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Freitas, Miguel
Some initial results and observations from a series of trials within the Ofcom TV white spaces pilot
Holland, Oliver
Ping, Shuyu
Sastry, Nishanth
Chawdhry, Pravir
Chareau, Jean-Marc
Bishop, James
Xing, Hong
Taskafa, Suleyman
Aijaz, Adnan
Bavaro, Michele
Viaud, Philippe
Pinato, Tiziano
Anguili, Emanuele
Akhavan, Mohammad Reza
McCann, Julie
Gao, Yue
Qin, Zhijin
Zhang, Qianyun
Knopp, Raymond
Kaltenberger, Florian
Nussbaum, Dominique
Dionísio, Rogério Pais
Ribeiro, José
Marques, Paulo
Hallio, Juhani
Jakobsson, Mikko
Auranen, Jani
Ekman, Reijo
Kokkinen, Heikki
Paavola, Jarkko
Kivinen, Arto
Solc, Tomaz
Mohorcic, Mihael
Tran, Ha-Nguyen
Ishizu, Kentaro
Matsumura, Takeshi
Ibuka, Kazuo
Harada, Hiroshi
Mizutani, Keiichi
Ping, Shuyu
Sastry, Nishanth
Chawdhry, Pravir
Chareau, Jean-Marc
Bishop, James
Xing, Hong
Taskafa, Suleyman
Aijaz, Adnan
Bavaro, Michele
Viaud, Philippe
Pinato, Tiziano
Anguili, Emanuele
Akhavan, Mohammad Reza
McCann, Julie
Gao, Yue
Qin, Zhijin
Zhang, Qianyun
Knopp, Raymond
Kaltenberger, Florian
Nussbaum, Dominique
Dionísio, Rogério Pais
Ribeiro, José
Marques, Paulo
Hallio, Juhani
Jakobsson, Mikko
Auranen, Jani
Ekman, Reijo
Kokkinen, Heikki
Paavola, Jarkko
Kivinen, Arto
Solc, Tomaz
Mohorcic, Mihael
Tran, Ha-Nguyen
Ishizu, Kentaro
Matsumura, Takeshi
Ibuka, Kazuo
Harada, Hiroshi
Mizutani, Keiichi
HOLLAND, O. [et al.] (2015) - Some initial results and observations from a series of trials within the Ofcom TV white spaces pilot. In IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 81,Glasgow, 11-14 maio 2015. [S.l.]: IEEE. p.1-7
Some initial results and observations from a series of trials within the Ofcom TV white spaces pilot
TV white spaces
Geolocation databases
Field trials
Geolocation databases
Field trials
“Copyright © [2015] IEEE. Reprinted from Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2015 IEEE 81st. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8088-8.
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TV White Spaces (TVWS) technology allows wireless devices to opportunistically use locally-available TV channels enabled by a geolocation database. The UK regulator Ofcom has initiated a pilot of TVWS technology in the UK. This paper concerns a large-scale series of trials under that pilot. The purposes are to test aspects of white space technology, including the white space device and geolocation database interactions, the validity of the channel availability/powers calculations by the database and associated interference effects on primary services, and the performances of the white space devices, among others. An additional key purpose is to perform research investigations such as on aggregation of TVWS resources with conventional resources and also aggregation solely within TVWS, secondary coexistence issues and means to mitigate such issues, and primary coexistence issues under challenging deployment geometries, among others. This paper provides an update on the trials, giving an overview of their objectives and characteristics, some aspects that have been covered, and some early results and observations.
TV White Spaces (TVWS) technology allows wireless devices to opportunistically use locally-available TV channels enabled by a geolocation database. The UK regulator Ofcom has initiated a pilot of TVWS technology in the UK. This paper concerns a large-scale series of trials under that pilot. The purposes are to test aspects of white space technology, including the white space device and geolocation database interactions, the validity of the channel availability/powers calculations by the database and associated interference effects on primary services, and the performances of the white space devices, among others. An additional key purpose is to perform research investigations such as on aggregation of TVWS resources with conventional resources and also aggregation solely within TVWS, secondary coexistence issues and means to mitigate such issues, and primary coexistence issues under challenging deployment geometries, among others. This paper provides an update on the trials, giving an overview of their objectives and characteristics, some aspects that have been covered, and some early results and observations.
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