SANTOS, Márcia Qualio Baptista ; HELD, Maria Silva Barros (2022) - Design de superfície: a xilogravura como ferramenta para a conscientização ambiental. In RAPOSO, D:, ed. [et al.] - Investigação e ensino em design e música. Castelo Branco : IPCB. p. 66-76. (Convergências Research Books ; vol. III).
Design de superfície : a xilogravura como ferramenta para a conscientização ambiental
Surface design : woodcut as a tool for environmental awareness
Surface design : woodcut as a tool for environmental awareness
Design de superfície
Espécies em extinção
Patrimônio cultural e natural
Surface design
Endangered species
Cultural and natural heritage
Espécies em extinção
Patrimônio cultural e natural
Surface design
Endangered species
Cultural and natural heritage
A pesquisa proposta visa aprofundar-se na
compreensão de códigos, símbolos e significados culturais que envolvem a estética da
xilogravura e da literatura de cordel, como
ferramentas que dialogam com projetos
educativos em design a fim de ressignificar
os saberes locais e tradicionais do artesanato.
O propósito do estudo visa representar as espécies ameaçadas de extinção e conscientizar
pessoas que moram no entorno da chapada
do Araripe - Ceará sobre a preservação do
Patrimônio Cultural e Natural dessa região
discutidos através do Design de Superfície. As
problemáticas desse território serão abordadas
em oficinas lúdicas e rodas de conversa, junto
à Associação do Turismo Rural da Agricultura
Familiar, Associação da Economia Solidária,
entre outros artesãos e artistas convidados a
tomar parte nesse diálogo polifônico integrada
ao método de Paulo Freire, em busca da autoconscienti-zação dos participantes. Trata-se
de uma pesquisa-ação, utilizando-se o instrumental qualitativo, pautada no método de
Bruno Munari para a resolução de problema,
em busca de ideias que culminarão com o desenvolvimento de práticas criativas em Design
de Superfície, de maneira a contribuir para
o entendimento dessas problemáticas e das
situações onde elas acontecem.
Abstract : The proposed research aims to deepen the understanding of codes, symbols and cultural meanings that involve the aesthetics of woodcut and cordel literature, as tools that dialogue with educational projects in design in order to re-signify local and traditional knowledge of craftsmanship. The purpose of the study is to represent endangered species and make people who live around the Chapada do Araripe - Ceará aware of the preservation of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of this region discussed through Surface Design. The problems of this territory will be addressed in playful workshops and conversation circles, together with the Associação do Turismo Rural da Agricultura Familiar, Associação da Economia Solidária, among other artisans and artists invited to take part in this polyphonic dialogue integrated to the by Paulo Freire, in search of participants self-awareness. It is action research, using the qualitative instrument, based on Bruno Munari's method for problem solving, in search of ideas that will culminate in the development of creative practices in Surface Design, from in order to contribute to the understanding of these problems and the situations in which they occur.
Abstract : The proposed research aims to deepen the understanding of codes, symbols and cultural meanings that involve the aesthetics of woodcut and cordel literature, as tools that dialogue with educational projects in design in order to re-signify local and traditional knowledge of craftsmanship. The purpose of the study is to represent endangered species and make people who live around the Chapada do Araripe - Ceará aware of the preservation of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of this region discussed through Surface Design. The problems of this territory will be addressed in playful workshops and conversation circles, together with the Associação do Turismo Rural da Agricultura Familiar, Associação da Economia Solidária, among other artisans and artists invited to take part in this polyphonic dialogue integrated to the by Paulo Freire, in search of participants self-awareness. It is action research, using the qualitative instrument, based on Bruno Munari's method for problem solving, in search of ideas that will culminate in the development of creative practices in Surface Design, from in order to contribute to the understanding of these problems and the situations in which they occur.
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