Rocha, J., Paixão, F., Guimarães, & Jorge, F. R. (2023). Formação inicial de professores em Angola : o que pensam os docentes do ISCED-Huíla. In Fátima R. Jorge, Fátima Paixão & Paulo Silveira (coords.), A Escola de Aprender: Contributos para a sua construção - Volume II (pp. 59-70). Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.711220802
Formação inicial de professores em Angola : o que pensam os docentes do ISCED-Huíla
Initial teacher training in Angola : what do teachers think at ISCED-Huíla
Initial teacher training in Angola : what do teachers think at ISCED-Huíla
Formação inicial de professores
Profissão docente
Competências transversais
Initial teacher training
Teaching profession
Transversal skills
Profissão docente
Competências transversais
Initial teacher training
Teaching profession
Transversal skills
A formação inicial de professores é a primeira etapa do desenvolvimento para a profissionalização docente. É, pois, indispensável garantir uma formação de elevada qualidade que a par de competências da área disciplinar desenvolva competências transversais. Neste estudo pretendemos responder à seguinte questão: Que representações têm os docentes do Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação da Huíla sobre a formação docente e as competências transversais a adquirir pelos seus diplomados ao longo da sua licenciatura? Através de uma metodologia de tendência quantitativa, construímos, validámos e aplicámos um questionário aos docentes. Para a análise das 52 respostas, usamos estatística descritiva suportada pelo programa SPSS. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os docentes evidenciam a perceção de que os seus diplomados recebem uma formação de qualidade média e de que adquirem apenas competências transversais básicas.
Abstract: Initial teacher training is the first stage in teacher development and professionalization. It is therefore essential that in addition to specific skills in the disciplinary area, transversal skills are developed. In this study we intend to answer the following question: What representations of teachers at the Higher Institute of Education Sciences of Huíla about the initial training of teachers at that Higher Education Institution and about the transversal skills to be acquire and develop by future teachers? Through a quantitative trend methodology, we built, validated, and applied a questionnaire to teachers who thus expressed their degree of agreement with several statements. For the analysis of the 52 responses to the questionnaire, we used descriptive statistics techniques, supported by the SPSS program. The results obtained led us to conclude that the teachers show the perception that their graduates in education receive training of average quality and that they acquire basic transversal skills.
Abstract: Initial teacher training is the first stage in teacher development and professionalization. It is therefore essential that in addition to specific skills in the disciplinary area, transversal skills are developed. In this study we intend to answer the following question: What representations of teachers at the Higher Institute of Education Sciences of Huíla about the initial training of teachers at that Higher Education Institution and about the transversal skills to be acquire and develop by future teachers? Through a quantitative trend methodology, we built, validated, and applied a questionnaire to teachers who thus expressed their degree of agreement with several statements. For the analysis of the 52 responses to the questionnaire, we used descriptive statistics techniques, supported by the SPSS program. The results obtained led us to conclude that the teachers show the perception that their graduates in education receive training of average quality and that they acquire basic transversal skills.
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