SANTOS, A. [et al.] (2012) - Influence on pulping yield and pulp properties of wood density of Acacia melanoxylon. J. Woo Sci. ISSN 1435-0211. 58. P. 479-486.
Influence on pulping yield and pulp properties of wood density of Acacia melanoxylon
Acacia melanoxylon Wood density Pulp yield Fibre length Kappa number
2013-07-08T16:40:33Z 2013-07-08T16:40:33Z 2012
DOI 10.1007/s10086-012-1286-2 Wood density and pulp yield are key parameters
in the evaluation of tree productivity and quality for pulping
and their relationships are of high practical importance. The
influence of wood density on pulp yield and other pulp
quality parameters was investigated using Acacia melanoxylon
and its natural variability as a case study. Twenty trees
were harvested (five trees in each of four sites in Portugal),
and wood discs taken at different height levels, from the base
to the top of the tree, providing 100 wood samples, covering
the natural variability of wood density ranging from
449 kg m-3 to 649 kg m-3. Under the same experimental
conditions of kraft pulping, screened pulp yield ranged
47.0–58.2 %, Kappa number 10.9–18.4, ISO brightness
14.9–45.6, fibre length 0.660–0.940 mm and fibre width
16.2–22.9 lm. The pulp yield and Kappa number were not
correlated with wood density. Higher pulp yields were
associated with lower Kappa numbers and alkali consumption,
suggesting the important role of chemical composition
of wood on kraft cooking. The results confirm the high
pulping potential of Acacia melanoxylon trees grown in
Portugal and suggest the possibility of tree selection using
both wood density and pulp yield.