Condições de implantação de parques de energias renováveis : para uma proposta de abordagem CTS See original record

  • Error parsing search terms: Cannot parse 'NOT"KOHAIPCB" AND ((active:"true")^1 OR (active_ENstemmer:"true")^1 OR (active_PTstemmer:"true")^1) AND (((parentId:"Gaspar, Pedro D.; Fernandez, Carlos M.; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.; Caldeira, João M.L.P.; Silva, Hélio. 2021. "Development of Technological Capabilities through the Internet of Things (IoT): Survey of Opportunities and Barriers for IoT Implementation in Portugal’s Agro-Industry" Appl. Sci. 11, no. 8: 3454.")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"Gaspar, Pedro D.; Fernandez, Carlos M.; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.; Caldeira, João M.L.P.; Silva, Hélio. 2021. "Development of Technological Capabilities through the Internet of Things (IoT): Survey of Opportunities and Barriers for IoT Implementation in Portugal’s Agro-Industry" Appl. Sci. 11, no. 8: 3454.")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"Gaspar, Pedro D.; Fernandez, Carlos M.; Soares, Vasco N.G.J.; Caldeira, João M.L.P.; Silva, Hélio. 2021. "Development of Technological Capabilities through the Internet of Things (IoT): Survey of Opportunities and Barriers for IoT Implementation in Portugal’s Agro-Industry" Appl. Sci. 11, no. 8: 3454.")^1) OR ((parentId:"2076-3417")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"2076-3417")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"2076-3417")^1) OR ((parentId:"2076-3417")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"2076-3417")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"2076-3417")^1) OR ((parentId:"")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"")^1) OR ((parentId:"10.3390/app11083454")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"10.3390/app11083454")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"10.3390/app11083454")^1)) AND ((active:"true")^1 OR (active_ENstemmer:"true")^1 OR (active_PTstemmer:"true")^1)': Encountered " ":" ": "" at line 1, column 313. Was expecting one of: <AND> ... <OR> ... <NOT> ... "+" ... "-" ... "(" ... ")" ... "*" ... "^" ... <QUOTED> ... <TERM> ... <PREFIXTERM> ... <WILDTERM> ... "[" ... "{" ... <NUMBER> ...