Contornos das políticas sociais (assistência-educação) à infância desvalida portuguesa (séculos XIX e XX)
Martins, Ernesto Candeias (2020) - Contornos das políticas sociais (assistência-educação) à infância desvalida portuguesa (séculos XIX e XX). Cadernos de Pós-Graduação (São Paulo -UNINOVE), vol. 19, nº 2 (julho/dez.) p. 146-158.
Contornos das políticas sociais (assistência-educação) à infância desvalida portuguesa (séculos XIX e XX)
Contours of social policies (assistance-education) to portuguese disabled childhood (19th-20th century)
Contours of social policies (assistance-education) to portuguese disabled childhood (19th-20th century)
Infância desvalida
Assistência educativa
Políticas sociais
Instituições de internação
Criança abandonada
Childhood is invalidated
Educational assistance
Social policies
Institutions in internment
Abandoned child
Assistência educativa
Políticas sociais
Instituições de internação
Criança abandonada
Childhood is invalidated
Educational assistance
Social policies
Institutions in internment
Abandoned child
A problemática da assistência e educação às crianças pobres, abandonadas ou desvalidas, designadas por
‘Outra infância’, apresentou diferentes enfoques de análise e diferentes discursos, que tiveram respostas sociais (políticas), segundo o período histórico abordado (século XIX e parte do século XX). O propósito historiográfico norteia-se pela assistência educativa e protetiva àquele tipo de infância. Recorremos a fontes documentais, à imprensa, a legislação, a teses e monografias de instituições, etc., que permitiram elaborar a argumentação, de índole hermenêutica, que é um método cujo campo de atuação envolve a compreensão e a profundidade dos aspetos subjetivos e objetivos de pesquisa. O quadro teórico-conceptual assenta numa base ampla de referências à proteção e assistência social, à economia social, aos dispositivos jurídicos, ao papel das instituições asilares de internamento, etc. A estrutura do estudo divide-se em 3 pontos: a representação social da infância e respetivas construções sociais; a assistência social regulada pelos dispositivos administrativos locais e a perspetiva das instituições de internação à infância desvalida.
The problem of care and education to poor, abandoned or disabled children, called 'Another childhood', presented different approaches of analysis and discourses, which had social (political) responses, according to the historical period, addressed (19th and part of the 20th century). The historiographic purpose is guided by educational and protective care for that type of childhood. We used documentary sources, the press, legislation, theses and monographs of institutions, etc. that allowed the development of the argumentation, of hermeneutic nature, which is a method whose field of action involves the understanding and depth of subjective aspects and research objectives. The theoretical-conceptual framework is based on a broad basis of references to protection and social assistance, social economy, legal provisions, the role of nursing homes institutions, etc. The structure of the study is divided into 3 points: the social representation of childhood and its social constructions; social assistance regulated by local administrative arrangements; perspective of institutions from hospitalization to childhood is invalidated.
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
The problem of care and education to poor, abandoned or disabled children, called 'Another childhood', presented different approaches of analysis and discourses, which had social (political) responses, according to the historical period, addressed (19th and part of the 20th century). The historiographic purpose is guided by educational and protective care for that type of childhood. We used documentary sources, the press, legislation, theses and monographs of institutions, etc. that allowed the development of the argumentation, of hermeneutic nature, which is a method whose field of action involves the understanding and depth of subjective aspects and research objectives. The theoretical-conceptual framework is based on a broad basis of references to protection and social assistance, social economy, legal provisions, the role of nursing homes institutions, etc. The structure of the study is divided into 3 points: the social representation of childhood and its social constructions; social assistance regulated by local administrative arrangements; perspective of institutions from hospitalization to childhood is invalidated.
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
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