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The Bologna Process was responsible for the reformulation of the education system in several countries in Europe, with a great impact on the Portuguese education system, which presented a curricular structure and pedagogical practice very different from the recommended. This article, in addition to contextualizing the Bologna Process, exposes data related to the methodology followed by the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (Portugal) to monitor its implementation, as well as the indicators used to carry out annual monitoring reports. The strategies adopted by each higher school for the transition between curricular plans are presented, namely the methodology for adopting credits and for adapting to new study cycles. It also addresses the centralized strategy for monitoring the Process and planning initiatives that involved all higher schools. After implementing the Bologna Process, the quality assessment system was structured, based on previous work and considering performance indicators and the institution's structure. This work makes it possible to measure the profound changes incorporated at all levels and to understand their impact on teaching and learning practice.
The Gorongosa National Park was created in 1960 and it has 4.067km2 that integrates the Serra da Gorongosa and the local communities that live nearby. This work aims the characterization of the traditional houses and ways of building observed in the natural park. The main objective is the identification and characterization of constructive systems and the organization of villages in the Gorongosa National Park. This characterization is intended to be constructive from the point of view of the materials, geometry and solutions applied on the construction. The present work has many phases, in this sense the following stages were defined: Developing the state of art based on the analysis of constructive characterization methods and bibliographic research on earth systems used in Mozambique and other countries with similar conditions and climates; Definition of the studying cases: identification of the villages that were objects of studies, definition of survey criteria and registration; Visiting the villages and surveying the solutions through photographic register, visual observation, measurements, interviews; Registering identification files to each solution, etc. The work presents the typologies of construction found, namely: constructions with walls made from earth commonly used in the country, being the most usual technology the earth covering over wooden structures with different geometries and pieces of different shapes and dimensions. The study has documented some of the most current solutions in National Park.
As instituições de ensino superior são hoje centros de ensino e investigação organizados numa rede de conhecimento conectivo, que se estende numa logica transfronteiriça e multicultural. Desde o surgimento das primeiras universidades europeias em Bolonha e Paris, que o papel das instituições de ensino superior se tem adaptado às mudanças e exigências sociais, económicas e políticas. Inicialmente apoiadas com a finalidade de preservar o conhecimento e auxiliar a política e cultura monarca, bem como as regras e dogmas da igreja, as universidades resultam da iniciativa laica de estudantes e mestres e da sua interação com a comunidade. Rapidamente, as instituições de ensino superior (IES) se constituíram como centros de atividade intelectual, por via do ensino livresco, da lição e pelo debate público, formaram núcleos importantes para o desenvolvimento local e espaços de intercâmbio e mobilidade entre estudantes e mestres.
Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as limitações presentes nas normas brasileiras através da comparação com a regulamentação portuguesa e destacar possíveis propostas que possam contribuir ara uma metodologia mais exigente. Como estudo de caso, selecionou uma residência, com os padrões construtivos definidos no Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (PMCMV), para três cidades brasileiras com zonas bioclimáticas distintas e com isso, analisou os resultados obtidos através das seguintes metodologias: i) do método simplificado da norma brasileira NBR 15575; ii) do método prescritivo do RTQ-R; iii) do programa informático Design Builder. Através das análises dos resultados e da comparação com a metodologia da regulamentação portuguesa (REH), identificou as principais limitações que constam nas normas, como também os elementos que construtivos com maior influência nos ganhos e perdas de calor da edificação. Dessa forma, foi possível concluir que a metodologia prescritiva das normas brasileiras restringe a análise dos elementos de paredes e cobertura, ignorando o contributo pelos vãos envidraçados, assim como apresenta valores limites e metodologias diferenciadas para os mesmos parâmetros de avaliação entre as normas, o que podem conduzir a interpretações diversas. Visto que as normas já apresentam uma estruturação com base relativamente adequada, a incorporação das propostas na regulamentação surge como contribuição viável para uma metodologia mais exigente, ao valorizar os elementos construtivos determinantes ao edifício.
In the context of building rehabilitation, the phase of inspection and diagnosis is essential to identify the materials and techniques applied, thus seeking intervention strategies compatible with the existing building. The use of infrared cameras for this phase of diagnostic may contribute to a less intrusive survey, without the need to use tests that damage the element. The work performed consisted of a survey of study cases representing the utilization of different techniques and materials. With the objective of identifying the constructive solutions and applied materials, the active thermography was used, using the sun as a source of heating of the element, and Thermograms were acquired during the cooling process of the elements. The thermograms were visually analyzed in order to interpret the temperature variation and radiation emission by the elements. The work allowed to assess the use of singular constructive solutions, namely the ' Cruz de Santo André ' or ' Taipa de Fasquio ', as well as current construction solutions with the use of masonry of stone or brick and structure in concrete.
Each country has its spatial planning system, which comprises several instruments and objectives focused on city issues and territorial development. On June 25, 1975, the independence of Mozambique was proclaimed, following the end of the colonial war with the military coup of April 25 in Portugal and the Lusaka agreements on September 7, 1974. Consequently, a new framework establishes the bases of public policies for this country, whose main objective is to fulfill territorial quality concerning the collective culture that integrates the local cultural values. Mozambique was an administrative part of Portugal until 1975. There is still a substantial identity between the two countries, sharing the same language and politics, cultural aspects, and administrative organization. In this sense, the present study aims to present a comparative analysis between Mozambique and Portugal's spatial planning systems, seeking to find common characteristics. In conclusion, this research shows similarities based on spatial land use in Mozambique and Portugal. However, there is a clear contrast between land ownership and access. The level of implementation at a diverse level is notorious. We highlight the example of Beira which has a comprehensive plan based on sustainable development and climate-change-resilient mitigation proposals.
Abstract: Emerging economies are in an almost winless situation: they would benefit from improving the extremely poor economic situation, making them self-reliant and economically productive. However, the poor fight for daily survival and, therefore, cannot afford to improve themselves. This article describes the state of the “Grande Hotel” in the city of Beira, Mozambique, built-in Portuguese colonial times, a real vertical shanty building that is occupied by approximately 1000 inhabitants trapped in poverty. To carry out any constructive intervention in a building or an urban complex, it is necessary to carry out a rehabilitation project that is developed based on a diagnosis of the building understudy, its main deteriorations, the causes, mechanisms of action, evolution, and possible treatments to be used for its repair. Analysis methods are necessary for the conservation of buildings since trying to stop, or correct buildings’ deterioration without a diagnosis of their problems or a prognosis on their evolution is a risky procedure with a high percentage of failure chances. The use of an appropriate methodology for diagnosing the damage present in the “Grande Hotel” and its prediction of evolution and development should directly impact a better quality of rehabilitation projects in the neighborhood where the building is located.
Abstract: Having in mind the objectives of the United Nations Development Agenda 2030, which refers to the sustainable principles of a circular economy, it is urgent to improve the performance of the built environment. The existing buildings must be preserved and improved in order to reduce their environmental impact, in line with the need to revert climate change and reduce the occurrence of natural disasters. This work had as its main goal to identify and define a methodology for promoting the rehabilitation of buildings in the Ponte Gêa neighborhood, in the city of Beira, Mozambique, with an emphasis on energy efficiency, water efficiency, and construction and demolition waste management. The proposed methodology aims to create a decision support method for creating strategic measures to be implemented by considering the three specific domains—energy, water, and waste. This model allows for analyzing the expected improvement according to the action to be performed, exploring both individual and community solutions. It encompasses systems of standard supply that can reveal greater efficiency and profitability. Thus, the in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of urban space and buildings allows for establishing guidelines for the renovation process of the neighborhood.
The purpose of this article is to review the literature related to urbanism and climate change. First, an overview of climate change policies is presented. A review of articles published in recent years that examine the various research subareas related to urbanism climate change and the present pandemic situation is performed. The concepts of green and biophilic urbanism have been growing and getting strength, as a holistic concept for tomorrows sustainable urban areas based on the consistent and safe use of energy, soil, water, green spaces, materials, and mobility. These new trends are based on social needs, with integrated strategies and policies that combine adaptation and mitigation to face urban growth’s negative impact. The review focused on articles published in the last 20 years with the keywords “urbanism” and “climate change”. This literature review became evident that there is a gap in urban studies about interdisciplinary research.
Improving the thermal performance of the historic building stock has the potential to revitalise these buildings and reduce the operational energy share. To achieve that, the first requirement should be to identify and clearly characterise the building stock. However, currently, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the thermal behaviour of traditional wall solutions, and, consequently, energy auditors often use assumptions and simplifications to predict it. Wrong estimations or excessive simplifications may have a severe impact on the thermal behaviour assessment and consequently on the effectiveness of the retrofitting measures. In the scope of buildings thermal comfort and energy efficiency, the thermal resistance of both the external and internal envelope is one of the most relevant parameters for the characterisation of building elements. This work investigates the in situ thermal resistance of a traditional wall solution (“tabique” wall) of a historic building located in the north region of Portugal. The Simple Hot Box - Heat Flow Meter Method (SHB-HFM), based on the procedure described in the standard ISO 9869, is considered in the present study and its applicability to heterogeneous traditional wall solutions is discussed. The importance of controlling the radiative part of the heat transfer onto the measuring sensors is highlighted, and new development to the method is proposed in this paper via the introduction of a baffle inside the SHB. Furthermore, a finite element computer model of the case study was developed in order to ensure that some important premises allowing improving the accuracy of the final results were achieved during the measurement period as well as to enhance the robustness of the obtained conclusions. The achieved results contribute to explore the applicability of the SHB-HFM to highly heterogeneous constructive solutions present in historic buildings, where the traditional HFM method may not be applicable. In addition, this research also aims to better understand the thermal behaviour of “tabique” walls, upon which the available information is scarce. The experimental measurements and numerical simulation results present a good agreement, and an R-value of 0.56 m2 °C W−1 is measured and computed.