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Infecção estomatológica
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Música
Contém ref. bibliográficas
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos
necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Música.
Contém referências bibliográficas
Relatório do Trabalho de Fim de Curso de Engenharia Biológica Alimentar. Apenas estão disponíveis o resumo e os índices.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
This investigation was conducted in the framework of the master's degree in Preschool Education and teaching of the first cycle of basic education, with students of a class of third-year elementary schooling in a Castelo Branco elementary school.
Through this study, we intend to examine whether digital technology improving the number of success cases and decisionmaking in solving mathematical tasks involving repetition patterns, compared the tasks solved by using the standard blocks. This research, comparative in nature, was based on a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) data processing level.
Our intervention was structured in 3 phases. In the first phase, the 23 students who made up the class solved 4 tasks with repeating patterns through a work record (repeating Patterns: ABAB, ABCABC, ABBABB e ABBCCABBCC). The responses of students, in the schedule of work, were analyzed through a holistic scale focused adaptation of [1], in which it was ranked each response between 0 to 2 points. From the ratings obtained by students, the class was divided into 2 homogenous groups. On the other hand, in the second phase, the students who were part of the Group (11 students) solved the same tasks using an applet, while students who comprised the Group B (12 students) solved the same tasks through manipulable material (standard blocks). To proceed to correction of the tasks of the group, we ran the ' screenshots ' to computer screens for each task. On the other hand, the answers of the students of Group B were analyzed using not only to work but also the photos of the compositions performed. In the third stage we proposed the same tasks, in which all students in the class, decided the issues through a worksheet. After the data analysis we found that there were no statistically significant differences between the results obtained by the students who worked with the applet compared students who worked with manipulable materials. Although both groups of the 1st to the 3rd stage have improved substantially in terms of decision-making, as well as the number of replies considered assertive, but not so complete that work with the applet was better for the work with manipulable materials.
Este artigo resulta de uma investigação elaborada no âmbito das Pratica Supervisionadas (PES) em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1o Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este estudo foi realizado durante a Pratica Supervisionada no Ensino do 1o Ciclo com alunos de uma turma do 3o ano de escolaridade do Ensino Básico. Tivemos como objetivos analisar se a tecnologia digital melhoria o número de casos de sucesso e as tomadas de decisão na resolução de tarefas matemáticas envolvendo padrões de repetição, comparativamente com tarefas resolvidas com recurso aos blocos padrão. Neste sentido, esta investigação, de natureza comparativa, assentou numa abordagem mista (quantitativa e qualitativa) de tratamento dos dados. Nesta perspetiva, sobressai o paradigma naturalista, não descurando, contudo, a perspetiva positivista. Estruturamos a nossa intervenção em 3 etapas. Na 1a Etapa todos os alunos da turma resolveram 4 tarefas, com padrões de repetição numa ficha de trabalho (Padrões de repetição: ABAB, ABCABC, ABBABB e ABBCCABBCC). As questões foram corrigidas através de uma adaptação da escala holística focada de Charles, Lester & O´Daffer
(1987), em que classificamos cada resposta entre 0 a 2 pontos. Partindo das classificações obtidas pelos alunos, a turma foi dividida em 2 grupos homogéneos. Na 2a Etapa da investigação, os alunos do grupo A (11 alunos) resolveram as mesmas tarefas através de uma aplicação informática, enquanto que os alunos do grupo B (12 alunos) resolveram as tarefas através do material manipulável (blocos padrão). Para a correção das tarefas do grupo A, foram analisados os ‘printscreens’ aos ecrãs dos computadores. Por sua vez, as respostas dos alunos do grupo B foram analisadas através das fichas de trabalho, mas também através de
fotografias as composições realizadas. Na 3a Etapa foram propostas as mesmas tarefas, em que todos os alunos resolveram as questões somente através da ficha de trabalho. A análise dos dados permitiu verificar que não havia diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os resultados dos alunos que trabalharam com a aplicação informática e os alunos que trabalharam com os materiais manipuláveis. Apuramos ainda que ambos os grupos da 1a para a 3a Etapa melhoraram de forma significativa o numero de respostas assertivas, bem como o nível de tomada de decisão, não podendo desta forma concluir que o trabalho com a aplicação informática e melhor que o trabalho com os materiais manipuláveis.
This investigation was conducted in the framework of the master's degree in Preschool Education and teaching of the first cycle of basic education, with students of a class of third-year elementary schooling in a Castelo Branco elementary school. Through this study, we intend to examine whether digital technology improving the number of success cases and decisionmaking in solving mathematical tasks involving repetition patterns, compared the tasks solved by using the standard blocks. This research, comparative in nature, was based on a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) data processing level. Our intervention was structured in 3 phases. In the first phase, the 23 students who made up the class solved 4 tasks with repeating patterns through a work record (repeating Patterns: ABAB, ABCABC, ABBABB e ABBCCABBCC). The responses of students, in the schedule of work, were analyzed through a holistic scale focused adaptation of [1], in which it was ranked each response between 0 to 2 points. From the ratings obtained by students, the class was divided into 2 homogenous groups. On the other hand, in the second phase, the students who were part of the Group (11 students) solved the same tasks using an applet, while students who comprised the Group B (12 students) solved the same tasks through manipulable material (standard blocks). To proceed to correction of the tasks of the group, we ran the ‘screenshots’ to computer screens for each task. On the other hand, the answers of the students of Group B were analyzed using not only to work but also the photos of the compositions performed. In the third stage we proposed the same tasks, in which all students in the class, decided the issues through a worksheet. After the data analysis we found that there were no statistically significant differences between the results obtained by the students who worked with the applet compared students who worked with manipulable materials. Although both groups of the 1st to the 3rd stage have improved substantially in terms of decision-making, as well as the number of replies considered assertive, but not so complete that work with the applet was better for the work with manipulable materials.
O estudo que se apresenta respeita a um Projeto em desenvolvimento que pretende dar resposta à seguinte questão-problema: Como potenciar aprendizagens de Matemática (dimensões cognitiva, capacidades e atitudes), numa perspetiva de conexões com outras áreas do conhecimento, através de atividades e recursos relacionados com as temáticas de um Centro de Ciências de Montanha?
A metodologia de índole qualitativa assenta num estudo de caso de investigação-ação. Constitui-se como um contributo para a implementação do Centro Energia Viva na Montanha-Manteigas e espera-se que possa emergir um conjunto de atividades e recursos didáticos pedagogicamente validados, inseridos nas linhas de intervenção do Centro.
The aim of the study was to know the level of development of algebraic thinking in Higher Education students. During the investigation, we wanted to measure the success rate in the size of the next generalization and the dimension of distant generalization and measure the degree of difficulty in the various proposed patterns. In the context of the training of future primary teachers and childhood educators, an activity was developed in the context of the curricular unit of mathematical recreation with 15 students. The theme of algebraic thinking assumes current relevance because according to [1], it has become a cross-cutting theme of the curriculum. In order to know the level of algebraic thinking, 4 tasks with repetition patterns were proposed from elements of the manipulable material: pattern blocks. The tasks were presented through Kahoot, an applet that allows, according to [2] and [3] to increase motivation, to improve concentration, to promote reasoning, to allow collaborative work, to reverse roles between student and teacher, use ICT in the classroom and evaluate in real time.
Repeat patterns were proposed from the simplest to the most complex (ABAB, ABBABB, ABCABC, ABCCABCC). For this proposal, we have considered Vitz and Todd [4], who present a model of repetition pattern classification. In each task we proposed 2 questions that involved near generalization (10th term and 15th term) and 2 distant generalization questions (35th term and 100th term). In methodological terms the teacher projected each pattern and its questions on the projection screen so that all students could visualize, and each student responded individually using their mobile phone, tablet, or laptop computer. For each question, the students had a resolution time of 90 seconds. In none of the questions has the student's resolutions been exhausted. The results allowed to verify that of the 16 questions proposed, there was a percentage of correctness in the 71,67% (average of the questions). Regarding the near generalization, we obtained a percentage of success in the order of 70%. On the other hand, in relation to the distant generalization, we obtained a percentage of success in the order of 73,33%. We also observed that students showed greater ease in the ABBABB pattern, with a success rate of 80% and greater difficulty in ABAB with a success rate of 56.67%. Regarding the ABCABC pattern, we obtained a success rate of 75% and a success rate for the ABCCABCC pattern.
Sendo escassa a literatura sobre aprendizagens matemáticas em contextos não-formais, o Centro “Energia Viva de Montanha”, a instalar em Manteigas, na antiga fábrica do rio, apresentou-se-nos como uma oportunidade para conectar a Matemática com situações ligadas à vida e ao lazer de Montanha, de forma lúdica e amplificadora do currículo do ensino básico (6-10 anos). Neste enquadramento, e no âmbito dos temas em torno do qual se construirá o Centro - Montanha e Energia -, e das suas linhas de intervenção - Conhecer a Montanha, Expedição à Montanha, Viver a Montanha e Resgate na Montanha -, delineámos um projeto de investigação, a desenvolver no âmbito de um programa de doutoramento em Educação, que parte da seguinte questão-problema: Como potenciar aprendizagens de Matemática, numa perspetiva de conexões com outras áreas, através de atividades e recursos relacionados com as temáticas de um Centro de Ciências de Montanha? Neste artigo propomo-nos apresentar em linhas gerais o projeto de investigação, a desenvolver, apresentando, nomeadamente, os objetivos do estudo, o enquadramento teórico, as principais opções metodológicas e os principais resultados esperados.