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Objective: The aim of the present study was to validate the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale in Exercise for fitness instructors. Methods: Data from 477 exercise professionals (319 males, 158 females) was collected. Results: CFA supported the adapted and validated six-factor model: [χ2(237) = 1096.796, χ2/df= 4.63; B-S p < .001, CFI = .930, TLI = .918, SRMR= .0366, RMSEA = .079 (CI90% = .069, .089)], assessing satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs in Portuguese exercise professionals. Moreover, the analysis revealed acceptable composite reliability, and construct validity of the adapted version. Results revealed nomological validity, as well as invariance between male and female. No differences were found across latent means, and magnitude effects were trivial between gender. Conclusion: These results support the use of the adapted scale in exercise professionals, showing measurement invariance between gender. This scale is able to measure how exercise professionals experience satisfaction and frustration of basic needs when prescribing exercise to individuals in fitness context.
Natural hazards and correlated risks fill worldwide headlines raising both public and governmental concern. Though only major impacts reach the national headlines, locally many regions are already experiencing hands-on the effects of climate change by means of droughts, heatwaves, floods, forest fires, among others. The loss of lives and the considerable cost to the public revenue led to the decree of new representative offices and branches of crisis and civil protection. Facing a new public and scientific information demand for new data and above all solutions for such pertinent issues, the Polytechnic of Tomar proposes CLIMRisk ’Climate change adaptation measures in the management of natural and environmental risks’ as a starting point to a new integrated line of research where all variables alike will be addressed, studied and interpreted in a geographical database (geodatabase). The consortium encompasses both in scientific research relevance and geographical coverage the institutions: Polytechnics of Tomar, Leiria and Castelo Branco; the Municipalities of Our´em and Ferreira do Zˆezere; and the Civil Protection and Forestry bureaus. The CLIMRisk project focuses on a specific transitional area (NUTS II), strategically located between the southern plains and the northern mountainous area, which intrinsically experiences the influence of the complete set of risks characteristic to both regions. Building upon the published research and the technical ability of the created consortium, CLIMRisk proposes the integrated study of climate, coastal areas, rivers, forestry, and biological variables, associated risks, thus building upon the created knowledgebase to propose useable tailor made adaptation measures. The outputs of the project clearly benefit the scientific community and inherent educational mainstreaming, whereas directly targeting organizations dealing with the general public, and environmental education. Furthermore, is of utmost relevance for policymakers, decision-makers, and stakeholders, as a valuable tool in developing suitable adaptation measures, which hopefully will reduce their harmful effects at a regional scale.
A harmozanização de dados entre dois países é sempre uma tarefa complicada por diversas razões. Quer seja pelas diferentes fontes, sistemas de coordenadas, linguagens ou modelos de dados utilizados, a concertação da informação existente entre três regiões como são o Alentejo e Centro, de Portugal, e a Extremadura de Espanha, tem sido um dos objetivos principais da parceria constituída no projeto OTALEX C. Esta harmonização é essencial para uma planificação conjunta dos territórios que se encontram junto à fronteira. Apresentam-se assim as bases metodológicas para a harmonização de dados gráficos e alfanuméricos entre o Alentejo, a Extremadura e o Centro, desenvolvida ao longo dos projetos GEOALEX, OTALEX, OTALEX II e OTALEX C, as quais permitiram a criação de bases cartográficas contínuas e de indicadores ambientais e socio-económicos para a totalidade da área e disponíveis na IDE-OTALEX. Identificam-se ainda as dificuldades e constrangimentos na compatibilização e atualização da informação.
Encontrar indicadores comunes a una región tan grande como el Alentejo, Centro (Portugal) y Extremadura (España) no es una tarea sencilla. Este es el objetivo del grupo de trabajo del proyecto OTALEX C, una asociación constituida para la colaboración directa de entidades portuguesas y españolas, pertenecientes a los tres niveles de administración: nacional, regional y local, que comparten problemas comunes. Esta región rural transfronteriza con baja densidad poblacional está cambiando y la presión a la que está sometida requiere una monitorización detallada.En el proyecto anterior (OTALEX II) se ha desarrollado una estructura con 61 indicadores básicos a partir de distintas fuentes de información, con datos, escalas, definiciones y criterios pertenecientes a cada uno de ellos. Hasta entonces,sólo había dos regiones: Alentejo y Extremadura, pero ahora, con la inclusión de una nueva región en OTALEX C, la metodología desarrollada se está actualizando para mejorar el conjunto de indicadores. Uno de los objetivos principales de OTALEX C es generar indicadores de sostenibilidad para la región transfronteriza Alentejo-Centro-Extremadura, no solo con el fin de dar una visión de la situación real del territorio, sino también con vistas a proporcionar los instrumentos adecuados para que las políticas de acción contribuyan a apoyar la planificación y gestión del territorio con el fin de lograr un desarrollo sostenible.