SANTOS, Márcia; COELHO, Patrícia; PEREIRA, Alexandre (2020) - Programa da pressão arterial da Beira Baixa: concelho da Covilhã. Revista Sociedade Portuguesa de Hipertensão Arterial. ISSN 1646-8287. Nº 75, p. 6-14
Programa da pressão arterial da Beira Baixa: concelho da Covilhã
Beira Baixa's Blood pressure program: county of Covilhã
Beira Baixa's Blood pressure program: county of Covilhã
Pressão arterial
Hipertensão arterial
Beira Baixa
Blood pressure
Arterial hypertension
Beira Baixa region
Hipertensão arterial
Beira Baixa
Blood pressure
Arterial hypertension
Beira Baixa region
Introdução: O Programa da Pressão Arterial da Beira Baixa conta com a colaboração de 2 instituições de ensino superior e visa avaliar pressão arterial na população em geral, monitorizar e orientar os indivíduos com hipertensão arterial.
Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial na população adulta do concelho da Covilhã bem como discriminar quais os fatores de risco associados. Pretende-se ainda verificar as taxas de controlo e tratamento relativas à hipertensão arterial bem como efetuar o seguimento dos indivíduos hipertensos.
Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo analítico, observacional, transversal cuja amostra foi calculada segundo o método de seleção aleatório por clusters. Esta é constituída por um total de 1045 indivíduos, dos quais 54,4% pertencem ao género feminino e 45,6% ao género masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 99 anos. A recolha de dados decorreu durante todo o mês de agosto de 2017 e consistiu na realização de 3 avaliações da pressão arterial com o indivíduo sentado em intervalos regulares de 2 minutos.
Resultados: A prevalência de hipertensão arterial encontrada foi de 56,0%, dos quais 58,3% eram do género masculino e 54,1% do feminino. Aferiu-se ainda que, do total de inquiridos, 43,3% apresentava os valores de pressão arterial fora dos níveis de normalidade. Dos fatores de risco encontrados verificou-se que os mais predominantes foram o IMC superior a 25 Kg/m² e o sedentarismo, com prevalências de 59,0% e 50,3%, respetivamente.
Conclusão: Verificou-se uma elevada prevalência de hipertensão arterial no concelho da Covilhã.
Abstract Introduction: The Beira Baixa Blood Pressure Program counts on the collaboration of 2 higher education institutions and aims to evaluate blood pressure in the general population, monitor and guide individuals with hypertension. Objective: To determine the prevalence of arterial hypertension in the adult population of Covilhã region as well as to identify the associated risk factors. It is also intended to verify the control and treatment rates related to arterial hypertension as well as doing the follow-up of the hypertensive individuals. Methods: This is an analytical, observational, cross-sectional study whose sample was calculated according to the random clustering method. It consists of a total of 1045 individuals, of whom 54.4% belong to the female gender and 45.6% to the male gender, aged between 18 and 99 years. Data collection took place throughout August and consisted of 3 blood pressure assessments with the individual sitting at regular intervals of 2 minutes. Results: The prevalence of arterial hypertension was 56.0%, of which 58.3% were male and 54.1% female. It was also verified that, of the total of respondents, 43.3% presented the values of blood pressure outside the levels of normality. It was also verified that 42.2% of the respondents reported taking antihypertensive medication, of which 18.4% presented blood pressure values within the normal range. The most prevalent risk factors were BMI> 25 kg / m² and sedentary lifestyle, with prevalences of 59.0% and 50.3%, respectively.
Abstract Introduction: The Beira Baixa Blood Pressure Program counts on the collaboration of 2 higher education institutions and aims to evaluate blood pressure in the general population, monitor and guide individuals with hypertension. Objective: To determine the prevalence of arterial hypertension in the adult population of Covilhã region as well as to identify the associated risk factors. It is also intended to verify the control and treatment rates related to arterial hypertension as well as doing the follow-up of the hypertensive individuals. Methods: This is an analytical, observational, cross-sectional study whose sample was calculated according to the random clustering method. It consists of a total of 1045 individuals, of whom 54.4% belong to the female gender and 45.6% to the male gender, aged between 18 and 99 years. Data collection took place throughout August and consisted of 3 blood pressure assessments with the individual sitting at regular intervals of 2 minutes. Results: The prevalence of arterial hypertension was 56.0%, of which 58.3% were male and 54.1% female. It was also verified that, of the total of respondents, 43.3% presented the values of blood pressure outside the levels of normality. It was also verified that 42.2% of the respondents reported taking antihypertensive medication, of which 18.4% presented blood pressure values within the normal range. The most prevalent risk factors were BMI> 25 kg / m² and sedentary lifestyle, with prevalences of 59.0% and 50.3%, respectively.
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