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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico
Este documento serve o propósito de relatório de estágio na editora Amigo Comics, na cidade de Málaga, Espanha, e também como dissertação com a questão “De que forma o efeito Kuleshov se aplica à banda desenhada?”. O documento tem como finalidade a conclusão do Mestrado em Design Gráfico, proporcionado pela Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco em associação com a Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. O relatório de estágio apresenta toda a experiência na editora. São referidos os projetos onde o autor pôde participar, as tarefas incumbidas e os conhecimentos adquiridos com toda a atividade de estágio. Conhecimentos estes referentes não só à banda desenhada, mas também ao desenvolvimento de novas metodologias de trabalho. Este estudo tem por base uma investigação intervencionista, devido à escolha do mestrando em recolher informação relevante à investigação num âmbito de estágio/trabalho. Não só para poder aprofundar os seus conhecimentos, mas também para adquirir novas capacidades conhecimentos referentes à área de banda desenhada. A investigação presente no documento, explora a veracidade da presença do efeito Kuleshov em banda desenhada. Deste modo apresenta informação pertinente aos dois tópicos a ser estudados, recorrendo a exposições históricas e simultaneamente uma análise na definição de banda desenhada. Pretende-se, de igual forma, compreender o potencial da BD como ferramenta de comunicação, como as suas características visuais afetam os aspetos cinematográficos do efeito Kuleshov.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Sustentabilidade dos Sistemas Florestais
This study explores the nature of the relationship between market orientation and business performance and the mediating role of customer loyalty in this relationship. Empirical analysis was based on a sample from the Western European hotel industry. Research results indicate that market orientation has a positive direct effect on business performance and that the effects of market orientation on business performance are mediated through customer loyalty. Market orientation produces a positive effect on customer loyalty, which in turn has a positive effect on business performance, showing that market orientation has a significant and positive indirect effect on business performance. These findings suggest potential major implications for the hotel industry. For example, by developing a market-oriented organization, hotels could produce positive effects on customer loyalty and consequently on their business performance.
This study seeks to fill a gap in market orientation literature about the hotel industry and deals with the construction of a market orientation scale tailored based on a sample obtained from the hotel industry in a multicultural context. The proposed model has three dimensions: intelligence generation, intelligence dissemination and coordinated response to the client, competition and market structure domains. Research results indicate that the scale has good psychometric indicators. Content validity was assessed by questioning a group of marketing experts across Western Europe. Working data indicates that the proposed model holds convergent and discriminant validity as well reliability.
This is the accepted manuscript of an article published by Emerald Publishing Limited in Journal of Knowledge Management in 2018, available online: https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JKM-08-2017-0363
This study proposes to study the nature of the relationship between competitor orientation, a strategy based on low prices and hotel business performance, and to test if a low-price strategy plays a mediating role in the relationship between competitor orientation and business performance. A structural equation modeling approach is used, and a sample from the Italian hotel industry was used to evaluate the proposed hypotheses. Results show that competitor orientation is positively related to business performance and a strategy based on low prices. Furthermore, it is found that a low-price strategy has adverse effects on business performance. Additionally, the mediating role of the low-price strategy was not confirmed.
This study seeks to study the relationship between market orientation and business performance and to evaluate the mediating effect of adopting a low-price strategy in this relationship in the hotel industry. A sample from the Spanish and Portuguese hotel industry is used. Results show that the effect of market orientation on business performance is positive and direct. On the other hand, the results do not confirm the mediating effect of a strategy based on low-price in the strength of this relationship. Moreover, results indicate that a price strategy based on low-price is negatively related to hotel business performance.