Milk production of crossbred daughters of high and low milk EPD angus and Hereford bulls
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Isoenzyrnatic studies were performed in order to study the varia¬bility of Lupinus spp. populations from Beira Interior region. Thirty accessions of Lupinus (L. luteus, L. albus, L. angustifoius and L. Hispanicus) from Beira interior region were studied. The zymograms were obtained, by poliacrilamide gel ele¬ctrophoresis (PAGE). Extracts were prepared from young leaf and cotyledons tissues. Four enzyme systems were studied: aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), esterase (EST), acid phos¬phatase (ACT) and malate desidrogenase (MDH).
Isoenzyme polymorphisms were found for all the enzyme sys¬tems studied. The comparative analysis of AAT and MDH zymograms show imerspecific variation and made it possible to identify the four species studied. Significant intraspecific varia¬tion was found in EST and ACP zymograms; however intrapopu¬lational variation was also detected and the different popula¬tions could not be distinguished inside each species.
The existance of a greater genetic proximity between L. luteus and L. hispanicus was detected.
Isoenzymatic studies were performed in order to study the variability of Lupinus spp. populations from Beira Interior region, Portugal. Thirty accessions of Lupinus (L. luteus, L. albus, L. angustifolius and L. hispanicus) from Beira Interior region were studied. The zymograms were obtained by poliacrilamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Extracts were prepared from young leaf and cotyledons tissues. Four enzymes systems were studied: aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), esterase (EST), acid phosphatase (ACP) and malate desidrogenase (MDH). Isoenzyme polymorphisms were found for all the enzyme systems studied. The comparative analysis of AAT and MDH zymograms show interspecific variation and made it possible to identify the four species studied. Significant intraspecific variation was found in EST and ACP zymograms; however intrapopulational variation was also detected and the different populations could not be distinguished inside each species. The existance of a greater genetic proximity between L. luteus and L. hispanicus was detected.