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ABSTRACT: The work presented in this paper is a part of a doctoral
research in Design, which aims to promote sustainable behaviours in
everyday life through the use of fashionable wearables. The
comprehension of what kind of behaviours can be considered as being
sustainable is needed for backing the design solu_ons including the
wearables. Thus, a literature review was conducted, followed by a
content analysis, intended to explore and frame those behaviours. Akenji
and Chen’s (2016) framework was chosen and modified to structure the
type and domains of sustainable behaviours. The results suggest a trend
for the sustainable behaviours to be associated with topics in the domain
of housing, food, goods consumption and mobility. Furthermore, “effuse”
behaviours that target positive impacts such as reusing, recycling,
conserving and eco-innovative solutions are also frequently suggested.
ABSTRACT : Synaesthesia is the result of automatic processes of human
perception that combine sensations of different sensory modalities.
Throughout this paper, we are going to present the results of a
Synaesthetic Design Workshop, made with design students of IADE,
Universidade Europeia (Lisbon, Portugal) and University of Extremadura
(Mérida, Spain) with the purpose of identifying different types of crosssensory
interactions between participants living in the two countries, that
might be influenced by cultural and personal information. On this purpose
the choise of Spain as country to have a comparison was driven by the fact
that 13,95% of the Spanish population experiences some kind of
synaesthesia (Melero, Peña-Melián, & Ríos-Lago, 2015) while in the rest
of the world the percentage is around the 4,16% (Simner & Carmichael,
2015). Results suggest probable interactions between modalities with no
obvious differences between genders from both the universities.