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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Música - especialização em Viola de Arco
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Interiores
Contém ref. bibliográficas
Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade da Beira Interior - Ciências Sociais e Humanas, para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências do Desporto (3º ciclo de estudos).
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade do Minho - Instituto de Estudos da Criança.
El envejecimiento ha sido caracterizado por una pérdida progresiva de las
capacidades fisiológicas, llevando a una mayor vulnerabilidad en el desarrollo de
patologías (Araújo et al., 2015). En Portugal, datos que verifiquen niveles de AF o
funcionalidad, de la población anciana, y que (nuestro objetivo es estudiar los
efectos de un programa de Gimnasia Senior, con la duración de 12 semanas, en
la capacidad funcional de los ancianos en el municipio de Mação después de la
aplicación parcial de la batería de pruebas Senior Fitness Test (SFT) verificando
si, en el post-test del IMC y de la flexión del Antebrazo existen diferencias
estadísticamente significativas. El estudio presenta carácter experimental,
analítico y longitudinal. La muestra (por conveniencia) constituida por 23 ancianos
institucionalizados a frecuentar el Hogar de Ancianos de la Santa Casa de la
Misericordia de Mación. Después de la selección de la muestra y después de la
aplicación de la batería de pruebas de Rikli & Jones, los sujetos fueron divididos
en 2 grupos grupo de control (GC): 10 ancianos que no participaron en el
programa de gimnasia senior, continuando manteniendo estilos de vida más
sedentarios presentando un promedio de edades de 79,6 ± 6,45 años; grupo
experimental (GE): 13 ancianos que participaron en el programa de Gimnasia
Senior de 12 semanas presentando una media de edad de 87,15 ± 6,09 años.
La muestra presenta en el GC 3 hombres y 7 mujeres. Ya en el GE presenta 3
hombres y 10 mujeres. Los principales resultados de nuestro estudio muestran
que el IMC en el GE es superior presentando una media de 28,61 ± 2,57 en
comparación con el IMC del GC que presenta una media de 27,71 ± 4,8. Se
observa que el IMC dentro del GE es mayor en el género masculino. En cuanto al
IMC del GC el mayor es en el género femenino presentando 27,87. En cuanto a la
prueba de flexión del antebrazo, la media del GE es bastante superior a la del GC,
presentando 13 ± 4,36 contra 7,1 ± 2,42. También podemos ver que el género
masculino del GE fue el que realizó más ejecuciones cerca de 15,33,
contrastando con el género masculino del GC que fue el que realizó el menor
número de ejecuciones, 6,67.
Para la verificación de las diferencias estadísticamente significativas se aplicó la
prueba t student. Se verificó entonces que tanto en la prueba del IMC como en la
prueba de la Flexión del antebrazo los valores obtenidos fueron todos inferiores a
0,05, existiendo entonces diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se observa
que en los GC y GE a normalidad de muestra de la prueba de flexión del
antebrazo los valores son aproximados, 0, 89 para el GC y 0,79 para el GE. En el
IMC se verifica que los valores son bastantes diferenciados, siendo el GC 0,84 y
el GE apenas 0,25.
Como conclusión, en este estudio las pruebas IMC y flexión del antebrazo
presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, o bien ha comprobado
que, además de que las personas mayores han mejorado su capacidad funcional,
estas mejoras se lograron mediante la aplicación del programa de gimnasia
In this article we will try to address the importance of attention as a relevant construct in teaching, learning, performance and training of sports activities in its several modalities. We will try to draw attention to the fact that athletes in general, and young people who are developing their learning of a particular sport, are strongly influenced by their attentional profiles (e.g., depending on aspects that are more internal or external to the subjects: in a broadband perspective or with a pronounced and specific focus of the attention). Such conjectures allow us to make considerations regarding the way that teaching / learning models are conceived for physical education classes, since there seems to be a attention profiles fluctuation at different moments of the class, as well as, it cannot be forgotten the relevance of the attentional profiles of each student during the whole learning, developing and consolidating process in the practice of a sporting modality.
O presente artigo tem como objetivo verificar qual a capacidade funcional
e a composição corporal (IMC) da população idosa, alunos de uma turma
de ginástica sénior antes de iniciar um programa de atividade física controlado
com a duração de 10 meses. Para a realização deste estudo utilizar-
se-á uma amostra formada por um grupo de 12 idosos, praticantes de
ginástica Sénior, da povoação Sobral Fernando, do Concelho de Proença-a-
Nova, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 85 anos. Será aplicada
a bateria de testes de Rikli e Jones (2001) a todos os idosos no início do
programa. O tratamento dos dados obtidos, será feito através do programa
estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Esperamos
verificar com o nosso estudo, que a condição física dos participantes estará
dentro dos padrões da sua idade, sendo que, depois na segunda avaliação
no fim do programa, essas capacidades possam, eventualmente, manterse
e melhorar.
O presente artigo tem como objetivo verificar qual a capacidade funcional e a composição corporal (IMC) da população idosa, alunos de uma turma de ginástica sénior antes de iniciar um programa de atividade física con- trolado com a duração de 10 meses. Para a realização deste estudo utili- zar-se-á uma amostra formada por um grupo de 12 idosos, praticantes de ginástica Sénior, da povoação Sobral Fernando, do Concelho de Proença-a- Nova, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 85 anos. Será aplicada a bateria de testes de Rikli e Jones (2001) a todos os idosos no início do programa. O tratamento dos dados obtidos, será feito através do progra- ma estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Esperamos verificar com o nosso estudo, que a condição física dos participantes estaraá dentro dos padrões da sua idade, sendo que, depois na segunda avaliação no fim do programa, essas capacidades possam, eventualmente, manter- se e melhorar.
“Pedagogia do Desporto – Novas abordagens de Investigação” é o novo livro editado por João Petrica, Jorge Santos e João Rui Paulo, docentes da área científica de Desporto e Bem-Estar da Escola Superior de Educação do IPCB, e investigadores da SHERU – Sport, Health & Exercise, Research Unit.
A obra tem o intuito de se constituir como uma ferramenta de trabalho para todos os que procurem conhecimento na área da Pedagogia do Desporto.
Apresenta temas escritos por Professores/ investigadores nacionais e internacionais, de reconhecido mérito académico e científico nesta área de intervenção. O mesmo resulta de investigações realizadas em contextos específicos e diversificados, mas que se complementam, que vão desde o estudo mais atual do processo de ensino com foco no aluno, ao nível da dimensão invisível, desde a atenção à motivação, passando pela abordagem das questões de planificação, avaliação e supervisão."
As modalidades desportivas demandam uma atenção concentrada, detida e polarizada, como condição necessária para o processo de aprendizagem. Tomada como condição essencial para a aprendizagem, a atenção, é considerada uma poderosa variável mediadora, porque é notória a sua influência no processo de enino-aprendizagem, bem como a influência existente entre o comportamento do professor, do aluno e os resultados das aprendizagens. A partir desse pressuposto, a atenção focalizada surge como condição fundamental para a aprendizagem, pois, quanto maior o poder de manter o foco em determinado objeto ou tarefa, maiores serão as hipótese de sucesso. Pretendemos conhecer os aspetos aos quais estão atentos os alunos nos distintos momentos da aula de educação física, em modalidades desportivas individuais. A amostra foi formada por 156 alunos do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico, de ambos os géneros (84 sexo feminino e 72 sexo masculino).
Foi usado o questionário ATEST-EF (Petrica 2003), com o qual pretendemos conhecer em que estavam a pensar os alunos nas aulas de Educação Física, no qual os alunos teriam de assinalar em que estavam a pensar em determinados momentos da aula, este foi aplicado nas modalidades de Atletismo e Ginástica.
Os resultados obtidos indicam que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas, entre os distintos momentos da aula e as modalidades desportivas, pois após aplicação do teste do Qui-Quadrado para a associação entre as variáveis “Atenção” e “Sinal” para as Modalidades Individuais verifica-se um valor de (p>0,05).
Investigações recentes relevam a importância da análise do acto de ensinar e principalmente do estudo do pensamento do aluno, e em particular dos fatores que prendem a sua atenção nas aulas. A atenção, considerada uma poderosa variável mediadora, porque e notória a sua influencia no processo de enino aprendizagem, bem como a influencia mutua existente entre o comportamento do professor, o comportamento do aluno e os resultados das aprendizagens. Pretendemos conhecer os aspetos que prendem a atenção dos alunos nos distintos momentos da aula de educação física, na lecionação de modalidades desportivas diferenciadas. Serão selecionados a totalidade dos alunos do 3o Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de uma escola, com idades compreendidas entre 12 e 16 anos, aos quais será aplicado o questionário (ATEST_EF), em distintas modalidades desportivas. Estudos anteriores indicam-nos que existem diferenças no perfil de atenção nos distintos momentos da aula de Educação Física e na lecionação de modalidades desportivas diferenciadas
Com este trabalho pretendemos investigar quais os principais motivos e influências para a prática de atividade desportiva de jovens, analisando a interferência das variáveis género, idade, e tipo de desporto praticado. A amostra foi constituída por 186 praticantes de desporto. Os principais motivos da prática desportiva dos jovens estão essencialmente relacionados com a saúde, a sociabilidade e a técnica desportiva. As raparigas parecem valorizar mais os motivos ligados à sociabilidade, e os rapazes valorizam mais os aspetos técnico-desportivos. Os mais novos realçam os aspetos relacionados com a sociabilidade, enquanto os mais velhos parecem valorizar o aperfeiçoamento das capacidades técnicas. Os praticantes de natação valorizaram os aspetos ligados à saúde, os praticantes de basquetebol realçam os aspetos ligados à técnica, à sociabilidade, ao prestígio social e à condição financeira. Nas influências para a prática desportiva, os pais desempenham um papel fundamental, seguido dos amigos e dos treinadores dos clubes que exercem uma influência mais preponderante sobre os rapazes mais velhos.
Pretendíamos saber quais foram as modalidades desportivas escolhidas para a realização das atividades de formação em ensino, se os professores escolhiam para leccionar matérias diferentes das professoras e se as escolhas efectuadas para as aulas de interior eram diferentes das aulas de exterior.
Para tal foram observadas sessenta lições de microensino leccionadas por estudantes de Educação Física, sobre um tema em que se sentissem mais à vontade e no local por que optassem. Verificámos que, na sua maioria, escolhem a ginástica como matéria, conteúdo, ou tema da lição e, por isso, preferem leccionar as suas aulas no interior, isto é, numa instalação desportiva coberta, e os restantes optam pelos desportos colectivos, sensivelmente na mesma proporção para cada uma das modalidades andebol, basquetebol, futebol ou voleibol, e são muito poucos os que escolhem o atletismo para praticarem as suas habilidades, competências ou destrezas de ensino.
This work is a review with a main objective: to develop knowledge about physical activity in neurotrophic factors. We have outlined three objectives within the affective, psychomotor and cognitive domains. These are respectively: the value of the practice of physical activity (PA) and to explain the relationship between the practice of PA and neurotrophic fac- tors. For the accomplishment of this work, informative documents were searched through Google Scholar, Online Library of Knowledge (B-ON), PubMed and Scopus DataBase. The study addresses the concept of PA, the benefits and factors associated with adherence, persistence and abandonment of regular physical activity and in a second phase the concept of neurotrophic factors and the relationship that exists between the practice of PA and neurotrophic factors. Physical exercise increases the expression of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). A connection has been established between physical exercise, the levels of this neurotrophin and its beneficial effects on the brains of animals and humans. It has recently been shown that exercises sessions are capable of increasing serum and plasma BDNF con- centration in addition to an increase in BDNF expression in skeletal muscle. In this review will be approached the effect of physical exercise on the expression of BDNF in the brain. Recent studies have shown that there is a potential benefit in increasing BDNF expression and release by brain and some peripheral tissues, induced by exercise, resulting in an improvement in brain function.
Pretende-se com este trabalho avaliar a motivação de atletas para a prática do Hóquei em Patins em função do escalão etário. Participaram 179 atletas de hóquei em patins: 35 do escalão de infantis, 34 dos iniciados, 24 dos juvenis, 31 dos juniores e 57 dos seniores. Pretendeu-se avaliar quais os pressupostos que motivam estes atletas para a prática do hóquei em patins. Para o efeito aplicou-se o Questionário de Motivação para as Atividades Desportivas (QMAD). Verificaram-se níveis de motivação bastante satisfatórios, com médias superiores a 3. O maior índice de motivação centra-se no “Trabalho em Equipa” e em termos de “Influência Extrinseca” e “Aprendizagem Técnica” estas decrescem tendencialmente à medida que o escalão etário aumenta.
El envejecimiento de la población es un hecho cada vez más observable en varios países desarrollados, como Portugal. Esta fase de la vida conduce a pérdidas biológicas y, a veces, a otros problemas psíquicos y sociales, lo que conduce a una disminución de la calidad de vida en esta edad. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar si los mayores, practicantes de un programa regular de actividad física formal tienen una mejor percepción de su calidad de vida que los mayores, no practicantes. La muestra consistió en 64 ancianos (n = 64), residentes en Proença-a-Nova, divididos en dos grupos, uno que designamos a grupo de practicantes con 32 individuos que participan en los programas de hidrogimnasia y gimnasia sénior, y otro con 32 elementos designados por grupo de no practicantes, que incluían individuos
que no practicaban actividad física formal. La calidad de vida percibida se midió utilizando el cuestionario MOS SF-36v2. Los resultados revelaron que la percepción de la calidad de vida tiende a ser mayor en los practicantes de actividad física, pero solo presenta diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las dimensiones de la función física, la función social y en el elemento de cambio en la salud, presentando valores más altos para el grupo de practicantes.
Population aging is an increasingly observable fact in several developed countries. In Portugal, the
percentage of elderly people is much higher compared to other age groups. We know that this phase of life
causes damage at the biological level, psychological and social problems, which means that the quality of
life at this age can decrease. Physical activity can be a means of reversing and / or preventing loss of quality
of life. This study aims to verify whether elderly people who practice a regular program of formal physical
activity have a better perception of their quality of life than non-practicing elderly people. The sample
consisted of 64 elderly people (n = 64), residing in Proença-a-Nova in Portugal, divided into two groups, a
group of practitioners in elderly programs and another group not practicing formal physical activity. The
perception of quality of life was measured using the MOS SF-36v2 questionnaire, while the battery of tests
by the Senior Fitness Test by Rikli and Jones (1999; 2001) was used to assess the functional level. The
results showed that the perception of quality of life presents few statistically significant differences, with the
highest values being that of the group of practitioners. The perception of quality of life reveals a weak
correlation with the functional level presented by the two groups. It was concluded that the practice of physical
activity does not influence the perception of quality of life, but it has a significant influence on a better
functional level.
Atualmente, a tarefa de avaliar assume um papel preponderante em qualquer operação de planeamento.
Deste modo, torna-se importante avaliar os processos, para saber se estamos a cumprir os objetivos a que nos propomos; a avaliação não deve ser deixada ao acaso, sob pena de não conseguirmos identificar se obtemos os resultados, inicialmente, pretendidos.
Rapidamente, constatamos que o processo de avaliação é um processo complexo e contínuo e que as diferentes etapas (avaliação diagnóstica, avaliação formativa e avaliação sumativa) devem ser, cuidadosamente, realizadas para que se possam obter indicadores que revelem as evidências da aprendizagem. Pretende-se que a classificação seja objetiva e imparcial, isenta de ruído emocional e que dê sentido ao processo de ensino aprendizagem.
Repensando a importância de avaliar, não só a aprendizagem dos nossos alunos, mas também a da prática docente e o próprio processo de ensino. Com o uso dos mecanismos e instrumentos, poderemos comprovar o sucesso dos nossos alunos, as suas competências e os objetivos pretendidos, permitindo colocar o foco da nossa atenção nas aprendizagens imprescindíveis ao referido sucesso. Além disso, mediante o conhecimento, a prática e a valorização da atividade física como forma de manter a saúde, como meio de relação social, contribui para o desenvolvimento das competências e o conhecimento e interação com o mundo físico.
A psicologia do desporto é definida como uma área profissional e uma disciplina científica que foca nas pessoas e nos seus comportamentos em atividades desportivas e atividades
físicas. Para muitos é uma subdisciplina das ciências do desporto e para outros uma subdisciplina da psicologia. A psicologia do desporto tem raízes com mais de 100 anos e atualmente tem sido uma tendência. Afunilando o tema, a atividade desportiva, em contexto
prisional, tem impacto na saúde e bem-estar físico e psicológico dos reclusos, permite que
estes desenvolvam vários tipos de competências, que haja uma taxa alta de desistência do
crime e reabilitação e permite ajudar na gestão de criminosos. Olhando para a atualidade,
vivemos uma pandemia que condicionou todos os contextos, e o contexto prisional não é
exceção. O psicólogo é imprescindível nesta altura para auxiliar todos os constituintes deste
contexto. Apesar disto tudo, percebe-se que há ainda um caminho longo para a psicologia
do desporto percorrer e para se valorizar o desporto no contexto prisional.
The Theory of Self-Determination has been used as a theoretical model of support in several studies on motivation in Sport. In this sense, we realize that motivation is a topic to which researchers have devoted much of their time, however, when researching adapted sports, and the person with Intellectual and Developmental Difficulty we observe a shortage in research.This study aimed to verify the levels of self- determination and subjective well-being of athletes members of the Special Olympics of Portugal, and ii) to compare the variables under analysis according to gender. In this quantitative study participated 94 athletes of Adapted Sports, aged between 11 and 63 years (‹=32.61 ± SD=13.8) of both genders, competitors of individual and collective sports.The monitoring instruments used were Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), Life Satisfaction Scale (S WLS) and Positive and Negative Attachment Scale (PANAS). Data analysis was based on the verification of the internal consistency of the scales applied through the calculation of alpha and Cronbach, descriptive analysis of data and application for gender comparison through the nonparametric test U Mann- Whitney, as well as a linear regression, meeting a significance level of 0.05. As a result, we observed that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and motivation predict good levels of life satisfaction also of positive attachment.We also found statistically significant differences in life satisfaction and negative attachments when comparing gender outcomes.
A psicologia do desporto é definida como uma área profissional e uma disciplina científica que foca nas pessoas e nos seus comportamentos em atividades desportivas e atividades físicas. Para muitos é uma subdisciplina das ciências do desporto e para outros uma subdisciplina da psicologia. A psicologia do desporto tem raízes com mais de 100 anos e atualmente tem sido uma tendência. Afunilando o tema, a atividade desportiva, em contexto prisional, tem impacto na saúde e bem-estar físico e psicológico dos reclusos, permite que estes desenvolvam vários tipos de competências, que haja uma taxa alta de desistência do crime e reabilitação e permite ajudar na gestão de criminosos. Olhando para a atualidade, vivemos uma pandemia que condicionou todos os contextos, e o contexto prisional não é exceção. O psicólogo é imprescindível nesta altura para auxiliar todos os constituintes deste contexto. Apesar disto tudo, percebe-se que há ainda um caminho longo para a psicologia do desporto percorrer e para se valorizar o desporto no contexto prisional.
Introduction: Sport activities demand a focused and polarized attention, as necessary condition to learning process. Described as an essential condition to the learning process, attention is considered a powerful mediating variable, because we can notice its influence on the teaching-learning process, as well as its influence on the teacher’s behaviour, the student’s behaviour and the learning results. According to this fact, the focused attention arises as a fundamental condition to the learning process, since the greater the power to keep the focus on a certain object or task, the better the chance of success. Objective: We intend to know the aspects to which the students pay attention during the different moments of the Physical Education class, in individual sportive activities. Methodology: The sample consisted of 156 students from the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education, of both genders (84 female and 72 male). We applied the questionnaire ATEST-EF (Petrica 2003), in which the students signalized what they were thinking of at certain moments of the Physical Education classes, more precisely of Athletics and Gymnastics classes. The results indicate that there are no significant differences, because after the application of the test of “Chi-Square” to associate the variable “Attention” and the variable “Signal” for the individual activities, we can verify the value of (p= .373). From the analysis performed, we can infer that in relation to students' attention profile study in individual sportsathletics and gymnastics, there are no statistically significant differences.
Introduction: The leader, in the coach role, must be able to relate and establish connections with his athletes, and contribute to the construction of an environment conducted by fair and clear norms that do not oppose the organizational culture of the club (Lopes, 2008; Mendo & Ortiz, 2003). Objective: The objective of this research was to identify the leadership behaviours of two coaches from different levels (Under 17 and Seniors), as well as the perception of leadership behaviours of their players. Methodology: The sample consisted of two coaches and 26 players, 12 of them in the “Under 17” level aged between 15 and 17 years, and 14 senior players, aged between 18 and 33 years. We used the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) / Leadership Scale in Sport, by Chelladurai & Saleh (1978). In this descriptive and inferential study, the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test was performed for the normality assumptions by choosing the parametric statistic and to analyse the differences between the variables, a Student-T test was performed. Five dimensions were analysed: Training Instruction, Social Support, Reinforcement, Democratic Behaviour and Autocratic Behaviour. The results obtained showed significant differences between the coach's self-perception and the players' perception, as well as their preferences and their comparison between levels. According to coaches, the dimension of training instruction and reinforcement, are the styles of leadership with more emphasis and the smaller is the autocratic.
The aim of this study was to study the effects of a Senior Gymnastics Program (SGP), with duration of 12 weeks 2 times per week, on the functional capacity of the elderly in the municipality of Mação, through the application of the Senior Fitness Test (SFT). On the other hand, to perceive how Functional Capacity evolved in the elderly who did not benefit from the program. We tried to verify if an SGP, specific for this age group, caused significant effects in both genres in the improvement of the functional capacity of the institutionalized elderly. It was sought to evaluate the evolution of the functional capacity (FC) of the institutionalized elderly. who did not benefit from SGP. A quantitative, experimental, analytical and longitudinal research was carried out. The sample consisted of 2 groups of elderly institutionalized in the House of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mação, one that we designated as experimental (GE) with 13 individuals (10 women and 3 men 87,15±6,09) who carried out the 12 week program and one that we denominated sedentary group (GS) with 10 (7 women and 3 men79,6 ±6,45 individuals who did not benefit from the program. As a conclusion, the experimental group showed statistically significant differences in all SFT battery tests, except for the 8 foot Up and Go again (p≥0.06).
The aging of population is an increasingly observable fact in several developed countries. We know that this life period can mean loss of life quality due to biological losses, psychological problems and social relations. The present study intends to verify if elderly people practicing a regular program of formal physical activity have a better perception of their quality of life compared to non-practicing elderly. The number of participants consisted of 64 elderly people (n = 64), living in Proença-a-Nova, being divided into two groups of 32 elements, in which one group had formal physical activity and the one was non-practitioners. The perceived quality of life was measured using the MOS SF-36 questionnaire. The results revealed that the perception of the quality of life presents only statistically significant differences in the physical and social functions and the health change item, in which that the group of practitioners presents higher values
The recognition of pedagogy and method of Judo was made effective by UNESCO, as a world-wide sport utility in the development of the human being and, as an activity whose spectrum of approach in children's age ranges is quite broad, exerts a preponderant function in the global development of its practitioners, allowing them to transfer the sport context to their specific socio-cultural context. The objective of this study was to relate the practice of Judo in the development of self-concept, self-esteem and academic performance in children’s first-cycle primary school. The study group included 8 parents in charge of education, aged 33- 45 (M = 39.75 SD = 4.33), 6 female and 2 males, 4 had a bachelor's degree, 2 had an undergraduate degree and two had the 12th grade. According to these parents, the practice of Judo is very much linked to the development of self-concept, emphasizing through the promotion of social acceptance, compliance with rules and responsibility or balanced behaviour. It is also linked to the development of self-esteem, insofar as it is an activity that promotes self-confidence. It also exerts an important influence on school performance, since it promotes concentration. It is also emphasized that in the parents' opinion, the inclusion of Judo in the Physical Education curricular programme would bring several benefits for the integral conception of the child as a citizen.
The main objective of this study was the validation of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EVS II), using a confirmatory factorial analysis of the measurement model, with veteran athletes. A total of 348 veteran Portuguese athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 60 years (M = 41.64, SD = 9.83), of whom 200 were males and 148 were females, from several sports. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis demonstrate the adequacy of the adapted version of the EVS II, as the factorial structure (6 factors/24 items) has acceptable validity indexes: χ2 = 305.925, p = 0.000, df = 120.017, χ2/df = 2.549, NFI (Normed Fit Index) = 0.909, TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) = 0.918, CFI (Comparative Fit Index) = 0.944, GFI (Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.944, AGFI (Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index) = 0.909, SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) = 0.048, RMSEA (Root Mean Square of Approximation) = 0.060, allowing evaluation of the dimensions of balanced diet, respect for mealtime, tobacco and alcohol consumption, other drugs consumption and resting habits. The adaptation to sport of the Portuguese version of EVS II can be used with reasonable confidence in the evaluation of healthy lifestyles in the context of sport
Aquatic activities have been recommended as frequent practices due to the physical properties of water with improvements in body composition of young. Objective: To study if there are differences in body composition and spirometric values in children who practice swimming complemented with water walking and those who only practice swimming. Methodology: 28 individuals (6 to 12 years) were divided into two groups: swimming group (SG: n=9) and swimming complemented with water walking group (SWWG: n=19) in three different moments with 6 weeks between them. For body composition a bio-impedance scale was used and an anthropometric tape for the waist circumference. For spirometric values: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and even peak expiratory flow (PEF) a Cosmed Microquark spirometer was used. For statistical procedures the SPSS (20.0) program for descriptive statistics, the Shapiro Wilk test for testing the normality, inferential statistics (non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests, Friedman's Anova), and for the effect size the d-Cohen test. Results: Regarding the inter-group analysis (comparison between the SG and SWWG) we observed that there were significant differences in weight (p=0,004), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1: p=0,025) and peak expiratory flow (PEF: p=0,033). Concerning intra-group differences (improvements in the SG and SWWG), the SWWG showed significant improvements in weight muscle mass (p=0,029), fat mass (p=0,002), percentage of water (p=0,018),, body mass index (BMI: p=0,000), body percentiles (p=0,000), forced vital capacity (FVC: p=0,003) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1: p=0,008). We have concluded that the practice of swimming and water walking have benefits with differences in the analysed group variables, however, the two activities complemented (swimming and water walking) present improvements much more significant.
Attention is an important variable that can dictate the success and failure of an activity or task. This variable is characterized by the ability to direct cognitive resources to a given situation. The purpose of this research was to find patterns in the students’ attention profiles, according to their academic achievement, during the physical education class and in different sports. We used the ATEST-EF questionnaire (Petrica, 2010) in which students had to answer the question «What were you thinking the moment you heard the signal?»
The study involved 156 students from the 3th cycle of basic education, aged between 12 and 16 years old ( = 14,7 ± 1,3) evaluated in four different sports taught in the discipline of physical education (athletics, gymnastics, basketball and football), and in four moments of the class. Considering our variables, we used Chi-Square and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests. The results show that task attendance holdsthehighestpercentagevalues throughouttheclassinrelationtotheremainingcategories,regardlessoftheiracademicperformance and sport, but we observed that students with satisfactory and good academic performance have more stable values of attention regarding the students with less academic performance. We found statistical significance at the end of the class between students with good academic performance and affective attention, and among students with lower academic performance and attention to other things. Subsequently, we used the same classification to compare the profiles of attention among the four mentioned sports. We observed some patterns between team and individual sports, but did not find statistically differences, however the results suggest a positive relationship between attention and academic performance.
Com este estudo pretende-se avaliar os efeitos da formação e liderança do treinador de desporto adaptado na planificação do processo de treino.
A amostra constituída por 31 treinadores portugueses, 21 do género masculino e 10 do género feminino, com idades compreendias entre os 23 e os 60 anos. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos para a recolha de dados: “Sport Coach Learning Style” (SCLS) sobre o perfil de formação; Sport Coach Decision Style” (SCDS) sobre o estilo de decisão e o “Sport Coach Planning Style” (SCPS) sobre o tipo de planificação do treinador.
Concluímos que o estilo de liderança democrático dos treinadores de desporto adaptado portugueses não se revelou uma variável mediadora significativa entre a formação académica destes e o estilo de planificação que estes exercem no processo de treino.
Attention is considered an important mediator variable in the teaching / learning process, because of that, the scientific community made several investigations in order to understand what students are thinking, what strategies are best to captivate their attention and the type of instructions and/or feedback to develop students’ performance in achieving motor skills. In this research we tried to find differences in attentional profiles, of students during the practice of football and basketball at different moments of a Physical Education class. The sample consists of 156 students of both genders (84 females and 72 males), between 12 and 16 years old (
of 3rd Primary School (7th, 8th and 9th grade) to which a questionnaire was applied, ATEST- EF (Petrica 2010). Questionnaire which students had to point out what they were thinking at certain time of the Physical Education class. This was applied in team sports (football and basketball). In descriptive terms we found that students are in general aware of the task, information and behavior, and there are a few differences between the percentages between them, but from the test Chi_Square we found no statistical differences between the different moments of the Physical Education class. We concluded that, in this sample we didn’t verified the importance of attention and students focus in the different moments of team sport’s practice
The present study aimed for the adaptation and validation of the Questionnaire Atest-EF, with the use of a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) of the measurement model, applied to students of the 3rd cycle of Basic Education. A total of 156 students of both genders, aged between 12 and 16 years (M = 14.7 ± SD = 1.3) were included in the study, with 84 female and 71 males, from the 7th, 8th and 9th grade. The main results reveal that the psychometric qualities confirm the adequacy of this model, demonstrating that the Atest-EF factorial structure: 1 factor/4 items, has very acceptable indexes of Atest - EF validity: (χ2 = 6.141, p = .000, χ2/gl = 3.07, NFI = 0.90 CFI = .925, IFI = .930, MFI = .9997, GFI = .995, AGFI = .975, RMR = .042, RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .028). With these results, the structural model reveals a satisfactory factorial assessment. This led to conclude that the Portuguese version of Atest-EF can be used, with high confidence in the evaluation of the student’s attention profiles in Physical Education classes. Compared with the moments of the class, there were only significant differences in students’ attention in the approach to sports in the first and fourth moments of the class, as well as in the general profile of attention, with significantly higher values in the approach to team sports.
Introduction: Sports practice provides not only physical but also psychological and social benefits. Objective: The subject of Adapted Sport is still very scarce and according to that in this study we evaluated and compared Self-Determined Motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, Life Satisfaction and Affects among Athletes of Adapted Sport and Regular Sport, in Handball and Basketball. Methodology: A total of 183 athletes (N = 183) participated in which 80 were athletes of adapted sports and the remaining 103 were regular athletes, aged between 16 and 69. We used four questionnaires that evaluate the variables described: Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) and Positive and Negative Affects Schedule (PANAS). Results: Our results were positive that sports practice has a significant positive effect on life satisfaction in regular athletes, who have more hours of weekly practice than athletes in adapted sports. We have proved the Auto-determination Theory, with the positive correlation obtained in the adapted sport athlete’s, between the autonomous motivation and the basic psychological needs, as well as the life satisfaction and the positive affections. We observed that basic psychological needs and positive affects were good predictors of life satisfaction in athletes of adapted sport. In terms of size effect magnitude of adapted sport practice, the number of years of practice showed a reduced to moderate effect in the variables under analysis.
Introduction: The Pilates exercise can be an improvement in the quality of life of its practitioners, through an
optimized condition of improvements in posture, developing greater mobility, balance, agility and functionality.
The satisfaction with life is part of a cognitive dimension in this quality of life and it is present in most measures
of well-being. Problem Statement and Approach: The main purpose of this study is to analyse and relate the
effects of a supervised program of Pilates classes in a group of elderly, comparing the results of balance through the Berg scale and their ability by the Leighton scale, and relate these improvements with the satisfaction with life of these elderly in this activity. Material and Methods:The evaluation assessments of the elderly were carried out in the proper room, using a goniometer and the Berg scale for articular measurements, the Leighton scale for the balance domain and the life satisfaction scale. The study had 72 participants, 52 women and 20 men aged between 60 and 83 years (M=66.70±SD=6.84). Participants had 30-minute Pilates sessions each twice a week for a 12-month period, after which the life satisfaction questionnaire was applied. Results: Better results were achieved in balance and articular ampleness parameters in these participants, with some significant improvements and magnitudes of effect size with quite satisfactory results after the second evaluation. The values obtained for life satisfaction were considered quite satisfactory in women with a final average of 5.24, and in men with an average value of 4.9 on a scale between 1 and 7. Discussion: Other studies have showed that welfare levels tend to be higher in the male gender, making them have higher life satisfaction averages than women, not reported in our study, however with a value considered satisfactory. Conclusions: The Pilates programme implemented showed very favourable values, with gains in all the assessments analysed, where this elderly group showed a very good life satisfaction allied to the improvements found in functional ability.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças na aptidão física (ApF) e no desenvolvimento cognitivo em idosos, comparando 2 grupos com diferentes níveis de atividade física supervisionada (AFS). Participaram no estudo 18 idosos (83,78±4.055 anos), de ambos os sexos, divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com a frequência da AFS. O grupo A, composto por 9 idosos praticantes de AFS, duas vezes por semana e o grupo B constituído por 9 idosos praticantes de AFS, 3 ou mais vezes por semana. Para caracterizar o nível de AF, foi aplicada uma adaptação do questionário de Telama et al. (1997). Avaliámos a ApF através do Functional Physical Fitness (Rikli & Jones, 1999), e os aspetos cognitivos através do Mini Mental State Examination, do Trail Making Test parte A e do D2 Test (Concentration Index). Os dados obtidos foram tratados com S.P.S.S. versão 23.0. Foi verificada a distribuição da normalidade dos dados (Shapiro-Wilk). Nenhuma das variáveis apresentou distribuição normal, sendo aplicado o teste de MannWhitney.
O grupo B obteve diferenças estatisticamente (p≤0,05) e resultados mais favoráveis nas variáveis "Alcançar atrás costas", "Dois minutos Step", "Trail Making Test part A" e "Concentration Index". Comparando os dois grupos de idosos ao nível da ApF e desenvolvimento cognitivo, existem apenas diferenças significativas na flexibilidade dos membros superiores, na aptidão cardiorrespiratória, na velocidade e atenção psicomotoras e no índice de concentração.
Em termos de práticas de ensino, a prática pedagógica supervisionada, é efetivamente uma sólida estratégia de formação, onde a competência dos formadores supervisores e o tipo de relações supervisivas que se estabelecem neste processo são determinantes. Os autores abordados consideram que o processo de Supervisão pode ser considerado como um processo de resolução de problemas, em que o observador e o observado desenvolvem formas de resolução de tarefas através de estratégias técnico-didáticas adequadas num contexto afetivo-relacional adequado envolvido numa atmosfera favorável. São vários os fatores que determinam e influenciam diretamente o ensino da natação: A relação professor-aluno em natação depende da sua capacidade ou habilidade em comunicar com os seus alunos; Criar um ambiente seguro, com um domínio exímio dos conteúdos técnicos, uma estratégia de ensino adequada a cada situação de aprendizagem são a chave para o tipo de trabalho que se pretende em natação.
A modalidade específica da natação requer procedimentos e intervenções específicas que se prendem essencialmente com a transição para o meio aquático, ou seja, dotando os professores de capacidades interventivas na modalidade, cujos padrões técnicos e metodologias de ensino se tornam necessárias para dominar e promover um ensino de sucesso.
Rink hockey like any other team sport game is necessary to have a mastery of the game object "the ball" and for this it is necessary that athletes do not have a deficient training steps in that process, because it is during their development, that the athlete is in an optimal situation to improve on this aspect of the game. The study objective was to identify which game model allows young athletes to have a greater number of interactions with the ball in rink hockey in the levels of “Under 8” and “Under 10”.
Our study sample consisted of 24 games: 8 games in the 3x3 model; 8 games in the 4x4 model and 8 games in the 5x5 model. The 24 matches are equally divided by the levels of Under 8 and Under 10 with a total of 88 children participating. For data collection instrument we used the deferred observation method where we proceeded to a descriptive analysis of the data to find the means, standard deviation and totals of: Shots, Passes, Interceptions and Goals. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for comparisons and for correlations, the Spearman's Test was used to verify whether as the playing area available to the player increased, the player's actions increased as well. The 3x3 model obtained a total of 911 actions, the 4x4 model obtained 923 and the 5x5 game model obtained 799 game actions. The 4x4 game model obtained the highest total number of game actions in all levels analysed suggesting that the implementation of this model brings benefits to the athletes.
A prática desportiva por atletas veteranos é uma realidade evidente e com perspetivas de expansão. Objetivou-se determinar variáveis preditivas de bem-estar subjetivo em atletas veteranos, atendendo à teoria da autodeterminação. Elaborou-se um modelo de equação estrutural e um modelo de mediação. Participaram 840 atletas veteranos portugueses, entre os 30 e os 76 anos (M=42.54 DT=7.28). Utilizou-se o Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (Moutão, Cid, Alves, Leitão e Vlachopoulos, 2012), o Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (Monteiro, Moutão e Cid, 2018), a Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (Galinha e Pais-Ribeiro, 2005) e a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (Neto, 1993). O modelo mostrou os seguintes índices de ajuste: χ2 = 674.554, p < 0.001, χ2/fd = 4.08, CFI = 0.94; IFI = 0.94; TLI = 0.92; GFI = 0.92; RMSEA = 0.062; SRMR = 0.061. Nos aletas veteranos, a perceção de satisfação da necessidade psicológica básica de autonomia leva a comportamentos motivados autonomamente, promovendo estes, níveis mais elevados de bem-estar subjetivo. A motivação autónoma revelou-se uma variável mediadora significativa entre a necessidade psicológica básica de autonomia e a produção de afetos positivos. Registaram-se ainda efeitos indiretos da variável mediadora sobre as variáveis de satisfação com a vida e afetos negativos, assim como, efeitos diretos e totais da variável independente e as variáveis de consequência em análise.
Introduction: Rink hockey motor learning and control needs deeply study to promote specific motor skills
acquisition and knowledge about the game interaction. The complexity of the game suggest the fragmentation to increase the opportunities of interaction among young athletes. Problem Statement and Approach: The
objective of this study was to analyse which game model allows for young goalkeepers to have more
interventions with the ball and, consequently, a greater number of interactions on the game. Material and
Methods: Our study consisted of 24 games analysed, divided in: 8 games in the 3x3model; 8 games in the
4x4model and 8 games in the 5x5 model. The 24 matches were equally divided in the levels of under 8 and
under 10 years of age, with a total sample of 88 children. For data collection instrument we used the deferred
observation method where we proceeded to a descriptive analysis of the data to find the means, standard
deviation and totals of Goalkeeper’s Interventions (GKI). Comparisons were made between game models and
athlete’s levels, using the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal -Wallis tests. Results: The results showed that, after the
analysis of the total game actions, the 3x3 game model obtained a total of 168 GI actions (21±3,5; p=0,021), the 4x4 model obtained 132(16,50±5,18; p=0,020) and the 5x5 game model obtained 123GI actions(11±2,61;
p=0,083). Discussion: According to the results, it was verified that there are statistically significant differences
between the 3x3 game and the 5x5 game in the “Under 8” and when compared the small-sided game 4x4 to the formal game 5x5 in the “Under 10 level” in the games analysed we perceive that the small-sided game brings more actions to the game, namely in the actions that the goalkeepers show. Conclusions: The 3x3 game model obtained the highest number of goalkeeper’s actions in both under(and under10, suggesting benefits for
improving the technical demands of these young rink hockey goalkeepers.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar preditores motivacionais de bem-estar subjetivo em adultos ativos praticantes de ginásio, tendo por base a teoria da autodeterminação. Participaram neste estudo 348 sujeitos, 174 de ambos os sexos, entre 18 e 67 anos (M=31.83 DP=12.86), com 4.37 anos de média de prática de atividades de ginásio, maioritariamente a treinar 3 vezes por semana, com 310.11 minutos médios semanais. Utilizou-se a escala das necessidades psicológicas básicas no exercício, o questionário de regulação comportamental no exercício, a escala de satisfação com a vida e a escala de afetos positivos e negativos. Elaborou-se uma estatística descritiva, correlação de Spearman e regressão linear por blocos. Os valores médios mais elevados foram registados na necessidade psicológica básica de autonomia, na motivação autónoma e na satisfação com a vida. Registaram-se correlações positivas entre as necessidades psicológicas básicas, motivação autónoma, satisfação com a vida, afetos positivos e o volume de minutos de treino semanal. Observaram-se igualmente correlações positivas entre a motivação controlada, amotivação e afetos negativos. A análise de regressão linear permitiu- nos verificar que as necessidades psicológicas básicas explicam um valor percentual mais elevado a variabilidade dos dados da satisfação com a vida e afetos positivos, comparativamente com a motivação.
Abstract: The regular practice of physical exercise has a positive role on mental health and a positive contribution to the development of cognitive function, considered beneficial to academic performance. The present study aimed to analyse the impact of physical exercise on students' academic performance. 227 students participated, of which 112 (49.3%) were male and 115 (50.6%) were female, aged between 10 and 13 years old, from 5th and 6th grades in a Portuguese public school. The Susan Harter Self-Concept Scale validated for the Portuguese population was used, and a descriptive and inferential analysis of the data was conducted to analyse the levels of handgrip strength, aerobic capacity and academic performance. Linear regression analysis was used to interpret the predictive variables and we calculated the magnitude of the effect. The results suggest that the practice of physical exercise enhances the levels of aerobic capacity, handgrip strength and academic performance of students. In addition to physical education classes, the individual sports combined with the team sports present very positive values in relation to the variables described.
The practice of sports by veteran athletes is a reality with an expansion perspective. The objective was to determine predictive variables of healthy lifestyles and satisfaction with life in veteran athletes, according to the Self-determination Theory (SDT). A structural equation model and a mediation model has developed. The number of participants were 680 Portuguese veteran athletes, aged between 30 and 90 years old (M=43.78 DT=8.61). The Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale, the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire, the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire and the Life Satisfaction Scale were used. This model has shown the following adjustments indices: ÷2 = 729.116, p < .001, ÷2/df = 4.41, CFI = .92; IFI = .92; TLI = .91; GFI = .91; RMSEA = .068; SRMR = .064. As a conclusion, in veteran athletes, the perception of satisfaction of the basic psychological needs for autonomy, leads to autonomously motivated behaviours, promoting better eating and resting habits, as well as high satisfaction with life, and a lower consumption of tobacco. Autonomous motivation has not proved to be a significant mediating variable between the basic psychological need for autonomy, lifestyles and satisfaction with life.
Background: The importance of physical activity in the first months of age is well known, however, with the evolution of the urban environment, the excessive workload of parents and the excessive time in growing up in kindergartens has limited this same free practice and little has been studied about this issue. In Portugal, there are institutions that provide oriented physical activity for their children, however, this is optional, which may create disadvantages in children’s motor skills in these ages.
Objective: The objective of the study isto verify if there are differences in the development of motor skills (global and fine) comparing children between 12 and 48 months who practice oriented physical activity (OPA) and children who do not.
Methods: Participated in this study, 400 children of both genders (28.14 ± 7.23 months). Two groups were created (the group that had oriented physical activity (30 min long and 2 times a week) and the group that didn’t have oriented physical activity). For a better understanding they were divided into 3 age groups (12–23, 24–35 and 36–48 months). Motor skills were assessed using the PDMS-2 scales, for 6 months, following the instrument’s application standards.
Results: In a first analysis, we found that the majority of children only start to practice oriented physical activity in institutions from 36 months of age, however, it is in the first months (from 12 to 35) that the greatest differences between the two groups can occur. The OPA group presented better results according to the mean values, in all motor skills. Differences between groups were most noticeable in Postural, locomotion and fine manipulation Skills (showing effect size: moderate and low).
Conclusions: We can conclude that a practice of oriented physical activity in the first 48 months is fundamental to the development of motor skills. It is in the first months (up to 36) that there are greater differences, but it is also where there are less children carrying out guided physical activity. This is an important factor, and is determinant to make institutions aware of this importance of this variable in child development.
BACKGROUND: Measuring the functional fitness is essential to provide a working basis for assessing and prescribing exercises. There is a special interest in developing procedures and tests able to provide reliable information and general vocabulary for researchers and practitioners. We intend with this study to analyze the functional fitness of different groups of institutionalized elderly of both genders, relating it with their nutritional status. METHODS: A sample of 46 participants, 31 males and 15 females aged between 65 to 93. For this investigation, the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) was used in order to categorize the nutritional status with a Mediterranean diet that was used. For the assessment of the functional fitness, it the battery Fullerton Functional Fitness Test (FFFT) developed in 1999 by Rikli and Jones was used. RESULTS: We found that the elderly who maintained a diet divided into seven meals had more favorable values in all categories of the battery tests with significant differences. We also found that the nutritional status of the elderly and the number of meals is statistically significant in tasks measuring strength, agility and aerobic capacity. CONCLUSIONS: The elderly with normal nutritional status have better performance in the battery tasks, particularly those who choose the diet divided into seven daily meals. The Mediterranean Diet used seems to be favorable in this population, in both genders and it promotes the maintenance of their physical abilities.
The study was initiated because one of the authors had a child in the family with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The author was concerned about what could be done to improve the quality of life of this child. The hypotheses explored whether hydrotherapy could bring any relief or advantage in functional mobility to an individual with DMD and whether a water environment facilitates mobility, pleasure, and joy for a young child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Our sample had three individuals, all of them boys, 9-11 years of age. Two were the control group and didn’t practice any kind of physical activity and the other one was our two-year longitudinal case study during which he experienced hydrotherapy practice two times a week for forty-five minutes each. We applied the Egen Klassifikation (EK) scale to quantify the degree of movement limitation present at each of five measurement points over the two years. The variables analyzed were the physical activity issues and the EK scale values. The descriptive results showed that all three individuals increased their EK scale values over time, showing the inevitable progression of the disease. The individual who participated in the water activity sessions had the slower increase that we inferred, meant less deterioration in functional movement. No inferences can be drawn from these limited data, especially because only one individual experienced the water activities. This study does provide the impetus for subsequent, larger controlled studies to see if they could replicate these initial case study results.
With the increase of life expectancy associated to the need for a healthy lifestyle, there has been an increase in the number of persons involved in veterans' sports activities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of self-determination for sports practice and subjective well-being in veteran athletes, depending on the different type of sports practiced. For data collection, the validated Portuguese versions of the Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), the Behaviour Regulation Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Positive and Negative Affects Scale (PANAS) were used. The study sample consisted of 684 Portuguese veterans athletes of both genders, aged between 30 and 90 years (M = 43.78 SD = 8.61), of which 86.3% (590 individuals) of the male gender and 13,7% (94 individuals) of the female gender, mostly with 3 to 5 hours of training per week, with 19.5±12.2 years of practice, competitors in several individual sports (43%), team sports (37%) and individual and teams sports (20%). Veteran athletes are highly satisfied with basic psychological needs. When compared, athletes who practice individual sports and simultaneously individual and team sports differ significantly in the autonomous, controlled and amotivation compared to athletes who only practice team sports, as well as in positive and negative effects.
Introduction: Athletics is an important sport because it offers a determining basic preparation for other different sports (Sampaio, 2010). Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the motivations that led athletes to practice athletics and to know if the fact that lived in different country regions influences these motivations. The participants were 184 federated athletes from 5 different zones of Portugal (Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Leiria, Santarém and Setúbal). Methodology: To understand the motivations that lead athletes to
practice athletics, the questionnaire EMI-2 (Exercise Motivation Inventory version 2 of Markland and Hardy (1993), translated for the Portuguese population by Alves and Lourenço (2003) was applied and were collected during the national championship. For statistical purposes we used descriptive statistics, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics, with the application of One-Way Anova and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: The results showed that the Psychological and Physical Condition motives were the most
valued, while the Health and Body Related motives were the least valued by the athletes belonging to the different regions. As for the results of the means, only statistically significant differences were found in the physical fitness motives, more valued by athletes from the regions of Setúbal and Santarém and less valued from the athletes of Coimbra e Castelo Branco. Conclusions: The conclusions showed some uniformity in the importance attributed to the reasons that led the athletes to choose athletics as a federated sports practice.
This study intends to determine and relate the effects of a program of Pilates sessions in elderly women, comparing balance assessments by the Berg scale and physical mobility with the scale of Leighton for articular ampleness. Elderly evaluation was conducted by using a universal goniometer, the Berg scale, the Leighton scale and data collection was performed in two different moments. This study had 52 elderly women aged between 60 and 83 years. The participants had Pilates sessions of 30 minutes each, twice a week, for 6 months. The statistical analysis used were descriptive based on mean and standard deviation, statistical inference by applying the Wilcoxon and the effect size by Cohen’s d where we observed an increase in balance parameters and articular mobility of elderly practitioners, with improvements from considered “average” in the first evaluation to “above average” in the second evaluation. The implemented Pilates program proved to be extremely favourable, with significant improvements in all analysed variables with intermediate and large effect sizes.
This study aims to verify the impact of physical activity on the physical fitness of elderly. The sample consisted of 348 elderly individuals aged between 61 and 97 years, divided into 2 groups (254 practitioners of Physical Activity and 94 non-practitioners). From the first group 48 practice hydrogymnastics and 206 practice gymnastics. Physical fitness was assessed following the test protocol of the Senior Fitness Test battery (Rikli & Jones, 2001). In addition to descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov Smirnov, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis statistical tests were used with comparisons by pairs. The results allowed to identify that in each and every one of the tests of functional physical fitness there are statistically differences between practitioners and non- practitioners of PA, with mean averages significantly higher by the practitioners. The practice of any of these activities (Hydrogymnastics and Gymnastics) reveals significant differences with the group of non-practitioners, and the means obtained in any of the physical fitness tests of the two groups of practice much superiors compared to the non- practitioners. There are also significant differences between Hydogymnastic and Gymnastics practitioners in the test sitting, walking 2.44 m and sitting again, and walking for 6 minutes, where the gymnastic practitioners obtained better results in both tests.
Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da prática de atividade física (AF) na aptidão física funcional de idosos. A amostra, constituída por 348 idosos com idades compreendidas entre 61 e 97 anos de idade foi dividida em 2 grupos (254 praticantes de AF e 94 não praticantes de AF). A aptidão física foi avaliada seguindo o protocolo de testes da bateria de testes Senior Fitness Test (Rikli & Jones, 2001). Para além de estatística descritiva, foram utilizados os métodos estatísticos de Kolmogorov Smirnov, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal Wallis. Os resultados permitiram identificar diferenças estatisticamente muito significativas entre praticantes e não praticantes de AF. Os praticantes de AF apresentam médias significativamente superiores aos não praticantes. A prática de qualquer uma das modalidades (Hidroginástica, Ginástica) produz diferenças muito significativas para com o grupo de não praticantes, sendo as médias obtidas em qualquer um dos testes de aptidão física dos dois grupos de prática muito superiores ás do grupo de não praticantes. Verificam-se, ainda, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os praticantes de Hidroginástica e de Ginástica nos testes Sentado, caminhar 2,44 m e voltar a sentar e Caminhar 6 minutos, obtendo os praticantes de ginástica sénior melhores médias nestes dois testes.
Introduction: Ataxia affects the nervous system by decreasing balance and coordination most mostly in the trunk, arms and
legs. Physical activity is used to help lowering the symptoms of this disease. Objective: The study objective aims to determine the effects
of an exercise program intervention focused on quality of life of this person in terms of body composition, hemodynamic parameters and
functional capacity. Methods: A Longitudinal study-case with the exercise sessions performed in a gymnasium with a specialized
Personal Trainer. A 43 years old male individual with motor ataxia as participated with a pre and post-test assessments with an exercise
program comprised sessions twice a week of 30 minutes each, for 6 months, focused on cardio-fitness, strength and body stabilization.
The Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia was applied to evaluate Gait, Stance, Sitting, Finger Chase, Nose-finger Test, Fast
alternating hand movements and Heel-chin slide, and the program SPSS (v20) to present descriptive statistics to express the participant’s
improvements. Results: This study indicates that rehabilitation can improve health, well-being and life quality improvements in
individuals with ataxia, however, a larger study is required to have analyse if these variables would suffer significant changes in all
participants. Besides the improvements in body composition and blood pressure, benefits in all variables of SARA scale were observed,
except in «Sitting» were the value remained unchanged. Conclusions: This type of exercise programme intervention can promote capacity
and health-related quality of life. This study provides evidence for maintaining physical activity programs in patients with ataxia.
O modelo de jogo (MJ) no futebol, reveste-se de grande complexidade e é constituído por grande quantidade de subvariáveis, que por sua vez se estruturam em diferentes dimensões, categorias e subcategorias. No presente artigo vamos fazer uma abordagem teórica sobre o modelo de jogo no futebol, apresentando as partes constituintes que o caracterizam, e também, chamar a atenção para a sua plasticidade e dinâmica, que permite que se vá ajustando e modificando durante os anos de formação de acordo com a idade dos atletas. A evolução do modelo de jogo permite aos jovens jogadores a modificação de comportamentos, para níveis de complexidade cada vez mais elevados respondendo de forma eficaz às necessidades do jogo e às suas próprias necessidades.
O Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas (BCR) é uma modalidade de esforço intermitente, onde se considera a resistência como a capacidade motora mais importante, associada à realização de esforços intensos de forma repetida, durante um período prolongado. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar o nível das capacidades físicas dos atletas da Seleção Nacional de Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas. Assim, examinamos na prática desportiva adaptada a velocidade, resistência, agilidade, potencia de membros superiores e preensão manual, no processo de desenvolvimento individual do atleta. A nossa amostra foi constituída por 14 atletas de Desporto Adaptado, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 40 anos. Através da aplicação de vários testes físicos, recolhemos a informação definida pelo nosso modelo de análise. Podemos concluir que comparativamente com outros estudos observamos que há diferenças significativas em todos dos testes realizados quer seja de agilidade, velocidade, potencia e resistencia, uma vez que a amostra do nosso estudo eram atletas de elite da Seleção Nacional de BCR.