Temperatura do solo nu : dados climáticos relativos ao ano de 1992
IPCB. ESA, ed.
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“This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in.Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering The final authenticated version is available online at:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91334-6_4"
This work consists in the development of software with the main objective of increasing the quality of the communication system with Repetition Codes and GFSK modulation. To evaluate the probability of error we used simulation in software Python and implemented with hardware (Raspberry Pi, Arduino and transceiver NRF24L01).
Constant search for efficiency and productivity
has led to innovation on the factory shop floor, representing an
evolution of the current production systems combined with
new technologies of industrial automation and information
technology. This work presents an experimental demo of a
smartbox for Industry 4.0 scenarios, allowing sensing,
monitoring and data acquisition. We have tested two different
approaches, depending on the communication protocol used
for real time applications: OPC UA or MQTT. Raspberry Pi’s
platform act as an OPC UA server or MQTT broker,
respectively. From the measurements, data stored in a cloud
server can be accessed remotely with improved security and
visualized from a computer dashboard. One of the conclusions
that can be drawn is that both protocols allow data from the
smartbox to be stored and easily monitored from a smartphone
application or a computer web interface. MQTT is a good
option in communications requiring very low bandwidth.
However, there is a lack of suitable libraries to program alarm
features for OPC UA Servers.
Constant search for efficiency and productivity has led to innovation on the factory shop floor, representing an evolution of the current production
systems combined with new technologies of industrial automation and information technology. This work presents a versatile gateway for experimental
demonstration of Industrial IoT technologies in a loom machine, allowing sensing, monitoring and data acquisition that was not originally available. We have
implemented an approach, based on the OPC UA communication protocol for
real time applications, and OPC UA to MQTT conversion mechanism. Raspberry
Pi’s platform act as an OPC UA server. From the measurements, data stored in a
cloud server can be accessed remotely with improved security and visualized
from a computer dashboard. One of the conclusions that can be drawn is that the
proposed gateway allows data to be stored and easily monitored from a
smartphone application or a computer web interface.
Constant search for efficiency and productivity has led to innovation on the factory shop floor,
representing an evolution of the current production systems combined with new technologies of industrial
automation and information technology. This work presents a versatile gateway for experimental
demonstration of Industrial IoT technologies in a loom machine, allowing sensing, monitoring and data
acquisition that was not originally available. We have implemented an approach, based on the OPC UA
communication protocol for real time applications, and OPC UA to MQTT conversion mechanism. Raspberry
Pi’s platform act as an OPC UA server. From the measurements, data stored in a cloud server can be accessed
remotely with improved security and visualized from a computer dashboard. One of the conclusions that can
be drawn is that the proposed gateway allows data to be stored and monitored from a smartphone application
or a computer web interface.
Industry 4.0 is the movement towards a fourth industrial
revolution that will consist in the digitization and integration
of all value chain. In Europe, this movement is led by the German
RAMI 4.0 (Reference Architecture for Industry 4.0) proposal,
which is attracting a lot of attention from industry, academia
and other practitioners. Under the RAMI 4.0 scope there is an
Administration Shell proposal to abstract physical and logical
assets in a standardized way. Once abstracted, assets become
Industry 4.0 Components and can be fully integrated in the
Cyber Physical Production System or value chain. This work
focuses on the utilization of software components within the
Administration Shell. There is a necessity to represent software
components and their relation to industrial asset. Therefore, control
and monitoring applications involving software components
and other assets can be represented in compliance with the I4.0
Component Model. To address this necessity the Smart Object
Self Description information model is proposed and applied to a
real case study scenario.
© © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”
“This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79168-1_20".