Estudo preliminar para estimativa da prevalência e distribuição de infeções e coinfeções, aparentes e não aparentes, causadas por helmintas em animais abatidos em matadouros de Portugal
Roque, Cláudio André Martins
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To assess Forest Biomass availability requires a hard field work survey and elaborate calculation techniques for vegetation classification and quantification. In March, April and May 2006, 900 sampling plots were surveyed with a help of a portable GIS (Geographical Information System) with GPS (Global Positioning System) capabilities. Within each sampling plot, an extensive field work was made in order to completely classify and quantify available forestry biomass. Data collection was regarding total number of trees within sampling plot, individual trees diameter at breast height, mean tree’s height, mean tree’s volume, mean tree’s canopy height and mean tree’s age. The results showed a range of values from 6.00 up to 21.00 dry ton./ha for adult Pinus pinaster (maritime pine) stands and from 1.00 up to 6.00 dry ton./ha for adult Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) stands, both for thinning stands or for clear cut stands. In a second stage, they were applied geostatistic techniques (e.g. Weighted Inverse Distance, Kriging) in order to extend sampling plot results to fully study area and to create continuous biomass maps.
As actividades mineiras constituem um perigo para o ambiente envolvente face à forte possibilidade de contaminação de águas, solos, sedimentos e vegetação através de dispersão e acumulação de metais. Neste trabalho apresentam-se alguns aspectos relativos à caracterização geoquímica na envolvente de explorações mineiras, actualmente abandonadas, na região de segura e suas implicações ambientais.