Effect of antiparasitic treatment in beef replacement heifers
Bauck, Stewart W.
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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interativos
O turismo é um sector económico importante, com particular importância para vários países e regiões. Para territórios rurais de baixa densidade, este sector pode ser um importante impulsionador de outros sectores que garantem empregos e pequenas e médias empresas locais. No entanto, nestas regiões, a maior parte dos pontos de interesse encontram-se dispersos, não dispõem de estrutura de apoio para receber os visitantes e, consequentemente, são difíceis de potenciar turisticamente e grande parte das aplicações informáticas existentes para apoio ao turismo não se adequam a estas situações. Este trabalho descreve uma plataforma que usa a tecnologia para alargar e potencializar as oportunidades de explorar atrações turísticas em territórios rurais de baixa densidade. Esta abordagem considera as particularidades desses territórios e as características dos pontos de interesse existentes. Proporciona mecanismos para que os operadores turísticos coloquem os seus pontos de interesse à disposição dos turistas, sem a necessidade de despender muitos recursos e sem a necessidade de apoio constante dos operadores turísticos responsáveis por esses pontos de interesse. Os resultados de uma avaliação preliminar ao nível de testes de aceitação permitiram obter algum feedback relevante para a identificação e implementação de melhorias na aplicação, mas também algumas indicações sobre o interesse e utilidade que a aplicação pode ter.
Esta abordagem pode contribuir para valorizar o património existente em territórios rurais de baixa densidade, trazendo novas oportunidades e experiências únicas sem exigir muito trabalho humano e aumentando os benefícios do turismo em territórios rurais de baixa densidade.
Mobile devices are part of the everyday life of the modern citizen. Currently these devices are used for simple dayto- day tasks, where we need information available on the web or on the mobile device itself (smartphone, tablet, etc.). One area where a number of mobile applications have emerged is urban mobility, for route planning and the use of transport networks. However, few applications have addressed this issue considering the needs of users with some type of disability. This paper describes the development of an Android app intended to be used to provide information on urban mobility, including transport accessibility features. It is intended that this mobile application will provide its users with information about the public transport of a certain city and its schedules including routes covered by each transport and the accessibility of each of them. The application intends to allow to choose the best options, according to the profile of the user its geographical location and the accessibility features of the means of transport of that geographical area.
Tourism is an important economic sector, which reaches significant relevance in low-density rural areas, where it can be a driver of other sectors of activity that guarantee jobs and small and medium-sized local companies. However, in these regions, most points of tourist interest are scattered, do not have a support structure to receive visitors and, consequently, are difficult to explore for tourism in a profitable way. This article describes a platform that uses technology to expand and enhance opportunities for exploring tourist points and interest in low-density rural territories. This platform provides features for tour operators to publicize and make their points of interest available to tourists, allowing tourists to access certain points of interest automatically using IoT devices, after validation. This possibility is particularly important in low-density territories. This article describes the platform and the results of a preliminary evaluation, at the level of acceptance tests, which allowed to obtain feedback on the interest and usefulness that the application may have.
Tourism is an important economic sector with particular importance for several countries and regions. For low-density rural territories, this sector can be an important driver of other sectors that guarantee jobs and local small and medium enterprises. However, in these regions mostly points of interest are dispersed and do not have a support structure to receive visitors and consequently most computer applications to support tourism are not suitable for these situations. This work describes a platform that uses technology to enhance the potential of opportunities to explore tourist attractions in low-density rural territories. This approach considers the particularities of these territories and the characteristics of existing points of interest. It provides mechanisms for tourism operators to make their points of interest available to be visited by tourists, without the need to spend a lot of resources and without the need of constant support from the tourism operators responsible for these points of interest. This approach may contribute to enhancing existing heritage in low-density rural territories, bringing new opportunities and unique experiences without requiring much human labor and enhancing the tourism benefit in low-density rural territories.