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Hipertensão da bata-branca
Psicologia humana e experimental
This article first explains why it is currently not feasible to use robots on construction
sites. The authors argue that robotics will be utilized in the upstream industries, either in
component manufacture or in constructive processes capable of being undertaken in a
traditional factory setting. Although the former would be a simple way of incorporating
robotics into the construction industry, the second would have major implications for the
constructive process that extends from the project design phase to the technologies
employed on the building site.
A hipertensão arterial (HTA) é um grave problema de saúde pública que afecta milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Apresenta uma elevada prevalência nas sociedades modernas, sendo um importantíssimo factor de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares. O objectivo deste estudo é saber se existe uma relação estatisticamente significativa e relevante entre o prolongamento do intervalo QT e a hipertensão arterial nos doentes que desenvolvem hipertrofia do ventrículo esquerdo. Deste modo, estudou-se uma amostra constituída por 537 indivíduos com HTA (285 do sexo masculino e 252 do sexo feminino) que foi divida em dois grupos (indivíduos com HVE e indivíduos sem HVE). A amostra foi recolhida no Hospital Amato Lusitano em Castelo Branco da consulta de cardiologia e as variáveis estudadas foram o intervalo QT, o Índice de Sokolow-Lyon, o Índice de Cornell a idade e o sexo em indivíduos com HTA que desenvolveram HVE comparativamente aos que não desenvolveram HVE. Neste estudo conclui-se que existe uma relação estatística significativa entre o prolongamento do intervalo QT e a presença de HVE nos doentes hipertensos. No entanto, esta situação não se encontra relacionada nem com a idade dos indivíduos nem com o sexo. ABSTRACT
Hypertension is a serious public health problem and affects thousands of people
around the world.
The prevalence in modern societies is an important risk factor for cardiovascular
The purpose of this study is whether there is a statistically significant relationship
between QT interval prolongation and hypertension in patients who develop left
ventricular hypertrophy.
Thus, we studied a sample of 537 subjects whit hypertension (285 males and 252
females) who were divided into two groups (subjects whit LVH and subjects without
LVH). The sample was collected at the Amato Lusitano Hospital in Castelo Branco of
cardiology consult and the variables studied were the QT interval, the Sokolow-Lyon
index, Cornell index age and gender in subjects who developed LVH compared to who
did not develop LVH.
This study concludes that there is a statistically significant relationship between
QT prolongation and the presence of LVH in hypertensive subjects. However, this
situation is not related neither to the age of subjects nor to gender.
A hipertensão arterial (HTA) é um dos principais factores de riscos para as doenças cardiovasculares, sendo uma das principais causas de enfarte agudo do miocárdio e de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), principalmente quando desconhecida, mal tratada ou mal controlada. Objectivo: Determinar a prevalência de HTA na população adulta da Cidade de Castelo Branco e sua associação com factores de risco. Método: A amostra estudada tem 402 indivíduos, 61,2% do sexo feminino e 38,8% do sexo masculino. Foram realizadas 3 avaliações da pressão arterial (PA) em cada indivíduo, com um esfignomanómetro (ALrK2) depois de 5 minutos de repouso e em intervalos de um minuto entre cada avaliação. Foi ainda aplicado um questionário a cada indivíduo para recolha dos dados antropométricos, demográficos, antecedentes pessoais e familiares de HTA e hábitos diários. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma prevalência de HTA de 62,4%, (38,3% do sexo feminino e 24,1% do sexo masculino). Dos indivíduos com HTA 79,3% estavam medicados, e destes apenas 49,2% apresentavam valores de PA normais. Dos indivíduos com HTA não controlada 71,8% apresentaram HTA grau I, 18,8% grau II e 9,4% grau III. Conclusão: Os resultados mostram uma elevada prevalência de hipertensão arterial, este facto alerta para a necessidade de adopção de medidas preventivas. Abstract- Hypertension (HTA) is leading risk factors for cardiovascular disease, being a major cause of acute myocardial infarction and cerebral vascular accident (AVC), especially when unknown, poorly treated or poorly controlled. Objective: Determine the prevalence of hypertension in adult population of the city of Castelo Branco and its association with risk factors. Method: The study sample contained 402 subjects, 61.2% female and 38.8% male. Were performed three evaluations of blood pressure (BP) in each individual with a sphygmomanometer (ALrK2) after 5 minutes of rest and at intervals of one minute each. A questionnaire was applied to each subjects to collect anthropometric data, demographic, personal and family history of hypertension and daily habits. Results: The prevalence of hypertension was 62.4% (38.3% female and 24.1% males). Subjects The subjects with HTA 79.3% were medicated, and of these only 49.2% had normal BP values. The subjects with uncontrolled hypertension 71.8% had grade I HT, 18.8% grade II and 9.4% grade III. Conclusions: The results showed a high prevalence of hypertension, this warning for the need to adopt preventive measures.
Background Skeletal age (SA) is an estimate of biological maturity status that is commonly used in sport-related medical examinations. This study considered intra-observer reproducibility and inter-observer agreement of SA assessments among male tennis players.
Methods SA was assessed with the Fels method in 97 male tennis players with chronological ages (CA) spanning 8.7–16.8 years. Radiographs were evaluated by two independent trained observers. Based on the difference between SA and CA, players were classified as late, average or early maturing; if a player was skeletally mature, he was noted as such as an SA is not assigned.
Results The magnitude of intra-individual differences between repeated SA assessments were d = 0.008 year
(observer A) and d = 0.001 year (observer B); the respective coefficients of variation were 1.11% and 1.75%. Interobserver mean differences were negligible (t = 1.252, p = 0.210) and the intra-class correlation coefficient was nearly perfect (ICC = 0.995). Concordance of classifications of players by maturity status between observers was 90%.
Conclusion Fels SA assessments were highly reproducible and showed an acceptable level of inter-observer agreement between trained examiners. Classifications of players by skeletal maturity status based on assessments of the two observers were highly concordant, though not 100%. The results highlight the importance of experienced observers in skeletal maturity assessments.