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O artigo aborda o tema do branding no contexto da identidade
territorial. Trata-se de um estudo de caso sobre a Tiquira [1] Guaaja com
ênfase na percepção de um produto característico do lugar que emerge
do território renovado e reposicionado pelo marketing para atender a
uma nova categoria de público. Parte-se da análise sobre a comunicação
da marca Guaaja com o consumidor local e sobre a percepção deste em
relação ao novo produto que altera as características do original e sobre a
marca que o identifica. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem
qualitativa e quantitativa que se apropria de fontes secundárias e
primarias para a coleta de dados.
Efficient use of resources is a critical factor in almond crops. Technological solutions can significantly contribute to this purpose. The VeraTech project aims to explore the integration of sensors and cloud-based technologies in almond crops for efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental impact. It also makes available a set of relevant and impactful performance indicators in agricultural activity, which promote productivity gains supported by efficient use of resources. The proposed solution includes a sensor network in the almond crops, the transmission of data and its integration in the cloud, making this data available to be consumed, processed, and presented in the monitoring and alerts dashboard. In the current state of the development, several data are collected by sensors, transmitted over LoRaWAN, integrated using AWS IoT Core, and monitored and analysed through a cloud business analytics service.
Efficient use of resources is a critical factor in almond crops. Technological solutions can significantly contribute to this purpose. The VeraTech project aims to explore the integration of sensors and cloud-based technologies in almond crops for efficient use of resources and reduction of environmental impact. It also makes available a set of relevant and impactful performance indicators in agricultural activity, which promote productivity gains supported by efficient use of resources. The proposed solution includes a sensor network in the almond crops, the transmission of data and its integration in the cloud, making this data available to be consumed, processed, and presented in the monitoring and alerts dashboard. In the current state of the development, several data are collected by sensors, transmitted over LoRaWAN, integrated using AWS IoT Core, and monitored and analysed through a cloud business analytics service. This project is implemented on a farm located in the Beira-Baixa region of Portugal and involves a partnership between Vera Cruz (owner of the farm), Veratech, and the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco.