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Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
vol. 1: 2ª ed. actualizada
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do ex-CDE do IPCB
Proveniente do fundo do ex-CDE existente no IPCB
Proveniente do ex-CDE do IPCB
Purpose: Based on a multilevel approach (individual and class level), this study aimed to test which need-supportive/thwarting teaching styles were more closely associated with students’ motivation and other positive physical education (PE) out-of-school consequences. Method: Participants were 654 primary (n = 385) and secondary (n = 269) PE students (Mage = 11.96 ± 1.95; boys = 317 and girls = 337). Results: The three need-supportive teaching behaviors were related to autonomous motivation, PE importance and usefulness, and the intentions to practice physical activity at the individual level; the role of competence support at both individual and class levels is highlighted. Competence-thwarting style was also negatively related to autonomous motivation at both levels, and jointly to relatedness-thwarting behaviors positively to a motivation at the individual level. Conclusion: Our results provide insight into how the specific type of interpersonal styles adopted by teachers can be decisive to achieve positive PE outcomes in and out of school.
The objective of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of two intervention programs: a physical exercise program with strategies to support the three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness); and a physical exercise program with nutritional education in order to improve the lifestyles of adult and elderly women who practiced functional maintenance. The Self-Determination Theory was applied as the theoretical framework. A sample of 135 women aged between 40 and 88 years (59.66 ± 10.76) who enrolled in a 12-week functional maintenance program and attended 24 exercise classes took part in the study. A quasi-experimental study was performed where strategies to support the three basic psychological needs were applied to one group and strategies for the improvement of eating habits were applied to the other group. No strategy was applied to the control group. The main results showed na improvement in experimental groups I and II when compared to the control group regarding the variables of autonomy, competence, intrinsic regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation and eating habits, after the application of the intervention programs. The conclusion is that both intervention programs were successful with this project's participants and that it is crucial to promote such intervention programs in functional maintenance classes, as they foster healthy lifestyles among participants.