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This article describes a web-based system to control and manage the access to the ESTCB, which it is under development as a student’s final project. Beyond an important pedagogical and technological value, we believe that this work is an important step towards offering strong and efficient security management for access control systems. We make use of standard technologies in use on the Web, to make an effective campus-wide security system. The system management and configuration, the consultation of access information for schedules, users, spaces, among others, will be carried out
through the Internet. The proposed model is based on the use of two data nets: a CAN field bus to which are connected magnetic cards readers, door locks and sensors of each access place and the Ethernet that establishes connection between different CAN field bus and servers, which contain information about users and access rules.
A Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (acácia-austrália ou austrália) cresce bem em Portugal, em povoamentos puros ou mistos com Pinus pinaster Aiton, ainda que apresente fortes constrangimentos ecológicos e legais.
Apesar de algumas dificuldades, por exemplo na secagem, a madeira de austrália é usada em mobiliário e produtos manufacturados devido, principalmente, à sua textura e cor escura. Pode também ser usada para pasta, sendo plantada em muitos países com esse propósito juntamente com Acacia mangium e A. dealbata. O seu potencial papeleiro tem sido estudado por vários autores (CLARK et al., 1991; GUIGAN et al., 1991; FURTADO, 1994; GIL et al., 1999; PAAVILAINEN, 2000; SANTOS et al., 2002; SANTOS et al., 2006).
A indústria florestal em Portugal depende fortemente do pinheiro-bravo e do eucalipto, com a consequente competição negativa, entre as várias indústrias, para a mesma matéria-prima.
Em Portugal existem muitos povoamentos espontâneos com acácia, nomeadamente A. dealbata e A. melanoxylon. Enquanto a A. dealbata é considerada um problema ecológico, a A. melanoxylon não o é e está bem adaptada às condições portuguesas. Por este motivo poderá ser considerada uma espécie produtora de matéria-prima alternativa das serrações e da indústria papeleira, e poderá evitar largas áreas de monocultura e minimizar o risco de incêndio.
O acréscimo anual em diâmetro da acácia (0,89 cm.ano-1) excede o do pinheiro-bravo (0,58 a 0,85 cm.ano-1) (TAVARES et al., 2004) e aproxima-se do eucalipto (0,84 a 0,96 cm.ano-1) (TOMÉ et al., 2001).
As propriedades da madeira sólida de acácia (Massa volúmica média - 650 kg.m-3 ± 75, Tensão média de rotura à flexão ± sd - 146 ± 24, Módulo de elasticidade médio ± sd - 14200 ± 2160 e Tensão média de rotura à compressão axial ± sd - 61 ± 7) permitem considerá-la uma espécie alternativa ao pinheiro-bravo (630 kg.m-3 ± 75, 130 ± 33, 10500 ± 3590 e 47 ± 10) (MACHADO e CRUZ, 2005).
As madeiras de pinheiro-bravo e de acácia podem ser, em geral, classificadas como de fraca a média densidade, de média resistência e rigidez. A qualidade do pinho é muito variável, sendo o seu potencial reconhecido a partir de dados provenientes de povoamentos de elevada qualidade (MACHADO e CRUZ, 2005).
Relativamente ao potencial papeleiro, para uma dada resistência à drenagem (30 ºSR), os papeis produzidos a partir de acácia apresentam densidades aparentes mais elevadas que as de eucalipto (0,80 to 0,66 g/cm3) (SANTOS et al., 2004). Isto é devido à menor massa linear e mais elevada flexibilidade e colapsabilidade das suas fibras (SANTOS et al., 2006).
Apesar do ligeiramente maior comprimento de fibra, esta produz papeis com boa relação entre a dispersão de luz e a lisura, ainda com boa resistência à tracção e a baixos níveis de consumo de energia na refinação. Este comportamento demonstra que as fibras de acácia apresentam um potencial de utilização interessante, pelo menos quando usadas juntamente com fibras de eucalipto na produção de papel para impressão e escrita.
Este artigo diz respeito à análise do potencial da acácia como fonte de matéria-prima para a indústria Portuguesa (como madeira sólida e pasta e papel), reunindo informação da gestão florestal, da qualidade da madeira e da fibra. Será usado conhecimento adquirido em projectos de investigação anteriores e resultados preliminares da investigação em curso sobre A. melanoxylon proveniente de povoamento mistos (com P. pinaster) e puros, no norte de Portugal.
“Copyright © [2009] IEEE. Reprinted from ICTON-MW 3rd. ISBN:978-1-4244-5745-8. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to
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In the present work the effects on wine protein instability of wine polysaccharides, proteins of non-wine origin and alcohol were investigated.
In the present work the influence of pH in wine stability was investigated.
The present work consisted in the removal of protein from six Portuguese varietal wines (Fernão Pires, Assario, Tamarez, verdelho, Arinto and Moscatel)by bentonite fining and subsequent haze induction using the back-addition technique of the total protein from Fernão Pires wine.
Monteiro et al. (1999) produced antibodies against the total proteins and against individual polypeptides from a Portuguese wine. In the present work this antibodies were used to detect the presence of identical or similar proteins in distinct wines or in wines prepared from diferent grape varieties.
In the present work the antibodies previsously produced (Monteiro, et al., 1999) are used to analyse the provenience of the wine proteins.
With the purpose of studying the proteins present in wines and the reason why they precipitate, during storage, causing a haze which renders these beverages of low commercial value, experiments are under way to determine the structural factors responsible for this phenomenon. In addition, a detailed structural analysis of the wine proteins will certainly help in developing methods for the specific removal of these polymers. In the present work, a single grape variety wine, Moscatel, was used.
Proceedings of a conference held in Mragowo, Poland, from the 18th to 20th may, 1998, under the title "Structure and Functionality of Food Products".
“Copyright © [2010] IEEE. Reprinted from ICTON 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-7798-2.
This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or
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“Copyright © [2010] IEEE. Reprinted from International Computer Engineering Conference ICENCO’2010. ISBN: 978-1-61284-184-7 This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”
Aquatic physical exercise programs have become progressively more popular among elderly people. Some of the major physical exercise program disadvantages on land are minimized due to the specific properties of the aquatic environment. The purpose of the present randomized controlled study is to verify the effects of different aquatic physical exercise programs on body composition, functional fitness and cognitive function in non-institutionalized elderly people. For this study, 102 elderly individuals were randomly allocated into four different groups: AerG (n = 25, 71.44 ± 4.84 years); IntG (n = 28, 72.64 ± 5.22 years); ComG (n = 29, 71.90 ± 5.67 years) and CG (n = 20, 73.60 ± 5.25 years). Individuals from the groups AerG, IntG and ComG participated in three different aquatic physical exercise programs for a period of 28 weeks. The CG participants kept to their usual routines. All participants were evaluated for body composition, functional fitness and cognitive function at two time moments, i.e., pre- (M1) and post-intervention (M2). Significant differences for body composition were found between M1 and M2 for FM (p < 0.001), LBM (p < 0.001) and WCir (p < 0.01) in the AerG, for BMI (p < 0.05), FM (p < 0.05), LBM (p < 0.001) and LCir-R (p < 0.05) in the IntG, and for WGT (p < 0.01), FM (p < 0.05), LBM (p < 0.01), LCir-R (p < 0.05) and LCir-L (p < 0.01) in the ComG groups. For functional fitness, differences were found between M1 and M2 for 2m-ST (p < 0.000), 30s-CS (p < 0.000), 30s-AC (p < 0.05), HG-T-R (p < 0.000) and HG-T-L (p < 0.000) in the AerG, for 2m-ST (p < 0.05), BS-R (p < 0.05), 30s-CS (p < 0.000), 30s-AC(p < 0.01), HG-T-R (p < 0.000) and HG-T-L (p < 0.000) in the IntG, and for 30s-CS (p < 0.000), HG-T-R (p < 0.000) and HG-T-L (p < 0.000) in the ComG groups. The present study evidenced the beneficial effects of physical exercise in an aquatic environment on body composition, functional fitness and cognitive function in non-institutionalized elderly adults. The ComG water-based exercise program showed more beneficial effects in the improvement of body composition and cognitive function variables, while the IntG and AerG programs were more effective in the improvement of functional fitness.