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Digestate contains many essential nutrients for crops, including nitrogen (N) and phosphorus
(P), and it can alter the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients and soil functionality. This work
aimed to assess the fertilizing effects of digestate on chemical and biological soil properties in a
field experiment in eastern Portugal with two horticultural crops involving nine treatments: control
without fertilization; mineral N fertilization with 85 kg ha1; fertilization with digestate (DG) with
increasing N rates (85, 170, 255, or 340 kg N ha1); and fertilization with different combinations of
digestate plus mineral N (DG at 85 or 170 kg N plus 60 kg mineral N ha–1 or DG at 170 kg N plus
25 kg mineral N ha–1). In addition to N, digestate supplied significant amounts of P, Ca, K, and
Mg and significantly increased soil Olsen P, mineral N, and organic C. At high doses, it decreased
phosphatase and -glucosidase activities, as well as fungi and bacterial biomass, compared to the
control or mineral N fertilization, and it also negatively affected soil P and C cycling capacity and
microbial biomass. The organic to total N ratio and the N to P ratio in digestate are crucial properties
for evaluating its agronomic management as fertilizer.