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Influência da ingestão alimentar em aspectos produtivos de fêmeas Merino da Beira Baixa.
O presente trabalho apresenta uma breve aborgadem sobre a tecnologia da preparação de alimentos compostos para animais.
In four groups of ewes, 4 series of measurements to characterize the morphology of the udder were performed, as well as, their milk production every 3 weeks from the beginning of milking (57±7 days after lambing). To each group of 8 animals that included ewes of the lst., 2nd, 3rd and 4th lactation, were distributed the following treatments: group 1-handmilking; group 2-handmilking with ‘repasse’; group 3-machine milking; group 4-machine milking with ‘repasse’. We observed relevant differences in milk production (P<0.05) between handmilking and machine milking. In the groups were “repasse” was done, the milk production was rather superior to the other groups (P<0.05). The average milk production of four measurements (=64) was of: handmilking (group 1+ group 2) = 309,9±138.7 ml; machine milking (group 3 + group 4) = 361.9±130.3 ml; milking without “repasse” (group 1 + group 3) = 289.2±122.1 ml; milking with ‘repasse’ (group 2 + group 4) = 382.6±146.8 ml. In handmilking the parameters that showed higher correlations with milking production were the volume of the udder (r=0.66), the width between the teats (r=0.52) and the depth of the udder (r=0.44). The results obtained with machine milking were: udder width (r=0.49), length of teats (r=0.42), udder volume (r=0.040) and teats inclination (r=0.29).
For morphological characterization of the udder of «Merino Beira Baixa» ewes (double aptitude), from centre interior of Portugal, 4 series of measurements were performed with 3 weeks intervals, since the beginning of milking (57•7 days after lambing). We have observed the next parameters: length, width, volume and posterior area of udder; width between teats and their relative positions, the angle between the teats and the vertical axis, length and width of teats; cisternal width. Daily milk production represents about 80 % of the udder volume and the correlation coeficient for these parameters (r=0.54), was the highest one founded. Observed coeficient correlation between daily milk production and width between teats was r=0.53. All studied variables (morphological characteristics), explain 38,13 % of milk production variabi¬lity. Udder volume and width between teats explain 37.99 % of the same variability. Results suggest that udder morphology of «Merino Beira Baixa» ewes is a weak indicator of animal’s milk value.
O presente estudo pretende contribuir para o melhor conhecimento da raça ovina Merino da Beira Baixa.
A collection and selection of data has been carried on the Merino Beira Baixa ewes at Escola Superior Agraria (Agricultural School) in Castelo Branco (ESACB) in Portugal from 1981 to 1989. According to the birth type of females (single or double) their average age at the time of first lambing amounted to 599.85±150.47 days and to 574.13±147.06 days. Diferences were not significant. However this parameter was influenced by the “year” factor (P<0.01) Is was shown that lambing interval (IP) did not depended on parturition months inside the season but depended on parturition months between the parturition season (from january to april 322.66±79.31 days and from august to december 380.67±73.81 days). The IP revealed significant diferences (P<0.01) in terms of ewe age at lambing. The apparent fertility rate, ptolificacy rate and numerical productivity are, in 1981-87 and 1987-88, 86,6% vs 85,9%, 114, 2% vs 112,3%, 92,7% vs 84,9% respectively. All these rates were influenced by the ewes age at lambing. Reproductive parameters in period with altered reproductive management (two autonomous herds without ewes transference) are diferentes, favourable to Autumn mating season. Analysis was carried on further reproductive parameters.
The region of Castelo Branco is the 4th main region of Portugal in number of ewes. Sheep production is the major importante activity of its farming systems. Beira Baixa Merino is the most common breed of the region and it is used as a triple purpose: milk, meat and wool. Nowadays, milk has becoming the most importante production. The new production conditions, with acession to the Common Market, lead the farmes to change some components of farming systems. To study how this changes must occur, an inquiry was made to the farmers, that allow a characterization of production systems, as the basis of future work. This paper results from the inquiry referred, and it’s an approach to the production systems of Beira Baixa Merino. Some constraints to the developpment are pointed.
Apresentam-se os resultados de um inquérito às explorações de ovinos da região realizado com o intuito de obter informação que permitisse caracterizar as explorações e que constitui uma primeira abordagem aos sistemas de produção praticados na região.
A obra é constituída pelos resumos das comunicações apresentadas pelos docentes da Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e são referentes aos projetos de investigação nos quais estão envolvidos.