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Processamento e conservaçäo de alimentos para animais
Transporte de pacientes
In Portugal, we are facing a fast decrease in the production of good quality wool. This situation can be seen from
a qualitative and quantitative point of view by looking at the most extreme situation, which involves almost the
extinction of a Merino breed – Merino Beira Baixa (MBB) – due to its inability to produce high milk quantities
when subjected to the better handling of the more intensive productions systems.
The changes in the production systems and the need for higher milk production for the production of PDO
cheese (Protected Designation of Origin – EEC Regulation 2081/92), but without indexation to the milk of the
MBB sheep breed (as opposite to other cheeses made exclusively with milk from one specific breed), has led to
the massive introduction of exotic sheep breeds specialising in milk production. In the last decade, the MBB
animals have decreased by more than 90%, and urgent action is needed to prevent the disappearance of one more
indigenous breed.
From the perspective of:
• Merino wool produced, it is possible to see a large quantitative decrease; the quality has decreased
enormously, and nowadays is very difficult to find, in the breed, fine wool animals;
• the productive system, we should emphasise that it is still possible to find farms with extensive systems.
However, the profitability of the traditional system based on the MBB is becoming minimal, and the system
could disappear if attention is not given to its conservation; and
• environmental protection, the disappearance of traditional extensive systems and the reduction of
biodiversity are worrying.
The objectives of this work are, from one side, to verify the quality of fine wool produced in Portugal, taking as the basis for the evaluation the fineness and, in the other side, to identify the existent correlation between the tactile classification and the laboratory evaluation.
In Portugal we are facing a fast decrease in the production of good quality wool. This situation can be seen from a qualitative and quantitative point of view by looking at the most extreme situation, which involves almost the extinction of a Merino breed - Merino Beira Baixa (MBB)- due to its inability to produce high milk quantities when subjected to the better hadling of the more intensive production systems. The changes in the production systems and the need for higher milk production for the production of PDD cheese (Protected Designation of Origin - EEC Regulation 2081/92), but without indexation to the milk of the MBB sheep breed (as opposite to other cheeses made exclusively with milk from one specific breed), has led to the massive introduction of extotic sheep breeds specialising in milk production. In the last decade, the MBB animals have decreased by more than 90%, and urgent actions is needed to prevent the disappearance of one more indigenous breed.