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O efeito das altas temperaturas no betão traduz-se numa diminuição das suas propriedades mecânicas residuais. Tal redução verifica-se quer no betão normal quer no betão de alta resistência. Neste estudo são apresentadas as alterações provocadas pela temperatura nas propriedades residuais - resistência à compressão, resistência à tracção, resistência à flexão e módulo de elasticidade - obtidas em ensaios experimentais com betão normal e confrontadas com os resultados existentes em bibliografia técnica de betão de alta resistência.
Concrete is known to have an enhanced behaviour in fire when comparing with bare steel, however there are some chemical and physical transformations in function of temperature that may compromise this performance. The mechanical and thermal properties of concrete at high temperatures and after fire have changes that have been evaluated in a lot of works around the World, however this is still an open field where a lot of research is needed. This paper summarizes the results of an experimental research to assess the residual mechanical properties of ordinary concretes after fire. It was studied the influence of the fire extinguishing methods, the maximum temperature that the concrete was subjected to and the loading level on the residual mechanical properties of calcareous and granite aggregate concretes. The properties studied were the residual compressive, tensile, splitting and flexural strengths and modulus of elasticity. Four levels of temperature; 20ºC, 300ºC, 500ºC and 700ºC; two loading levels (0.3fcd and 0.7fcd) and two cooling processes (cooling in the air and by water jet) were tested. The results showed that the mechanical properties of concretes are affected by the cooling process (fire extinguishing methods) used beyond the high temperatures and loading levels that were subjected to.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados dum estudo experimental para determinação das propriedades mecânicas residuais após incêndio de betões de agregados calcários e graníticos. Para cada composição de betão foram testados dois níveis de carregamento (0,3fcd e 0,7fcd), dois tipos de arrefecimento (arrefecimento ao ar e arrefecimento por jacto de água) e vários níveis de temperatura (20ºC, 300ºC, 500ºC e 700ºC). Os provetes foram submetidos a ciclos de aquecimento/arrefecimento para analisar as alterações das propriedades mecânicas residuais do betão.
Com o objetivo de contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do comportamento do betão corrente submetido a elevadas temperaturas, desenvolveu-se um estudo experimental para avaliação das propriedades mecânicas residuais após ciclos de aquecimento/arrefecimento. Neste sentido, o trabalho laboratorial realizado compreendeu ensaios de resistência à compressão, resistência à tração direta, resistência à tração por compressão diametral, resistência à flexão e módulo de elasticidade. Estudaram-se duas composições de betão usadas na construção civil, uma constituída por agregados calcários (BC) e outra por agregados graníticos (BG). Os diferentes provetes de betão foram submetidos a dois tipos de arrefecimento (lento ao ar e brusco por jato água), dois níveis de carregamento (0,3fcd e 0,7fcd) e diferentes níveis de temperatura (20, 300, 500 e 700ºC). Os resultados deste programa experimental mostram que a temperatura interfere negativamente no comportamento residual do betão, assim como o processo de arrefecimento aplicado, dado que quanto mais brusco este for maiores são os danos causados.
Na construção civil o aproveitamento de materiais reciclados, nomeadamente na fabricação do betão, é cada vez mais uma realidade viável. Neste sentido, temos vindo a assistir ao estudo de betão com a introdução de resíduos de pneu juntamente com os constituintes comuns – agregados, cimento e água. Com esta investigação pretende-se avaliar experimentalmente a resistência à compressão do betão com fibras de aço e fibras têxteis provenientes da reciclagem de pneus, à temperatura ambiente e a altas temperaturas. Neste trabalho foram estudadas cinco composições de betão, com a mesma relação água/cimento (W/C=0,43), diferindo apenas no tipo e quantidade de fibras incorporadas nas misturas em substituição da brita. Assim, estudou-se uma composição de referência (0% de fibras), uma composição com 30 e outra com 70 kg/m3 de fibras de aço recicladas de pneu e uma composição com 2 e outra com 4 kg/m3 de fibras têxteis recicladas de pneu. Os provetes de betão foram submetidos a um nível de carregamento de 0,5fcd e a diferentes níveis de temperatura máxima (20, 300, 500 e 700ºC).
A sustentabilidade é uma preocupação para a indústria da construção civil, uma vez que esta indústria é responsável pelo consumo de uma grande quantidade de recursos naturais e por impactos ambientais. Assim, a utilização de agregados reciclados em substituição dos agregados naturais mostra-se benéfica ao minimizar os impactos ambientais, o consumo de recursos naturais e alguns problemas urbanos associados à acumulação de lixo. Neste contexto, o trabalho de investigação desenvolvido teve como objetivo o estudo da utilização de agregados reciclados de borracha de pneu na composição do betão, e neste sentido contribuir com uma alternativa sustentável para o problema do depósito de pneus após a sua vida útil. O trabalho laboratorial realizado compreendeu ensaios de resistência à compressão do betão. Estudaram-se três composições de betão, uma composição de referência, uma composição com taxa de substituição de 15% e outra com taxa de substituição de 30% de agregados naturais por agregados reciclados de borracha de pneu usados. Os diferentes provetes de betão foram submetidos a vários níveis de carregamento (0,15; 0,3 e 0,5fcd) e a diferentes níveis de temperatura (20, 300, 500 e 700ºC).
This paper presents the results of a research work on the evaluation of the compressive strength at high temperatures of a concrete made with recycled tire steel and textile fibers. It was considered five different concrete compositions, with a water/cement ratio (W/C = 0.43), differ only in the type and amount of fibers. The compositions with smaller amounts of textile fibers were those that gave better results. The compositions with steel fibers showed a less explosive rupture showing the effectiveness of this type of fibers in the spalling and cracking control.
The residual mechanical properties of concrete after a fire depend on the high temperatures to which the material was subjected and the nature of the fire extinguishing process used. Knowledge of these properties is of the utmost importance in an evaluation of the residual load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete elements and their repair after fire. This paper presents the results of an assessment of the residual mechanical properties of ordinary concrete after fire. Concretes comprising granite and calcareous aggregates were studied as they are commonly used around the world in civil engineering construction. The study considered different loading levels (0·3fcd and 0·7fcd), different cooling processes (cooling in air and by water jet) and varying maximum temperatures of concrete exposure (20, 300, 500 and 700°C). The mechanical properties of the concretes (residual compressive strength, direct and splitting tensile and flexural strengths and modulus of elasticity) after being subjected to high temperatures were studied. High temperatures and sudden cooling of the concrete showed a negative effect on its residual mechanical properties. This effect was more significant for the residual compressive strength than for the other mechanical properties.
The concrete structures have usually good behavior in fire. However, when the fire is severe and of long duration the concrete elements may lose partial or totally their load bearing capacity. This phenomenon can be aggravated by the extinction process of the fire used that causes quite always high thermal stresses and cracking in concrete. With the aim to clarify the effect of the cooling process on the mechanical properties of the concrete a research program was carried out in the University of Coimbra. The concrete specimens were heated up to different temperature levels (300, 500 and 700ºC) and after a period of stabilization they were cooled down. Two processes of cooling were tested, cooling on the air (intending to simulate the natural extinction of the fire) and cooling by water jet (intending to simulate the action of the firemen in fire combat). During the heating / cooling process the specimens were subjected to a constant compressive load (0.3fcd and 0.7fcd) in way to simulate the real situation of the concrete when in a structural member. The specimens after the heating / cooling process and at room temperature were then tested in compression, allowing determining the residual compression strength of the concrete.
The reinforced concrete elements are known to have enhanced fire behaviour however there are many things that can affect that performance. In the last years there have been carried out, in the University of Coimbra, Portugal, dozens of fire resistance tests on concrete columns where it was tested the influence of various parameters on the behaviour of these columns. Several parameters that might have influence on the behaviour of concrete columns in fire, were tested: cross section shape (round and square), longitudinal reinforcement ratio, slenderness of the column, stiffness of the surrounding structure (restraint level), load level and the load eccentricity. The restraining level to the thermal elongation of the columns showed not being a relevant parameter in their fire resistance probably due the increase in rotational restrain associated with the increase in the axial restraint. The first increases the fire resistance while the second reduces. The increasing of the load level lead to a reduction, while the increasing of the longitudinal reinforcement ratio or the decreasing of the slenderness of the columns lead to an increasing of the fire resistance. The spalling was also an aspect analysed in these tests. The higher load levels, the shape of the cross-section, the type of concrete with or without steel and / or polypropylene fibres, and the steel reinforcement ration was parameters that showed to have influence on concrete cracking and spalling.
Com o objectivo de conhecer a resistência residual à compressão dos betões calcários após incêndio, desenvolveu-se um programa experimental no qual se consideraram como variáveis de estudo: o processo de arrefecimento (arrefecimento ao ar e arrefecimento por jacto de água); a temperatura máxima a que o betão esteve sujeito (20ºC, 300ºC, 500ºC e 700ºC) e o nível de carregamento (0.3fcd e 0.7fcd).
After the accidents occurred during the first decade of this millennium, such as the World Trade Center (2001), London (2005) and Madrid (2004), special attention was given to the study of robust structures subjected to different accidental loads. The World Trade Center attack highlighted troublesome weakness in connections, which exhibited poor performance caused by brittle failure. Structural details played a very significant behavioural role when the structure is subjected to impulsive loads [1]. Concerning the behaviour of steel joint, the literature presents several studies on steel connections under both static and cyclic loads [2, 3]; many results of these studies have contributed for improving the current standards, such as the Eurocode 3, part 1-8 [4]. However, only scarce information exists concerning the behaviour of these joints directly loaded by higher loading rates [5]. This paper is devoted to the report of an experimental programme on steel joints under impact loading, in particular to the assessment of T-stub response under tension. The T-stub is used to evaluate the behaviour of the tensile components that are responsible for the deformability of the joint, such as the end plate in bending. Firstly, the paper describes the features of an experimental system developed at the University of Coimbra, to apply high rates of loading; then, it presents the experimental campaign and the corresponding results. The test apparatus is defined by a rigid reaction frame fixed to a reaction slab and connected to a rigid “flying beam” (HEM 340, S355J2); the impact force is applied in this beam through a pneumatic driven cylinder ( = 125 mm). This “flying beam” consists in a second class lever pivot located at the opposite end of the cylinder location, and the tested specimen is subjected to the dynamic force at the middle of this beam. The pneumatic cylinder was designed to work with a maximum operating pressure of 30 MPa. During the impact tests, force, displacements, accelerations and strains are measured. Because this type of tests occurs in a very short time intervals (hundredths of a second), specific equipment with large sample rate are used. The experimental programme includes two impact tests on welded T-stubs: i) test T-10-D120-160 - rapidly applied loading of 120 Bar [12 MPa], followed by 160 Bar [16 MPa]; and ii) test T-10-D160 - rapidly applied loading of a single impact equal to 160 Bar [16 MPa]. The results of these tests are compared against reference quasi-static tests [6]. The T-stub geometry is defined by two plates, the flange and the web, both with 10 mm of thickness and welded by means of a continuous 45º fillet. The flange is bolted through two bolts M20, grade 8.8 fully threaded.
Este artigo resume trabalhos de investigação sobre à resistência mecânica à compressão e o módulo de elasticidade residuais dos concretos normais usados na construção civil com e sem carregamento durante o processo de aquecimento e arrefecimento. De acordo com os resultados, observa-se que a resistência à compressão e o módulo de elasticidade do concreto diminuem com o incremento da temperatura a que estiveram sujeitos e que o carregamento desde que não excessivo limita essa diminuição.