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Discrimination of different monovarietal wines by FTIR-ATR.
Peach is a highly perishable climacteric fruit. Cold storage is the most widely used method for peach storage, delaying fruit deterioration. This study describes the experimental tests developed to evaluate the evolution of peach characteristics under different storage conditions of controlled (CA) and normal atmosphere (NA) of ‘Sweet Henry’ cultivar. Tests were performed in refrigeration chambers in industrial and laboratory facilities, throughout 2years. In the controlled atmosphere chamber, the tests were performed with 3different concentrations of O2 and CO2, namely 3 treatments of controlled atmosphere (2% O2-5% CO2, 2% O2-10%CO2and 2% O2-15% CO2), 2treatments of normal atmosphere (at Research Centre and at FarmersOrganization facilities). From each treatment, peach samples were extracted and analyzed at 14, 21, 28, 35 (for all treatments) and at 42, 49, and 56 days(for controlled atmosphere). The analysis of the biometric parameters NDASHsize, weight, color, firmness, total soluble solids, acidity – were performed inorder to evaluate peach quality. In FO treatment, a weight loss of -13% in 2020 and -11% in 2021 was observed after 35 days. In NA treatment the maximum weight loss was -5% after 35 days of storage. A decrease of fruit firmness and acidity content was observed in all the treatments throughout time, but firmness remain globally similar between CA treatments. The CA treatments maintained the fruit quality in terms of weight, and firmness, thus increasing fruit market life. First chilling injury (CI) symptoms were observed at 35 + 2days of storage. The treatment 2% O2-15% CO2 allowed fruit firmness maintenance, the minimal decrease of acidity content and low CI incidence of Sweet Henry cultivar for a storage period of 56 days.
Peach production is an important agricultural activity in the center of Portugal, which is the main region of stone fruit production. This region is characterized by hot and dry summers, that can actively accelerate the organic matter degradation and, thus, increase the susceptibility to erosion and decrease the soil capacity to retain nutrients. To evaluate the relationship of peach production activity and soil characteristics, a long-term project was installed based on 31 peach orchards covering the main peach production area. The main objective was to find out the influence of peach production activity on soil characteristics with special reference on organic matter content. Orchards were monitored since establishment, collecting soil samples at establishment time and after 4 years. Plant development was monitored annually by the evaluation of trunk cross-sectional area and nutrition status by foliar analysis at 100 to 120 days after blooming. Simultaneously, weed development in the row and inter-row was evaluated. Results indicated that peach orchards are very heterogeneous over the first years after planting. After 4 years from the initial 31 orchards, only 23 remained, corresponding to 26% of uprooting orchards, mainly related with Pseudomonas syringae complex incidence. In90% of the orchards the soil content in potassium was classified as high (100-200 mg kg-1; LQARS, 2006) and very high (>200mgkg1; LQARS, 2006). Nevertheless, according to nutritional analysis, the leaf potassium content was classified as low in 35% of the orchards, considering the reference interval of 2to 3% for this nutrient. Nitrogen leaf content was below reference interval in17% of the orchards, and in 22% was above this interval. All orchards use weed cover at inter-rows, mowed regularly. Weeds were controlled in rows using herbicides. Considering the 23 orchards, Organic Matter content increased 0.68% in the row and 0.18% in the interrow, after 4 years.
Cherry is a highly perishable fruit widely appreciated that is only commercialized during a short period. The post-harvest control and monitoring of this fruit is central and essential for optimal consumption in its highest state of quality. The conservation process aimed to inhibit the microbial propagation is usually accomplished by low temperatures and/or variable atmosphere composition. This paper describes experimental tests conducted in different refrigeration chambers located in industrial and laboratorial facilities. The latter one includes modified atmosphere and controlled atmosphere chambers. The tests were performed with four different concentration of O2 and CO2 in the controlled atmosphere chamber. Fruit samples extracted from each chamber were analyzed at specific residence times and several organoleptic characteristics were analyzed. The results show that the modified and controlled atmosphere maintain the fruit quality in terms of size, color, appearance and firmness, thus increasing their shelf life and food safety.
A cereja é muito apreciada e apresenta um tempo de comercialização muito curto devido a ser um fruto altamente perecível. Técnicas de conservação pós-colheita são essenciais para manter a qualidade da cereja até serem consumidas. Baixas temperaturas são utilizadas para retardar o processo de deterioração da fruta e como complemento a aplicação de atmosferas controladas permite retardar o processo de amadurecimento e envelhecimento. A diminuição de oxigénio e o aumento de dióxido de carbono e azoto inibe o amadurecimento, mantendo o sabor e a qualidade da fruta.
Neste trabalho experimental, cerejas da cultivar Satin foram conservadas em câmaras de refrigeração no produtor e nas instalações do CATAA com equipamento de atmosferas controladas. Quatro atmosferas controladas com diferentes combinações de oxigénio e dióxido de carbono foram testadas e o seu efeito na qualidade das cerejas foi avaliado. Ao longo do tempo de conservação as cerejas foram analisadas a diferentes níveis: qualidade (peso, dureza, cor e sólidos solúveis totais), microbiológico e organolético.
Os resultados de temperatura e humidade no produtor e no CATAA, foram comparados e indicam que ambas as situações apresentam ótimas condições de conservação. No entanto, complementar a conservação com atmosferas controladas sugere que a qualidade da cereja é mantida por mais tempo, através da minimização do envelhecimento e processo de amadurecimento.