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Aging systems of wine brandies have been a target of investigation to reduce the costs and aging time. In this study, the extractives and Klason lignin contents of wood fragments used in the aging of wine brandies in stainless steel tanks were evaluated. Two types of wood fragments, known as staves and tablets, and two wood botanical species, Limousin oak (Quercus robur L. from the Limousin region of France) and Portuguese chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), with heavy toasting levels were used. The wood extractive and Klason lignin contents were analyzed before and 30 months after the aging of wine brandy. The results showed that the chestnut wood presented the highest content of extractives, while the Klason and total lignin contents were higher in the oak wood. A highly significant effect from the tablets was found on the extractives and Klason lignin contents, while the soluble lignin content was more affected by the staves. Oxygenation of the wine brandies during the aging process negatively affected the release of extractives and lignin from the wood to the brandy, and therefore will impact the overall quality of the brandy.
A tecnologia de envelhecimento tradicional, que consiste na colocação da aguardente vínica
em vasilhas de madeira durante vários anos, é uma técnica morosa e onerosa. Assim, têm vindo a ser
introduzidas e desenvolvidas novas técnicas, com o intuito de optimizar o processo e reduzir os custos.
Uma dessas novas técnicas consiste em introduzir pedaços de madeira (aparas, toros ou outras formas)
na bebida a envelhecer, condicionada em depósitos de inox. Têm sido realizados muitos estudos em
vinhos, mas em aguardentes a experimentação é escassa [1, 2].
Assim, este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar a influência da utilização de alternativas ao
envelhecimento de aguardentes em vasilhas de madeira, na composição química das aguardentes
obtidas, dando particular atenção aos compostos odorantes provenientes da madeira.
Para tal, uma mesma aguardente vínica da Lourinhã foi submetida a um processo de envelhecimento,
com três formas de madeira: aguardente colocada em vasilha de madeira (V), aguardente colocada em
vasilha de inox com introdução de madeira sob a forma de dominós (D) e aguardente colocada em
vasilha de inox com introdução de madeira sob a forma de tábuas (T), tendo sido colhidas amostras de
aguardente, ao fim de 180 dias de envelhecimento, para análise e quantificação dos compostos
Os resultados obtidos mostram que a forma da madeira teve um efeito altamente significativo na
maioria dos compostos analisados. No caso dos compostos odorantes derivados da lenhina da madeira
(fenois voláteis e vanilina), os teores mais elevados foram encontrados nas aguardentes envelhecidas
na presença de fragmentos (dominós ou tábuas), enquanto para os compostos odorantes derivados das
hemiceluloses da madeira (ácido acético e aldeídos furânicos) os teores mais elevados foram
determinados nas aguardentes envelhecidas em vasilha de madeira.
Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem a possibilidade de diferenciação química das aguardentes, em
função da tecnologia de envelhecimento.
This work evaluated the sensorial and chemical modifications in
brandy aged in presence of two types of wood fragments in comparison with a brandy aged in
wooden barrels.
Comunicação apresentada no 8.º Simpósio de Vitivinicultura do Alentejo que decorreu em Évora de 5 a 7 de Maio de 2010.
The odorants compounds of aged wine brandies comprise compounds deriving from the wood, from the distillate and from the reactions that occur inside the barrel. The aim of this work was to study the kinetics of the odorant compounds of a wine brandy during two years of ageing in two ageing systems. The odorant compounds in the analysed brandies changed significantly over the time, but with different evolution patterns. The wood related compounds increased over time, with the highest increase in the first months of ageing. The kinetics of cis, trans-β-methyl-γ-octalactone, acetovanillone and of seven volatile phenols are established for the first time in brandies. Moreover, a significant effect of the ageing system was found on the kinetics of the wood related compounds. These results pointed out the interest of these compounds as a tool to discriminate different ageing technologies.
This study provides innovative information on the simultaneous use of Limousin oak and chestnut wood in the ageing of wine brandy. Ageing was performed in 650-L wooden barrels and in 3000-L stainless steel tanks with staves over a 2-year period. Effect of both kinds of wood in the brandy features depended on the ageing technology. Stainless steel tanks with staves originated lower enrichment of the brandy in dry extract (0.89 vs. 1.25 g L−1), total phenolics (22.33 vs. 29.40) and low molecular weight extractable compounds (119.83 vs. 231.65 mg L−1), but promoted a faster evolution of the analytical colour (lower L*, higher C*, a* and b*) and sensory colour (topaz and greenish vs. golden). The aroma and flavour profiles of the brandy were not significantly influenced by the ageing technology. Therefore, it is a promising option for both ageing technologies because it ensures the quality of brandy, together with a lower cost of the wood and exemption of the blending operation.