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Currently, internet is the most wanted medium of communication and most used by people or entities. Unquestionably, it has transformed significantly consumer behaviour, namely in the access to information or in the way a product or service is purchased.
In this context, the evaluation of the effectiveness of websites has increased over time, following the evolution of the concepts of Human Machine Interface, Usability and User Experience Design.
In the context of the methods and processes of usability evaluation, different proposals have been developed, from direct observation, to interviews and questionnaires, among other techniques and tools.
Thus, this article is based on a case study of descriptive type, based on the literature review concerning the models of evaluation of the quality of websites.
The results of the article consist in the definition of a set of parameters to analyse the quality of the interface of websites and in the proposal of a checklist concerning content, aesthetics and navigation.
By exploring the concept of image curation, this article presents a proposal for the applicability of image curation in the development of Projects of Design, exploring the role of visual curation as a contribution to the development of interfaces between academia and business. Due to the amount of data present in digital culture, content curation is an increasingly important activity in project development. In higher-education design formation, image curation allows safeguarding the project literacy on the one hand, through the definition and clarification of an organization of visual elements and defining a basis for dialogue on the projective possibilities. The proposed strategy for visual curation offers the possibility of being applied as a basis of dialogue with external stakeholders. Moreover, thus, in a context of learning in design, enabling another bridge between the Academy and the corporate fabric.
This article results from the analysis of results of the Ordo Christi Project - Artistic Heritage of the Order of Christ between Zêzere and Tejo rivers (15th and 16th centuries), developed by the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco and other organizations in Portugal. This document focuses on integrated communication and the theme of information design. The investigative process starts from the case study of the Ordo Christi Project, namely the analysis of the supports and means of communication developed, applying a interventionist research methodology, qualitative basis. The project aimed to promote knowledge and contribute to make historiographic information clearer and more accessible to society, seeking its applicability for tourism and educational purposes. For the pursuit of the proposed objectives, it was found in communication and information design the strategic tools for divulgation of the results and the developed routes, expressed through multiple means of information, dissemination and promotion.
This article aims to propose a strategy for narrative development, for photo/ image sharing social tools. By generating scenarios for product assessment through comparing consumption narratives as a contribution to the creation of new communication strategies. Developing as hypothesis that the development of narratives from a brand and its consequent comparison with consumers feedback, allows a more reliable way to generate inputs for the development of more effective communication strategies. The article follows an exploratory study methodology intended “to develop pertinent hypotheses and propositions for further inquiry. The article draws on a qualitative proposal of a method to apply in narratives of consumption. The results of the proposed strategy open avenues for narratives developments, where the consumers contribution receive expansion values from the brands strategy, returning value to first consumer feedbacks. The implications of this study are the creation of a paradigm of curatorship as authorship. The research limitations/ implications address the speculative scope of the proposed strategy and the need for more empirical work in the subject.
The interaction between Art and Branding has occurred in various contexts, for reputation purposes, through all communication media, for the purposes of persuasion, promotion, symbolism or secondary associations, impacting on social and cognitive levels. The scope of this article is to correlate Branding Art and Art Infusion with the spirit of the place, concretely to present a conceptual model which correlates artistic activities developed in a neighborhood with Branding Art and Art Infusion concepts taking into account the reinforcement of the current place brand strategy. The article is based on the literature review and in explanatory Case Study, using results from the project “Re-Habitar el Barrio: Procesos de Transformación y Empoderamiento entre Universidad-Escuela-Sociedad a través de Prácticas Artísticas”. The use of the schemes makes possible to visualize and share abstract concepts and value data in a participatory group way, detecting the best ways to facilitate communication and mediate interaction between people and territory. The results consist of defining a brand argument and defining its conceptual model, making use of the schematics as a way of visualizing abstract concepts.
The purchase of cars is increasingly influenced by digital. For this reason, car brands have increasingly focused on digital communication strategies in order to capture public interest in their products. This bet on digital is not only in the sale of new cars, but also in the sale of semi-new and used cars.
Aware of this new market trend, Lexus Portugal has ordered the present study, which has as main objective the design of a promotion and sales online platform for seminew and used cars of this brand.
This online platform is not intended to be only a website for the dissemination of the available fleet of cars for sale. It also intends to offer its user a pleasant environment; and, as the user browses the website, he will hopefully be effectively informed about the main attributes of Lexus cars, namely their high reliability.
This paper focuses mainly on the first phase of this research project, where a comparative analysis was developed on the online platforms of the main competing Lexus brands.
This research aimed to study and develop an advertising video to promote the placement of an ambarscience didactic toy in the Primary School classroom context, as complement to the teaching process, as this is something, according to our study, unprecedented in this type of toys. We aimed to understand the relevance of using nonlinear narrative structure in this type of videos and how the used of flashback and flashforward narrative devices would help in enlightening the learning potential of the toy.
For Albino (Albino 2013) babies since birth are highly predisposed to learn and their brain naturally absorbs all the information of new life, this is not optional, it is a human condition. According to the same author, since children are born they are constantly absorbing information and learning, it is up to adults to promote their learning and the development of many of their abilities. Didactic and educational toys are a good support in this training, helping them to develop all their skills in the development of imagination, memory, concentration and visual perception.
In this paper, after an introduction to the contextual and theoretical framework, we briefly present the empirical methodology adopted in the practical project, which involved all the fieldwork developed in the toys company, the enquiries for selecting the product to study and promote, the different video creative and production stages; and the test and analyzes of reactions to the video prototype.