controle de futuras descargas acidentais de poluentes. Desta forma, poder-se-à desenvolver um sistema de aviso para a protecção do sistema de abastecimento de água com origem nestas captações, em situações de poluição acidental das águas.
Delimitação de perímetros de protecção para as captações das Eirinhas (Casal da Serra, concelho de Castelo Branco)
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
Only the abstract and metadata are available.
Hydrotherapy and bottling mineral water exploitation requires a detailed placement of the
catchment and the aquifer’s vulnerability assessment for protection perimeter design. The DRASTIC
methodology was the starting point used for the herein introduced “specific DRASTIC”. It is possible to say
that the hydrogeology of the area suggests a predominant low vulnerability. However, hydrogeological and
structural characteristics (e.g., granitic fracturation), indicate an extremely high vulnerability to the Termas
de Fonte Santa catchment. The "specific DRASTIC” index is held by local parameters in order to downscale
the properties for local vulnerability mapping and potential contamination of the aquifer. The Termas de
Fonte Santa is classified as very high to extremely high vulnerable and in need of protection and conservation.
Só está disponível o resumo.
Resumo alargado da comunicação oral apresentada na 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development.
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
No presente trabalho é apresentado um estudo
comparativo entre duas antigas explorações mineiras
de urânio, atualmente abandonadas, localizadas na
região uranífera das Beiras. A mina de Canto Lagar
está situada no planalto beirão, próximo de Gouveia
(distrito da Guarda), enquanto a mina de Mondego Sul
se localiza mais a oeste, junto da povoação de Ázere
(distrito de Coimbra). A exploração destas duas áreas
mineiras decorreu entre 1987 e 1991, a céu aberto, tendo
sido extraídas cerca de 90 toneladas de materiais, cujos
rejeitados se encontram depositados em escombreiras,
sem qualquer plano de intervenção ambiental.
O principal objetivo deste trabalho consiste
na identificação e comparação das principais
vulnerabilidades e riscos ambientais associados às
atividades mineiras de urânio nas duas áreas em estudo,
particularmente a nível dos solos nas suas zonas
envolventes. Os resultados foram obtidos a partir de amostras de
solo colhidas na área de influência das minas e a montante
das mesmas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos os
solos colhidos encontram-se contaminados não devendo
ser utilizados para qualquer fim pois apresentam teores
superiores aos limites definidos para espaços públicos e
residenciais, comerciais e industriais.
A área mineira de Mondego Sul será mais problemática
relativamente à mina de Canto Lagar devido à sua localização
geográfica com o rio Mondego.
Análise de riscos ambientais em bacias transfronteiriças : projecto-piloto no rio Águeda.
A bacia hidrográfica do rio Águeda é uma bacia transfronteiriça, entre Portugal e Espanha, com potenciais fontes de contaminação, destacando-se as mineiras e agrícolas. Para o estudo em análise, foram recolhidas 75 amostras de águas georreferenciadas, em maio de 2012, dentro de uma malha previamente estabelecida. determinaram-se parâmetros físico-químicos e teores de sulfato e cálcio, uma vez que são estes os predominantemente associados à contaminação agrícola. Neste trabalho apresentam-se mapas de distribuição geoquímica para o sulfato e o cálcio, utilizando a krigagem gaussiana com transformação inversa, para a identificação espacial das zonas de maior potencial de contaminação agrícola. A avaliação da vulnerabilidade intrínseca foi obtida através do índice DRASTIC Pesticida, apresentando zonas de vulnerabilidade moderada a elevada. A sobreposição dos mapas de distribuição e de vulnerabilidade permitirá a identificação de áreas de maior risco para a contaminação.
A crescente necessidade e importância das águas subterrâneas exige uma protecção adequada deste recurso através da delimitação de perímetros de protecção em torno das captações. Para tal, torna-se necessária uma abordagem específica e ajustada às caraterísticas locais para obter soluções mais adequadas. Os métodos analíticos permitem a delimitação das zonas de protecção utilizando parâmetros hidrogeológicos. Neste trabalho são comparados dois métodos analíticos - método do raio fixo e de Wyssling - na definição dos peímetros de proteção de duas captações localizadas na Serra da Gardunha. As captações de Eirinhas nº 1 e Eirinhas Nº2 estão incluídas no subsistema de Casal da Serra (Serra da Gardunha), correspondendo a galerias subterrâneas, semihorizontais e alongadas, com uma secção com cerca de 1,80m de altura e 0,60m de largura. As rochas graníticas mostram fracturas intensas em que nalguns locais estão bastante degradadas. A água subterrânea escorre aproximadamente paralela à topografia, indicando uma curta permanência, como sugerido pela baixa mineralização que apresentam. O círculo dos perímetros de proteção com o método de raio fixo mostra círculos centrados nas captações, ultrapassando os limites da zona de recarga presumida, tanto a montante como a jusante. O método de Wyssling, por sua vez, ao considerar o gradiente hidráulico na delimitação dos perímetros mostra áreas de protecção mais ajustadas à realidade, tanto a montante como a jusante.
“This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Environmental Geochemistry and Health. The final authenticated version is available online at: "
This paper describes a multivariate geostatistical methodology to delineate areas of potential interest for future sedimentary gold exploration, with an application to an abandoned sedimentary gold mining region in Portugal. The main challenge was the existence of only a dozen gold measurements confined to the grounds of the old gold mines, which precluded the application of traditional interpolation techniques, such as cokriging. The analysis could, however, capitalize on 376 stream sediment samples that were analyzed for twenty two elements. Gold (Au) was first predicted at all 376 locations using linear regression (R2=0.798) and four metals (Fe, As, Sn and W), which are known to be mostly associated with the local gold's paragenesis. One hundred realizations of the spatial distribution of gold content were generated using sequential indicator simulation and a soft indicator coding of regression estimates, to supplement the hard indicator coding of gold measurements. Each simulated map then underwent a local cluster analysis to identify significant aggregates of low or high values. The one hundred classified maps were processed to derive the most likely classification of each simulated node and the associated probability of occurrence. Examining the distribution of the hot-spots and cold-spots reveals a clear enrichment in Au along the Erges River downstream from the old sedimentary mineralization.
The present work concerns to the study of the public water supply system, actual situation in Castelo
Branco, Portugal. The Castelo Branco geographical area is about 1439.94 Km2 with a 500000 people population
being an inner region of the country with big problems of water supply during the summer months.
The purpose of this work is to develop a methodological procedure as a working tool to the management optimisation
of the water supply system taking in consideration: the groundwater supply; the system management and the
captured water volumes control.
The definition of a groundwater hydraulic potential in a major fractured hydrogeology field, in which the water is
conditioned by the presence of extended altered formations and it’s mobility conditioned by the intense fracture
density is the goal of the propose work. The working data is available in a few Portuguese water institutions, and
summarizes to 2002, the groundwater volumetric supplies, hydrological basin type, planning regions, geology,
litology and served population. To the groundwater productivity estimated cartography was adopted a set of statistics
and geostatistics methodologies like Ordinary Kriging, using a preliminary variographic data analysis that allowed the
inference of the preferential underground flow.
The present work concerns to the study of the public water supply system, actual situation in Castelo
Branco, Portugal. The Castelo Branco geographical area is about 1439.94 Km2 with a 500000 people population
being an inner region of the country with big problems of water supply during the summer months.
The purpose of this work is to develop a methodological procedure as a working tool to the management optimisation
of the water supply system taking in consideration: the groundwater supply; the system management and the
captured water volumes control.
The definition of a groundwater hydraulic potential in a major fractured hydrogeology field, in which the water is
conditioned by the presence of extended altered formations and it’s mobility conditioned by the intense fracture
density is the goal of the propose work. The working data is available in a few Portuguese water institutions, and
summarizes to 2002, the groundwater volumetric supplies, hydrological basin type, planning regions, geology,
litology and served population. To the groundwater productivity estimated cartography was adopted a set of statistics
and geostatistics methodologies like Ordinary Kriging, using a preliminary variographic data analysis that allowed the
inference of the preferential underground flow.
Poster apresentado no II Encontro de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica que decorreu, de 19 a 20 de Maio de 2011 na Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politéncio de Castelo Branco.
Caracterización ambiental y análisis de riesgos en cuencas transfronterizas: proyecto piloto en el río Águeda.
Custo total:
668.820,00 €
Caracterización ambiental y análisis de riesgos en cuencas transfronterizas: proyecto piloto en el río Águeda. Custo Total 668.820,00 €
The production of granules by wet granulation in a fluidized bed was assessed after the construction of a quality index based on a file of attributes (relevant factors). These attributes are combined by a methodology relying on Correspondence Analysis, as a discriminant procedure, using two extreme simulated active vectors representing, respectively, the best and the worst cases for the granules quality output (“bad” and “good” pole). From those, a single continuous synthetic variable – the quality index – can be produced referring to a more significant set of samples. As an application of the methodology, the work compares the quality of granules produced at a laboratory scale and a pilot scale. The factors contribution to the bad or good pole allowed the identification of the most relevant factors that affect the quality of the granules. The factors studied, according to a center of gravity design, included formulation (solubility of a drug, different grades of polyvinylpyrrolidone, the polarity of the granulation solution) and processing factors (the rate of administration of the granulation solution, the atomizing air pressure and the fluidizing air rate). Granules were evaluated for production yield, drug content, size, densities (true, bulk and tapped), friability, flowability and compressibility. The study has emphasized the differences between the laboratory and pilot scales and the relative importance of each factor for the quality of the granules produced.
Análise da vulnerabilidade e risco para as águas subterrâneas da bacia do rio Águeda.
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
A maioria das regiões da Brasil é marcada por épocas distintas de chuva e de estiagem e, dessa forma o objetivo do trabalho foi determinar as influências da precipitação na qualidade da água tratada nas Estações de Tratamento de Águas (ETAS). A hipótese principal é que a precipitação pode influenciar a qualidade da água tratada e para visualizar este fato foram comparados os dados obtidos na estação chuvosa em oposição à seca. Uma Análise em Componentes Principais utilizando o coeficiente de Spearman (ACPs), foi realizada com o Software LXSTAT, considerando todos os parâmetros e amostras. A partir dos resultados foram observadas algumas relações estatisticamente significativas entre os diferentes parâmetros analisados.
Under a Creative Commons license
Comunicação oral da qual só está disponível o resumo.
Documento originalmente apresentado em International workshop “Uranium, Environment and Public Health”, UrEnv 2013.
Este artigo deriva de uma comunicação apresentada em International workshop “Uranium, Environment and Public Health”, UrEnv 2013.
Productivity is very dependent on the environmental and biotic factors present at the site
where the forest species of interest is present. Forest site productivity is usually assessed using empirical
models applied to inventory data providing discrete predictions. While the use of GIS-based models enables
building a site productivity distribution map. Therefore, the aim of this study was to derive a productivity
index using multivariate statistics and coupled GIS-geostatistics to obtain a forest productivity map. To that
end, a study area vastly covered by naturally regenerated forests of maritime pine in central Portugal was
used. First, a productivity index (PI) was built based on Factorial Correspondence Analysis (FCA) by incorporating
a classical site index for the species and region (Sh25 - height index model) and GIS-derived environmental
variables (slope and aspect). After, the PI map was obtained by multi-Gaussian kriging and used as a GIS layer
to evaluate maritime pine areas by productivity class (e.g., low, intermediate and high). In the end, the area
control method was applied to assess the size and the number of compartments to establish by productivity
class. The management compartments of equal productivity were digitized as GIS layer and organized in a
temporal progression of stands’ age regularly available for cutting each year during a 50-year schedule. The
methodological approach developed in this study proved that can be used to build forest productivity maps
which are crucial tools to support forest production regulation.
Comunicação da qual só está disponível o resumo.
The distribution patterns of trace elements are very useful for predicting mineral
deposits occurrence. Machine learning techniques were used for the computation of
adequate models in trace elements’ prediction.
The main subject of this research is the definition of an adequate model to predict the
amounts of Sn and W in the abandoned mine area of Lardosa (Central Portugal). Stream
sediment samples (333) were collected within the study area and their geochemical
composition - As, B, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, P, Sn, U, V, W, Y, and Zn - used as
input attributes. Different machine learning techniques were tested: Decision Trees
(CART), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Support Vector Machines (SVM).
For regression and clustering, CART, MLP approaches were tested and for the
classification, problem SVM was used. These algorithms used six different inputs – N1
to N6 – aiming to pick out the best-performing model.The results show that CART is the optimized predictor for Sn and W. Concerning the
regression approach, correlation coefficients of 0.67 for Sn (with Input N1) and 0.70 for
W (with Input N3) were obtained. Regarding the classification problem, an error rate of
0.10 was reached for both Sn (Input N1) and W (Input N2).
The classification process is the best methodology to predict Sn and W, using as
input the trace element concentrations in the collected stream sediment samples,
Lardosa area, Portugal.
Thermal mineral waters are a potential resource in the local and economic development of a region. The thermal area of Termas das Águas is in the inner region of central Portugal and its grant will enable the exploration and exploitation of this water resource for medical and therapeutic purposes through a thermal medical SPA. In Portugal, the classification and legalization of a thermal unit must provide a natural mineral water resource, recognized by Portuguese Energy and Geology General Directorate and integrated in a concession granted by the Portuguese Government. For this purpose, it will be necessary to have available mineral water, with physico-chemical and microbiological, temporal stability, ensuring water’s high quality. The purpose of a certified mineral water includes a detailed geomorphological, geological and hydrogeological characterization of the survey area, as well as the water's
compositional temporal stability. Only after the recognition conferred by the national agency as a natural mineral water, it is possible to start a medical-hydrological study, for this resource. This process follows an experimental period of 3 years, during which it is implemented the different and specific balneotherapy techniques associated with the therapeutic features of the mineral water. A final report, to be submitted to Portuguese General Directorate for Health, will gather the main results and conclusions, regarding the benefits of this natural resource on human health, and allow its inclusion as an official medical thermal SPA in the Portuguese Normative Decrees.
The main subject of this research is the geological and hydrogeological characterization of Termas das Águas aquifer, as well as the mineral water quality study (AM4 – well). The main topics for the medical hydrological study, mainly related to rheumatic and respiratory diseases, are also presented to the medical SPA of Termas das Águas.
Surface water is exposed to contaminants which change the natural hydrological parameters and consequent
contaminant dispersion. Water self-depuration is an ecological process aiming to restore the natural watercourse balance, which depends on the quality and quantity of topical and diffuse contributions. The main goal of this research is the evaluation of surface water quality in the Águeda River (Portugal-Spain transboundary watershed) and its self-depuration ability considering different predicted scenarios. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen (DO), dry residue, Ptotal, Ntotal, pH, temperature and microbiological parameters were analyzed, in thirty-six surface water samples. Simulation of different quality scenarios was undertaken using Qual2Kw software and the river's self-depuration ability discussed. The obtained model's calibration achieved a score of 95% confidence interval, for almost analyzed parameters. The calibrated model was used for two prediction scenario construction. The first one, intending to assess the influence of topical contaminated discharge and the second one, aiming to evaluate the influence of minimum flow rates, representing an extremely dry year. The two considered scenarios revealed that self-depuration capacity is more affected by the presence of minimum flow rates than topical discharges, attesting a large potential for self-depuration along the Águeda River.
Pollution from mining activities is a significant problem in various regions of the Republic of Macedonia. A geochemical survey of the surface deposits of Lake Kalimanci in the easterly region of the Republic of Macedonia was carried out before (2001) and later (2007) the dam failure and thus allowing the measurement of the tailings’ material from Sasa Pb-Zn Mine-Osogovo Mountains (Eastern Macedonia). The concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE): Ag, Au, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb, Th, S, U and Zn were obtained by ICP Mass Spectrometry (ACME Laboratories in Vancouver, Canada). Data analysis, through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), was performed in order reduce the space of analyses by the construction of synthesis variables (Principal Factors). Geostatistical modeling was used, throughout conventional variography and the Sequential Gaussian Simulation algorithm (SGS), to model the new factors' spatial distribution. A hundred simulations, differing in their initial random-number seed, were performed and a Mean Image (MI) obtained. Spatial uncertainty evaluation (simulation’s Standard Deviation) allowed the definition of future monitoring and sampling strategies as well as the measurement of remediation possibilities.
The abandoned Alto da Várzea radium mine exploited quartz veins containing ore minerals and U-bearing minerals, such as autunite and torbernite. The area is located on a Variscan two-mica granite that intruded the schist–greywacke complex. The mine was exploited underground from 1911-22 and was closed down in 1946. This mine was not restored and actually a commercial area is deployed.A total of ten surface water and groundwater samples were collected in the study area between 2008/09. Most water samples have pH values ranging from 4.3 to 6.8 and are poorly mineralized (EC=41-186 μ S/cm; TDS=33-172 mg/L). However, the waters are contaminated with NO2-, Mn, Cu, As and U and must not be used for human consumption and some of them in agricultural activities. The water contamination is mainly associated with the old radium mine and human activities developed in the area.
Neste trabalho são propostos os padrões de distribuição espacial para contaminantes em águas subterrâneas – Urânio e Arsénio, na bacia transfronteiriça do rio Águeda. Os mapas obtidos permitem avaliar o risco ambiental associado às atividades antrópicas desenvolvidas na área em estudo, constituindo as atividades mineiras um importante fator de risco ambiental. Pretende-se, ainda, contribuir para uma melhoria na gestão dos sistemas de águas e possibilitar a futura definição de políticas de atuação conjunta, em casos transfronteiriços, tal como é apresentado neste trabalho.
Uranium and thorium are toxic in different environments. The exploitation of uranium
mines and associated mine drainage leaching towards streams, sediments, and soils cause relevant
pollution. The U-mine areas present high concentrations of potentially toxic elements with several
consequences to ecosystems and human health. Physicochemical and potentially toxic elements of
mine dumps, stream sediments, and soils from the Canto Lagar uranium mine area (Central Portugal)
were analyzed. Stream sediments, soils, and mine dumps show a large range in the concentration
values of Fe, U, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Th, suggesting geological and mine contributions. Most of the
selected potential toxic elements from sediments present a low to moderate contamination degree,
except for As, W, and U, which vary between high and very high contamination index. The soils must
not be used in agricultural or residential activities due to contamination in As and U. This abandoned
mine represents an environmental risk due to the spatial mobility and dispersion of potentially toxic
elements from the dumps to the sediments and soils, as well as by surface runoff and wind.
A column experiment at a laboratory level was carried out to assess the effect of the
application of nanotechnology in the decontamination of soils and alluvial deposits with high levels
of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). A suspension of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) was
injected at three different concentrations in selected samples (two sediments, one soil). For most of the
elements, the retention by nZVI was proportional to the concentration of the suspension and the trend
was similar. Metals were immobilized by adsorption on the surface layer of the nanoparticles and/or
by complexation, co-precipitation, and chemical reduction. By day 60 following injection, the nZVI
lost reactivity and the retained species were desorbed and back into the soluble phase. The definition
of spatial patterns for PTEs’ distribution allowed for the construction of contamination risk maps
using a geostatistical simulation approach. The analysis obtained from the extractable contents of five
target elements (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, As) was cross-checked with the estimated map network to assess
their retention efficiency. Data from the analysis of these elements, in the extractable phase and in the
porewater of the sediments/soils, indicate the nZVI injection as a suitable technique for reducing the
risk level of PTEs in contaminated Fe-rich tropical environments.
Groundwater vulnerability assessment has become a useful tool for groundwater
pollution prevention. Groundwater vulnerability maps provide useful data for protecting
groundwater resources. Identification of agricultural patterns is an important issue for optimized
land management. The watershed of the Tagus River is the backbone of this study. Naturtejo
UNESCO Global Geopark, in the central interior of Portugal, corresponds to a rural area. Intensive
agricultural practices showed an increasing trend in the last decades. The method that is most used
internationally to assess vulnerability is the DRASTIC index. In this study, the DRASTICAI index
is introduced. A new attribute—anthropogenic influence—is added here. Five levels of increasing
vulnerability, from low to high, can be recognized here. The municipality of Idanha-a-Nova is most
affected by intensive agricultural activities, showing spatial patterns of DRASTICAI with a clear
influence of anthropogenic activities, with high needs for groundwater abstraction. A robust
assessment of groundwater quality has a key role. Climate change scenarios and water scarcity are
important issues in the coming years, and particularly in the studied area. Therefore, optimized
groundwater management is essential to consider in policy-making strategies.
“This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. The final authenticated version is available online at:
Nowadays, groundwater vulnerability assessment has become a useful tool for groundwater contamination prevention. Groundwater vul-nerability maps provide useful data to protect groundwater resources and work as a tool for the improvement of changes in agricultural patterns and land use applications. The study area of this research survey is the Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark, located in central inland Portugal and corresponding to a mainly rural territory where intensive agricultural practices showed a rising tendency in the last decades. The most used method of vulnerability evaluation is the DRASTIC index. In this survey, a modified DRASTIC method, DRASTICAI, is introduced. A new attrib-ute designated as Anthropogenic Influence is introduced. Map algebra in a GIS environment allowed the computation of the two maps by overlaying the needed attributes. The Vila-Velha-de Rodão and Idanha-a-Nova mu-nicipalities show moderate to high vulnerability and, therefore, in need of monitoring, since intensive agricultural practices are the main economic activity. The algebraic subtraction of DRASTIC and DRASTICAI maps revealed a considerable increase in the risk of contamination, over the sur-veyed area, namely in Idanha-a-Nova where it is observed risk increase up to 45 points, changing from moderately vulnerable to highly vulnerable and, therefore, stressing the importance of anthropogenic activities.
Research Highlights: Modelling species’ distribution and productivity is key to support integrated landscape planning, species’ afforestation, and sustainable forest management. Background and Objectives: Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) forests in Portugal were lately affected by wildfires and measures to overcome this situation are needed. The aims of this study were: (1) to model species’ spatial distribution and productivity using a machine learning (ML) regression approach to produce current species’ distribution and productivity maps; (2) to model the species’ spatial productivity using a stochastic sequential simulation approach to produce the species’ current productivity map; (3) to produce the species’ potential distribution map, by using a ML classification approach to define species’ ecological envelope thresholds; and (4) to identify present and future key factors for the species’ afforestation and management. Materials and Methods: Spatial land cover/land use data, inventory, and environmental data (climate, topography, and soil) were used in a coupled ML regression and stochastic sequential simulation approaches to model species’ current and potential distributions and productivity. Results: Maritime pine spatial distribution modelling by the ML approach provided 69% fitting efficiency, while species productivity modelling achieved only 43%. The species’ potential area covered 60% of the country’s area, where 78% of the species’ forest inventory plots (1995) were found. The change in the Maritime pine stands’ age structure observed in the last decades is causing the species’ recovery by natural regeneration to be at risk.
Conclusions: The maps produced allow for best site identification for species afforestation, wood production regulation support, landscape planning considering species’ diversity, and fire hazard mitigation. These maps were obtained by modelling using environmental covariates, such as climate attributes, so their projection in future climate change scenarios can be performed.
In areas contaminated by potentially toxic elements (PTEs), knowledge of processes of
metal mobilisation is the basis for the choice of appropriate remediation methodologies. The
mobilisation of metals is a function of several factors, and the response to these factors must be well
known during the planning of remediation strategies. The activity of an ore metallurgical plant in
South‐East Brazil resulted in major contamination by several heavy metals. Reversing the
contamination’s negative impact required geochemical assessment of the area, including the
physicochemical characterisation, quantification, and delimitation of PTEs, and the rating of the
solubilisation/mobilisation capacity of these elements. The definition of spatial patterns for PTEs’
distribution allowed the construction of contamination risk maps which work as a tool for the
mitigation and control of the contamination plume. The chemical analysis of interstitial water and
selective and sequential extraction methodologies showed that elements that occur in the
environment in critical concentrations (Zn, Cd, Pb, As) are mostly associated with easily mobilised
forms (soluble, exchangeable cations, associated with Mn oxides). Given the great mobility of the
contamination plume, any process of removal of contaminated material becomes unfeasible, thus
the strategy of remediation for the stream and associated alluvial deposits must be based on
methods of in situ decontamination.
For sustainable development in the building sector, it is important to integrate environmentally sustainable solutions. This solution aims at sustainable development in the construction industry where the integration of environmentally sustainable solutions is compulsory. The use of waste contributes to the reduction of landfills with the consequent availability of suitable areas for reafforestation and the production of raw materials. The present project is at Technologic Readiness level (TRL) 7 and Business Readiness Level (BRL) 4. It is anticipated that TRL 9 will be achieved within one year – and within two years to BRL 7.
In the current world food crisis, the need to preserve healthy and fertile soils is one of the needs of today's societies and a key point for the EU Green Deal in what is the Road map for the sustainability of the European Union. Promoting resource use efficiency through the adoption of a circular and clean economy in climate change scenarios, reversing biodiversity losses, and controlling pollution, in soils, water, and the atmosphere, are critical for the future of our planet.
Beekeeping offers a great development potential, as a source of food, as a nutritional complement and
also as raw material provider to several activities. Moreover, biodiversity improvement conservation,
incentive for retention of natural habitats and an ideal activity for forest conservation programmes are
important factors associated with this activity.
Honey is a natural sweet product that is produced in almost all Portuguese Regions. Honeys from
certain areas are preferred mainly because of their sensory characteristics, which are related to their
floral origin. The pollen and nectar variability influences the honey flavour and determines its
commercial quality.
The aims of this work are: geographical identification of existing apiaries in the central region of
Portugal; identification and quantification of floral sources; characterization of honey (sensory and
physico-chemical); construction of thematic maps supporting the new hives installation, predicting
the honey characteristics.
This methodology has been applied in a Portuguese studied area (Vila Velha de Ródão). A first
identification of the apiaries allowed the establishment of the potential zones to future beekeepers
installation (Lidónio et al., 2009) (Figure 1). In order to complete the previous information, it is in
progress the identification and quantification of species for apiculture interest as well as the honey
physical and chemical characterization.
Potential apiculture development characterization has been mapped using the following attributes:
surrounding area for 200 vegetation units (Forestry zones, agricultural zones and bush zones); slopes
warm temperate (warm and very hot); the surrounding area, about 200m, around the water lines and
water points; surrounding feeding apiary area (50m diameter); urban admissible legal boundary (100
m diameter for each apiary). It was also considered, the shading maps because of its importance on
hive production and bee behaviour. Shading values considered favourable are between 0 and 127. A
methodological procedure was developed, aiming the potential beekeeping map construction.
Identification of favourable areas, for future beekeepers apiaries installation, will be possible in result
of this study.
In many Portuguese regions some beekeepers transport their hives, according to the floral sources
development in order to reach regions where the production of some species is higher, allowing the
improvement of some crop pollinization, for a specific month. Vila Velha de Rodão area, about
10885ha, presents excellent conditions for proper development of beekeeping.
It is well documented that the pollen quality and variability, influences the honey flavour and quality
(Anjos et al., 2009). The studied region is limited by the major watercourses and their respective
valleys and steep slopes. Predominantly those uncultivated land, presents high biodiversity with high
beekeeping potential. Some of the most important species present in this region are, Lavandula
pedunculata (Miller) Cav., Cistus ladanifer L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Erica umbellata L., Erica
13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2010 Page 2 of 3
Guimarães, Portugal
australis L., Erica lusitanica, Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss., Echium
plantagineum L., Genista triacanthos Brot., Quercus rotundifolia Lam, Quercus pyrenaica Willd.,
Cytisus multiflorus (L'Hér.) Sweet and Cytisus striatus (Hill) Rothm, Arbutus unedo L., Eucalyptus
globulus Labill. and Juniperus oxycedrus L. (Almeida, 2004; Carvalhinho, 2004; Monteiro, 2003).
In future works, iso-quality mapping, for beekeeping potential characterization, will be concluded,
for central Portugal. This will allow the beekeepers installation optimization and support a honey
production sustainable management.
O impacte de descargas de ETAR, na qualidade da água, deve ser monitorizado e controlado. Este trabalho centra-se no rio Ocreza, apresentando um exemplo do impacte devido às descargas de uma ETAR num dos seus afluentes. As amostras foram colhidas entre a descarga da ETAR e a sua confluência com o rio Ocreza. As amostras, aproximadamente equidistantes, foram localizadas e georreferenciadas a jusante de contribuições secundárias. Três campanhas foram realizadas durante o ano hidrológico de 2010: inverno chuvoso (janeiro), condições intermediárias (março) e verão seco (junho). Para todas as campanhas e os pontos amostrados, foi estimado o caudal e analisados os parâmetros químicos seguintes: carência bioquímica de oxigénio aos cinco dias (CBO5), oxigénio dissolvido (OD), resíduo seco, Ptotal, Ntotal, pH, temperatura e parâmetros microbiológicos. Um modelo de dispersão hidrodinâmico foi usado para simular a poluição no rio Ocreza, devido à descarga de efluentes. O software QUAL2kw (Pelletier et al, 2006) foi usado para construir um modelo de qualidade da água. Os resultados das simulações são consistentes com as observações de campo e demonstram que o modelo foi calibrado corretamente, permitindo, deste modo, estudos de viabilidade de diferentes esquemas de tratamento e desenvolvimento de actividades de monitorização específicas.
O estudo de caracterização do impacte ambiental, provocado pelas descargas das ETARs, foi direccionado aos afluentes: Ribeira da Líria, ribeira da Freixada e rio Ramalhoso.
O presente documento reúne os contributos de todos os autores que
apresentaram as suas comunicações na III Conferência do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco sobre o Livre Acesso ao Conhecimento Científico e que consentiram em partilhar
as suas ideias e o seu conhecimento, disponibilizando-os em Livre
Teledetección e fotointerpretación para el estudio de la evolución de la cuenca del rio Águeda.
Cohesión cartográfica en proyectos transfronterizos. El proyecto Agueda.
Segundo os dados do último Inventário Florestal Nacional (IFN6 – 2010), a floresta
representa 35% da ocupação do solo de Portugal Continental. O eucalipto é a principal
ocupação florestal do Continente seguindo-se o sobreiro e o pinheiro bravo. A área total
de pinheiro bravo tem vindo a diminuir por contraste ao aumento da área de eucalipto,
uma espécie exótica. A ocorrência dos incêndios florestais tem tido uma influência
muito importante na dinâmica anterior. Daí a análise dos padrões da paisagem e dos
vetores de mudança serem essenciais para efeitos da conservação/promoção da
biodiversidade e da mitigação do perigo de incêndio os quais devem ser incorporados
nos programas de gestão florestal.
Os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) têm vindo a ser extensivamente usados
em Silvicultura para apoiar a gestão florestal, quer ao nível do inventário e
monitorização de recursos mas também na análise, modelação e simulação para o apoio
à tomada de decisão. Visto que os SIG têm a possibilidade de incorporar a componente
espacial no planeamento do uso do solo e nos modelos de simulação, o
desenvolvimento de ligações entre os modelos florestais e o SIG proporciona aos
gestores florestais uma maior flexibilidade na determinação da produtividade das
espécies e das suas exigências, e permite aos decisores políticos uma oportunidade
acrescida para avaliar os efeitos de critérios de gestão alternativos da floresta.
Pretende-se com este trabalho apresentar dois estudos de caso de aplicações SIG
desenvolvidas respetivamente, no âmbito dos cursos de mestrado em SIG e em
Tecnologias da Sustentabilidade dos Sistemas Florestais do IPCB, cujos resultados
constituem elementos de suporte fundamentais para a gestão sustentável dos espaços
florestais. Assim, apresentam-se as cartas de aptidão para quatro espécies e a carta de
potencialidade produtiva para o pinheiro bravo desenvolvidas em ambiente SIG para
uma área de estudo dominantemente ocupada por florestas e de elevado perigo de
A cartografia de aptidão das espécies recomendadas para a área de estudo em
conjugação com a cartografia da potencialidade produtiva do pinheiro bravo permite
suportar a planificação do uso do solo segundo as funções identificadas nos Planos
Regionais de Ordenamento Florestal: produção; proteção; conservação dos habitats, de
espécies de fauna e da flora e de geomonumentos; silvopastorícia, caça e pesca em águas interiores; e recreio, enquadramento e estética paisagem. Nas áreas com função
produção permitirá implementar um plano de gestão florestal sustentável por forma a
aumentar a produtividade da floresta de pinheiro bravo.
Em projetos futuros pretende-se desenvolver aplicações SIG para a simulação ou o
processamento de modelos, sabendo porém que esta é uma das áreas mais desafiadoras
em SIG. Perspetiva-se porém, que se venham a observar futuros desenvolvimentos nesta
área à medida que a investigação e as ferramentas para apoiar este tipo de aplicação se
tornem mais frequentes.
Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el balance hídrico de una masa de agua subterránea de naturaleza kárstica de la cuenca sedimentaria del Duero, centro oeste de España. Los datos obtenidos para la realización del balance han sido introducidos en una herramienta de simulación con el fin de conocer la evolución temporal de los recursos hídricos a lo largo del año hidrológico. Para ello se ha sido necesario recurrir a la utilización de técnicas geostadísticas y el programa Visual Modflow. La masa de agua de los Montes Torozos se trata de un acuífero kárstico libre y colgado de origen sedimentario, y su balance está determinado por las precipitaciones y por el drenaje.
Este artigo deriva de uma comunicação apresentada em International workshop “Uranium, Environment and Public Health”
Só está disponível o resumo.
Resumo alargado da comunicação oral apresentada na 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development.
Ischnura graellsii (Insecta: Odonata) a water pollution biovulnerability indicator-probability mapping using spatial uncertainty.
Geostatistics tailored to address nitrates spatial uncertainty in groundwater (Douro Watershed, Spain).
É consensual que a escolha dos usos mais adequados às aptidões edafo-climáticas, complementada com critérios socioeconómicos, promove uma utilização sustentável dos espaços rurais. Existem, no entanto, diferentes metodologias utilizadas para a definição da capacidade e potencialidade do solo para a implementação de usos agroflorestais ou para a manutenção de ecossistemas naturais e seminaturais, nomeadamente culturas agrícolas, povoamentos florestais, territórios agro-silvo-pastoris e áreas prioritárias para a conservação da natureza. Muitas dessas metodologias recorrem a sistemas de apoio à decisão, baseados na análise espacial multicritério. Neste estudo pretendeu-se determinar os diferentes níveis de aptidão para as espécies florestais mais representativas da região centro de Portugal. Para o efeito recorreu-se a um conjunto de variáveis climáticas, edáficas e topográficas, tendo como base um modelo digital do terreno, cartografia de solos e cartografia fitossociológica e biogeográfica. Paralelamente, foram recolhidos dados das normais climatológicas de várias estações meteorológicas para o cálculo de índices bioclimáticos. Foi, ainda, utilizada uma abordagem estocástica, na estimativa dos valores dos índices bioclimáticos ensaiados, e discutidos os resultados no contexto da incerteza espacial associada. Por fim, a avaliação da aptidão das espécies florestais consideradas foi efetuada com recurso ao método de análise espacial multicritério Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) metodologia que permite a exploração da aptidão natural do território, contribuindo para uma reflexão sobre a adequação das ocupações atuais e futuras face à capacidade de carga do meio. Do ponto de vista instrumental, a exploração da metodologia pode assumir um interesse como auxiliar para os agentes da administração pública com funções na área do planeamento e gestão do território.
The management of water resources is a priority for development of the places and welfare of people that supply, especially in
water bodies most affected by anthropic pressures. Moreover, the increasing of sudden and extreme climatic phenomena
appearance urges to resource planning in specific situations. In this research, the evolution of the piezometric surface has been
simulated as the basis of a flow model draft, in the karstic aquifer of Cuellar Moor, located in the Douro watershed, all along the
hydrologic years between 2010 and 2012. The use of geostatistical tools has been the starting point for estimating the piezometric
surfaces, based on the median values. From the point of view of planning two scenarios showing extreme situations have been
simulated: one of them synthesizes the most favorable conditions, in which piezometric level is at the recorded highest median
levels (wet scenario); and the other one synthesizes the toughest conditions with the lowest recorded median piezometric levels
(dry scenario). It likewise shows the estimated nitrate concentrations surface.
The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) displays potential to be successfully businesslike-cultured in several areas of Portugal and southern Europe, but remains largely a neglected crop. This region is also particularly vulnerable to global warming, reduction of precipitations and a long-term negative effect on vegetation.
To investigate interactions between the species’ distribution and ecological factors we used 319 plots (1km grid level), where the species are present in Portugal, characterized with 8 ecological attributes: ombrothermic Index (OI), thermicity Index (TI) and continentality Index (CI), pH, organic matter (OM), sand, topographic position index (TPI), number of fires (NF) and burned area (BA). The obtained matrix was firstly analyzed through PCA to reduce the space of analysis by a construction of synthesis variables (Spearman’s rank correlation matrix) and thus to detect patterns within the data set and possible collinear covariates.
Finally, the vulnerability of strawberry tree to the effects of global climate change was examined. For that purpose, two ‘representative concentration pathways’ (RCPs) scenarios were predicted (RCP 2.6 and RCP 6.0) using climatic data, extracted from WorldClim, for distribution changes characterization in two periods (2050 and 2070). The MaxEnt allowed spatial Interpolation using the 319 1K plots. The PCA showed that the climatic attributes (OI, and TI) displayed the highest components’ correlation values. The strawberry tree prefers areas with higher TI and lower acidity values within the mesomediterranean and termomediterranean belts. Additionally, with lower correlation values, the presence of the species is explained by lower OI values, OM, BA and NF. The prediction results revealed reduction of the potential area of the species, providing a key tool to support conservation management decisions, to design regions of provenance, and to manage genetic improvement programs.
Industrial and agricultural activities heavily constrain soil quality. Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) are a threat to public health and the environment alike. In this regard, the identification of areas that require remediation is crucial. In the herein research a geochemical dataset (230 samples) comprising 14 elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Mn, Fe, As, Cd, V, Cr, Ti, Al and S) was gathered throughout eight different zones distinguished by their main activity, namely, recreational, agriculture/livestock and heavy industry in the Avilés Estuary (North of Spain). Then a stratified systematic sampling method was used at short, medium, and long distances from each zone to obtain a representative picture of the total variability of the selected attributes. The information was then combined in four risk classes (Low, Moderate, High, Remediation) following reference values from several sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). A Bayesian analysis, inferred for each zone, allowed the characterization of PTEs correlations, the unsupervised learning network technique proving to be the best fit. Based on the Bayesian network structure obtained, Pb, As and Mn were selected as key contamination parameters. For these 3 elements, the conditional probability obtained was allocated to each observed point, and a simple, direct index (Bayesian Risk Index-BRI) was constructed as a linear rating of the pre-defined risk classes weighted by the previously obtained probability. Finally, the BRI underwent geostatistical modeling. One hundred Sequential Gaussian Simulations (SGS) were computed. The Mean Image and the Standard Deviation maps were obtained, allowing the definition of High/Low risk clusters (Local G clustering) and the computation of spatial uncertainty. High-risk clusters are mainly distributed within the area with the highest altitude (agriculture/livestock) showing an associated low spatial uncertainty, clearly indicating the need for remediation. Atmospheric emissions, mainly derived from the metallurgical industry, contribute to soil contamination by PTEs.
It is generally agreed that the choice of the most suitable uses based in soil and climatic factors, complemented with socio-economic criteria, promotes sustainable use of rural land. There are, however, different methodologies for defining soil suitability to agroforestal systems or natural and seminatural ecosystems, including agricultural uses, forest plantations, agroforestry areas and priority areas for conservation. Many of these methods rely on decision support systems based on multicriteria spatial analysis. In this study it was intended to determine the different levels of suitability for the most representative forest species in the central region of Portugal. For that purpose a set of climatic, soil and topographic variables based in a geographic information system, soil and biogeographic mapping were used. A stochastic approach was undertaken in order to estimate several bioclimatic indices and the associated spatial uncertainty. Results were duly discussed and addressed in this framework. In the end, forest species suitability evaluation was performed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), methodology that allows the exploitation of natural fitness of the territory, contributing to a reflection on the adequacy of current and future occupations face the carrying capacity of the environment. The use of this methodology will be important as a supporting tool to public administration agents that work in forestry planning and management.
Portugal é um país com forte vocação florestal, sendo que a floresta tem um papel primordial quer do ponto de vista social quer económico. Dada a sua importância é necessário uma gestão sustentável da mesma através de administração e uso a um ritmo que mantenham a sua biodiversidade, produtividade, capacidade de regeneração, vitalidade e potencialidades para satisfazer funções ecológicas, económicas e sociais relevantes, a um nível local e nacional, sem prejuízo de outros ecossistemas. As principais tendências de mudança da ocupação do solo em Portugal continental nas últimas duas décadas resultam da ação dos incêndios florestais e ainda do crescente abandono de territórios agrícolas. Pretende-se apresentar o trabalho de investigação que tem sido desenvolvido na ESA-IPCB com o intuito de propor novos modelos de gestão dos territórios de matriz florestal, introduzindo uma maior diversidade estrutural na paisagem através da promoção de mosaicos de espécies, nomeadamente reconvertendo áreas para povoamentos mistos de resinosas e folhosas. Para o efeito, o ordenamento dos espaços de vocação florestal deve se basear numa perspetiva de multifuncionalidade que integre diferentes funções, designadamente funções de produção, de proteção, de conservação e de recreio, permitindo a definição de modelos de silvicultura sustentáveis para cada unidade espacial face à sua aptidão dominante. Estas metodologias baseadas na análise multicritério permitem produzir cartografia de suporte à decisão no planeamento integrado da paisagem, quer no âmbito dos planos de ordenamento florestal, quer à escala dos planos de gestão florestal.
When considering complex scenarios involving several attributes, such as in environmental characterization, a
clearer picture of reality can be achieved through the dimensional reduction of data.
In this context, maps facilitate the visualization of spatial patterns of contaminant distribution and the identification
of enriched areas. A set, of 15 Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) – (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg,Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,
Tl, V, and Zn), was measured in soil, collected in Langreo's municipality (80 km2), Spain.
Relative enrichment (RE) is introduced here to refer to the proportion of elements present in a given context. Indeed,
a novel approach is provided for research into PTE fate. This method involves studying the variability of PTE
proportions throughout the study area, thereby allowing the identification of dissemination trends.
Traditional geostatistical approaches commonly use raw data (concentrations) accepting that the elements analyzedmake
up the entirety of the soil. However, in geochemical studies the analyzed elements are just a fraction
of the total soil composition. Therefore, considering compositional data is pivotal. The spatial characterization of
PTEs considering raw and compositional data together allowed a broad discussion about, not only the PTEs
concentration's distribution but also to reckon possible trends of relative enrichment (RE).
Transformations to open closed data are widely used for this purpose. Spatial patterns have an indubitable interest.
In this study, the Centered Log-ratio transformation (clr) was used, followed by its back-transformation, to
build a set of compositional data that, combined with raw data, allowed to establish the sources of the PTEs
and trends of spatial dissemination.
O medronheiro (Arbutus unedo L.) tem potencial para ser uma cultura de sucesso comercial em várias regiões de Portugal, onde está bem-adaptado ao clima e solos. A espécie tem sido usada pelas populações locais para consumo do fruto em fresco ou processado, sobretudo como aguardente, no entanto continua a ser uma espécie largamente negligenciada, ainda que tenha muitos usos comerciais possíveis, desde a produção do fruto em fresco ou processado, a uso ornamental, farmacêutico, ou aplicações dos produtos bioativos. Além disso, devido ao seu estatuto pioneiro, é útil na recuperação dos solos, evitando a desertificação e tem, também, resistência ao fogo.
A construção de um modelo ecológico para o medronho, foi obtida através de uma abordagem Baiesiana. Na investigação em curso, foi utilizada uma grelha de 1 Km2 ao longo de todo o território português (90425 parcelas), para o conjunto dos 10 atributos utilizados: sete variáveis bioclimáticas para a representação de uma "distância climática" - Bio1; Bio2; Bio5; Bio 9; Bio 15; Temperatura Máxima e Temperatura Mínima (WorldClim 1.4, 2017) e três variáveis geográficas - Altitude; Declive e Uso do Solo - para capturar uma "distância geográfica". Finalmente, a presença/ausência da espécie foi a variável objetivo.
Foram usados quatro cenários: 1. Série de controle (1960-1990), visando a modelação das condições atuais; 2. Três diferentes cenários de efeito de estufa: Holocénico Médio (há 6000 anos); 2050 e 2070, utilizando o cenário de concentração de CO2 mais pessimista (RCP 8,5).
As redes Baiesianas são Grafos Acíclicos Direcionados (GAD) onde os nós e os arcos tipificam as relações de causa e efeito entre variáveis em estudo. A estrutura topológica de um modelo Baiesiano reflete a dependência das variáveis e descreve a distribuição de probabilidade de certos acontecimentos, ocorrendo a condições específicas. As informações obtidas neste estudo serão utilizadas para a elaboração de regiões de proveniência, para melhoramento genético e conservação da espécie.
The impact of mining activities on the environment is vast. In this regard, many mines were operating well before the introduction of environmental law. This is particularly true of cinnabar mines, whose activity has declined for decades due to growing public concern regarding Hg high toxicity. Here we present the exemplary case study of an abandoned Hg mine located in the Somiedo Natural Reserve (Spain). Until its closure in the 1970s, this mine operated under no environmental regulations, its tailings dumped in two spoil heaps, one of them located uphill and the other in the surroundings of the village of Caunedo. This study attempts to outline the degree to which soil and other environmental compartments have been affected by the two heaps. To this end, we used a novel combination of multivariate statistical, geostatistical and machine-learning The techniques used included principal component and clustering analysis, Bayesian networks, indicator kriging, and sequential Gaussian simulations. Our results revealed high concentrations of Hg and, secondarily, As in soil but not in water or sediments. The innovative methodology abovementioned allowed us to identify natural and anthropogenic associations between 25 elements and to conclude that soil pollution was attributable mainly to natural weathering of the uphill heap. Moreover, the probability of surpassing the threshold limits and the local backgrounds was found to 31 be high in a large extension of the area. The methodology used herein demonstrated to be effective for addressing complex pollution scenarios and therefore they are applicable to similar cases.
Monitoring changes of anthropogenic impacts from a broad scope of species in biodiversity research require practical, easy-to-use and efficient assessment as well as monitoring methods. Odonates (Insecta: Odonata) are a valuable tool for assessing freshwater systems’ quality and have been used as bioindicators of environmental variety. The Águeda watershed, located in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula, shows an exponential increase in the last 60 years of natural resource exploitation coupled with alterations in consumer habits, causing significant environmental changes and deferred direct effects on the natural habitats.
Fourteen river sites, selected a priori, were sampled. Adult odonates were collected using standardized methods. Selected environmental variables and water quality parameters were evaluated in situ. Precipitation and altitude were the most important physical, environmental variables in explaining the assemblage structure. Meaningful abiotic–biotic as well as biotic–biotic relationships were set up. Furthermore, situations in the
urbanized watershed area showed to be highly impacted and closely related with damselfly Ischnura graellsii, which should be targeted as a possible vulnerability indicator for polluted fresh waters.
A probability map for Ischnura graellsii distribution was performed using indicator kriging with external drift and spatial uncertainty obtain through the calculation of two categorical maps (binary), corresponding to the mean (0.485) and the trimmed mean by discharging the 10% lower distribution tail (0.533). The subsequent overlapping of both categorical maps (binary) allowed the definition of the higher spatial uncertainty map for surface water contamination.
There are various methodologies for defining soil uses to promote sustainable utilization of rural land. Many of these methods rely on decision support systems based on multicriteria spatial analysis. In this study, a two-step spatial approach was performed to produce forest species suitability maps. The objectives of the study were: (1) to produce bioclimatic indices maps using a geostatistical approach based on climate data; (2) to produce biogeophysical suitability maps for the main Portuguese forest species by multicriteria spatial analysis using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) integrating three factors (terrain slope, soil diagnostic features and bioclimatic indices); and (3) to conduct a comparative analysis of the current forest species area distributions to these species biogeophysical suitability areas. With these objectives, the Centro region of Portugal was used as the study area. Our methodological approach allowed us to assess the biogeophysical suitability of Maritime pine, Eucalyptus, Cork oak and Holm oak in the Centro region of Portugal. The findings in this study emphasize the potential that the Centro region of Portugal has for expanding the spread of native oaks as recommended by the National Strategy for Forests to respond to climate changes, improve landscape biodiversity and mitigate fire hazards. The species biogeophysical suitability maps may be important tools for decision support in landscape planning to define species’ priority afforestation areas. From an instrumental point of view, the use of this methodology may interest stakeholders and others with roles in planning and land management. Further investigation is needed to integrate the impact of climate change in forest species spatial modeling to assist in supporting future national strategies for forests.
The impact of mining activities on the environment is vast. In this regard, many mines were operating well before the introduction of environmental law. This is particularly true of cinnabar mines, whose activity has declined for decades due to growing public concern regarding Hg high toxicity. Here we present the exemplary case study of an abandoned Hg mine located in the Somiedo Natural Reserve (Spain). Until its closure in the 1970s, this mine operated under no environmental regulations, its tailings dumped in two spoil heaps, one of them located uphill and the other in the surroundings of the village of Caunedo. This study attempts to outline the degree to which soil and other environmental compartments have been affected by the two heaps. To this end, we used a novel combination of multivariate statistical, geostatistical and machine-learning methodologies. The techniques used included principal component and clustering analysis, Bayesian networks, indicator kriging, and sequential Gaussian simulations. Our results revealed high concentrations of Hg and, secondarily, As in soil but not in water or sediments. The innovative methodology abovementioned allowed us to identify natural and anthropogenic associations between 25 elements and to conclude that soil pollution was attributable mainly to natural weathering of the uphill heap. Moreover, the probability of surpassing the threshold limits and the local backgrounds was found to be high in a large extension of the area. The methodology used herein demonstrated to be effective for addressing complex pollution scenarios and therefore they are applicable to similar cases.
In the abandoned Mortórios uranium mine area there are quartz veins containing wolframite and sulphides and basic rock dykes with torbernite and autunite cutting a porphyritic granite. The basic rock dykes were exploited and produced about 27 t of U3O8, from 1982 to 1988. There are an open pit lake and nine dumps. Surface water and groundwater are contaminated in U, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb. Stream sediments are contaminated in U, As, Th and W, which are adsorbed by smectite, kaolinite and iron- and aluminium- oxy-hydroxides. The maximum U concentrations are of 1268 μg/L in the open pit lake, 100 μg/L in surface water, 103 μg/L in groundwater and 81.5 mg/kg in stream sediments all downstream of the open pit lake and dumps. Further downstream the U concentration in water decreases, due to the high mobility of U (VI), but the U concentration in stream sediments increases. Calcium uranyl carbonate dominates in the open pit lake, but uranyl carbonate complexes dominate in surface water and groundwater. The maximum As concentrations are 56.0 μg/L in the open pit lake, 63.4 μg/L in the surface water and 66.7 μg/L in the groundwater, both downstream of the open pit lake and dumps. The arsenic occurs as As (V). The Mortórios area is compared with two other areas exploited from open pits, all located in the uranium-bearing Beira area of central Portugal. Vale de Abrutiga produced 90 t of U3O8 between 1982 and 1989 and Mondego Sul produced 75 t of U3O8 from 1987 to 1991. The two mines consist of quartz veins containing sulphides, saleeite and meta-saleeite at Vale de Abrutiga and with sulphides, autunite, torbernite, meta-uranocircite and meta-saleeite at Mondego Sul cutting the Schist-graywacke Complex. The mine area of Vale de Abrutiga with the highest exploitation of U3O8 has strongly acidic to slight alkaline water, which is the most contaminated. Mortórios with the lowest exploitation presents a higher contamination of slightly acidic to alkaline water than that of acidic to alkaline water from Mondego Sul, but the former has As (V), whereas the latter has As (III), which is toxic. The stream sediments from Mortórios present the lowest contamination, except for Th that has a higher median value than that from Vale de Abrutiga. Stream sediments from Mondego Sul have higher U, Th, Pb and lower Co, Cr, Cu and Zn median values than those of Vale de Abrutiga.
Soil screening levels (SSLs) are reference threshold values required by
environmental laws, established based on soil geochemical background data from
often-extensive sampling areas. Such areas are often inappropriate for interpreting the
true risk of pollution in small areas, since they overlook local factors (e.g., geology,
industry, and traffic), which are unfeasible to encompass in large-scale samplings. To
solve this issue, the calculation of local SSLs is proposed herein, performed on amajor
scale closer to the area of interest. To exemplify this proposal, a soil sampling campaign
was performed in the Municipality of Langreo, one of the most industrialized
areas in the Principality of Asturias (northwestern Spain). Sampling allowed the measurement
of local soil screening levels for several inorganic contaminants. Afterwards,
a soil pollution index was calculated, referred to both regional and local thresholds,
to assess the degree of contamination. Both pollution indicators were subjected to a
methodology based on a Bayesian network analysis, followed by a stochastic sequential
Gaussian simulation approach. The methodologies used showed differences in
the identification of potentially polluted areas depending on the soil screening levels
(regional or local) used. It was concluded that, in urban/industrial cores, local
soil screening levels facilitate the identification of polluted areas and also reduce the
uncertainty associated with sampling density and diffuse contamination. Thus, the use of local levels circumvents false-positive areas that would be classified as polluted were
regional soil screening levels to be used.
A probabilistic Structural Equation Model (SEM) based on a Bayesian network construction is introduced to perform effective safety assessments for technicians and managers working on-site. Using novel AI software, the introduced methodology aims to show how to
deal with complex scenarios in blasting operations, where typologically different variables are involved. Sequential Bayesian networks, learned from the data, were developed while variables were grouped into different clusters, representing related risks. From each cluster, a latent variable is induced giving rise to a final Bayesian network where cause and effect relationships maximize the prediction of the accident type. This hierarchical structure allows to evaluate different operational strategies, as well as analyze using information theory the weight of the different risk groups. The results obtained unveil hidden patterns in the occurrence of accidents due to flyrock phenomena regarding the explosive employed or the work characteristics. The integration of latent class clustering in the process proves to be an effective safeguard to categorize the variable of interest outside of personal cognitive biases. Finally, the model design and the software applied to show a flexible workflow, where workers at different corporate levels can feel engaged to try their beliefs to design safety interventions.
Workers around the world spend nearly a quarter of their time at work Occupational health is gaining great importance due to the profound impact on people long term health. The health status of the primary sector workforce is a great unknown for medical geography where health maps and spatial patterns have not been able to explain years of changing disease rates. This article proposes a new approach based on a solid characterization of the health status, which is the target node of an information theory-based Bayesian network machine-learnt from 13,000 medical examinations undertook to rural workers in Spain between 2012 and 2016. From the main health risks identified, a supervised binary logistic regression is used to produce a classification of adverse medical conditions giving rise to not healthy workers. Finally, Area-to-Point Poisson kriging is computed to provide a spatial analysis representing the incidence rate and spatial patterns of the main adverse medical conditions over the Spanish territory. The study illustrates how to overcome the challenges of working with discrete occupational data. Conceptually, high cholesterol and high glucose can be pinpointed with accuracy as the two main health risks for the working population in the primary sector.
There are various methodologies for defining soil uses to promote sustainable utilization of rural land. Many of these methods rely on decision support systems based on multicriteria spatial analysis. In this study, a two-step spatial approach was performed to produce forest species suitability maps. The objectives of the study were: (1) to produce bioclimatic indices maps using a geostatistical approach based on climate data; (2) to produce biogeophysical suitability maps for the main Portuguese forest species by multicriteria spatial analysis using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) integrating three factors (terrain slope, soil diagnostic features and bioclimatic indices); and (3) to con- duct a comparative analysis of the current forest species area distributions to these species biogeophysical suitability areas. With these objectives, the Centro region of Portugal was used as the study area. Our methodological approach allowed us to assess the biogeophysical suitability of Maritime pine, Eucalyptus, Cork oak and Holm oak in the Centro region of Portugal. The findings in this study emphasize the potential that the Centro region of Portugal has for expanding the spread of native oaks as recommended by the National Strategy for Forests to respond to climate changes, improve landscape biodiversity and mitigate fire hazards. The species biogeophysical suitability maps may be important tools for decision support in landscape planning to define species priority afforestation areas. From an instrumental point of view, the use of this methodology may interest stakeholders and others with roles in planning and land management. Further investigation is needed to integrate the impact of climate change in forest species spatial modeling to assist in supporting future national strategies for forests.
The Picoto mining area is in the village of Vilar Seco (Viseu), central Portugal. Mineralization
occurs mainly in quartz veins with meta-torbernite and uranophane and some U-bearing
minerals, cutting a Variscan granite. Exploitation took place in two phases, between 1917 and 1953,
and since the closure, the area has never been remediated. Water–rock interaction processes, including
the mobility of potentially toxic elements through soil and water (surface and groundwater),
were identified with the determination in situ of physicochemical parameters and selected anions
and cations, by ICP-OES. The soils are contaminated with As (>44 mg/kg), Cu (>23 mg/kg), and U
(>40 mg/kg) and cannot be used for agricultural or domestic purposes. The waters are generally
weakly mineralized and have pH values ranging from acidic to neutral. However, some of them
are contaminated with NO2 (up to 2.3 mg/L), Fe (up to 1849 mg/L), Mn (up to 777 mg/L), Cu
(up to 5.4 g/L), As (up to 14.7 g/L), and U (up to 66.2 g/L) and cannot be used for human
consumption or agricultural activities. The soil and water contamination are mainly related to the
old mine activities and the subsequent human activities that have developed in the area.
Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) are contaminants with high toxicity and complex geochemical behaviour and, therefore, high PTEs contents in soil may affect ecosystems and/or human health. However, before addressing the measurement of soil pollution, it is necessary to understand what is meant by pollution-free soil. Often, this background, or pollution baseline, is undefined or only partially known. Since the concentration of chemical elements is compositional, as the attributes vary together, here we present a novel approach to build compositional indicators based on Compositional Data (CoDa) principles. The steps of this new methodology are: 1) Exploratory data analysis through variation matrix, biplots or CoDa dendrograms; 2) Selection of geological background in terms of a trimmed subsample that can be assumed as non-pollutant; 3) Computing the spread Aitchison distance from each sample point to the trimmed sample; 4) Performing a compositional balance able to predict the Aitchison distance computed in step 3. Identifying a compositional balance, including pollutant and non-pollutant elements, with sparsity and simplicity as properties, is crucial for the construction of a Compositional Pollution Indicator (CI). Here we explored a database of 150 soil samples and 37 chemical elements from the contaminated region of Langreo, Northwestern Spain. There
were obtained three Cis: the first two using elements obtained through CoDa analysis, and the third one selecting a list of pollutants and non-pollutants based on expert knowledge and previous studies. The three indicators went through a Stochastic Sequential Gaussian simulation. The results of the 100 computed simulations are summarized through mean image maps and probability maps of exceeding a given threshold, thus allowing characterization of the spatial distribution and variability of the CIs. A better understanding of the trends of relative enrichment and PTEs fate is discussed.
Species ecological envelope maps were obtained for the two main Portuguese wood-production species (Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and Pinus pinaster Aiton) and projected future climate change scenarios. A machine learning approach was used to understand the most influential environmental variables that may explain current species distribution and productivity. Background and Objectives: The aims of the study were: (1) to map species potential suitability areas using ecological envelopes in the present and to project them in the future under climate change scenarios; (2) to map species current distributions; (3) to map species current productivity; and (4) to explore the most influential environmental variables on species current distribution and productivity. Materials and Methods: Climate, elevation data, and soil data sets were used to obtain present and future species ecological envelopes under two climate change scenarios. The o cial land cover maps were used to map species distributions. Forest inventory data were used to map the species productivity by
geostatistical techniques. A Bayesian machine learning approach, supported by species distributions and productivity data, was used to explore the most influential environmental variables on species distribution and productivity and to validate species ecological envelopes. Results: The species ecological envelope methodology was found to be robust. Species’ ecological envelopes showed a high potential for both species’ a orestation. In the future, a decrease in the country’s area potentiality was forecasted for both species. The distribution of maritime pine was found to be mainly determined by precipitation-related variables, but the elevation and temperature-related variables were very important to di erentiate species productivity. For eucalypts, species distribution was mainly explained by temperature-related variables, as well as the species productivity. Conclusions: These findings are key to support recommendations for future a orestation and will bring value to policy-makers and environmental authorities in policy formulation under climate change scenarios.
Acid mine drainage represents an extreme environment with high concentrations of potentially
toxic elements and low pH values. These aquatic habitats are characterised by harsh conditions
for biota, being dominated by acidophilic organisms. The study site, São Domingos mine,
located in one of the largest metallogenetic provinces in the world, the Iberian Pyrite Belt, was
closed without preventive measures. To identify the algae species and understand the relationships
with abiotic parameters of the ecosystem, water and biological material were collected and analysed.
Digital terrain models were obtained with an unmanned aerial vehicle for geomorphological
and hydrologic characterisation of the mine degraded landscape. The results show two types of
algal colours that seem to represent different degrees of photosynthetic activity. Optical and scanning
electron microscopy revealed 14 taxa at the genus level, divided into eight classes. The genus
Mougeotia is the most abundant multicellular algae. With respect to unicellular algae, diatoms are
ubiquitous and abundant. Abiotic analyses expose typical features of acid mine drainage and
support an inverse relationship between chemical contamination and biological diversity. Factorial
correspondence analysis indicates three groups of attributes and samples by their relationship with
specific toxic elements. This analysis also suggests a close association between Spirogyra and Pb,
together composing a structurally simple ecosystem. The highest contamination in the river system
is related to the hydrologic patterns obtained from photogrammetric products, such as the digital
surface model and flow map accumulation, indicating the input of leachates from the section
having the finest sulfide-rich wastes. Information about the algae community and their association
with flow patterns of toxic elements is a relevant tool from a biomonitoring perspective.
This work focuses on the study of water–sediment interaction around abandoned uranium mines with open-pit lakes and mine dumps. Nineteen water and eleven stream sediment samples were collected in the abandoned Barrôco D. Frango mine, central Portugal. The trace element distribution was compared with other abandoned uranium mines in Portugal and worldwide. Generally, U, Th, and As contents in the open-pit water are high and similar to those of downstream water, suggesting its influence on aquatic systems. In abandoned mines with small to medium U exploitation, the stream sediments are moderately to heavily contaminated with U, Th and As, being U and As the most important contaminants, confirmed by their partition coefficients. A moderate to considerable potential ecological risk (34–79) was found around the abandoned Barrôco D. Frango mine area, mainly due to As contents in stream sediments. Water and stream sediments from abandoned U mines worldwide have U levels of up to 436 μg/L and 5024 mg/kg, respectively, while those from Barrôco D. Frango have 37.3 μg/L and 189 mg/kg, respectively. However, the longer the distance from the Barrôco D. Frango open-pit lake and mine dump, the higher U, Th and As contents in stream sediments, which is a warning indicator. Cluster heat maps of the water composition from four abandoned uranium mine areas show that Mondego Sul and Barrôco D. Frango mines are the most geochemically similar. Results show that stream sediments should be included in water quality management and future remediation plans of abandoned uranium mines.
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