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Talaromyces marneffei is a thermally dimorphic fungus that is endemic in some parts of Asia causing a fatal systemic mycosis in immunocompromised patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of T. marneffei in the fur of wild mammals in Portugal.
Mycobacterial species are raising serious concerns in livestock and wild animals worldwide. In wildlife, mycobacterial infection has been reported in hundreds of species and likely has the potential to occur in every vertebrate. Since this infection is of a chronic nature the best strategy to control the infection is through early identification of infected animals, and better diagnostic measures are required for effective control programs.
With the development of new molecular methods for detecting and characterizing microorganisms, the ecology of mycobacteria has rapidly advanced in all areas. In human medicine, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays are accepted diagnostic standards, replacing or complementing culture isolation and acid-fast staining.
The mycobacterial species that produce tuberculosis in humans and animals are included in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). Mycobacteria from the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) cause a variety of diseases including tuberculosis-like disease in humans and birds, disseminated infections in immunocompromised patients, lymphadenitis in humans and mammals and paratuberculosis in ruminants.
This manuscript is a review of the scientific literature on the classification and biology, epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology, diagnostic techniques, and public health concerns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium complexes in wild mammals.
A elaboração deste manual técnico teve como principal objetivo o apoio a estudantes, docentes e investigadores nas áreas da microbiologia, biologia molecular e biotecnologia, médicos e enfermeiros veterinários e pessoal técnico de laboratório.
O conteúdo do presente trabalho representa a compilação de metodologias e informações sob a forma de consulta rápida.
Espera-se que seja um instrumento útil, pretendendo fornecer conhecimento prático que sirva de guia a todos os interessados em desenvolver boas práticas de biossegurança em laboratórios de microbiologia e biologia molecular.
Assim, esta publicação pedagógica tem como objetivo principal constituir um manual útil para todos os utilizadores de laboratórios de microbiologia e biologia molecular.
Paratuberculosis or Johne's disease, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), is a chronic granulomatous enteritis affecting both domestic and wild ruminants. The present work is part of a wider set of studies designed to assess the prevalence of paratuberculosis in free ranging red deer (Cervus elaphus). With that purpose, 877 free-ranging red deer legally hunted in the Centre-eastern Portugal were submitted to necropsy and sampled for molecular methods, microbiology and histopathology. Thirty-seven (4.2%) kidneys revealed acid-fast bacilli when screened with the Ziehl-Neelsen technique. Map was detected by IS900 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in thirty (81.1%) of the Ziehl-Neelsen positive kidneys. Subsequent PCR and/or culture from the different organs of the 37 examined animals allowed us to detect 86.4% (32 animals) infected red deer. Our results suggest that renal involvement in Map infected deer may be underdiagnosed and thus the routine examination of this organ and its inclusion in PCR techniques designed for Map detection could substantially improve the diagnostic of paratuberculosis in red deer.
We report a case of Talaromyces marneffei skin infection in an Egyptian mongoose ( Herpestes ichneumon) in Portugal. The isolated fungus was identified through its mycologic characteristics, morphology, and PCR amplification.
The Genetics and Biotechnology Conference (JGB) of the University of Tras-os-Montes
and Alto Douro (UTAD) is an annual scientific event organized jointly by the Nucleus of
Students of Genetics and Biotechnology (ADNGB) of UTAD and the Direction of the
Course of Genetics and Biotechnology in collaboration with the teaching staff of the
Department of Genetics and Biotechnology (DGB). As a result of the scientificpedagogical partnership established between professors of DGB (UTAD) and of Faculty
of Biological and Environmental Sciences of the University of León (UL), Spain, it was
considered important to repeat the shared organization of this event between
professors and students of the UTAD and UL designating it as XII Genetics and
Biotechnology Conference / II Genetics and Biotechnology Iberian Conference (XII JGB /
II JIGB). The main objective of the XII JGB /II JIGB is to update knowledge in the area of
Genetics and Biotechnology. To this end, the focus of this event is the conferences given
by renowned national and international scientists and the thematic workshops that will
constitute more practical sessions. The XII JGB /II JIGB will also focus on interaction,
exchange of experiences and scientific debates between Portuguese and Spanish
students and professors. The best oral and posters presentations will be awarded. The
target audience is Portuguese and Spanish students, researchers and university
professors from the scientific areas of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology as well as
High School teachers from the Biology area. A wide variety of topics will be discussed, in
the different areas of Genetics and Biotechnology, such as Plant, Animal, Human,
Microbial, Evolutionary, Cancer, Forensic, Ethics, Entrepreneurship, among others.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi efetuar a identificação dos diferentes géneros fúngicos
provenientes do pelo de 58 ungulados de diferentes regiões de Portugal. Os animais em
estudo foram 32 javalis, 24 veados e 2 corços.