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The relevance in the study of interaction between elderly and robots may depend on the choice of activities that robots can be developed to perform and the assessment of their impact and importance for older people. This research requires coordinated research between computer engineers and specialists in the humanities and social sciences. Being a recent research area, it is particularly relevant to carefully select the behavioural variables to be analyzed, the methodology adopted and the instruments that allow for a rigorous evaluation. Based on these assumptions, the present study aims to develop Innovative Initiatives for the Promotion of Active Aging in the EUROACE Region. The authors propose an appropriate methodology and instruments to evaluate the impact of the human-robot interaction in the promotion of a more active aging in a group of elderly in a nursing home. The analyzed variables focus on the involvement of the elderly in the activities, their capacity for initiative and to establish social interactions, indicators of well-being and a proactive attitude. The methodology of the study is mixed (qualitative and quantitative), organized as an exploratory case study. Data collection is based on naturalistic observation but variables are quantitatively assessed in a pre/post-test design. The research design identified the narratives of the elderly and the staff of the institution regarding the needs and interests of each elderly person, classified the participants according to the levels of prevailing social interactions, involvement and initiative in activities, considered important variables for an active ageing and, in this sense, demonstrated its adequacy to be used to evaluate the results of the intervention using social assistive robots.
A sedentary lifestyle has a strong impact on the older population; so participation in physical activity is important for enhanced physical and mental function, increasing health and well-being. In the elderly, dual-task activities are severely impaired which is why the Nintendo Wii® may be an important tool to maintain the proper functioning of the physical and mental levels among the elderly. This study sought to determine the effect of Nintendo Wii® training on dual-task performance, cognition, balance confidence, the health status and instrumental performances of daily life activities in older adults. A total of 18 participants aged 75.17±8.86 years were included. All participants were women, retired and living in their own residence. The training included a 15-minute exercise session using Wii®Fit twice a week for 8 weeks. The group was measured before and after the intervention (T0 and T1) and in 3 and 6 months follow-up (T2 and T3). Social demographic factors were assessed at T0 and T3. Cognition, general health status, confidence in balance, performance of instrumental activities of daily life, dual and multi-task performances were assessed at all evaluation moments. The mental component of health status and experimental protocol between T0 and T1 showed a statistically significant improvement. In T2 and T3 interval, there was a significant improvement in mental health status. From the baseline to T1, participants showed a statistical significant improvement in the mental component of health status and in experimental dual-task protocol. It can be concluded that the Nintendo Wii®Fit training program significantly improved dual and multi-task performances among older adults.
This study attempts to understand the relationship between physical activity, strength and mobility with depression, cognitive state and health status among the elderly in Portugal and identify which measures best relate with these. Using a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study, a sample of 118individuals was selected by exclusion and inclusion criteria. The measuring instruments used were the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Hand Grip Strength (HGS). The sample had a normal distribution. Pearson’s test and ANOVA were used for the statistical analysis and revealed meaningful positive correlations between GDS and SF-12, IPAQ, TUG and HGS and also in MMSE with SF-12 [physical and mental dimensions], right HGS, left HGS and IPAQ. A meaningful negative correlation was also found in MMSE with TUG. SF-12 presented a significant negative correlation with TUG. Left HGS revealed a significant positive correlation to SF-12 in both physical and mental dimensions. However, right HGS was only significant to the physical dimension. IPAQ had no significant correlation with SF-12. All the measures had a meaningful correlation with depression (GDS) and cognitive state (MMSE). Applying simple instruments of easy application such as TUG have shown good values of correlation with depression, cognitive state and health.