Pensar o automóvel. Uma intenção do Design e da Engenharia?
Santos, Ricardo Paulo da Silva Cameira dos
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Tese de Doutoramento em Fisiologia, Universidade de Lisboa, 2004
Descrição baseada em: Nº 2 (2002)-
This paper deals with CP-assisted block transmissionsolutionsforfuturemobilebroadbandsystems,inthecontext of a Single Carrier (SC)-Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)uplink.Twoalternativechoicesareconsideredregarding the subcarrier mapping rule: a ”localized” subcarrier mapping where user’s data occupy a set of consecutive sub carriers (Rule 1); a ”distributed” subcarrier mapping where user’s data occupy a set of uniformly spaced subcarriers (Rule 2). Detailed performance evaluations, in this paper, involve the consideration of two iterative receiver techniques which can be regarded as extensions of iterative receiver techniques proposed previously within a single user context. A selected class of multipath radio channels, providing a range of channel time dispersion levels, is assumed for performance evaluation purposes,andasetofmatchedfilterboundsonreceiverperformance plays a relevant role in ”achievable performance” comparisons. Both the impact of the mapping rules and that of the iterative receiver techniques considered here are evaluated in detail. The performance advantages under ”Rule 2” are emphasized, for practically the entire range of the channel time dispersion levels assumed in the paper and both specific iterative receiver techniques.