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130 records were found.

The aim of this study was to analyse and compare movement visualization ability in federate and non-federate Boccia athletes, and among federate Boccia medical sport groups. Forty-two Boccia athletes (Federate N = 24; Non-federate N = 18) at an average age of 35.8 (SD = 11.19) participated in this study. The Portuguese version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire - 3 (MIQ-3), was used for this study. The participants were evaluated on the internal and external visual imagery. Statistics was carried out following the method of interference based on the magnitude of the effects. Results showed a great effect of expertise in imagery ability. The comparison between federate and non-federate Boccia athletes showed a great effect in the Internal Visual subscale and a moderate effect in the External Visual subscale. It was also observed differences between athletes from different medical-sports groups, revealing that the requirements of the sport linked to their action abilities provides them with different Imagery abilities. These results clearly influence the prescription of imagery training programs for different groups taking into account different medical-practice groups.
The aim of this study was the adaptation and validation the Portuguese version of Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire, adapted of Wold (1995), using an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model, with a sample of sports veterans. It was a) conducted a reverse translation; b) translated again by a translator unrelated to the research group to English, where he noted a great similarity with the original questionnaire also after retroversion process; c) evaluated by three experts in the field; d) administered the questionnaire to a small group of athletes with similar ages to the final sample to verify its correct understanding, not noticing any problems of reading comprehension; e) quiz application for approximate time of completion was about, fifteen minutes; f) data processing. The internal consistency of each factors resulting from the factor analysis (Cronbach's alpha) showed the following results: (.80) eating habits (.91) tobacco consumption, (.84) resting habits. The reliability coefficient should be above the .70. There were also values of 0.861 on the KMO and Bartlett's test, where 56.24% of the variance is explained by three factors. After analysis, it was shown that the 20 items were grouped into three factors, respectively: eating habits (10 items), tobacco consumption (5 items) and resting habits (5 items). In a similar way, the standardized factor loads were all statistically significant (p <.01). The preliminary analysis of the data also indicated that the sample did not meet the criterion of normality, since the Mardia coefficient was high (62.43). For that reason, we used the robust estimation method of verisimilitude maximum. After a first analysis, the overall model results indicated a reasonable adjustment of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire: (χ2 = 172,117, p = .000, χ2 / df = 4.190, CFI = .966, IFI = .966, MFI = .909, GFI = .955, AGFI = .927, RMA = .049, RMSEA = .068, SRMR = .043). Thus, we can conclude that the adaptation to Sports of the Portuguese version of the Healthy Lifestyles Questionnaire, can be used with confidence of validity and reliability in the evaluation of healthy lifestyles, underlying to the self-determination theory in sport context.
The Theory of Self-determination relates to motivation and assumes the importance of meeting basic psychological needs in the appearance of self-determined behavior, as the future engagement with sports or exercise that leads to other healthy lifestyles habits. We intend to: i) characterize the motivation and satisfaction of basic psychological needs to practice sport ii) knowing the lifestyles iii) realize that self-determination variables influences the healthy lifestyles. Agreed to participate 684 veteran athletes of both sexes (age: 43.8 ± 8.6 years; mostly with 3 to 5 hours of weekly training, years of practice: 19.5 ± 12.2). We have applied the Portuguese versions of Basic Psychological Needs Scale Exercise (BPNES), the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ) and Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire, with the inclusion of sociodemographic data. We used SPSS software (IBM, Statistics 21.0) for processing data, with a focus on descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. The sample showed high levels in basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation, and lower values of controlled motivation and amotivation. In terms of lifestyles, revealed high levels of nutrition habits and rest, and lower values of tobacco consumption habits. Once correlated, the basic psychological needs showed positive and significant correlations with autonomous motivation levels, nutrition habits and rest. Levels of satisfaction with life showed significant and positive correlations with autonomous motivation levels and positive affect, and negative correlations with controlled motivation and amotivation. In regression analysis, nutrition habits and rest are predicted positively by autonomous motivation, as well as the basic psychological needs and negatively by controlled motivation. The results showed that veteran athletes have a good self-determination for sports practice, showing healthy lifestyles related to that same self-determination.
Tomo 1: Sistema-oesteoarticular/ Margarida Espanha
Tomo II: função neuromuscular, 196 p.
Tomo 1: Sistema osteo-articular. -140 p.
Tomo 3: Funções da vida orgânica interna. - 171 p.
Dissertação de Doutoramento em Motricidade Humana na especialidade de Ciências da Motricidade
Descrição baseada em: Nº 4 (Dez. 1995)-
Vol. 1: Anatomofisiologia dos sistemas nervoso, osteoarticular e muscular/ Pedro Pezarat Correia, Margarida Espanha. - 335 p.
Tese de Doutoramento em Motricidade Humana especialidade em Reabilitação, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, 2014
Tese doutoramento a Universitat de València Departament de Didàctica de les Ciències Experimentals i Socials
Tese de Mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Metodologia da Educação Física
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Faculdde de Motricidade Humana, U.T.L., com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Viências da Educação - Metodologia da Educação Física
Dissertaçäo apresentada à Faculdade de Motricidade Humana com vista à obtençäo do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educaçäo/Metodologia da Educaçäo Física
Dissertaçäo apresentada à Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa
Dissertaçäo apresentada à Faculdade de Motricidade Humana com vista à obternçäo do grau de Mestre em Educaçäo Especial
Aprendizagem sensorimotora
Aprendizagem sensorimotora