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In Europe venous insufficiency is a common pathology that affects 50% of women and 30% of men in working age, compromising their life quality, especially in daily tasks. Sedentary job activities may lead to the onset or worsening the disease. Evaluate the relationship between the presence of venous insufficiency and the type of postural position during a sedentary job activity. A cross-sectional observational study was carried out in 76 individuals of both sexes. One group had a sedentary job activity in a seated position (28 individuals) and the other had orthostatic position (46 individuals). The sample was collected within six months. The registry of information on risk factors and venous insufficiency according to the CEAP classification was carried out in a table prepared for this purpose. We obtained a sample of 44 women (58%) and 32 men (42%) with a mean age of 42.26 years + 9.74. According to the CEAP classification, venous insufficiency was present in 61.4% women (p = 0.001) and the orthostatic position presents a higher average order in the classification (p = 0.005). The sedentary job activity in orthostatic position contributes to a greater wear of the muscular pump, more easily conditioning the venous hemodynamic compromise.
The electrocardiogram is a safe and practical exam that allows the diagnosis of subclinical pathologies in asymptomatic athletes. In order to reduce false positives, it is of the utmost importance that this analysis be performed based on criteria specific to athletes. To analyse electrocardiograms according to the criteria of Seattle performed to athletes in the pre-competitive phase, in two consecutive years. A longitudinal observational study was performed in 14 athletes from different sport modalities who underwent a pre-competitive evaluation in two consecutive years. The average age of the athletes was 24.5 ± 4.9 years, of which 13 were male (92.9%) and 1 were female (7.1%). According to the Seattle Criteria, electrocardiographic changes were recorded in 10 individuals (71.4%), 6 of which were considered physiological, 2 were borderline and 2 were pathological. In the relation between the two years there was an increase of electrocardiographic alterations. Most of the alterations found were classified as physiological according to the Seattle Criteria, although they could be considered pathological following non-specific criteria for athletes. The electrocardiographic analysis of these athletes allowed to track two athletes with alterations considered pathological according to the criteria of Seattle.
Obesity is a serious public health problem that has gained great expression in Portugal. Through several studies it has been verified that there are more and more individuals with excess and weight and obesity and that this risk factor begins to have an increasing expression at younger ages. Our study aims to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the adult population of the district of Castelo Branco through the collection of data in each county. It is a cross-sectional, analytical and observational study whose sample collection took place in all municipalities in the district of Castelo Branco, totalling a sample of 11316 individuals, of whom 55.6% belonged to the female gender (n = 6292) and 44, 4% to males (n = 5024), with ages between 18 and 101 years, mean of 58.12 and standard deviation of 17.96 years. Of the total number of subjects in the study sample, 44.7% were overweight, 18.8% were obese, 0.9% were underweight, while 35.6% were within their normal range. The mean body mass index (BMI) was 26.62 kg / m2, with a standard deviation of 4,11 kg / m2, where the minimum BMI was 15.57 and the maximum was 50.78 kg / m2. The results show that there is a high prevalence of overweight and obesity in the adult population of the region.
Intensive sports practice can result in negative consequences. Although the exercise is considered a benefit to the well-being and health of the human being. The form and intensity with which it is practiced can cause negative changes, namely at vascular level, such as changes in the wall and vascular hemodynamic, traumatic injuries, etc. Evaluate the relationship between arterial flow velocities of the lower limbs and the practice of intensive exercise through arterial Doppler ultrasound. Cross-sectional analytical study using arterial Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs in 76 male subjects, 38 athletes and 38 non-athletes aged 18 to 30 years. The sample was collected over a period of six months in two football clubs in the central region. The mean age was 26 ± 1.8 years for non-athletes and 24 ± 2.79 years for athletes. There is no statistically significant relationship (p = 0.553) between smoking habits and if they are athletes our non-athletes. Regarding the results of the parameters evaluated by Doppler ultrasound the mean of the arterial resistance indices and mean of the systolic and diastolic velocities between the athletes and non-athletes, there were significant variations in some arteries. In this studied sample there is a greater predisposition for athletes to develop small arterial alterations of the lower limbs, however, they are not hemodynamic significant.
Introduction: Sports practice provides not only physical but also psychological and social benefits. Objective: The subject of Adapted Sport is still very scarce and according to that in this study we evaluated and compared Self-Determined Motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, Life Satisfaction and Affects among Athletes of Adapted Sport and Regular Sport, in Handball and Basketball. Methodology: A total of 183 athletes (N = 183) participated in which 80 were athletes of adapted sports and the remaining 103 were regular athletes, aged between 16 and 69. We used four questionnaires that evaluate the variables described: Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ), Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (BPNES), Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) and Positive and Negative Affects Schedule (PANAS). Results: Our results were positive that sports practice has a significant positive effect on life satisfaction in regular athletes, who have more hours of weekly practice than athletes in adapted sports. We have proved the Auto-determination Theory, with the positive correlation obtained in the adapted sport athlete’s, between the autonomous motivation and the basic psychological needs, as well as the life satisfaction and the positive affections. We observed that basic psychological needs and positive affects were good predictors of life satisfaction in athletes of adapted sport. In terms of size effect magnitude of adapted sport practice, the number of years of practice showed a reduced to moderate effect in the variables under analysis.