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Distilled spirits are usually made from fermented sugar-based materials, such as wines or fermented fruits, but other products can be used, namely berries or honey. In this work, an evaluation of honey spirits is done based on its physicochemical and sensory characteristics. Fourteen honey spirit samples of different brands of honey spirit were purchased at the market and from artisan Portuguese producers. Several analytical determinations, namely alcoholic strength, dry matter, density, total acidity, chromatic characteristics, methanol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and higher alcohols were done to characterize all samples. The results pointed out several differences in physicochemical composition of samples. In general, these drinks are characterized by an alcohol strength between 37.4% and 53.0% and a low methanol content, quite null for most samples. Samples with higher ethanol content corresponded to the artisanal samples. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were also observed in the volatile composition and chromatic characteristics suggesting different production technologies. A first list of sensory attributes was obtained for this beverage. Therefore, further research must be done in order to characterize this spirit drink, which has gained market value.
In this work different formulations of blueberry liquor were tested and characterised based on their physico-chemical and sensory characteristics.
Development of a spirit drink produced with strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) fruit and honey.
The production of wine brandies requires their stage in wooden barrels, for a minimum period of time, a process called ageing or maturation. Due to the high cost of this process, alternative technologies are being studied in order to accelerate the ageing process, such as the use of wood fragments inside of stainless steel tanks. The present work evaluates the influence of different ageing technologies on the sensory profile of the brandy. A brandy was aged, during two years, in 650 L wooden barrels and in 3000 L stainless steel tanks. Both had Limousin oak (Quercus robur) and Portuguese chestnut staves (Castanea sativa). The brandy samples were profiled by descriptive sensory analysis during the ageing period.
The results showed that the kind of ageing system influences topaz, golden, woody, caramel, coffee, green and unctuous attributes, as well as the overall brandy quality. Despite these differences, the multidimensional analysis of the sensory results was not able to clearly distinguish the brandy samples from different ageing systems.
The results, obtained at industrial scale, revealed an interesting alternative for the manufacturers: wine brandies can be produced through the use of wooden staves inside stainless steel tanks. Since this alternative ageing system provides a similar brandy sensory profile than the one obtained through wooden barrels, this new data can be used by researchers and manufacturers in order to develop new products. Furthermore, this alternative ageing technology allows the reduction of the ageing process costs.
Honey spirit is an alcoholic beverage produced by fermentation followed by distillation of the honey must, which has distinct organoleptic characteristics derived mostly from the raw material used. In order to accurately monitor the quality of the product throughout the distillation process (head, heart and tail stages), FT-RAMAN spectroscopy was applied. Dark honey, light honey and honey obtained following waxes' wash was used to produce honey spirit. The pH, alcoholic strength, methanol content, acetaldehyde content, ethyl acetate content and higher alcohols content were evaluated during the distillation process. The FT-RAMAN technique was used to obtain spectral information for all fractions collected during beverage production. The results suggest that the honey spirit had good quality concerning the volatile composition and methanol was not detected in any sample. FT-RAMAN is promising for the online monitoring of the distillation process in order to improve the final quality of this beverage.
As modificações sensoriais verificadas durante o envelhecimento das aguardentes vínicas são influenciadas pelo tipo de madeira (espécie botânica e origem geográfica) e pelo tratamento térmico das vasilhas. Os trabalhos realizados ao longo de vários anos demonstraram as interessantes características sensoriais das aguardentes envelhecidas em vasilhas de madeira de castanheiro, sobretudo com queima média e queima forte.
Neste trabalho pretendeu-se comparar, partindo da mesma aguardente vínica inicial, o perfil sensorial de aguardentes envelhecidas em vasilhas de madeira de castanheiro (sistema tradicional) com aguardentes envelhecidas em depósitos de inox com aduelas de madeira da mesma espécie (sistema alternativo). Para o efeito avaliaram-se os resultados da análise sensorial descritiva quantificada, realizada por um painel treinado utilizando uma ficha de prova previamente desenvolvida para o efeito.
Alternative technologies have been extensively investigated towards a more sustainable ageing of red wine, but few studies were made on wine spirits. Moreover, the effect of micro-oxygenation on wine spirits’ ageing is still unknown. This work examined the effect of micro-oxygenation and wood staves applied in 1000 L stainless steeltanksversus250 L wooden barrels on the phenolic composition and chromatic characteristics acquired by the wine spirit over the first six months of ageing. Two different kinds of wood, Limousin oak and chestnut, were used. Significantly higher total phenolic content and individual contents of low molecular weight phenolic compounds (syringic acid, ellagic acid, vanillin, syringaldehyde, coniferal dehyde, sinapaldehyde and umbelli-ferone) were obtained with micro-oxygenation and staves than with barrels, for both kinds of wood. Accordingly, greater colour evolution (lower lightness, higher saturation and higher intensities of red, yellow and brown hues) was achieved in the former. These results were ascribed to a faster extraction and its balance with several phenomena involving the wood-derived compounds in the specific environment created by the direct supply of oxygen. A synergistic effect between the alternative technology and the chestnut wood was also observed.
Spirits are alcoholic beverages commonly consumed in European countries. Their raw
materials are diverse and include fruits, cereals, honey, sugar cane, or grape pomace. The main aim of
this work is to present and discuss the source, quality control, and legal limits of methanol in spirits
produced using fruit and honey spirits. The impact of the raw material, alcoholic fermentation, and the
distillation process and aging process on the characteristics and quality of the final distilled beverage
are discussed. In addition, a critical view of the legal aspects related to the volatile composition of
these distillates, the origin and presence of methanol, and the techniques used for quantification are
also described. The methanol levels found in the different types of spirits are those expected based on
the specific raw materials of each and, almost in all studies, respect the legal limits.
Vibrational spectroscopy applied to honey spirit characterization.
During the ageing process of wine spirits several phenomena occur, which are
responsible for the final quality of the beverage.
This work aimed to discriminate the aged wine spirits according to the wood species,
ageing technology and ageing time using FT-Raman methodology. For this purpose,
the same Lourinhã wine distillate aged in 250-L wooden barrels of Limousin oak
wood (L) and chestnut wood (C) separately and used together (L + C), was monitored
through FT-Raman during the first 12 months of ageing. This technique was also
applied to the same wine distillate aged in stainless steel tanks with staves of the same
kinds of wood and during the same period.
FT-Raman allows separating the wine spirits according to the different wood species
and ageing time. This technique seems to be a promising tool to monitor the ageing
process of wine spirit through different technologies.
The aged wine spirit is a beverage with great aromatic complexity. Their volatile compounds with odorant power coming from the distillate and from the wood used in its ageing, and the interactions that take place in the process, enhanced by oxygen, all contribute to this complexity. Due to time and cost inherent of ageing wine spirits in wooden barrels, research has sought to develop more sustainable alternatives to do it. In this context, the present study compares, the effect of traditional (wooden barrel) and alternative system (stainless steel tank with dipped staves and micro-oxygenation), on the odorant and sensory profile of a wine spirit, using Limousin oak and chestnut wood, after 12 months of ageing. The results suggest that the ageing process is accelerated by the alternative ageing technology and the chestnut wood, and the corresponding wine spirits presented characteristics of greater sensory evolution and strong wood compounds extraction.
Screening of different ageing technologies of wine spirit by application of Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and volatile quantification.
Different ageing technology of wine spirits (WSs) has been investigated, but little has
been published on the chemical evolution of aged WS during storage in bottle. The purpose of
this study was to examine how 12 months of storage in bottle affected the evolution of antioxidant
activity (DPPH, FRAP and ABTS assays), total phenolic index (TPI) and low molecular weight (LMW)
compounds content of the WSs aged through alternative technology using three micro-oxygenation
levels (MOX) and nitrogen control (N). Results revealed the ability of phenolic compounds from
aged WSs to scavenge free radicals during storage in bottle. Among the in vitro antioxidant-activity
methods, FRAP assay was the more effective to differentiate WSs according to the ageing technology.
Concerning the overall influence of storage in bottle on antioxidant activity, and TPI and LMW compounds content, the higher results were obtained for the MOX modalities (O15, O30 and O60), which
showed a similar evolution. In summary, this study provides innovative information, demonstrating
that the differences between the aged WSs imparted throughout the ageing process (resulting from
different MOX levels) were mostly retained, and only slight modifications during storage in bottle
were found.
A comprehensive overview of the sustainability of wood-based technologies for the production of high-quality and differentiated wine spirits, and the research carried out in this field is provided in this chapter. Barrels are actively involved in the wine spirit's composition and sensory changes due to the transfer of oxygen, and extractive compounds from wood to the beverage. The key physicochemical phenomena and determining factors at the aging stage are illustrated with regard to the sustainable use of wood both in barrels and through innovative technologies for wine spirit's aging. A broad perspective is offered to readers on the fair and sustainable use and reuse of wood, the circular economy and its relationship with cooperage efficiency, including responsible relations/commitments in the entire value chain (from the forest to the aged wine spirit).
Different ageing technology of wine spirits (WSs) has been investigated, but little has
been published on the chemical evolution of aged WS during storage in bottle. The purpose of this study was to examine how 12 months of storage in bottle affected the evolution of antioxidantactivity (DPPH, FRAP and ABTS assays), total phenolic index (TPI) and low molecular weight (LMW)compounds content of the WSs aged through alternative technology using three micro-oxygenationlevels (MOX) and nitrogen control (N). Results revealed the ability of phenolic compounds fromaged WSs to scavenge free radicals during storage in bottle. Among the in vitro antioxidant-activity
methods, FRAP assay was the more effective to differentiate WSs according to the ageing technology.Concerning the overall influence of storage in bottle on antioxidant activity, and TPI and LMW compoundscontent, the higher results were obtained for the MOX modalities (O15, O30 and O60), whichshowed a similar evolution. In summary, this study provides innovative information, demonstratingthat the differences between the aged WSs imparted throughout the ageing process (resulting from different MOX levels) were mostly retained, and only slight modifications during storage in bottle were found.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR)
combined with functional data analysis (FDA) was applied to differentiate aged wine spirits
according to the ageing technology (traditional using 250 L wooden barrels versus alternative
using micro-oxygenation and wood staves applied in 1000 L stainless steel tanks), the wood species
used (chestnut and oak), and the ageing time (6, 12, and 18 months). For this purpose, several features
of the wine spirits were examined: chromatic characteristics resulting from the CIELab method,
total phenolic index, concentrations of furfural, ellagic acid, vanillin, and coniferaldehyde, and total
content of low molecular weight phenolic compounds determined by HPLC. FDA applied to spectral
data highlighted the differentiation between all groups of samples, confirming the differentiation
observed with the analytical parameters measured. All samples in the test set were differentiated and
correctly assigned to the aged wine spirits by FDA. The FTIR-ATR spectroscopy combined with FDA
is a powerful methodology to discriminate wine spirits resulting from different ageing technologies.
Este trabalho centrou-se na caracterização sensorial e da composição volátil de vinhos brancos produzidos a partir de três castas minoritárias,
designadamente ‘Malvasia’ (Colares), ‘Verdelho’ e ‘Galego Dourado’. A caracterização ocorreu por meio de análise sensorial e por cromatografia
gás líquido de alta resolução, e os resultados obtidos foram analisados através de análise multivariada, que permitiu avaliar as semelhanças e as
diferenças entre as castas. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma diferenciação dos vinhos produzidos a partir de cada casta, mas acima de tudo uma
diferenciação das duas colheitas. Os resultados obtidos, tanto do ponto de vista sensorial como na composição química, mostram um potencial
enológico interessante destas castas, embora sejam necessários mais estudos para avaliar a influência dos efeitos climáticos no perfil de compostos
voláteis e também no perfil sensorial.
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the wine spirit aged by an alternative process
(staves combined with different micro-oxygenation levels) and its comparison with the traditional
process (wooden barrels). This evaluation was made by analyzing the volatile compounds and
sensory profile of the spirits during 365 days of ageing. The findings confirmed the role played
by oxygen in the volatile profile of aged wine spirits. Samples of alternative ageing modalities
were well distinguished from those of wooden barrels based on the volatile profile, namely on the
concentrations of several volatile phenols. From a sensory point of view, the results are promising
with high overall consistency scores obtained from samples of alternative ageing process modalities.
Alternative technologies for a more sustainable wine spirits' ageing have been studied but a lack of knowledge on the effect of oxygenation level remains. This work examined the behaviour of low molecular weight compounds, iron and copper of a wine spirit aged in 50 L demijohns with chestnut wood staves combined with three levels of micro-oxygenation or nitrogen. Compounds and mineral elements were quantified by HPLC and FAAS, respectively, in samples collected at 8, 21, 60, 180, 270 and 365 days of ageing. Results showed that most of the compounds underwent significant changes in their content over time and behave differently depending on the wine spirit's oxygenation level: higher contents of gallic acid, syringic acid and vanillin were associated with lower micro-oxygenation level while higher contents of ellagic acid, syringaldehyde, coniferaldehyde and sinapaldehyde resulted from higher one; lowest contents of these compounds were found in the nitrogen modality. Weak correlation between copper and the studied compounds was evidenced whereas closer relationship between iron, vanillin, gallic, syringic and ellagic acids at end of ageing was observed. This study provides innovative information on the role of oxygen in wine spirit's ageing, and on chestnut wood effect on wine spirit's mineral composition.
Near-infrared spectroscopic (NIR) technique was used, for the first time, to predict volatile
phenols content, namely guaiacol, 4-methyl-guaiacol, eugenol, syringol, 4-methyl-syringol and 4-
allyl-syringol, of aged wine spirits (AWS). This study aimed to develop calibration models for the
volatile phenol’s quantification in AWS, by NIR, faster and without sample preparation. Partial
least square regression (PLS-R) models were developed with NIR spectra in the near-IR region
(12,500–4000 cm−1
) and those obtained from GC-FID quantification after liquid-liquid extraction. In
the PLS-R developed method, cross-validation with 50% of the samples along a validation test set
with 50% of the remaining samples. The final calibration was performed with 100% of the data. PLS-R
models with a good accuracy were obtained for guaiacol (r2 = 96.34; RPD = 5.23), 4-methyl-guaiacol
(r2 = 96.1; RPD = 5.07), eugenol (r2 = 96.06; RPD = 5.04), syringol (r2 = 97.32; RPD = 6.11), 4-methylsyringol (r2 = 95.79; RPD = 4.88) and 4-allyl-syringol (r2 = 95.97; RPD = 4.98). These results reveal that
NIR is a valuable technique for the quality control of wine spirits and to predict the volatile phenols
content, which contributes to the sensory quality of the spirit beverages.
Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to characterize volatile phenols and sensory profile of aged wine spirits.
Arbutus unedo spirit is a valuable product in Mediterranean countries. This spirit is usually
marketed in Portugal without wood ageing. This work aims to characterize the ageing effect on the
Arbutus unedo spirit, for three and six months with oak wood (Quercus robur L.) submitted to different
toasting levels, based on its chemical composition and its sensory properties. For this purpose,
several parameters were analysed: acidity, pH, dry extract, and volatile compounds (methanol,
acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and fusel alcohols). The volatile compounds were identified by GC-MS
and quantified by GC-FID. Sensory analysis was performed by a trained panel, who have profiled
this beverage, as well as the changes acquired during ageing. Spectroscopic techniques, namely
FTIR–ATR, were applied to discriminate the different beverages produced. The results highlighted
an increase in Arbutus unedo spirit’s quality with the wood contact, mainly based on the sensory
attributes. Additionally, they showed that the best beverages were produced using oak wood with
medium toasting levels during three months of ageing
This research was focused on identifying gallotannins and ellagitannins degradation pathways to better understand their behavior in complex media such as wine spirits (WS). A WS was aged with chestnut wood staves with three levels of micro-oxygenation, nitrogen, and using wooden barrels. Gallotannins and ellagitannins were identified by LC-ESI-HRMS/MS using a Q-TOF in samples collected at 8, 21, 60, 180, 270, and 365 days of ageing, allowed comparing their relative abundances according to the ageing technology. It was established for the first time, the importance of oxygen in gallotannins and ellagitannins formation/degradation pathways in WS and shading light into the explanation for the steady increase of gallic and ellagic acid contents on WS during
ageing. The results also highlighted the presence of penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, tetra-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, tri- O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, di-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, and mono-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, 2,3-(S)-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-β-D-glucose, pedunculagin, isomers vescalagin/castalagin and two products stemming from ethanol-promoted oxidation of castalagin/vescalagin and vescalin/castalin, in the composition WS aged with chestnut wood.
Near-infrared spectroscopic (NIR) technique was used, for the first time, to predict volatile phenols content, namely guaiacol, 4-methyl-guaiacol, eugenol, syringol, 4-methyl-syringol and 4-allyl-syringol, of aged wine spirits (AWS). This study aimed to develop calibration models for the volatile phenol’s quantification in AWS, by NIR, faster and without sample preparation. Partial least square regression (PLS-R) models were developed with NIR spectra in the near-IR region (12,500–4000 cm1) and those obtained from GC-FID quantification after liquid-liquid extraction. In the PLS-R developed method, cross-validation with 50% of the samples along a validation test set
with 50% of the remaining samples. The final calibration was performed with 100% of the data. PLS-R models with a good accuracy were obtained for guaiacol (r2 = 96.34; RPD = 5.23), 4-methyl-guaiacol (r2 = 96.1; RPD = 5.07), eugenol (r2 = 96.06; RPD = 5.04), syringol (r2 = 97.32; RPD = 6.11), 4-methylsyringol (r2 = 95.79; RPD = 4.88) and 4-allyl-syringol (r2 = 95.97; RPD = 4.98). These results reveal that NIR is a valuable technique for the quality control of wine spirits and to predict the volatile phenols content, which contributes to the sensory quality of the spirit beverages.
A deep knowledge of oxygenation level effect on wine spirits’ ageing is imperative to understand ageing
chemistry and to select the most suitable technological option towards quality and sustainability. Following two
articles on the same trial, this work focused on colour, total phenolic index (TPI) and basic chemical characteristics
of a wine spirit aged in 50 L demijohns with chestnut wood staves together with three micro-oxygenation
(MOX) levels. Chromatic characteristics and TPI were monitored over time (8–365 days) while sensory colour,
alcoholic strength, acidity, pH and dry extract were assessed at the end of ageing. Results showed that stronger
oxygenation promoted significantly faster colour evolution (lower lightness, higher chroma, red, yellow and
brown hues) and higher TPI than mild and intermediate oxygenation until 60 days, probably by favouring the
leaching of outer wood layers and extraction/degradation of tannins. No significant differences were found
between these ageing modalities at 365 days. Outcomes suggest that the stronger MOX is the most suitable
modality in terms of quality and sustainability. Significant differences between wine spirits resulting from MOX
and control modality (slower colour evolution, lower TPI and dry extract) confirms the oxygen pivotal role in
wine spirit’s ageing, particularly in the colour evolution