Dinâmicas geradas no ensino articulado à luz da teoria Bronfenbrenner : um estudo de caso da Academia de Música e Dança do Fundão
Toucinho, Pedro José Rufino Mendes
Influência da resolução do modelo digital do terreno na configuração topográfica de uma bacia hidrográfica
DUARTE, A. C. [et al.] (2005) - Influência da resolução do modelo digital do terreno na configuração topográfica de uma bacia hidrográfica. Recursos Hídricos. ISSN 0870-1741. 27:1. P. 7-14.
Influência da resolução do modelo digital do terreno na configuração topográfica de uma bacia hidrográfica
Influence of the digital elevation model resolution on the topographic configaration of the watershed
Influence of the digital elevation model resolution on the topographic configaration of the watershed
Modelo Digital do Terreno
Poluição difusa
Modelação topográfica
Bacia hidrográfica
Digital Elevation Model
Non point source pollution
Topographic modeling
Hydrologic modeling
Topographic modeling
Modelação hidrológica
Poluição difusa
Modelação topográfica
Bacia hidrográfica
Digital Elevation Model
Non point source pollution
Topographic modeling
Hydrologic modeling
Topographic modeling
Modelação hidrológica
Nos estudos de poluição difusa originada pela actividade agrícola à escala da bacia hidrográfica, é
fundamental a sua conveniente configuração topográfica e a compreensão do seu comportamento hidrológico. No
presente trabalho é utilizado o módulo FlowNet Generator do modelo AnnAGNPS, no sentido de se compreender a
influência da resolução vertical do Modelo Digital do Terreno (DEM) na configuração topográfica de uma pequena
bacia hidrográfica. O estudo decorre no Aproveitamento Hidroagrícola da Campina da Idanha, na bacia de uma linha
de água tributária do rio Tejo, tendo sido elaborados dois DEM com resoluções verticais de 1 e 5m. A rede de
drenagem natural observada na bacia hidrográfica é a característica usada para comparar os resultados simulados e
observados, procedendo-se depois à análise da divisão da bacia e dos parâmetros topográficos e hidrológicos
resultantes. Este estudo permite concluir que para a área de estudo de 190 ha o DEM com resolução vertical de 5m
não é suficientemente detalhado para contemplar a totalidade da rede de drenagem natural, pelo que é recomendável
o uso de um DEM com menor resolução vertical. Pela forma como a rede de drenagem simulada, tendo por base o
DEM com resolução de 1m, se aproxima da rede de drenagem natural observada na zona de estudo, não se torna
necessário usar informação topográfica mais detalhada.
In modelling the effects of agricultural activities on non-point pollution at the catchment scale, it is important to delineate correctly the topographic configuration and to understand the hydrologic behaviour of the basin. In this work, the module FlowNet Generator, a component of the model AnnAGNPS, was used to evaluate the influence of the vertical resolution of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in the topographic and hydrologic configuration of a small irrigated catchment (190 ha) located in the area of Campina da Idanha, in a small basin located on a tributary of the Tejo River. The study used two vertical resolutions of 1m and 5m, respectively. The study first characterized in the field the surface drainage network of the catchment which was found to be stable, and then compared it with the results of the simulated networks, performed at the two resolution levels. It was found that the vertical resolution of 5m was unsatisfactory because it yielded catchment subdivisions which departed significantly from the field observations and did not document all the stable surface drainage network observed under field conditions. By contrast, the network generated with 1m resolution was quite close to the observed network, suggesting that the realistic simulation of this catchment demands such degree of vertical resolution in the topographic assessment.
In modelling the effects of agricultural activities on non-point pollution at the catchment scale, it is important to delineate correctly the topographic configuration and to understand the hydrologic behaviour of the basin. In this work, the module FlowNet Generator, a component of the model AnnAGNPS, was used to evaluate the influence of the vertical resolution of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in the topographic and hydrologic configuration of a small irrigated catchment (190 ha) located in the area of Campina da Idanha, in a small basin located on a tributary of the Tejo River. The study used two vertical resolutions of 1m and 5m, respectively. The study first characterized in the field the surface drainage network of the catchment which was found to be stable, and then compared it with the results of the simulated networks, performed at the two resolution levels. It was found that the vertical resolution of 5m was unsatisfactory because it yielded catchment subdivisions which departed significantly from the field observations and did not document all the stable surface drainage network observed under field conditions. By contrast, the network generated with 1m resolution was quite close to the observed network, suggesting that the realistic simulation of this catchment demands such degree of vertical resolution in the topographic assessment.
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