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Perspectiva de enquadramento da variedade Bravo de Esmolfe numa óptica de protecção e/ou produção integrada.
“This is a pre-print of an article published in Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. The final authenticated version is available online at Springer http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10845-018-1402-2
Production control in make-to-order must address the companies’ need for short delivery times and on-time deliveries. Several production control systems may be used to meet these needs. This paper presents a simulation study to evaluate the delivery performance of the TKS, GKS and POLCA production control systems, in the context of a make-to-order flexible flow shop. Since TKS is used for make-to-stock manufacturing, an adaptation of it is made to use in make-to-order. Results of a simulation study show that the adapted TKS outperforms POLCA, but performs worse than GKS. The study is a contribution for the alignment of production control theory to the industrial practice.