O papel das novas tecnologias da informaçäo e da comunicaçäo na extensäo rural
Almeida, Celestino António Morais de
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- Knowledge Management has proven to be a key element in how organizations can
innovate and, therefore, enhance the skills of their employees, especially through the acquisition,
creation, storage and dissemination of knowledge, acting to facilitate the integration of human
resources while contributing to the creation of competitive advantages. Among these organizations,
the entities that have their own knowledge as a product assume a key role in society, as they are
responsible for knowledge transfer and skills development with a view in a better performance of
The objectives of this investigation are the analysis of the knowledge Management process, and the
understanding of the influence of this process on the success of the vocational education practiced
and, consequently, on the valorisation and reinforcement of the organization’s competitiveness. To
achieve these objectives, a multiple case study was developed and structured by a quantitative and
qualitative analysis using interviews, questionnaire, and document analysis in two vocational
education organizations in the Automotive Technology area, one in Portugal and other in Spain.
The result pointed out that the knowledge Management practices are known to the management
and employees of the entities and, although in a not well-structured way, there are activities aimed
to improve the knowledge of human resources and there is a concern to reflect this improvement
on success of the professional training developed.
Physical education in schools aims to promote physical activity, socialisation, and interaction among students. Today, it is considered a very important subject for development and health. It encompasses several sports modalities, always with the purpose of promoting physical activity and motor development of those who practice. Orienteering is one of the modalities that has recently gained fame. Orienteering is a sport modality that integrates physical, cognitive, and emotional dimensions. It consists, as the name implies, of navigating to a certain area, using a map and a compass, aiming for the shortest possible route between several points marked on a map. The work described in this paper presents a case of the introduction of new digital technologies in this modality to simplify the administration of these events in a school environment and to promote interest in the practice of this sport modality. The web application that allows the creation and addition of the orienteering event, the visualisation of detailed information in an after-event context, and the registration and management of new organisers or orienteers will be presented throughout the paper. It also presents the mobile application that allows the organisers to start and finish events, manage orienteers of a given event, view the current position of orienteers, and view the results of past events. The mobile application presents a static orienteering map to the orienteer. The visit of the orienteer to each control point (assigned on the orienteering map by the organisers) is verified using the georeferencing features of the device. These tools facilitate the management of these events by organisers as well as their analyses through automatically generated information. It also makes the practice of this modality more appealing to students because it introduces a type of gamification. Moreover, it also benefits from being paperless because it makes it unnecessary to print maps for the execution of an event and because the administration of an event can be done without the need to mark the control points in the terrain.