ANJOS, O. ; CARMONA, C. ; SANTOS, M.J. (2012) - Perfil do consumidor e hábitos de consumo de mel. In Congresso Ibérico de Apicultura, 2, Guadalajara, 18-20 setembro. Comunicação.
Perfil do consumidor e hábitos de consumo de mel
Perfil do consumidor
Teoria do Comportamento Planeado (TCP) de Ajzen
Perfil do consumidor
Teoria do Comportamento Planeado (TCP) de Ajzen
Este estudo tem como principais objectivos determinar o perfil do consumidor do mel
em Portugal e as suas atitudes face ao produto, à produção e ao consumo de mel.Para esse efeito foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário a uma amostra
representativa de 1025 indivíduos. Foi efectuado um pré-teste do inquérito com cerca
de 30 inquiridos, tendo-se de seguida procedido ao envio do inquérito final.
Para análise dos dados recorreu-se à Estatística descritiva das variáveis em estudo e
efectuou-se o cálculo do índice de consistência interna alpha de Cronbach, tendo
registado um valor superior a 0,8.
O agregado familiar dos inquiridos é, na sua maioria, constituído por 3 elementos. Da
totalidade da amostra 12 % são produtores de mel, o que é um bom indicativo, pois
durante algum tempo pensou-se que apenas os produtores consumiam mais mel. Dos
consumidores 40% fazem-no regularmente (todos os dias ou semanalmente).
Cerca de 95% dos portugueses consomem mel português por entenderem que é de
qualidade, e de confiança.
Poucos inquiridos conhecem a diferenciação entre mel monofloral e multifloral, pelo
que não é uma opção quando da sua compra.
O mel é o produto da colmeia mais conhecido e consumido, sendo que alguns
inquiridos desconhecem a existência de outros produtos.
Foram ainda analisadas as atitudes atitudes face ao produto, o apoio à apicultura, o
foco apícola e as normas subjectivas sobre a produção e ao consumo de mel
efectuado de acordo com da Teoria do Comportamento Planeado (TCP) de Ajzen.
Assim, relativamente às actitudes relativas ao produto, verifica-se que os inquiridos
concordam fortemente que o mel é um produto natural com propriedades terapéuticas
devendo fazer parte da alimentação. Sobre os aspectos relacionados com a produção
e o consumo de mel um terço dos inquiridos concorda que os amigos e a família
pensam que os apicultores apenas produzem produtos melíferos. A grande maioria da
amostra concorda ou concorda fortemente que os amigos e a família consideram que
o mel é extremamente benéfico para a saúde.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of consumers in Portugal and their attitudes towards the product, the production and consumption of honey.For this purpose was developed and applied a questionnaire to a sample of 1025 individuals. It was made a pre-test with 30 consumers. For data analysis we used descriptive statistics for the variables under study and performed the calculation of the Cronbach's alpha index, registering a value greater than 0.8. 12% of the total inquiries are honey producers, which is a good indicator, because for a while it was thought that only producers consume honey. 40% of consumers do it regularly (daily or weekly). About 95% of the sample consumes honey because they understand that it is a product with higher quality and reliable. Few inquiries know the difference between monofloral honey and multifloral honey. Honey is the product of the hive best known and consumed, and some individuals don’t know any other products resulting from the beekeeper activity. We also analysed the towards product attitudes, supporting beekeeping, beekeeping focus and subjective norms on production and consumption of honey, made in accordance with the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TCP) of Ajzen. Thus, for Attitudes relating to the product, it appears that honey is a natural product with therapeutic properties and should be part of the diary diet. On aspects related to the production and consumption of honey some individuals agree that friends and family think that beekeepers only produce honey. The vast majority of the sample agree or strongly agree that friends and family believe that honey is extremely beneficial for health.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of consumers in Portugal and their attitudes towards the product, the production and consumption of honey.For this purpose was developed and applied a questionnaire to a sample of 1025 individuals. It was made a pre-test with 30 consumers. For data analysis we used descriptive statistics for the variables under study and performed the calculation of the Cronbach's alpha index, registering a value greater than 0.8. 12% of the total inquiries are honey producers, which is a good indicator, because for a while it was thought that only producers consume honey. 40% of consumers do it regularly (daily or weekly). About 95% of the sample consumes honey because they understand that it is a product with higher quality and reliable. Few inquiries know the difference between monofloral honey and multifloral honey. Honey is the product of the hive best known and consumed, and some individuals don’t know any other products resulting from the beekeeper activity. We also analysed the towards product attitudes, supporting beekeeping, beekeeping focus and subjective norms on production and consumption of honey, made in accordance with the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TCP) of Ajzen. Thus, for Attitudes relating to the product, it appears that honey is a natural product with therapeutic properties and should be part of the diary diet. On aspects related to the production and consumption of honey some individuals agree that friends and family think that beekeepers only produce honey. The vast majority of the sample agree or strongly agree that friends and family believe that honey is extremely beneficial for health.
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