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Descrição baseada em: Nº 3 (1999)
Disponível na Biblioteca da ESACB na cota C30-14016TFCEARZ.
Dissertação apresentada à escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - Recursos Florestais e Ambientais.
Disponível na Biblioteca da ESACB na cota C30-22137TFCORN.
The present work concerns to the study of the public water supply system, actual situation in Castelo Branco, Portugal. The Castelo Branco geographical area is about 1439.94 Km2 with a 500000 people population being an inner region of the country with big problems of water supply during the summer months. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodological procedure as a working tool to the management optimisation of the water supply system taking in consideration: the groundwater supply; the system management and the captured water volumes control. The definition of a groundwater hydraulic potential in a major fractured hydrogeology field, in which the water is conditioned by the presence of extended altered formations and it’s mobility conditioned by the intense fracture density is the goal of the propose work. The working data is available in a few Portuguese water institutions, and summarizes to 2002, the groundwater volumetric supplies, hydrological basin type, planning regions, geology, litology and served population. To the groundwater productivity estimated cartography was adopted a set of statistics and geostatistics methodologies like Ordinary Kriging, using a preliminary variographic data analysis that allowed the inference of the preferential underground flow.
The present work concerns to the study of the public water supply system, actual situation in Castelo Branco, Portugal. The Castelo Branco geographical area is about 1439.94 Km2 with a 500000 people population being an inner region of the country with big problems of water supply during the summer months. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodological procedure as a working tool to the management optimisation of the water supply system taking in consideration: the groundwater supply; the system management and the captured water volumes control. The definition of a groundwater hydraulic potential in a major fractured hydrogeology field, in which the water is conditioned by the presence of extended altered formations and it’s mobility conditioned by the intense fracture density is the goal of the propose work. The working data is available in a few Portuguese water institutions, and summarizes to 2002, the groundwater volumetric supplies, hydrological basin type, planning regions, geology, litology and served population. To the groundwater productivity estimated cartography was adopted a set of statistics and geostatistics methodologies like Ordinary Kriging, using a preliminary variographic data analysis that allowed the inference of the preferential underground flow.
This paper describes a fully automated system for remote infrared and visible light detection and surveillance of forest fires. The project includes a set-up of a laboratory demonstrator. Topics such as image acquisition, automatic control and radiation levels detection are discussed.
A sociedade inclusiva leva todos os cidadãos à participação na vida comunitária, sem qual- quer discriminação mas, frequentemente, os cidadãos com mobilidade reduzida ou condi- cionada confrontam-se com barreiras de distinta natureza. A condição de pessoa com in- capacidade é árdua e desigual, mesmo salvaguardada pela legislação, mas é essencial efetividade na sua aplicação, que também envolve o Enfermeiro de Reabilitação. Objetivos: Refletir sobre os direitos das pessoas com incapacidade e sobre o papel dos pro- fissionais na ação global da reabilitação, particularmente o dos enfermeiros de reabilita- ção; mobilizar estratégias para a promoção da acessibilidade. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo com recurso à legislação específica, websites oficiais e fon- tes sobre a reabilitação, enfermagem e enfermagem de reabilitação. Resultados: A legislação orienta-se para a proteção do cidadão com mobilidade reduzida ou condicionada. Mas as barreiras existem e são precisas mudanças nas pessoas e na socie- dade, tendo o profissional papel relevante na sua efetivação. Os enfermeiros no geral e os especialistas de reabilitação em particular devem advogar pelas condições necessárias ao usufruto da acessibilidade desenvolvendo estratégias especificas. Conclusões: É preciso monitorização contínua para a igualdade de oportunidades e acessibilidade, que passa pela atitude das pessoas, das entidades responsáveis e dos profissionais. Os enfermeiros de reabilitação devem afirmar-se fazendo parte integrante desta missão.
Background Skeletal age (SA) is an estimate of biological maturity status that is commonly used in sport-related medical examinations. This study considered intra-observer reproducibility and inter-observer agreement of SA assessments among male tennis players. Methods SA was assessed with the Fels method in 97 male tennis players with chronological ages (CA) spanning 8.7–16.8 years. Radiographs were evaluated by two independent trained observers. Based on the difference between SA and CA, players were classified as late, average or early maturing; if a player was skeletally mature, he was noted as such as an SA is not assigned. Results The magnitude of intra-individual differences between repeated SA assessments were d = 0.008 year (observer A) and d = 0.001 year (observer B); the respective coefficients of variation were 1.11% and 1.75%. Interobserver mean differences were negligible (t = 1.252, p = 0.210) and the intra-class correlation coefficient was nearly perfect (ICC = 0.995). Concordance of classifications of players by maturity status between observers was 90%. Conclusion Fels SA assessments were highly reproducible and showed an acceptable level of inter-observer agreement between trained examiners. Classifications of players by skeletal maturity status based on assessments of the two observers were highly concordant, though not 100%. The results highlight the importance of experienced observers in skeletal maturity assessments.