Martins, Ernesto Candeias (2022) - Faria de Vasconcelos e a educação/pedagogia contemporânea.. In: J. Brás & Mª Neves Gonçalves (org), Revisitar Faria de Vasconcelos (1880-1939) e a pedagogia contemporânea / Palestra/Conferência (Webinar), p. 1-25. Plataforma Zoom Colibri FCT (ID: 812 6766 1018; Senha: 605238), 19 de maio de 2022. https://videoconf colibri.zoom.us/j/81267661018?pwd=RExzWUdIYVgrdmI 0Z2JSeGpWSHoxZz09
Faria de Vasconcelos e a educação/pedagogia contemporânea
Faria de Vasconcelos and contemporary education/pedagogy
Faria de Vasconcelos and contemporary education/pedagogy
Faria de Vasconcelos
Educação contemporânea
Pedagogia contemporânea
Movimento da Escola Nova
Experimental Pedagogy
Contemporary education
Contemporary Pedagogy
New School Movement
Educação contemporânea
Pedagogia contemporânea
Movimento da Escola Nova
Experimental Pedagogy
Contemporary education
Contemporary Pedagogy
New School Movement
CeiED - Cultura(s), educação e Memória(s)
Cultura(s), Educação e Memória(s);Projeto de Investigação CeiED - ULHT
Cultura(s), Educação e Memória(s);Projeto de Investigação CeiED - ULHT
Faria de Vasconcelos foi um pedagogista contemporâneo que se empapou pelos conhecimentos pedagógicos e manteve fixo o seu olhar no seu tempo histórico, para nele perceber não só as luzes dos ideais da Escola Nova, mas também o escuro da educação/pedagogia tradicional, que vigorava na época. Com esse olhar admitia que a escola deveria proporcionar os espaços e os meios educacionais adequados para desenvolver nos alunos as competências e a visão crítica, respeitando os seus interesses, as suas subjetividades, como também experimentando os saberes (pragmatismo ativo), pois o educar/ensinar constituía uma ação de procura e resolução de problemas, na procura de satisfazer as suas necessidades. Este exercício pedagógico permitia desenvolver a autonomia e a formação da cidadania, mas também levar o aluno rumo à alteridade e valores humanistas.
Este pedagogista albicastrense advogava pelo estudo científico da criança e da sua infância, pelo desenvolvimento do seu processo educativo, onde a escola e os professores deveriam estar atentos à sua adaptação, ao ritmo de aprender (certezas e incertezas) e aos seus problemas escolares.
Recorremos nesta palestra à obra escrita, ao pensamento psicopedagógico e humanista deste pedagogo, utilizando a metodologia da análise hermenêutica aos seus escritos, especialmente as Lições de Pedologia e Pedagogia Experimental’, aos ‘Problemas escolares’ e ‘As características de educação contemporânea’ (Revista Seara Nova, 1921) Com a pretensão de refletir e interpretar, à luz do pensamento de Faria de Vasconcelos e à luza da atualidade, abordaremos a conceção e enfoque da educação e da pedagogia contemporânea, no contexto da época e sob influência das ideias da Escola Nova. Esta análise terá um ponto prévio de enquadramento e, posteriormente dois pontos onde explanaremos a nossa análise reflexiva.
Faria de Vasconcelos was a contemporary pedagogic who was emanated by pedagogical knowledge and kept his gaze fixed on his historical time, so as to perceive not only the lights of the ideals of the New School, but also the dark of traditional education/pedagogy, which prevailed at the time. With this view, he admitted that the school should provide the appropriate educational spaces and means to develop in students the competencies and critical vision, respecting their interests, their subjectivities, as well as experiencing knowledge (active pragmatism), because educating/teaching constituted an action of search and resolution of problems, in order to meet their needs. This pedagogical exercise allowed the development of autonomy and the formation of citizenship, but also to lead the student towards otherness and humanist values. This Portuguese pedagogue advocated for the scientific study of the child and his childhood, for the development of his educational process, where the school and teachers should be attentive to their adaptation, to the rhythm of learning (certainties and uncertainties) and to their school problems. We use in this lecture the written work, the psych pedagogical and humanist thought of this pedagogue, using the methodology of hermeneutic analysis to his writings, especially the ‘Lessons of Paedology and Experimental Pedagogy', the 'School Problems' and 'The characteristics of contemporary education' (Review Seara Nova, 1921) With the intention of reflecting and interpreting, in the light of The Thought of Faria de Vasconcelos and in the light of today, we will approach the conception and focus of contemporary education and pedagogy, in the context of the time and under the influence of the ideas of the New School. This analysis will have a previous point of framing and then two points where we will explain our reflexive analysis.
CeiED - ULH; Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco; Associação Hisculteduca
Faria de Vasconcelos was a contemporary pedagogic who was emanated by pedagogical knowledge and kept his gaze fixed on his historical time, so as to perceive not only the lights of the ideals of the New School, but also the dark of traditional education/pedagogy, which prevailed at the time. With this view, he admitted that the school should provide the appropriate educational spaces and means to develop in students the competencies and critical vision, respecting their interests, their subjectivities, as well as experiencing knowledge (active pragmatism), because educating/teaching constituted an action of search and resolution of problems, in order to meet their needs. This pedagogical exercise allowed the development of autonomy and the formation of citizenship, but also to lead the student towards otherness and humanist values. This Portuguese pedagogue advocated for the scientific study of the child and his childhood, for the development of his educational process, where the school and teachers should be attentive to their adaptation, to the rhythm of learning (certainties and uncertainties) and to their school problems. We use in this lecture the written work, the psych pedagogical and humanist thought of this pedagogue, using the methodology of hermeneutic analysis to his writings, especially the ‘Lessons of Paedology and Experimental Pedagogy', the 'School Problems' and 'The characteristics of contemporary education' (Review Seara Nova, 1921) With the intention of reflecting and interpreting, in the light of The Thought of Faria de Vasconcelos and in the light of today, we will approach the conception and focus of contemporary education and pedagogy, in the context of the time and under the influence of the ideas of the New School. This analysis will have a previous point of framing and then two points where we will explain our reflexive analysis.
CeiED - ULH; Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco; Associação Hisculteduca
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