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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico.
Brand Visual Identity is an identification system that, with flexibility, ensures the unity and coherence of visual communication (in multiple media: physical as products, objects, or graphics; architectural and ambiance; audio-visual; digital and virtual). Brand Marks occupy a top place in the good performance of most Brand Visual Identity systems, even when these rely more on imagery and use Brand Marks with less expressiveness. In dynamic Visual Identity systems, the Brand Marks may constitute themselves as systems within the Brand Visual Identity supersystem. This study aims to dissect existing brand marks, focusing on how the graphic components (symbol, logotype) are designed, prioritised, and correlated to achieve differentiation, contrast, recognition, and memorisation. This include an empirical examination based on direct observation and exploration and in survey by questionnaire with a sample of 400 participants, aiming at the definition of design principles to aid the design of Brand Marks and to be considered in the definition of the “map of competitors” tool, which intends to aid in the analysis of multiple visual identities competing in the same market or segment.
Brand Mark is one of the most relevant visual identity elements for the differentiation and identification of a brand and often the most used sign in various media. Although the effectiveness of some contemporary brand visual identity systems does not depend heavily on an easily recognizable symbol and/or logotype, Brand marks still play a very relevant role in most cases, especially in small systems. Previous studies were dedicated to the definition of selection and design criteria, as well as to the identification of connotations and Brand marks typologies in specific markets. However, the need for a tool for analysis and evaluation of Brand Marks persists, detecting graphic sectorial codes and the characteristics that determine symbolic and graphic effectiveness, power of fascination and comprehension. This work takes Visual Identity as research field of study and Brand marks as the research topic. The investigative process deals with the Semantic and Syntactic analysis of its infrasign of Brand Marks, in its relationship with the brand image. Based on literature review and framework of other studies or previous proposals, our main results are the definition of design principles and the identification of components that integrate the Brand Competitors Map for analysis of visual identity systems and of Brand Marks in particular.
In the scope of Branding projects, the (re) designing of the Visual Identity of Brands or in the scope of audits of Brand Image, we proceed to the research on Brand Marks. This analysis falls on the Brand Marks that will be intervened, but also on Brand Marks of competitors or cases considered as good practices. The research stage on Brand Marks is common in academic or professional projects and students and professionals have difficulty in giving meaning and usefulness to the information collected. The most widely used visual analysis tools allow for the characterization of samples made up of Brand Marks, but these do not help in the extraction of specific conclusions centered on meaning and design. This article describes the development of the competitors map, the Visual Research Tool which allows the objective analysis of Brand Marks, which allows for decision making about the design effectiveness of an isolated Brand Mark or about its (re) design by comparison to a sample of competing Brand Marks. This Visual Research Tool has been developed through literature review, analysis of other tools, the inclusion of a semantic, syntactic and pragmatic analysis, which also includes classifications such as the iconicity scale or the Vienna Classification, as well as principles of visual rhetoric. Using visual and symbolic data, this Visual Research Tool supports professionals and students to create strategic strategies for Brand Visual Identity. This article reports on the creation and evaluation of the Brand Marks’ competitor map.
This paper aims to present a paradigm regarding the circular economy (CE) concept's communication, referring to the difficulty presented by the type of reflexivity involved in the circular economy process. We conduct an exploratory study methodology intended “to develop pertinent hypotheses and propositions for further inquiry, a study developed in the context of the project, Program INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020, REiNOVA_SI (Re-industrialization of the agri-food sector - Sustainability and Innovation) is a transnational cooperation project between Portugal and Spain which aims to promote the use of circular economy practices in agri-food micro-enterprises and SMEs. The paper draws the hypothesis, in Design thinking context, that gamification can induce a reflexivity thinking on CE, specifically on Agrofood entrepreneurs in the Portuguese context. Reflexivity could empower the connection between the company and its local context and stakeholders dissuading the drivers for abroad markets positioning.
The greater influx of tourists to certain territories raised the need to inform, guide and communicate basic messages, with a universal language, expressed through various analog and digital supports. This proliferation of means has led to a profusion of guidance and public information systems, some of which are regulated (such as the traffic signs system, signaling of routes and paths or the signaling of protected areas) and other unregulated systems (such as the signaling of religious, equestrian, municipal, historical, heritage and cultural routes, etc.). This article is the result of an ongoing research project, which aims to systematize tourist signage in Portugal, in order to satisfy and induce the potential or real demand for guidance, direction and information of tourists, in a clear and precise way, in addition to transmitting a unique and homogeneous image of the tourist product. Its scope will provide a clear reference framework, which facilitates the implementation of a normalized system by the organizations responsible for the standardization and implementation of tourist signage in Portugal.
The purpose of this paper aims to describe the implementation of a Design Diagnosis practice within the scope of an International project under the acronym – REINOVA (Reindustrialization, entrepreneurship, and innovation in traditional productive sectors) was a project conducted by an international consortium composed by Portuguese and Spanish Institutions. The research presented is based on specific implementation of a strategy for the development of solutions within the scope of Design from the ESART partner within the REINOVA methodology. The discussion sessions that included the display of visual boards to the micro-entrepreneurs summarized the results of the image diagnosis and positively influenced the consumption context of some of the products previously idealized, namely the target audience, as well as the doses and form of presentation/communication of the product. The incentive programs for micro-companies must consider the volume of information that entrepreneurs need to address regularly, avoiding entropy in communication with small organizations.