Criação e desenvolvimento de uma marca de moda com propósito
Kreutz, Elizete de Azevedo
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Literatura infantil
Although previous research on the e-learning system acceptance has been conducted using UTAUT, no
study followed the longitudinal approach. Accordingly, this research examines the engineering students' (N = 291) elearning system acceptance by three years of study. The structural equation modelling analysis confirmed UTAUTrelationships in each year. Effort expectancy and social influence resulted as significant predictors of behavioural intention in all three years. In contrast, performance expectancy influence got lower in later usage. Altogether, our longitudinal study presented that the UTAUT model has weakened over time. Therefore, we propose extending the UTAUT model in future research to better understand user satisfaction and positively contribute to system acceptance.
Our research findings can be used for university leaders to investigate and evaluate any implemented information system acceptance through the years.