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Decorrente da Política de Coesão da Comissão Europeia em matéria de Estratégias de Inovação Regionais e Nacionais para a Especialização Inteligente (RIS3) na Europa, a Estratégia de Investigação e Inovação para uma Especialização Inteligente (EI&I) em Portugal, congrega as estratégias regionais de especialização inteligente (EREI) de cada um dos sete territórios abrangidos pela NUTS II - Nomenclatura das Unidades Territoriais para Fins Estatísticos: Norte, Centro, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Alentejo, Algarve, Região Autónoma dos Açores e Região Autónoma da Madeira.
A par das dificuldades económicas e financeiras que dominam o panorama internacional, Portugal não foge à regra, vendo a sua economia mergulhada numa crise profunda, marcada pelo elevado nível de preços das matérias-primas, com repercussões negativas ao nível da competitividade empresarial e níveis de empregabilidade. Atendendo a estas vicissitudes económicas e sociais, impera redescobrir novos modelos de negócio em área estratégicas para o desenvolvimento do país e em particular das regiões mais desfavorecidas. Surge assim o Turismo como elemento estratégico no desenvolvimento da economia nacional, associado a uma variedade de produtos identificados no âmbito do Plano Estratégico Nacional para o Turismo. Analisando a evolução global do envelhecimento populacional, com especial destaque no território europeu, ibérico e nacional, importa saber explorar este fenómeno social enquanto fonte de oportunidades a ter em conta no design de novos modelos de negócio, associando-o às novas tendências de consumo manifestadas pelos potenciais clientes. É neste sentido, que no domínio das diferentes vertentes do turismo, onde se inclui o turismo de saúde e bem-estar, o turismo médico, o alojamento, o turismo de negócios e touring cultural e paisagístico, que o modelo de negócios proposto identifica uma solução de investimento, a ter lugar numa região deprimida do nosso país – a região da raia central, em Malcata, Concelho do Sabugal.
This chapter analyzes the dynamics underlying the mechanisms of transfer of knowledge and technology between academia and the tourism industry. Two interviews and research were applied to managers of SMEs. SMEs consider highly educated employees central to the knowledge transfer process, but do not give any incentive to their employees to graduate. It is not always possible to recruit young talents from higher education, as they prefer to go to work for large metropolises. The main barriers for collaboration in R&D academia-industry in the tourism sector are the cost, lack of interest on the part of higher education institutions, and the bureaucratic and time-consuming process. Regarding networking, SMEs agree that they create value, but also consider incorporating a regional innovation ecosystem. SMEs should use a competitive differentiation strategy.
The main objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive view of academic studies that address simultaneously the circular economy and industrial symbiosis, based on bibliometric data for the years 1900 to 2018. Data are collected in Web of Science using the VOSviewer software. Bibliometric indicators, network citation, cluster analysis, and density view analysis are used. From our findings we highlight four clusters in the research, which help to contextualize the literature review: (a) circular economy: approaches and tools; (b) industrial symbiosis Dynamics; (c) circular economy: strategies and performance; (d) the efficiency of resources in symbiosis industry. This study also establishes perspectives for future lines of research and, correspondingly, seeks to provide a theoretical basis that can serve as a starting point for future studies.
Making smart regions smarter through smart specialization strategies (RIS3) is today on the political and economic agenda. In this context, it becomes a priority to know the regional stakeholders' perception of RIS3, based on the prioritization of the use of resources and capacities in their territories. The aim of this study is to perform a bibliometric analysis with the keywords smart specialization, regional innovation systems, and value, rareness, imitability, and organization (VRIO). The authors aim to contribute to the clarification of the literature on regional innovation ecosystems. They also intend to suggest a new model that allows the VRIO model to be adapted to the territories. Through extensive research using the Web of Science database, five clusters were identified (multiple helix; smart specialization and RIS3; innovation and entrepreneurship; regional policies and knowledge transfer and technology commercialization; regional growth, entrepreneurial, and innovative ecosystem), whose content analysis allowed to construct the conceptual regional helix assessment model.
- Knowledge Management has proven to be a key element in how organizations can innovate and, therefore, enhance the skills of their employees, especially through the acquisition, creation, storage and dissemination of knowledge, acting to facilitate the integration of human resources while contributing to the creation of competitive advantages. Among these organizations, the entities that have their own knowledge as a product assume a key role in society, as they are responsible for knowledge transfer and skills development with a view in a better performance of citizens. The objectives of this investigation are the analysis of the knowledge Management process, and the understanding of the influence of this process on the success of the vocational education practiced and, consequently, on the valorisation and reinforcement of the organization’s competitiveness. To achieve these objectives, a multiple case study was developed and structured by a quantitative and qualitative analysis using interviews, questionnaire, and document analysis in two vocational education organizations in the Automotive Technology area, one in Portugal and other in Spain. The result pointed out that the knowledge Management practices are known to the management and employees of the entities and, although in a not well-structured way, there are activities aimed to improve the knowledge of human resources and there is a concern to reflect this improvement on success of the professional training developed.
Re-internationalization represents a research challenge for the internationalization process. Many companies withdraw from international operations go through a period of interregnum time, and then reenter in the international arena. Little is known about this process and whether re-internationalizers opt for the same entrepreneurial orientation or behave differently than they began with the first approach, allowing for faster re-entry and take-off. The article follows a qualitative methodological approach, based on the case study, using semi-structured interview with the top manager of the wine company. This work is intended to serve as a basis for future studies related to the internationalization of SME, based on the profile of CEO, and also as a basis for reflection by company managers. This exploratory study aims to contribute to the emerging literature on entrepreneurial orientation and re-internationalization using the SME case study.
Industrial competitiveness is linked to sustainable business practices if firms want to be competitive and position themselves as sustainable companies. This chapter analyses how the knitwear industry integrates the sustainable concerns into their strategy and mission and how they adopt new ways of production, performance, and product definition, mainly through technological innovation and therefore improve their industrial competitiveness. The study is exploratory applied into all the knitwear industries of two counties of the Centre Region of Portugal. The innovation, mainly technical, adopted expresses the sus- tainable concern to the limit of the law and business revenue. It seems that the business environmental concerns showed have a paradoxical behaviour as they don’t translate into a clear contribution for the sustainable development and to an industrial competitiveness concern.
Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Gestão de Empresas apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Empresas
The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the relationship between innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness, following the triple helix network approach to regional economies, considering their impact on socio-economic development. This correspondingly involved a mixed research typology, as advocated in chapters 2 to 5, alternating between quantitative methodologies, deploying descriptive statistics, structural equation modelling (SEM) and hierarchical cluster analysis; and the qualitative methodology underpinning the case studies. The socio-economic prosperity of triple helix spaces (Academia-Industry-Political Decision regional spaces of interaction) depends on competitive advantages, including their positioning in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship factors, local endogenous resources and the development trajectories attained. The study revealed the scope for grouping the countries analyzed by the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) into five clusters: (1) Balanced low performance, (2) Moderate competitiveness, (3) High competitiveness, (4) High GDP per capita, and (5) Performance excellence. Making direct comparisons between European regions, and with reference to the recognized United Kingdom centre of entrepreneurship in Oxfordshire, we recommend some future paths for the Centro region of Portugal, strongly based on the opportunities arising out of the Horizon 2020 programme and RIS3. Our conclusions point to the sheer relevance of important contributions from the regional and technological clusters and the collaborative A-I research and development projects studied to the overall socio-economic development of economies. In summary, we may highlight two important theoretical contributions from this thesis: (1) the presentation of the "Regional Helix Turbine Model", clarifying the role of different actors within the context of triple helix regional spaces and their potential contribution to enhancing competitiveness; and (2) the definition of a performance measurement model appropriately adjusted to these dynamics: the "Helix Regional Scoreboard". As recommendations and future lines of research, we would call for the completion of comparative studies on the trajectories of triple helix regional spaces across Europe featuring different levels of innovation and competitiveness as well as the "RHS" validation through the comparison of the Oxfordshire and Centro regions,, both included in this thesis.
This chapter examines the competitiveness footprints of SMEs within a high-tech cluster. A mixed methodology combining quantitative and qualitative data is used. More specifically, a case study is offered to show trends in innovative and entrepreneurial collaboration associated with an internationally competitive high-tech cluster. The findings shed light on the importance of collective efficiency strategies, with a focus on RD&I, implemented by SMEs that operate in an international and competitive market. This chapter highlights the lessons learned in two specific aspects: the role of innovation in the competitiveness of SMEs and the role of innovation and entrepreneurship networks in enhancing the functions of a high-technology industrial cluster, the Portuguese Engineering and Tooling Cluster.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the linkage of innovation and entrepreneurship to economic growth in countries with different levels of development. Design/methodology/approach Following quantitative analysis, the authors carry out three empirical approaches to examine the effects of innovation and entrepreneurship on competitiveness. In accordance with their initial study framework, they test the conceptual model of competitiveness through applying descriptive statistics, structural equation modelling (SEM) and hierarchical cluster analysis. Descriptive statistics and SEM data sources from the Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum were analysed for 148 countries. The hierarchical cluster analysis furthermore analysed Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data on 67 different countries. Findings The study confirmed that innovation and sophistication factors are crucial to the competitiveness of economies. The study also revealed the definition of five clusters relative to the competitive performance of advanced economies following the introduction of new entrepreneurship variables. Originality/value This research aims to open up avenues for the development of regional competitiveness studies.
This study proposes a performance measurement adjusted to the conceptual model "multiple helix ecosystem for sustainable competitiveness" (Peris Ortiz et al., 2016), supported in innovation and entrepreneurship networks, in order to contribute to the improvement of sustainable competitiveness of territories. A systematic literature review was carried out between the years 1900 and 2016, based on the study keywords. The proposed performance measurement model was conceived from the "Multiple Helix Ecosystem" concept, allowing its empirical verification applied to national and regional economies.
There has been an increased interest in understanding entrepreneurship practices in a regional development context, which has led to the concept of entrepreneurial regional innovation systems being developed (Cooke & Leydesdorff, 2006). The reason for this is due to the role entrepreneurial activity and resulting firm creation has on regional economic growth (Acs & Armington, 2004; Audretsch & Keilbach, 2005). Exercising a sense of embeddedness is a key determinant of individuals and firms choosing to locate in a region but it is also influenced by the entrepreneurship embedded in a region (Audretsch & Belitski, 2017). Whilst recent articles in European Planning Studies have stressed the need for entrepreneurship to be more integrated into regional innovation research (e.g. Cabras & Mount, 2015; Cooke, 2017; Stam, 2015; Yun, Cooke, & Park, 2017), less is known about how it is embedded in a region utilizing innovativeness and creativity perspectives.Thismeansamoreexplicitrecognitionoftheroleentrepreneurshipplaysandits interlinkages with regional studies can increase policy and research initiatives around this topic. This special issue is concerned with developing new perspectives on regional innovation systems and entrepreneurial embeddedness, thereby, offering exciting new directions for research about how the dynamics of innovation in a regional development context are explained by emerging entrepreneurial practices.
Thisarticleaimstoevaluatetheresourcesandcapabilitiesininsularregions,andalsotounderstand howvaluecreationandcommercializationtakeplaceintheexistingecosystems.Aqualitativeresearch methodologywasfollowedthroughacasestudy,incorporatinginterviewswithincubatorsmanagersof theinsularregionsofPortugal(AzoresandMadeira).Theresultsshowsomedifficultiesasaresultof theecosystem’sinsularity.Toshortentheinsularregionsdissymmetrycomparedtoothernon-insular regions,anewmodelisproposedtohelptheseregionsovercometheireconomicandsocialproblems.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are now central to the economic policies of nations, with particular relevance in Europe. This chapter intends to explore the evolution of the studies on innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in order to identify gaps and new perspectives of research that can serve as a reflection to universities, political decisions, and the business fabric. Extensive research was conducted using the Web of Science database. Six clusters were found in the literature on entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems: ecosystems of innovation, entrepreneurship, region, new ventures, technology, and entrepreneurial university. New theoretical perspectives based on bibliometric analysis and new research paths have been identified.
The recent change in the regional development strategy of the European Union (EU) results in an important need to study the terms of change and their respective implications. This study seeks, through a bibliometric analysis, to ascertain the developments taking place in studies on research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) to identify shortcomings and opportunities for future research. This bibliometric review drew upon the Scopus database with the sample selected containing all the articles containing the keywords “Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation” or “RIS3.” This correspondingly reports how some authors maintain that the path the EU should take involves imitative innovation. Meanwhile, others propose that each region should specialise in those industries that are already established there and thus avoid targeting any areas they do not already know/specialise in. Our findings detail six clusters in RIS3 research, which help in contextualising the literature review: (a) business discovery; (b) smart specialisation; (c) innovation; (d) specialisation; (e) regional policies; and (f) regional development. This study furthermore sets out perspectives for future lines of research and correspondingly seeks to convey a vast theoretical basis that may serve as the point of departure for future studies.
Global competition is today a reality and making smart regions smarter through smart specialization is currently on the political and economic agenda of territories. This study aims to contribute to clarifying the framework for the regional innovation ecosystems as well as identifying new research paths. Through extensive research using the Web of Science database with resource to a bibliometric analysis on smart specialization, six clusters were identified: cluster 1 – innovation networks and triple helix; cluster 2 - regional innovation systems; cluster 3 – regional innovation network; cluster 4 - smart innovation policies; cluster 5 – smart specialization; and cluster 6 - Asian innovation systems. Several future lines of research recently published in literature distributed by the six clusters were identified. This study also contributes to open new research horizons in these areas of knowledge, allowing the emergence of new streams of thought on the part of scholars, policymakers, economic agents and society in general.
he literature on accounting, business, and finance, as a sub-area of the sciences of administration and management, has been receiving strong attention from researchers since the 1950s. This study´s main goal is to evaluate the nature and course of development of the literature on these research areas. A bibliometric analysis on the top journals published on the Web of Science and on the Scopus databases is conducted. Results synthesize the conceptual framework related to this area of science, identifying the roots of its intellectual structure, which give life to the respective tree of knowledge. New paths for future research are outlined.
This paper attempts to shed light on the current role of academia in the context of rural areas of low population density, which are regional interaction models. In this study, we follow a qualitative research methodology of a case study.We found that through the case study applied to a hotel unit, that the Academia can through its third mission, and in the context of regional triple helix dynamics (Academia-Business-government interaction), play an important role in terms of knowledge dissemination, wealth creation and employability. The limitations, which our study presents, are principally related to the measurement of the variables. Some of the characteristics of education should be studied more deeply. In the instance of a case study applied to the hospitality industry, it is important to take as limitations of the study to its direct application to any economic context. This study allowed however, contribute to the enrichment of literature through case studies presented int he hospitality industry.
This research seeks to identify the factors that best explain the performance of regional innovation in Europe, in the era of smart specialization. Data were collected from the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2016 and a quantitative methodology was followed using linear regressions as statistical methods. The results allowed us to reach four explanatory models of performance innovation for Innovative Regions Leader, Strong, Moderate and Modest. Some policies have also been suggested as possible regional innovation measures that can help policy makers to clarify and improve the innovation performance of these regions.
Purpose This paper focuses on the issue of global competitive advantage of nations, based on the dimensions analyzed by the World Economic Forum in assessing the economic competitiveness of a large sample of countries. From the different stages of development of the countries, this study aims to help us to recognize what variables better explain the global competitive advantage of economies. Design/methodology/approach Following quantitative analysis, results based on PLS show what dimensions within each economic development stage best explain the global competitive advantage of economies. Findings Beyond the institutions, infrastructure and regulation of the markets, higher education and training, the technological readiness, the business sophistication and innovation contribute greatly to explain the competitive advantage of economies. Originality/value Understanding the drivers of global competitive advantage of nations, this study may help academics to conduct new studies, as well as politicians to define intervention priorities.
This study aims at assessing stakeholder perceptions regarding the suitability of smart/intelligent specialisation strategies defined for their framework regions. We adopted a quantitative methodology through questionnaire surveys of the different stakeholders in Portuguese regions in keeping with the VRIO model applied to the regions. The study results emphasise that stakeholder perceptions of the appropriateness of the smart specialisation strategies defined for their framework regions does not coincide with the intelligent specialisation strategies defined by their policy makers. This study attempts to contribute to an innovative framework which helps policy-makers assessing and measuring the regional performance. The study furthermore proposes measures to bridge the gaps found in the regional smart specialisation strategies.
Nonprofit sector integrates an important part of the economy, which serves as a critical factor for social change. Social innovation and social entrepreneurship are of paramount importance for the nonprofit sector aiming to solve social needs. The purpose of this paper is, through bibliometric mapping techniques, based on 2695 documents, to understand thematic evolution of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. The main conclusion is that, from the analysis, we can see that the scientific production in this field of knowledge has intensified in recent years, but the centrality and the search density undergo major changes. New paths for future research are outlined.
This study seeks to identify the variables that best explain the performances of innovative regions of Europe deploying regional strategies for smart specialisation. We follow a quantitative methodology and applied linear regression as a method. To conduct this study, we collected data from the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2016. The results led to an explanatory invocation performance model for moderate innovator regions, and while also identifying some potential measures and suggestions in order to help decision-makers improve on the innovation performance of these regions.
Although entrepreneurship plays a critical role in fostering economic development, erasing inequality, and generating more balanced societies, a gap concerning the course, nature, and state-of-the-art of minority entrepreneurship scientific literature need to be fulfilled. A hybrid methodology, combining bibliometric methods and topic models (latent Drichlet allocation) is used to perform a thematic analysis of the minority entrepreneurship research stream. The analysis provides insight into the most relevant research themes as well as further research agenda.
Design/methodology/approach This study uses bibliometric methods and topic models, specifically latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) methods to evaluate the nature and course of the tourism crises and disasters scientific literature. Data from 2810 documents were retrieved from the Web of Science database and were used to perform the analysis. Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented global turmoil and a halt on international tourism. This study aims to evaluate the scientific literature about tourism crisis and disasters and depict how this research stream evolved in the face of economic, security, health, environmental, or trust crises, further providing insights about a research agenda on this stream. Findings Results show an increase of tourism crises and disasters scientific literature departing from 2010, and a surge in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, themes such as tourism competitiveness, tourism demand, crisis management, perceived risk, natural disasters, and destination recovery are among the most relevant themes in the research line, showing that the effect of economic and financial crises on tourism industry, sustainable tourism, and tourism demand are set to be among the most relevant in the upcoming years. Implications This study fills a void in tourism literature by providing a roadmap to understand the past, present, and future of the tourism crises and disasters research line and the avenues for future research in this field, including methods, in the period post COVID-19. Originality/value Previous studies on tourism crises and disasters were focused on literature review and on the relationship between crises and disasters and the tourism industry. This study uses a set of methods unused before in the research stream, namely a combination of bibliometric methods and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) methods, to provide a road map for the present state-of-the-art of tourism crises and disasters research and promising future research lines.
This study aims to fulfil a gap in the literature, delivering a road map to understand the course and nature of the fair value accounting literature, further showing how the 2008–2009 financial crisis affected it. Bibliometric methods analyze 377 documents retrieved from the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Results show a heavy increase in fair value accounting literature starting due to the 2008–2009 financial crisis, further showing a shift from fair value accounting regulations to topics such as fair value measurement, earnings management, value relevance, and banks. Results provide further evidence about relevant themes, showing that topics related to financial crises stay relevant, even during times of growth.
The literature on accounting, business, and finance, as a sub-area of the sciences of administration and management, has been receiving strong attention from researchers since the 1950s. This study ́s main goal is to evaluate the nature and course of development of the literature on these research areas. A bibliometric analysis on the top journals published on the Web of Science and on the Scopus databases is conducted. Results synthesize the conceptual framework related to this area of science, identifying the roots of its intellectual structure, which give life to the respective tree of knowledge. New paths for future research are outlined.
Clusters are a key driver of the competitiveness and economic growth of a region, and they become even more important when the region has a smart specialisation strategy that involves clusters as dynamic innovation stakeholder. This chapter illustrates how Inovcluster, an agri-food cluster oriented on SMEs and microbusiness, operates within the Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) of the centre region of Portugal, promoting regional business competitiveness. The chapter also examines the ways in which Inovcluster acts in order to effectively improve the market position and behaviour of its members.
The present research aims to contribute for the analysis of the theoretical evolution of the triple helix, quadruple helix, quintuple helix, and multiple helix concepts, embracing the dynamic interaction of different stakeholders in the context of regional innovation systems. Following a preliminary literature review on the subject, it was possible to develop a systematic literature review with a bibliometric analysis of research that addressed the evolution of the triple helix until the multiple helix, into the regional innovation systems perspective. Extensive research was conducted using the Web of Science database between 1990 and 2018, covering a total of 378 articles, generators of 9991 citations. Four clusters were found in the literature for this field of research: R&D Collaborations and Innovation; Entrepreneurial Activity in Entrepreneurial University; Triple Helix Dynamics; and Quadruple Helix in Regional Innovation Systems. New theoretical perspectives based on bibliometric analysis and new research paths have been identified, aiming to better understand the regional interaction of stakeholders for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Tourism is an important economic sector with particular importance for several countries and regions. For low-density rural territories, this sector can be an important driver of other sectors that guarantee jobs and local small and medium enterprises. However, in these regions mostly points of interest are dispersed and do not have a support structure to receive visitors and consequently most computer applications to support tourism are not suitable for these situations. This work describes a platform that uses technology to enhance the potential of opportunities to explore tourist attractions in low-density rural territories. This approach considers the particularities of these territories and the characteristics of existing points of interest. It provides mechanisms for tourism operators to make their points of interest available to be visited by tourists, without the need to spend a lot of resources and without the need of constant support from the tourism operators responsible for these points of interest. This approach may contribute to enhancing existing heritage in low-density rural territories, bringing new opportunities and unique experiences without requiring much human labor and enhancing the tourism benefit in low-density rural territories.
This research aims to identify which factors best explain business dynamics and innovation capacity in the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America. To achieve this, data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the Global Competitiveness Report is used. The linear regression method is utilized with the stepwise procedure for data analysis. It is possible to ascertain that, with a view to increasing innovation capacity in the African continent, business leaders and managers should be acquainted with innovation studies to better understand technological advances. In relation to Asia, the detected models of business dynamism and capacity for innovation are positive. On the European continent, the results show that RIS3 has a positive impact on the capacity for innovation. In Latin America and the Caribbean, it seems that business dynamism and the capacity for innovation are negative and regional development policies should be more flexible. In North America, it appears that business dynamism and the capacity for innovation are negative. The research contributes with measures that can be applied by organizations and policymakers to these five continents to improve the performance of business dynamism and the capacity for innovation in their territories. The resulting data give originality to the research as well as important contributions, not only to the theory, but also to the entities (organizations and governments) acting in the field who can implement new policies, such as tax incentives to companies for the first purchase of high-tech equipment, products, or products with intellectual property rights developed by national companies and provide support policies directed to companies that purchase high-tech domestic equipment.
Uma área onde a educação para a saúde pode ter um papel importante diz respeito à exposição excessiva ao sol, e outros elementos climáticos, especialmente por grupos de pessoas mais sensíveis como é o caso das crianças. Embora sejam conhecidos bastantes benefícios para a saúde humana com a exposição solar também é verdade que, em situações extremas, podem surgir doenças relacionadas com a exposição a estes elementos. É, por isso, importante criar mecanismos de monitorização para que as crianças possam estar a salvo de riscos de saúde que possam advir da exposição aos mesmos. Neste artigo é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo que permite monitorizar alguns parâmetros associados à saúde e condições a que uma criança pode estar exposta e, consoante essas condições, permite alertar para o risco a que esta se encontra exposta. Os pontos fortes do protótipo apresentado, no que respeita à saúde das crianças, centram-se, não só nos avisos que a alteração das cores do alerta luminoso lhes fornecerá relativamente à radiação solar UV, temperatura corporal, e temperatura ambiente como também na aprendizagem dos cuidados e das medidas de proteção a adotar, em tempo real e face às condições específicas do momento. Para os adultos, o protótipo mostra-se também ser interessante, de acordo com as respostas aos inquéritos, e vantajoso na medida em que os pode ajudar, em determinadas circunstâncias, no acompanhamento e monitorização constante das crianças. Mas, acima de tudo, promove sensibilização para a importância de ter cuidados com a saúde, em especial com as crianças.
This paper sought to analyse the dynamics underlying university technology transfer and commercialisation mechanisms. We adopt a qualitative research methodology, which incorporates different case studies, interviews and applied research of the actors involved in universities, business incubators and start-ups. While limited to three case studies, this paper does highlight the technology transfer mechanisms and the support provided to commercialisation, including the identification of the difficulties and opportunities present within the context of cooperation networks. By surveying those running incubators and incubator company managers in conjunction with analysis of research, development and innovation (RDI) cooperative projects backed by European funding, we were able to gain insights into the different processes of transferring and commercialising technology. Falling within the framework of the third component of universities’ mission, this article demonstrates not only the importance of RDI cooperation networks but also how the consequent commercialisation of new products and services generates positive consequences for economic growth.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to involve the differences in the entrepreneurial intentions of student at higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Portuguese regions (mainland and insular). Design/methodology/approach – Applying a sample of 594 valid responses, the authors analyzed the data according to linear regression models. Findings – The results convey how HEI students generally do not intend to become entrepreneurs in both the mainland and the insular regions. Although HEI students broadly do not aim to launch their own businesses, the results show that students in mainland regions feel they have the skills to start a business and drive it to success. In insular regions, students feel encouraged by their friends and family to set up their own business. When comparing insular and mainland regions, the results demonstrate how in insular regions, there is a greater probability that HEI students become entrepreneurs than in the mainland regions. Furthermore, entrepreneurial intentions in the mainland regions develop in terms of “opportunities” while driven by necessity in the insular regions. Practical implications – This furthermore makes recommendations to regional governments and to HEIs in order to enable better encouragement of entrepreneurship in academia. Originality/value – This study is original and innovative due to its comparison of the entrepreneurial intentions prevailing in mainland and insular regions and may propose new highlights to the academic scientific literature.
Purpose Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have become increasingly important in national and international markets because they contribute to the development of local and national economies. SMEs often face serious challenges when competing with multinational companies. The purpose of this paper is to develop a method for assessing SMEs’ competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach Based on a constructivist epistemology, this study makes an integrated use of cognitive mapping and the measuring attractiveness by a categorical-based evaluation technique (MACBETH). To this end, face-to-face sessions were conducted with a panel of entrepreneurs and senior managers who deal with the challenges of maintaining SME competitiveness every day. The proposed assessment system was tested and validated by the panel members. Findings The methodological processes adopted in this study provide promising results for decision makers seeking to identify the most competitive SMEs. Specifically, the results emphasize, among other points, the importance of innovation and the human dimension to gaining competitive advantages. Research limitations/implications The evaluation system developed in this study is extremely versatile and confirms the usefulness of integrating cognitive mapping and MACBETH to facilitate evaluations of SME competitiveness. However, due to its idiosyncratic and process-oriented nature, generalizations need to be done with caution. Practical implications The proposed method can be valuable to researchers seeking to develop mechanisms for evaluating SMEs’ entrepreneurial performance and include specialized know-how and sensemaking in organizational decision-making processes. Originality/value The integrated use of cognitive maps and MACBETH contributes to a better understanding of how to assess SMEs’ competitiveness. No prior work reporting the use of this dual methodology in this study context has been found.
This paper aims to illustrate the entrepreneurial performance of economies taking into account the variables present in the entrepreneurial framework conditions. The methodology used in the research is exploratory, descriptive and quantitative. We used a process that combines Factorial Analysis with Cluster Analysis. Considering the entrepreneurial framework variables conditions, our results indicate that there are four groups in economies: 1) Moderate Entrepreneurial Performance; 2) Emerging Entrepreneurial Performance; 3) High-Income Economies; and 4) Advanced Entrepreneurial Economies. Our research also denotes where economies need to develop new policies to improve their entrepreneurial performance and competitiveness. This research brings new contributions to science and existing literature as it helps to understand and clarify the entrepreneurial performance of economies relative to entrepreneurial framework conditions.
This paper aims to understand how the different stakeholders assess the adequacy of smart specialization policies defined for their regions. Design/methodology/approach This paper has followed a quantitative methodology through the application of questionnaire surveys to stakeholders of the various territorial regions in Portugal. Findings As a result, from the “resource-based view” approach applied to the various regions, the attained results highlight that the suitability of smart specialization policies defined for the Portuguese regions is not unanimous among its stakeholders. Originality/value The research can be used as a tool to assist regional policymakers in strategic reflection when defining and adjusting smart specialization strategies in their territories.
The regional innovation systems (RIS) concept has become popular among academics, political decision-makers and regional stakeholders of innovation. Understanding the competitive dynamics of RIS and their impact on regional competitiveness today has thus become a priority. This paper provides researchers, academics, political decision-makers and other interested parties with a map of the different approaches to RIS, aiding in the definition of new territorial innovation policies. With a co-citation resource approach, an extensive search of the Web of Science database was carried out and it encountered four clusters in the literature on RIS: regional knowledge systems; regional institutional systems; regional research and development systems; and regional network systems. This correspondingly sets out new theoretical perspectives based on bibliometric analysis techniques and new paths for scientific reflection and research.
Purpose: This paper aims to understand how the different stakeholders assess the adequacy of smart specialization policies defined for their regions. Design/methodology/approach: This paper has followed a quantitative methodology through the application of questionnaire surveys to stakeholders of the various territorial regions in Portugal. Findings: As a result, from the “resource-based view” approach applied to the various regions, the attained results highlight that the suitability of smart specialization policies defined for the Portuguese regions is not unanimous among its stakeholders. Originality/value: The research can be used as a tool to assist regional policymakers in strategic reflection when defining and adjusting smart specialization strategies in their territories.
Purpose – Regional innovation performance is an important indicator for decision-making regarding the implementation of policies intended for regional development. However, regional development policies have led economies to very different competitive positions in matters of innovation. To address these issues, this paper aims to identify the variables that most contribute to the positioning of economies in terms of performance innovation in Europe. Design/methodology/approach – The data for this study were collected at the regional innovation scoreboard. This paper uses a quantitative methodology through a multivariate statistical technique (discriminant analysis). Findings – The results suggest that specific innovation strategies explain the competitive positioning of economies within each group of countries. It was possible to demonstrate that economies with leader classification show greater comparative robustness in the variables “Small and medium enterprise (SMEs) with product or process innovations,” “SMEs with product or process innovations,” “research and development (R&D) expenditure public sector” and “population with tertiary education,” constituting an effective instrument of innovation policy. Furthermore, it was possible to show that the economies belonging to the modest group do not have a competitive advantage in any of the variables under study, thus providing a reflection opportunity for policymakers at this level. Originality/value – The present research identifies which variables are most relevant to the classification considering the regional innovation performance in leader, strong, moderate and modest. Several suggestions were given to companies, policymakers and higher education institutions in the sense that the regions where they operate can improve their innovative performance, which may help to a change in their current classification.