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In four groups of ewes, 4 series of measurements to characterize the morphology of the udder were performed, as well as, their milk production every 3 weeks from the beginning of milking (57±7 days after lambing). To each group of 8 animals that included ewes of the lst., 2nd, 3rd and 4th lactation, were distributed the following treatments: group 1-handmilking; group 2-handmilking with ‘repasse’; group 3-machine milking; group 4-machine milking with ‘repasse’. We observed relevant differences in milk production (P<0.05) between handmilking and machine milking. In the groups were “repasse” was done, the milk production was rather superior to the other groups (P<0.05). The average milk production of four measurements (=64) was of: handmilking (group 1+ group 2) = 309,9±138.7 ml; machine milking (group 3 + group 4) = 361.9±130.3 ml; milking without “repasse” (group 1 + group 3) = 289.2±122.1 ml; milking with ‘repasse’ (group 2 + group 4) = 382.6±146.8 ml. In handmilking the parameters that showed higher correlations with milking production were the volume of the udder (r=0.66), the width between the teats (r=0.52) and the depth of the udder (r=0.44). The results obtained with machine milking were: udder width (r=0.49), length of teats (r=0.42), udder volume (r=0.040) and teats inclination (r=0.29).
For morphological characterization of the udder of «Merino Beira Baixa» ewes (double aptitude), from centre interior of Portugal, 4 series of measurements were performed with 3 weeks intervals, since the beginning of milking (57•7 days after lambing). We have observed the next parameters: length, width, volume and posterior area of udder; width between teats and their relative positions, the angle between the teats and the vertical axis, length and width of teats; cisternal width. Daily milk production represents about 80 % of the udder volume and the correlation coeficient for these parameters (r=0.54), was the highest one founded. Observed coeficient correlation between daily milk production and width between teats was r=0.53. All studied variables (morphological characteristics), explain 38,13 % of milk production variabi¬lity. Udder volume and width between teats explain 37.99 % of the same variability. Results suggest that udder morphology of «Merino Beira Baixa» ewes is a weak indicator of animal’s milk value.
O presente relatório resulta do trabalho de avaliação ao curso de Engenharia das Ciências Agrárias opção Engenharia Rural levado a cabo pela equipa de Auto-Avaliação da Escola Superior Agrária. Esta equipa, designada pelo conselho científico com a finalidade de proceder a todas as solicitações de avaliação tanto dos cursos como da instituição, é basicamente composta por um coordenador e um elemento de cada unidade departamental. Conforme o curso que se está a avaliar juntam-se à equipa o respectivo coordenador de curso e colaboradores na compilação do relatório. Além destes elementos participaram também neste trabalho um representante dos alunos (designado pela associação de estudantes) e dois funcionários representantes do pessoal administrativo e do pessoal não docente. Em termos metodológicos optou-se pelo seguimento mais ou menos fiel do guião proposto pelo CNAVES, tendo-se recolhido informação de diversos modos: pesquisa documental e bases de dados nos serviços administrativos, inquéritos auto administrados a alunos, docentes e funcionários, inquérito postal aos diplomados e entrevistas directas (por telefone) às entidades empregadoras. Uma vez recolhida e tratada a informação procedeu-se à sua análise crítica tendo como referência os trabalhos de avaliação que até então decorreram relativamente na Escola.