Tomato handling practices in restaurants
Amaro, Maria da Conceiçäo Lopes
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Nowadays web based applications represent an important role in business success, fast global advertisement
of products, easy management and internal organization and fast information access are values that
have shown decisive for a correct and supported organizations development. This essay describes a
project work carried out in the academic environment, with open source tools, in order to develop a classified
advertisement platform using web technologies, namely JSP, XML and JavaBeans. The application
aims at supplying a set of functionalities related to students and products management, businesses management
and the presentation of products between the students themselves. Thus this article presents the
methodology followed since the modeling of the application process and the development of a data model
that corresponds to the identified needs during the modeling phase of the processes, until the system implementation.
This article describes a web-based system to control and manage the access to the ESTCB, which it is under development as a student’s final project. Beyond an important pedagogical and technological value, we believe that this work is an important step towards offering strong and efficient security management for access control systems. We make use of standard technologies in use on the Web, to make an effective campus-wide security system. The system management and configuration, the consultation of access information for schedules, users, spaces, among others, will be carried out
through the Internet. The proposed model is based on the use of two data nets: a CAN field bus to which are connected magnetic cards readers, door locks and sensors of each access place and the Ethernet that establishes connection between different CAN field bus and servers, which contain information about users and access rules.