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The study of imagery has been a central pillar in the Sports Psychology field, since athletes have reported the use of imagery techniques in order to mentally practice body movements and, therefore, improve the actual physical performance. Similarly, music plays a quintessential role in many sports as its influence on athletes’ motivation, concentration, confidence and anxiety levels before and during the sporting practice has been widely reported and studied. The application of imagery and music combined has been reported to yield improvement in sporting performance. As a possible explanation, certain types of music have been considered as an element that decreases arousal levels in subjects, promoting a more effective use of imagery prior to performance. However, it has also been reported that subjects had better performance at tasks that assessed mental imagery processes after arousal increase after subjects’ exposure to arousing music. Thus, this study has investigated whether two distinct musical stimuli (simple and complex music) affected arousal levels in participants, and consequently the performance in a mental imagery of body parts (henceforth: motor imagery) cognitive task, namely mental-rotation of bodily-related pictures. 30 Sports Science students completed this mental rotation of body pictures task after exposure to three different stimuli (silence, complex music and simple music). Although results showed arousal levels decrease after subjects were exposed to both complex music and silence, this decrease did not yield any effect on performance, casting doubt on the hypothesis that arousal decrease facilitates motor imagery processes.
The pursuit of excellence in sporting practices sheds light on the use of techniques beyond those that pertain to the physical training. Moreover, mental training is now considered a key aspect in an athlete’s training routine, and as a consequence, mental imagery techniques have become popular among athletes and coaches since the mental practice of body movements reportedly improves the actual physical performance. One plausible explanation for this is the overlap between imagery and motor execution in terms of neural substrates activated in the pre-motor and motor cortical areas.
Furthermore, music has been associated with enhancement in spatial-temporal reasoning, reflecting on performance in tasks that assess mental imagery processes, and this phenomenon is justified by the hypothesis of a direct cortical activation of areas responsible for spatial-temporal reasoning. It has also been reported that the motor system is actively involved in music processing, in which different patterns of neural activation in the pre-motor and motor cortical areas are elicited according to the rhythmic complexity of a stimulus, strengthening the hypothesis that musical stimuli may be responsible for improvement in motor imagery processes. To investigate this hypothesis, 30 Sports Science students completed a motor imagery-related cognitive task – a mental rotation of bodily-related pictures task - after exposure to three different stimuli (silence, music with complex rhythm and music with simple rhythm). Results showed no differences either in mental rotation performance, casting doubt on the hypothesis of improvement in imagery processes after music listening.
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a eficácia de um treino de visualização mental (VM) em praticantes de Boccia. Participaram neste estudo um total de 42 praticantes, federados (n = 24) e não federados (n = 18). Doisgrupos de praticantes de Boccia federados e não federados foram divididos em d ois sub-grupos: experimental, submetido ao treino de VM (Federados: n = 12; Não federados: n = 9) e de controlo, submetido a treino regular (Federados: n = 12; Não federados: n = 9). No início do estudo e após um período de 8 semanas de treino de VM, os participantes completaram o Movement Imagery Questionnaire – 3 (MIQ – 3), versão portuguesa. A análise de dados foi realizada com recurso ao método de inferências baseadas na magnitude dos efeitos. Os dois grupos mostraram-se homogéneos no que diz respeito à habilidade de VM no primeiro momento de avaliação, verificando-se um efeito do treino de VM no segundo momento de avaliação. Os resultados revelaram que o grupo experimental (federados e não federados) aumentou a habilidade de VM, enquanto o grupo de controlo (federados e não federados) não revelou alterações na habilidade de VM. Por sua vez, os praticantes não federados do grupo experimental revelaram um aumento superior na habilidade de VM em comparação com os praticantes federados. Os resultados obtidos sugerem a importância da realização de programas de treino de VM para a melhoria das capacidades de VM dos praticantes da modalidade desportiva de Boccia federados e não federados.
The aim of this study was to analyse and compare movement visualization ability in federate and non-federate Boccia athletes, and among federate Boccia medical sport groups. Forty-two Boccia athletes (Federate N = 24; Non-federate N = 18) at an average age of 35.8 (SD = 11.19) participated in this study. The Portuguese version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire - 3 (MIQ-3), was used for this study. The participants were evaluated on the internal and external visual imagery. Statistics was carried out following the method of interference based on the magnitude of the effects. Results showed a great effect of expertise in imagery ability. The comparison between federate and non-federate Boccia athletes showed a great effect in the Internal Visual subscale and a moderate effect in the External Visual subscale. It was also observed differences between athletes from different medical-sports groups, revealing that the requirements of the sport linked to their action abilities provides them with different Imagery abilities. These results clearly influence the prescription of imagery training programs for different groups taking into account different medical-practice groups.
The aim of this study was to analyse and compare movement visualization ability in federate and non-federate Boccia athletes, and among federate Boccia medical sport groups. Forty-two Boccia athletes (Federate N = 24; Non-federate N = 18) at an average age of 35.8 (SD = 11.19) participated in this study. The Portuguese version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire - 3 (MIQ-3), was used for this study. The participants were evaluated on the internal and external visual imagery. Statistics was carried out following the method of interference based on the magnitude of the effects. Results showed a great effect of expertise in imagery ability. The comparison between federate and non-federate Boccia athletes showed a great effect in the Internal Visual subscale and a moderate effect in the External Visual subscale. It was also observed differences between athletes from different medical-sports groups, revealing that the requirements of the sport linked to their action abilities provides them with different Imagery abilities. These results clearly influence the prescription of imagery training programs for different groups taking into account different medical-practice groups.
O livro reúne um conjunto diversificado de artigos resultantes de outras tantas pesquisas sobre a Atividade motora de crianças, seja ao nível de pesquisas sobre a aquisição motora, ao nível do jogo e da atividade lúdica, do envolvimento parental, dos videojogos, do recreio, ou abordem a atividade motora de crianças de minorias.Esta visão diversificada permite abrir novas ideias, inspirar novas pesquisas, complementar informação e, por isso, constitui-se como um excelente instrumento de estudo, trabalho, ou pesquisa.
Os contributos para o desenvolvimento das competências dos profissionais da área das Ciências do Desporto são sempre bem-vindos. Com o intuito de se constituir como uma ferramenta de trabalho para todos os que procurem conhecimento nesta área tão específica, elaborou-se este documento estruturado, contendo informação específica e pertinente.
Mantemos também uma política editorial de abertura à comunidade científica da área das Ciências do Desporto, originando um livro que reúne um conjunto de artigos que abordam temáticas diversas em contextos diferentes e da autoria de Professores/Investigadores nacionais e internacionais, de reconhecido mérito académico e científico.
Relativamente à estrutura, este documento está dividido em 13 seções - Artigos - de temáticas relacionadas com a área do Treino, mas com perspetivas distintas, realizados com base em investigações realizadas nos mais diversos contextos.
Os contributos para o desenvolvimento das competências dos profissionais da área das Ciências do Desporto são sempre bem-vindos. Com o intuito de se constituir como uma ferramenta de trabalho para todos os que procurem conhecimento nesta área tão específica, elaborou-se este documento estruturado, contendo informação específica e pertinente.
Mantemos também uma política editorial de abertura à comunidade científica da área das Ciências do Desporto, originando um livro que reúne um conjunto de artigos que abordam temáticas diversas em contextos diferentes e da autoria de Professores/Investigadores nacionais e internacionais, de reconhecido mérito académico e científico.
Relativamente à estrutura, este documento está dividido em 8 seções - Artigos - de temáticas relacionadas com a área do Exercício e Saúde, mas com perspetivas distintas que resultam de investigações realizadas nos mais diversos contextos.
The ability to generate and control mental images is present in all of us, but it differs from person to person. Therefore, it is important to understand that imagery ability can be changed through training and experimentation, it is not a fixed ability. The aim of this study is to compare imagery ability in elite, sub-elite and non-elite athletes in a sport which involves closed and continuous motor skills, such as swimming. 79 swimmers (male N = 37; female N = 42) at an average age of 17 took part in this study. In order to assess imagery ability, the Movement Imagery Questionnaire 3 was used, Portuguese version (Mendes et al., 2016). After analysis of the results, these show that in each and every imagery modality, the scores in the three groups differ significantly. In kinesthetic and external visual imagery the elite and sub-elite groups’ scores, although not statistically different from each other, are significantly higher than those of the non-elite group. In internal visual imagery, the differences between all the compared pairs of groups are statistically significant. The elite group got the highest scores, followed by the sub-elite group average scores and finally the non-elite group average scores. According to these results, the conclusion is that athletes with better performance show greater imagery ability and that apparently the external visual imagery proved to be the best intervention method among swimming athletes.
BACKGROUND: Warm-up is considered essential to optimize running performance, but little is known about the effect of specific warm-up tasks, specifically in the real competitive context. The current study aimed to verify the acute effects of a warm-up including ballistic exercises in 30m running performance. In addition, a second 30m trial was assessed to better understand the warm-up effects in training/competition.
METHODS: Twenty-two men (19.32±1.43 years-old) randomly completed the time- trials on separate days and after a typical warm-up (WU), a WU complemented with ballistic exercises (post-activation potentiation - PAP) or no warm-up (NWU). Biomechanical, physiological and psychophysiological variables were assessed.
RESULTS: The participants were 1.9% faster in the first 30m sprint after WU compared with NWU, mainly increased performance in the first 15m (p=0.03, ES=0.48). WU resulted in greater stride length in the last 15m of the first sprint. PAP did not differ from NWU and WU, despite eight participants performed better after this warm-up.
CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight the positive effects of warm- up for sprinting, despite failed to evidence positive effects when ballistic exercises are included. In addition, the influence of warm-up in the running technique was highlighted by the changes in the running kinematics and a need for individualization of warm-up procedures.
Background: Sports athletes, namely high-intensity practitioners, suffer from vascular remodeling overtime. The purpose of this study was to analyze the systolic and diastolic velocities' variation between non-athletes and futsal athletes by means of arterial lower limb doppler ultrasound. Additionally, we intended to verify if the velocity variations occur primarily at the systolic or the diastolic level and in which arteries. Methods: Seventy-six young males (mean ± SD: 24.9 ± 2.8 years old) volunteered to participate in this cross-sectional study and were divided into two groups: a futsal athletes group (n = 38; 24 ± 2.78 years) in the central region of Portugal playing on the 2nd national league with the same level of practice (16 ± 2.4 years of practice) and a non-athletes group (n = 38: 26 ± 1.8 years) who did not practice sports regularly and were not federated in any sport. All the subjects agreed to participate in the study with the aim of assessing the arterial lower limb through doppler ultrasound (Philips HD7 echograph with linear transducer 7-12 MHz). Results: Differences between groups (p ≤ 0.05) in the systolic velocity of the left deep femoral artery (p = 0.022; d = 0.546, small) and in the right superficial femoral artery (p = 0.028; d = -0.515, small) were found. We also found differences in the diastolic velocity: in the left common femoral artery (p = 0.002; d = -0.748, moderate), in the right deep femoral artery (p = 0.028; d = -0.521, small), in the right superficial femoral artery (p = 0.026; d = -0.522, small), in the right popliteal artery (p = 0.002; d = -0.763, moderate), and in the left popliteal artery (p = 0.007; d = -0.655, moderate). Moreover, the athletes' group presented the highest mean values, with the exception of the systolic velocity of the left deep femoral artery. In intragroup analysis of variance referring to systolic and diastolic velocities in arterial levels in the right and left arteries, differences were found in all analyses (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: We conclude that futsal athletes of our sample go through a process of changes such as increased blood flow velocity in systolic and diastolic cardiac phase in all studied lower limb arteries, showing that the remodeling occurs regardless of vessel radius. Our results reinforce the existence of vascular remodeling that may vary with the sport and its intensity.
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is amongst motivational frameworks the most popular and contemporary approach to human motivation, being applied in the last decades in several domains, including sport, exercise and physical education (PE). Additionally, Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) has presented evidence of how contextual factors may influence student’s behavior in this particular context. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the motivational climate created by the teacher in the classroom, students’ satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs (BPN), and how their behavioral regulation could explain PE grades and intention to practice sports in the future. Method: A total of 618 students (290 female; 328 male) from the 6th to the 9th school level, aged between 10 and 18 years (M = 13.3; SD = 1.7) participated in this study. The following surveys were used for the proposed variables: Learning and Performance Orientations in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire (LAPOPECQ); the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNESp); and the Perceived Locus of Causality (PLOCp). Intentions to practice sport/physical activity in the future were assessed through a single item. Students’ PE grade was obtained through his/her teacher final assessment. Structural Equation Analysis was performed via AMOS 23.0. Results: After analyzing modification indices and model adjustment, the final model emerged: learning climate > BPN > autonomous motivation > intentions/PE grade. Results interpretation seems to indicate that i) the satisfaction of BPN are influenced by motivational climate (i.e., learning climate), ii) the individuals’ motivation is influenced by the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs (i.e., particularly competence), and iii) the motivational regulations have direct and significant effects with intention to practice sports outside school in the future and PE grades. Discussion & Conclusion: The main results showed that a climate oriented for learning has a positive impact on basic psychological needs satisfaction of students. However, only competence satisfaction had a significant positive relationship with students’ autonomous motivation, which in turn had a significant positive relation with PE grade, as well as for intentions for leisure-time sport/physical activity practice.
This study examined the motivational determinants of athletes perceived effort in football
considering the four-stage motivational sequence at the contextual level proposed
by Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: task-involving climate,
basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation (SDM), and perceived effort.
Additionally, SEM multi-group analysis across different age-groups (U15, U17, U19, and
U21 years) and serial mediation of basic psychological needs (BPNs) and SDM on the
task-involving motivational climate and the perceived effort were also analyzed. Two
independent samples of male football athletes (N = 403, N = 403), aged 13–20 years
were enrolled in this study. The results support the adequacy of the structural model
in explaining the perceived effort of football atheltes in all samples under analysis, and
was invariant across U17, U19, and U21. However, it was not invariant across U15 and
U17, U19 and U21. Furthermore, results from the serial mediation showed significant
indirect effects in all samples, supporting self-determination theoretical assumptions,
reinforcing the importance of BPNs satisfaction and behavioral regulation in the relation
in analysis. The results show that when coaches promote a task-involving climate, the
BPNs satisfaction of athletes improves. This climate will facilitate the regulation of their
behaviors toward more autonomous forms of motivation, with positive outcomes in the
athletes perceived effort.
Este estudo tem como objetivo averiguar se existem diferenças significativas na coordenação motora, comparando indivíduos com Deficiência Intelectual eutróficos, com indivíduos com Deficiência Intelectual
com sobrepeso. Participaram no nosso estudo 48 indivíduos (27±8.4 anos) com Deficiência Intelectual. O instrumento aplicado foi a bateria de testes KTK (Kiphard & Schilling, 1974), composta por 4 tarefas. Posteriormente foi feita uma divisão dos participantes pelo nível de IMC, sendo que o grupo dos Eutróficos eram sujeitos com IMC até 24,9 kg/m² e o grupo Sobrepeso, sujeitos com IMC acima de 25 kg/m². Relativamente à análise estatística, recorrendo ao Software SPSS 23.0, procedeu-se à verificação da distribuição da amostra (Shapiro-Wilk), onde apenas uma variável (Saltos Monopedais) não a demonstrou. Para essa variável utilizámos o teste U de Mann-Whitney. Para as restantes variáveis, com distribuição normal, utilizámos o t-teste. Foi também realizado o método de inferências baseadas na magnitude dos efeitos. Verificámos diferenças significativas (p≤0.05) na comparação entre os 2 grupos da amostra, em todas as tarefas da bateria KTK, incluindo o score final, onde o grupo dos eutróficos apresentou os melhores resultados, comparativamente ao grupo com sobrepeso. Concluímos que os indivíduos com deficiência intelectual, com IMC menor ou igual que 25 (eutróficos), apresentam melhor desempenho nos testes de coordenação motora, comparativamente ao grupo com sobrepeso.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças no desenvolvimento das
habilidades motoras (globais e finas) comparando crianças que ainda eram amamentadas
por leite materno com as que já não eram ou nunca foram amamentadas. A amostra é de
153 crianças de ambos os sexos (18,22±2,98 meses), 58 ainda são amamentadas por leite
materno (17,59±1,92 meses) e 95 já não são amamentadas por leite materno ou nunca
foram (19,81±2,95 meses). As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas usando as escalas da
PDMS-2. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas habilidades de locomoção,
manipulação fina, integração visuo-motora e na Motricidade Fina. As crianças ainda
amamentadas apresentaram, em média, melhores resultados em todas as habilidades
motoras, com mais enfase nas habilidades motoras finas. Estes resultados mostram
que continuar a amamentar a criança com leite materno pode trazer benefícios, não só
nutricionais, imunológicos, psicológicos e sociais(1), mas também na competência motora.
O que reforça a sugestão da OMS da importância de continuar-se a implementar medidas
que promovam um maior sucesso do aleitamento materno(1), nomeadamente na duração da
amamentação após os 6 meses de idade(2).
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças no desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras (global e fina) comparando crianças que foram ou não amamentadas por leite materno. A amostra é de 204 crianças de ambos os sexos (33,22 ± 5,98 meses), 106 amamentadas por leite materno (33,59 ± 4,92 meses) e 98 não amamentadas por leite materno (32,81 ± 6,95 meses). As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas usando as escalas da PDMS-2. Para a análise estatística, foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov- Smirnov para testar a normalidade, o teste de Mann-Whitney para amostras independentes. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas habilidades de locomoção (p = 0,012), manipulação de objetos (p = 0,042), manipulação fina (p = 0,000), integração visuo-motora (p = 0,000) e na Motricidade Global (p = 0,026). As crianças amamentadas apresentaram, em média, melhores resultados nas habilidades motoras globais e as que não foram amamentadas por leite materno nas habilidades motoras finas. Estes resultados mostram que o leite materno, devido aos seus benefícios nutricionais, imunológicos, psicológicos e sociais, torna a criança mais "forte" a nível motor global (correr, saltar, lançar, pontapear), já as sem leite materno apresentaram melhores resultados nas habilidades motoras finas, provavelmente pela necessidade inicial que estes têm na manipulação inicial dos movimentos finos ao manusear a biberão.
Procurou-se saber qual o conceito de MJ dos treinadores; que objetivos se pretendem alcançar quando se cria um MJ para a equipa; quem deve participar na formulação e conceção do MJ, quais os aspetos a ter em conta na formulação do modelo; se na opinião deles o contexto do clube pode influenciar o MJ, Procuramos ainda saber quais os fatores e condicionalismos, que podem influenciar o MJ adotado; saber se o modelo é reajustado em função da prestação da equipa, do resultado, da equipa de arbitragem, ou do desenrolar do jogo; se os treinadores vão reajustando no seu MJ ao longo do tempo; qual a opinião deles sobre quem deve ter um conhecimento claro sobre o MJ adotado, se esse mesmo modelo deve ser ou não um elemento orientador do processo de treino e de jogo da equipa e se os exercícios a propor devem ser padronizados para todas as equipas de acordo com o MJ.
Neste sentido, o objetivo geral do nosso estudo, foi perceber como é que os treinadores de futebol das equipas/escalões de formação de um clube de futebol, que participam nos campeonatos distritais e nacionais, concetualizam e operacionalizam o seu modelo de jogo, e verificar as diferenças tendo em conta a idade, a formação académica e a formação da FPF.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico periodizado, com a duração de 6 meses, nas diferentes componentes da aptidão física e da composição corporal de uma população
idosa. Através de um estudo de design quase-experimental, os participantes foram divididos em grupo experimental (N=20) e em grupo de controlo (N=20). As componentes da aptidão física medidas foram a força dos membros inferiores e superiores, flexibilidade dos membros inferiores e superiores, a agilidade/ equilíbrio dinâmico e a resistência aeróbia. As variáveis da composição corporal avaliadas foram o IMC, a percentagem de massa gorda, massa óssea e a percentagem de massa muscular. Estas variáveis foram registadas num primeiro momento e após 6 meses de intervenção. O programa de exercício físico mostrou ser eficaz na preservação e na melhoria de todas as componentes da aptidão física funcional. No que respeita às
variáveis da composição corporal não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos, após a intervenção. Os programas de exercício físico periodizados podem ser utilizados por profissionais das ciências do desporto, bem como por outros profissionais de saúde que tenham como o objetivo a promoção do envelhecimento ativo e da saúde.
O presente estudo sobre o desenvolvimento Motor da criança nos primeiros meses de vida, teve como objetivo
verificar a relação entre as Habilidades Motoras e a Idade, e a relação entre as habilidades motoras Globais e Finas em crianças dos 12 aos 46 meses. Para o efeito, desenvolvemos um estudo de natureza quantitativa, com uma amostra de 405 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 46 meses, de ambos os géneros. Os instrumentos usados no estudo foram as Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2). Em termos globais os resultados indicam que existe uma tendência para correlações positivas (maioritariamente moderadas e baixas) entre as variáveis Idade, Habilidades Motoras Globais e Habilidades Motoras Finas, salientando a correlação positiva moderada (p≤0.05; r2=0.265; 0.5≤ r ≤0.7) entre a Idade e a Motricidade Fina e por sua vez uma correlação positiva pequena (p≤0.05; r2=0.217; 0.1≤ r ≤ 0.3) entre a Idade e a Motricidade Global. Podemos assim contatar, uma melhoria destas habilidades à medida que as crianças vão crescendo, salientando melhores resultados na Motricidade Fina.
This study aimed to verify whether the presence of siblings and the type of delivery had an influence on the motor skills development of children in the first 48 months of life. We developed a quantitative study with a sample of 405 children of both genders, divided according to the studied variables: children with siblings, children without siblings, children born via eutocic delivery, and children born via dystocic delivery. The instrument used in the study was the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2. Overall, the results indicated that children who had siblings had, on average, better outcomes regarding all motor skills (global and fine). Furthermore, those born via eutocic delivery, on average, had better outcomes regarding all motor skills (global and fine) when compared to children born via dystocic delivery. Thus, the presence of siblings in the family context and the type of delivery positively influenced motor development, especially after 24 months of age, showing that the presence of siblings providing cooperative activities through play and challenges improved cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Furthermore, a eutocic delivery, in addition to providing a better recovery from labor and the immediate a ective bond between mother and child, also led to better results in terms of global and fine motor skills.
Os mecanismos psicossociais são importantes para se alcançar uma compreensão estruturada acerca do envolvimento dos idosos na prática de atividade física. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste capítulo foi apresentar um conjunto de estratégias pedagógicas, destacando os aspetos psicossociais, que se tornam particularmente relevantes para a programação de atividades físicas para a população idosa. Desta forma, para além dos aspetos gerais da programação das atividades físicas, os programas de atividade física para a população idosa devem considerar que as crenças dos idosos sobre a atividade física podem moldar as suas perceções acerca da participação nos programas de atividade física. Assim, é preciso reforçar a importância de que os programas de atividade física tenham como objetivo em alcançar as diversas dimensões do bem-estar (intelectual, social, emocional, espiritual, vocacional e física), e não apenas a dimensão física. Também é necessário considerar a necessidade de fornecer estímulos motivacionais aos idosos e trabalhar no sentido de desenvolver os níveis de autoeficácia em relação à prática do exercício físico. Nesse sentido, torna-se muito importante garantir que os idosos obtenham sucesso na realização dos exercícios propostos, apoiando o desenvolvimento da autoeficácia através da prática de atividade física. Além disso, os programas de atividade física devem desenvolver a criação de oportunidades de participação para os idosos com diferentes níveis funcionais, tendo em consideração as diversas dimensões do bem-estar. Complementarmente, os programas de atividade física devem estimular a modificação comportamental dos idosos, no sentido de aumentarem os níveis de atividade física diários e reduzirem os comportamentos sedentários.
PURPOSE: There are few or even rare studies conducted in Cabo Verde that address the issue of physical fitness and body composition in the juvenile population. This investigation aims to study the Physical Fitness in children in Cabo Verde: differences between gender, eutrophic and overweight subjects, between practitioners and non-practitioners of sports.
METHODS: The sample consisted of 93 individuals aged between 10 and 15 years, from the 2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary school of the Portuguese College based in Cabo Verde. The instruments used for data collection were the FITescola® test battery, and the questionnaire (QAPACE) (Quantification de l’activite physique en altitude chez les enfants) for assessment of physical activity level. Regarding the statistical analysis using the SPSS 23.0 Software, the first analysis was performed to verify the distribution of the sample (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-wilk). Then, for variables with normal distribution we used the t-test and for the remaining variables with nonnormal distribution we used the Mann-Whitney test, with a significance level of 5%.
RESULTS: Gender differences were found, in which the male gender obtained more favorable mean values in the “sit-ups”, “push-ups”, “horizontal impulsion”, “shuttle” and “agility” variables, while the females showed superiority in the variables “sit and reach”; differences between the eutrophic and overweight group where, as expected, more favorable mean values for eutrophics than the overweight group in all PF tests. Finally, differences between practitioners and nonpractitioners of sports, with the best results being attributed to practitioners of sports.
CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that male subjects have greater proficiency in strength and aerobic fitness tests while female subjects have greater flexibility. High BMI values in overweight children have been found to be associated with increased abdominal fat as well as a reduction in overall PF. As expected, sports practitioners show better results in motor performance on PF tests.
The aim of this study was to review the evolutionary tendencies of research regarding to the study of male Rink-Hockey players´ and game performance. A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases according to PRISMA method. The initial search identified 815 titles, resulting in 19 articles being included within the review. Original papers (English language) contained relevant data regarding rink hockey players' performance or morphological/physiological demands, anthropometry/body composition characteristics were eligible. Studies were classified into categories: (1) Physiological Demands, (2) Anthropometry and Body Composition, (3) Game Characterization/Patterns, (4) Injuries. Results indicated that Rink hockey requires high intensity effort which demands both short and long duration efforts requirements from players. Body composition analysis shows to be an important monitoring tool which complements the understanding of the athlete's cardiac adaptation. Game patterns shows a combination of specific game momentums with different outcomes according to the game zone. The intense short-term movements, collision and contact between players, in addition to the weight and speed of the hard ball and the stick, can considerably increase the risk of moderate and severe injuries. Lack of literature in Rink-Hockey is remarkable, and research is mainly focused on children and adolescents' players. Furthermore, the existing research with adult elite athletes was assessed with a small sample size.
Functional Movement Screen® (FMS®) allows to assess athlete’s movement functionality. Movement funcionality in young elite and non-elite swimmers may predict future performance. The purpose of this study is to compare FMS® scores between young elite and non-elite swimmers, and to verify their relationship with 100m freestyle performance. Thirty-two elite swimmers (age: 14.99 ± 0.13 years old; height: 1.71 ± 0.02 m; body mass: 61.28 ± 1.27 kg; Fédération Internationale de Natation [FINA] points: 651.59 ± 6.44) and 17 non-elite swimmers (age: 14.65 ± 0.19 years old; height: 165.12 ± 2.03 cm; body mass: 57.22 ± 2.43 kg; FINA points: 405.71 ± 21.41) volunteered to participate in this cross-sectional study. Individual-test FMS® scores, FMS® composite score and FINA points were considered for analysis. Elite swimmers achieved higher Deep Squat (p = 0.005; ES = 0.99), Right Hurdle Step (p = 0.005; ES = 0.99), Left Hurdle Step (p = 0.002; ES = 1.08), Trunk Stability Push Up (p < 0.001; ES = 1.44) and FMS® composite (p < 0.001; ES = 1.35) scores compared to non-elite swimmers. FMS® composite scores were positively related with 100m freestyle performance (r = 0.596, r2 = 40.9%, p < 0.001). Young non-elite swimmers reveal functional deficits in tasks involving mobility of the hips, knees and ankles, and stabilization of the core and spine. Higher movement functionality is positively related with 100m freestyle performance. Swimming coaches should consider these deficits and their relationship with performance to differentiate exercise prescription between this populations.
Background. During a soccer game, the most diversified stimuli occur all the time, the physical condition level plays a determinant role, and there may be variations according to the com petitive level. In this sense, the present study aimed to verify differences in body composition, lower limbs power, and anaerobic power, comparing senior soccer players of different competitive levels.
Methods. Participants were 81 players belonging to six soccer teams, aged between 18 and 35 years, with a mean age of 23.14 ± 4.23 years, who were divided into three distinct competitive levels: Elite, Sub-Elite and Non-Elite. The players performed bioimpedance evaluations on a tetrapolarInbody270 scale (body composition), the Countermovement Jump (CMJ) through the ChronoJump (lower limbs power), and Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) (anaerobic power). Results. Based on the com petitive level analysis, we verified that the players present body composition values similar to each other regardless of the competitive level in which they play. Concerning the performance evaluations, we verified that the elite players present higher values of highest jump (p = 0.012; d = 0.76, moderate; and p = 0.022; d = 0.71, moderate) and maximum force produced (p = 0.05; d = 0.64, moderate; and p = 0.002; d = 1.00, moderate), together with higher values of anaerobic power (p < 0.001; d = 2.43, very large; and p < 0.001; d = 2.22, very large), compared to the others. Conclusions. We can thus conclude that there is a homogeneity regarding the body composition of soccer players, regardless of their competitive level; in turn, elite players show better performance indicators in all variables.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the arterial and venous diameters of lower limbs in indoor soccer athletes and non-athletes using Doppler ultrasound to identify the differences in the variation of arterial and venous diameters between groups. Additionally, we intended to verify the differences of arterial and venous diameters between the skilled member (right member) and the not skilled member in each group.
74 male volunteers, aged between 19 and 30 years old, were divided in a group of athletes (n = 37, 24 ± 2.7 years, soccer players from national championship), and a group of non-athletes (n = 37, 26 ± 2.83 years). Vascular lower limb was assessed using Doppler ultrasound (Philips HD7 echograph with linear transducer 7–12 MHz). The athletes showed higher diameters of right common femoral artery (p = 0.009; moderate), left common femoral artery (p = 0.005; moderate), right deep femoral artery (p = 0.013; moderate), right popliteal artery (p = 0.003; moderate), and left popliteal artery (p = 0.017; small) than non-athletes. Veins’ diameters were also higher in athletes, specifically the right deep femoral vein (p ≤ 0.001; large), left deep femoral vein
(p ≤ 0.001; large), right popliteal vein (p ≤ 0.001; large), and left popliteal vein (p ≤ 0.001; large). Differences were found between the skilled and non-skilled leg in athletes in the popliteal vein (7.68 ± 1.44 mm vs. 7.22 ± 1.09 mm, respectively, p < 0.003). It seems that futsal athletes have superior mean diameters of lower limbs arteries and veins of the deep venous system to non-athletes. Moreover, the veins presented greater dilation,
namely of the leg of the skilled lower limb.
Both physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are considered modifiable risk factors for chronic diseases and all-cause mortality. Adult office-workers spend most of their working day in sedentary behaviors, so they are particularly at high risk of developed chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus, . . .). It seems important to promote behavioral changes that could prevent or delay metabolic disease development. Evidence supports the use of exercise programs, however, to date there are several knowledge gaps and inconsistencies in the literature regarding the effects of Combined Training (i.e., aerobic plus resistance training) in sedentary healthy adults. This paper outlines an RCT designed to evaluate the effects of a 16-week combined training program on biochemical and immune markers of metabolic disease, lung function, salivary stress hormones and subjective quality of life (primary outcomes), as well as on body composition and physical fitness (secondary outcomes) in sedentary middle-aged office-workers. Furthermore, we aimed to assess the associations between the changes promoted by the exercise program and the different variables studied.
Methods and design
This is a single-blinded two-arm RCT with parallel groups. A minimum of healthy 40 officeworkers aged 40–64 years will be recruited to engage in a 16-week intervention study. After baseline assessments, participants will be randomized to one of the two groups: (1) combined training group or (2) control group. Baseline assessments will be repeated after 8 weeks of intervention (mid-testing) and upon completion of the intervention (post-testing).
This RCT involves a multi-disciplinary approach and seems to be a relevant contribution to understanding the potential role of combined training in improving the metabolic profile, lung function, stress, and quality of life in adults. The results can provide important insights for clinical recommendations and for the optimization of strategies to prevent metabolic disorders in adults with sedentary jobs.
The aim of this study was to analyse the effects and the relations through the implementation of an imagery (IM) training programme for federated and non-federated Boccia participants. Twenty-one Boccia athletes participated in this study. At the beginning of the study, and after a period of an 8-week IM training, the athletes’ IM ability (MIQ – 3) and their performance in Boccia tasks (distance to target and distance to coloured ball) were assessed. Data analysis was carried out using non-clinical magnitude-based inferences. The results suggests that, from pre to post test, federated and non federated athletes had a higher IM score and exhibited an improved performance. The performance levels seem to have been influenced by the participants’ level of expertise, with the non-federated athletes revealing higher magnitude of improvement than federated athlete’s. A non-significant correlation was observed between IM and performance. Although the inconsistency of the relationship between IM and performance, the results suggests that IM training enhances the development of IM ability and also motor actions in Boccia athletes.
Purpose The aim of this study was to analyze the acute responses of oxygen uptake and its kinetics, blood lactate concentration, total metabolic energy and energetic contributions to swimming tests performed at 90%, 92.5% and 95% of the 400 m front crawl test mean speed. Methods Fourteen male swimmers (26.7 ± 5.4 years) performed a 400 m front crawl test and three swimming sets at 90%, 90.5%, and 95% of the mean 400 m test swimming speed. Oxygen uptake, blood lactate concentration, oxygen uptake kinetics (amplitude, time in seconds of the fast phase, time delay and constant time adjustment in the fast phase), total metabolic energy and energetic contributions were obtained. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Results Among the results, the oxygen uptake and time in the 400 m test were: 55.0 ± 5.8−1.min−1 and 324.2 ± 20.0 s. At 90, 92.5 and 95% sets, the oxygen uptake was, respectively, 45.6 ± 4.4, 49.0 ± 6.0, and 52.4 ± 5.8−1.min−1. For 90%, 90.5%, and 95%, total time to exhaustion was, respectively: 1466.1 ± 730.9; 888.71 ± 324.0 and 562.7 ± 166.6 s. The amplitude of the kinetics was higher at 95% set. The slow component of the VO2 kinetics on the 90%, 92.5% and 95% sets were, respectively: 120.7 ± 82.9 ml.min−1, 171.8 ± 140.6 ml.min−1, and 182.6 ± 120.2 ml.min−1. No differences were identified among the slow component’s values. Aerobic contribution was predominant and has decreased as the intensity increased. Conclusion The results suggest that, as there was an increase in intensity (90%, 92.5%, and 95%): (i) increase in oxygen uptake, in blood lactate concentration, in the amplitude of oxygen uptake kinetic; and (ii) decrease in total metabolic energy. Regarding the aerobic and anaerobic percentage contribution, as expected, as the intensity of the exercise increased, the aerobic percentage decreased, in turn, the anaerobic component increased.
The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of Peabody
Developmental Motor Scales II (PDMS-2-Folio and Fewell, 2000) using a Portuguese sample. The validation of the Portuguese version of the PDMS-2 was applied according to the manual, for 392 children, from two institutions, from 12 to 48 months, with an analysis of the internal consistency (α Cronbach), of test–retest reliability (ICC) and construct validity (confirmatory factor analysis).
The results of the confirmatory factorial analysis (χ2 = 55.614; df = 4; p = 0.06; χ2/df =13.904; SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) = 0.065; CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.99, TLI = 0.99, RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) = 0.068) of two factors (Gross Motor and Fine Motor) as the original version but correlated. Most of the subtests had good internal consistency (α = 0.85) and good test–retest stability (ICC = 0.98 to 0.99). The results indicated that the Portuguese version of the PDMS-2 is adequate and valid for assessing global and fine motor skills in children aged 12 to 48 months, and can be used as a reference tool by health and education professionals to assess motor skills and, thus, allowing to detect maladjustments, deficiencies or precocity, so that children can later receive appropriate intervention.
In recent years, research on sedentary behaviour has increased. In this regard, there is a
need for theoretical reviews that allow us to determine the past, analyse the present, and prepare the future of research in this field. The purpose of this review paper was to analyse and organise the emerging qualitative research trends (2010–2021) on the sedentary behaviour of older adults. A systematic literature search strategy was developed in various electronic scientific databases (e.g., PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scielo, and Scopus). The included studies were required to have different qualitative methodological approaches in terms of data collection and methods of data analysis. Studies conducted in any country and published in a peer-reviewed journal in
English, Spanish, and Portuguese were considered. A thematic analysis approach was used for data extraction and synthesis, and confidence in the results was assessed using the GRADE-CERQual approach. This study may enable accurate guidelines to be established for future primary qualitative research related to sedentary behaviour.
The university access entails some constraints on the lifestyles of young students, including their physical activity patterns. This study objective to know if the students who entered university education and who attend courses in sports sciences have more adjusted values in terms of body composition and blood pressure in relation to students taking other courses.
METHODS: Thirty-one students (age 19.81±1.64 years) participated in this study, of both sexes, divided in two groups: sports students group (N.=19); and students group from other courses (N.=12). Body composition was evaluated, namely Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), using tetrapolar bio impedance (Tanita BC-601) the percentage of body fat (%BF), muscle mass (MM) and bone mineral (BM) were calculated. Blood pressure (SBP/DBP) was also measured (Omron DBP HEM-907). We checked the distribution of the sample. For the variables with normal distribution, we used the paired t-test and for the other variables with non-normal distribution we used the Wilcoxon test.
Comparing baseline and follow-up, in sports students, there are differences for the variables WC, HC, MM, BM and SBP. In these comparisons, there was an increase in the absolute values of all variables, except for the %BF, SBP and DBP variables. The group of students from other courses, presents differences for the BMI, WC, HC, %BF and DBP.
Students from the Sports course present better overall results in terms of body composition and blood pressure, compared to students from other courses.
Background: The importance of physical activity in the first months of age is well known, however, with the evolution of the urban environment, the excessive workload of parents and the excessive time in growing up in kindergartens has limited this same free practice and little has been studied about this issue. In Portugal, there are institutions that provide oriented physical activity for their children, however, this is optional, which may create disadvantages in children’s motor skills in these ages.
Objective: The objective of the study isto verify if there are differences in the development of motor skills (global and fine) comparing children between 12 and 48 months who practice oriented physical activity (OPA) and children who do not.
Methods: Participated in this study, 400 children of both genders (28.14 ± 7.23 months). Two groups were created (the group that had oriented physical activity (30 min long and 2 times a week) and the group that didn’t have oriented physical activity). For a better understanding they were divided into 3 age groups (12–23, 24–35 and 36–48 months). Motor skills were assessed using the PDMS-2 scales, for 6 months, following the instrument’s application standards.
Results: In a first analysis, we found that the majority of children only start to practice oriented physical activity in institutions from 36 months of age, however, it is in the first months (from 12 to 35) that the greatest differences between the two groups can occur. The OPA group presented better results according to the mean values, in all motor skills. Differences between groups were most noticeable in Postural, locomotion and fine manipulation Skills (showing effect size: moderate and low).
Conclusions: We can conclude that a practice of oriented physical activity in the first 48 months is fundamental to the development of motor skills. It is in the first months (up to 36) that there are greater differences, but it is also where there are less children carrying out guided physical activity. This is an important factor, and is determinant to make institutions aware of this importance of this variable in child development.
Sports performance is influenced by the interaction of several physical variables. For this reason, most sports need both strength and endurance capacities to maximize overall performance. Therefore, a combination of resistance and aerobic training, usually called concurrent training (CT), has been used recently as a way of simultaneously improving strength and aerobic performances according to the needs of a specific sport. This combination can be challenging and can influence training adaptations, being a problematic issue for coaches. The main objective is to provide coaches with a practical proposal for CT to improve athletes' performance in different sports.
Rink hockey is a highly specialized and physiological demanding sport with sparse research regarding the game and athletes’ characteristics. A cross-sectional study was developed to characterize the body composition and grip strength of elite male rink hockey players and to establish the relationship between ethnicity on body composition and grip strength. A sample of 100 elite rink-hockey athletes aged 26.59 ± 6.02 participated in the study, comprised
of 69 Caucasian male adults aged 27.58 ± 6.44 years and 31 Black African male adults aged 24.39 ± 4.27. Body composition was assessed by anthropometric measurements. Static grip strength was assessed with an adjustable dynamometer. Multiple regression analysis was applied to understand which variables constraints body fat percentage (BF) and grip strength. Body mass showed an average of 76.36 ± 9.18 kg for 175.80 ± 5.87 cm of height and BF% of 10.82 ± 5.07%. Maximal right grip strength was 50.91 ± 6.26 kg and 50.27 ± 6.23 kg for left grip strength. Four predictors accounted for 70.01% of the variance of BF%: abdominal circumference (p < 0.001), right thigh circumference (p < 0.001), right calf circumference (p = 0.001) and ethnicity (p = 0.016). Three predictors accounted for 13.1% of the variance of right grip strength: ethnicity (p = 0.013), chronological age (p = 0.024) and right distal thigh circumference (p = 0.014). Results suggest that elite rink hockey athletes have a specific anthropometric identity, which at the elite level may lead to reduced body fat and greater handgrip strength. Ethnicity seems to predict body fat and grip strength in elite rink hockey athletes.
Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da prática de atividade física (AF) na aptidão física funcional de idosos. A amostra, constituída por 348 idosos com idades compreendidas entre 61 e 97 anos de idade foi dividida em 2 grupos (254 praticantes de AF e 94 não praticantes de AF). A aptidão física foi avaliada seguindo o protocolo de testes da bateria de testes Senior Fitness Test (Rikli & Jones, 2001). Para além de estatística descritiva, foram utilizados os métodos estatísticos de Kolmogorov Smirnov, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal Wallis. Os resultados permitiram identificar diferenças estatisticamente muito significativas entre praticantes e não praticantes de AF. Os praticantes de AF apresentam médias significativamente superiores aos não praticantes. A prática de qualquer uma das modalidades (Hidroginástica, Ginástica) produz diferenças muito significativas para com o grupo de não praticantes, sendo as médias obtidas em qualquer um dos testes de aptidão física dos dois grupos de prática muito superiores ás do grupo de não praticantes. Verificam-se, ainda, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os praticantes de Hidroginástica e de Ginástica nos testes Sentado, caminhar 2,44 m e voltar a sentar e Caminhar 6 minutos, obtendo os praticantes de ginástica sénior melhores médias nestes dois testes.
O modelo de jogo (MJ) no futebol, reveste-se de grande complexidade e é constituído por grande quantidade de subvariáveis, que por sua vez se estruturam em diferentes dimensões, categorias e subcategorias. No presente artigo vamos fazer uma abordagem teórica sobre o modelo de jogo no futebol, apresentando as partes constituintes que o caracterizam, e também, chamar a atenção para a sua plasticidade e dinâmica, que permite que se vá ajustando e modificando durante os anos de formação de acordo com a idade dos atletas. A evolução do modelo de jogo permite aos jovens jogadores a modificação de comportamentos, para níveis de complexidade cada vez mais elevados respondendo de forma eficaz às necessidades do jogo e às suas próprias necessidades.
Background: Sedentary behavior has been considered an independent risk factor to health. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine associations between objectively measured sedentary time and physical fitness components in healthy adults. Methods: Four electronic databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed and Sport Discus) were searched (up to 20 September 2020) to retrieve studies on healthy adults which used observational, cohort and cross-sectional designs. Studies were included if sedentary time was measured objectively and examined associations with the health- or skill-related attributes of physical fitness (e.g., muscular strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, balance). After applying additional search criteria, 21 papers (11,101 participants) were selected from an initial pool of 5192 identified papers. Results: Significant negative associations were found between total sedentary time with cardiorespiratory fitness (r = -0.164, 95%CI: -0.240, -0.086, p < 0.001), muscular strength (r = -0.147, 95%CI: -0.266, -0.024, p = 0.020) and balance (r = -0.133, 95%CI: -0.255, -0.006, p = 0.040). Conclusions: The evidence found suggests that sedentary time can be associated with poor physical fitness in adults (i.e., muscular strength, cardiorespiratory fitness and balance), so strategies should be created to encourage behavioral changes.
This study aimed to analyze the effects of a combined training (CT) program performed during the first national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic on body composition, metabolic profile, quality of life and stress in sedentary workers, and examines whether changes in the metabolic profile are associated with changes in health-related outcomes which are modifiable by exercise. We evaluated 31 sedentary workers (48.26 ± 7.89 years old). Participants were randomly assigned to a CT group (i.e., performed 16 weeks of exercise) or to a non-exercise control group. The CT program consisted of 16-week of resistance and aerobic exercise. Body composition, glycemic and lipidic profiles, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), health-related quality of life and stress levels were assessed pre- and post-intervention. After the intervention period, the CT group demonstrated significantly lower waist and hip circumference (p < 0.05) values than the control group. The control group significantly increased the fasting glucose and HOMA-IR after 16 weeks follow-up (+4.74 mg/dL, p = 0.029; and +0.41 units, p = 0.010, respectively), whiles no significant changes were observed in the CT group in the same parameters (+3.33 mg/dL, p = 0.176; and +0.04 units, p = 0.628, respectively). No changes were observed in the lipid profile for either group (p > 0.05). A significant positive relationship was detected between the change in BMI with the changes in insulin and HOMA-IR (r = 0.643, p = 0.024; and r = 0.605, p = 0.037, respectively). In addition, the changes in CRF were negatively associated with the changes in total cholesterol (r = −0.578, p = 0.049). We observed differences between groups on perceived stress levels and physical, psychological, and environmental domains of quality of life, with the CT group showing better results. Moreover, the CT group improved perceived life satisfaction (+3.17 points, p = 0.038). The findings of the present study suggest that the participants who remained physically active during the first pandemic-related lockdown were able to mitigate the deleterious effects associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
The current study was aimed to examine intra-individual variation on indicators of bone health in addition to whole-body plus appendicular tissue measurements using two concurrent assessments based on pencil beam and fan beam dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) systems in adult athletes from several sports.
Thirty-two male participants (27.6±10.1 years) were measured on anthropometry including multifrequency bioelectric impedance and air-displacement plethysmography. Bone mineral content (BMC), bone area, fat and lean soft tissue were derived using pencil beam (Lunar DPX-MD+) and fan beam (Lunar iDXA) absorptiometry. Bone mineral density (BMD) was obtained for the femoral neck, trochanter and triangle of ward. Finally, the right thigh was defined as a region of interest (ROI). Analyses comprised intra-class correlation (ICC), Effect size (d) from mean differences of repeated measurements, coefficient of variation (CV)
ICC were >0.900 for all measurements. Intra-individual differences were large for BMC (d=1,312; CV=2,7%), bone area (d=1,761; CV=2,7%), fat tissue (d=1,612; CV=11%) and all indicators of appendicular lean soft tissue (d=1,237-1687; CV=2,0-4,1%). A very large difference (d=4,014; CV=8.4%) was diagnosed for lean soft tissue of the ROI.
Although differences among concurrent instruments for BMC and bone area, the effect size of mean differences was negligible for BMD. Fat and lean soft tissue derived from DXA should be interpreted as reference values (not criterion) due to equipment-related variation, more apparently in the ROI values.
O Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas (BCR) é uma modalidade de esforço intermitente, onde se considera a resistência como a capacidade motora mais importante, associada à realização de esforços intensos de forma repetida, durante um período prolongado. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o nível das capacidades físicas dos atletas da Seleção Nacional de Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas. Assim, examinamos na prática desportiva adaptada a velocidade, resistência, agilidade, potencia de membros superiores e preensão manual, no processo de desenvolvimento individual do atleta. A nossa amostra foi constituída por 14 atletas de Desporto Adaptado, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 40 anos. Através da aplicação de vários testes físicos, recolhemos a informação definida pelo nosso modelo de análise. Podemos concluir que comparativamente com outros estudos observamos que há diferenças significativas em todos dos testes realizados quer seja de agilidade, velocidade, potencia e resistencia, uma vez que a amostra do nosso estudo eram atletas de elite da Seleção Nacional de BCR.
Background Skeletal age (SA) is an estimate of biological maturity status that is commonly used in sport-related medical examinations. This study considered intra-observer reproducibility and inter-observer agreement of SA assessments among male tennis players.
Methods SA was assessed with the Fels method in 97 male tennis players with chronological ages (CA) spanning 8.7–16.8 years. Radiographs were evaluated by two independent trained observers. Based on the difference between SA and CA, players were classified as late, average or early maturing; if a player was skeletally mature, he was noted as such as an SA is not assigned.
Results The magnitude of intra-individual differences between repeated SA assessments were d = 0.008 year
(observer A) and d = 0.001 year (observer B); the respective coefficients of variation were 1.11% and 1.75%. Interobserver mean differences were negligible (t = 1.252, p = 0.210) and the intra-class correlation coefficient was nearly perfect (ICC = 0.995). Concordance of classifications of players by maturity status between observers was 90%.
Conclusion Fels SA assessments were highly reproducible and showed an acceptable level of inter-observer agreement between trained examiners. Classifications of players by skeletal maturity status based on assessments of the two observers were highly concordant, though not 100%. The results highlight the importance of experienced observers in skeletal maturity assessments.